The Wingham Advance, 1916-02-17, Page 8Page eight
New Spring Goods
New Dress Goods
New Ginghatns
New Prints
New Hosiery
New Cottons
New Curtain Material
New House Furnishings
Ladies' Small Wares
Manna & Co.
Phone 70.
EluWWW11CUWW1W;ulluuuuuuuluWUlluuuuuu.uuiiwWlLW►u �
1 At a • Great ReductionmiwpAripmwm
With the purchasing of the Russell Car Co.'s Automobile business
by our Company, we base taken over a number of their
small six -cylinder and also Cabriolet, some Ruesell.Rnight models,
82, 5 -passenger,
$1475•. ,.... Russell Small Six $1000
$1825 Cabriolet.... ..... ..........$1100
Knight Model 32, $1500
Wingbam Overland Sales Co.
L. KENNEDY, Propiietor
St. I -L stens. 'School spent the iveek•end at her home
f'tes, John Taylor and John Berry of here.
London spent Saturday and Sunday with
friends itt and around .St, Helens.
Mr. and, Mrs Howe.rd Finlay and child-
i'en, Vera and Garfield of Wingham spent We are ,pleased to see Mr. Harvey
Sunday with. Mr. and '141rs, W. J. Todd.Webb able to be around again atter a
Bliss Christena Gortton, who has spent few days sickness.
a number of years in theWest; is visiting Mr, Robert McGuire made a business
at the horns of Mrs. William Gordon, trip to Wingham on Saturday.
Mr. Brown Harper, who has been ser-
iously ill, we are pleased to ray at time of
writing is feeling much better.
Mr, John McGuire and. Corel Mc-
Donald visited with friends, at Lang -side
on Sunday.
l'te.Callum C'atueron of Wingham sprat
the week end at his home here.
Mr, Isaac ?'.tiller had the misfortune to
loose a valuable horse lest week.
Miss Webb's many friends will be pleas-
ed to know she :is improving in health and
has returned home from London ITospital.
lelessrs. Jas Bradford and Earnest Me-
t'a wood for
Canister are engaged milting ff
Mr. Dave Todd,
Mrs, Charles Price and Mrs. Richard
Storm and daughter, Mavis, who have
been visiting with theirsister, Mrs. Have
ens, left for their hone in the West on
Quite a number from around here were
drawing brick front Lucknow en Friday
and Saturday tor the new school expected
to be built in the near future,
Ilon't forget the Litery meeting on Fri•
day evening, a debate between White-
church and St Helens.
J013 WORK it'atly and promptly
Miss Anna Stewart of Wingham High dbte at Txxx'. ADVANCE OFxncr.
R. M. LINDSAY, Winghalrn
Cert! 01 Thatka
14z. Oeo. Howatt and futility wish to
thank all Mende and nelehbore for the
matey kind expressions shown to thew
ia their recent bereavement.
is Yours Correct
The aeoveaec'11'n mailing lists have
been revised to date, and we ask all
eubscrlbers to look at their, label ,tad
bee if their payments have been credit'
ed. If your label does not read '10
then your paper is in arreare, Bsar
in mind paid in advance subscriptions
are only $1. While arrears are $1,50.
You save 50 cents by paying in ad-
Was Ne A German
Mr, A. J. Nicholls secured tbe ser-
vices of a baker front Toronto recently
and one day shortly afterward" Mr
Ntohol during a conversation had oc-
casion to remark that he thought he
must be a German sympathizer. The
next morning to hie great surpriee on
eomipg down stairs he found no baker,
after searching around the house he
phoned the depot and was, told that
although he did not.purchase a ticket,
the gentleman had boarded the
early train.
Welcome Words Prom The West
We are in receipt of an interesting
note from a subscriber'r1n Manitoba,
who will be remembered by many
Winghamites, Mrs, C. Earner, she
says in part after enclosing her sub
cription to the ADVAWCE,for another
year and making kindly reference to
the appearance of the paper of late.
"We only have about five Peet of snow
on the level and snow drifts fifteen
feet high. It stormed and' drifted,
every day in January, but three,"
Your Country Needs You
Thirty-eightadvertisements for
office assietanes were counted in one
issue of an Ontario daily paper, of this
week. Did you see them?
So popular has the demand for com-
mercial training become that our local
Business College has recently been
obliged to increase both its teaching
staff and the seatiatg capacity of its
class -rooms. Young ladies with busi-
ness sagacity and patriotic zeal are
fitting themselves to take the place of
the young men who are going on
astave service. The far-seeing ones
are not waiting until the demand has
been supplied but are rushing in to
get prepared without delay. In order
to accomodate those who are eager to
complete their courses without a vaca-
tion it may be necessary to operate
summer schools, so that any girl who
fears that ehe could •not finish before
anidenmmer holidays need not hesitate
'on that "score. The possibility of a
business or banking position should be
carefully considered by all ambitious
young ladies at this particular time.
The Wingbam Business Coliege will
be glad to talk about the situation
with you. show you through its school
rooms, at any time, or answer any
enquiries you may wish to make.
Messrs. Angus and Bower won the
following prizes at the Huron poultry
show which was held in Goderich trot
Best Bantam -Thos, Bower.
Game Bantam, black red -1 her, 1
-cockerel, 1 pullet, Thos. Bower; 3rd
pullet, F. W. Angus.
Silver Duckwing—best cock, W. F.
Angus; lot ben, 1st cockerel, 1st put.
log, 2nd cockerel, 2od phtlleitt—Thos.
Pyle Game -1•2 cock, F2 hen, 1.2
cockerel, 1.2 pullets, 1 pen, all to Thos.
Bower, Wingleam.
Game Bantam A, 0. V., all to Thos.
Bower, Wingham.
Houdans —1st cock, 1st hen, let
cockerel, let pullet, let pen, F, W.
Angus, Wingham; Srd cock, 2nd ben,
F. Woolconnbe; 2nd cock, 4th hen, 2nd
cockerel, 2nd pullett—F. W. Angus.
Game, Black Red -1st cock, 2od hen,
F, W. Angus; let hen, Wm. Carter,
White ('ochin Bants-1-2 ben, Har
old Hogghrtb; 1 cockerel, 1 pullets,
F. W. Angus. -
Guinea Pigs -1.2 male, 1.2 female,
F', W. Angus. Wingham
Over 500 birds were on exhibition
and some of the most valuable birds
ever shown at this exhibition were to
be sesn this year. There was a good
showing of light birds but not so many
of elle heavy classes as' there would
have been orf the show bad been held
earlier as. many pairs have been
matched up for ? ree,4ing. While
every elites le filled the Orpingtons,
Barred Racks and Areonas art+ tj�e
best filled. 'Zee quality of the *bete
Orpingtons and °jtver Spangler) Flame
burgs was a .peelally goon.
Mr. Miller of Hamilton is Visiting; his
brother Billie, of the second line,
'Mrs Max Abram is visiting her parents
at Monterief.
Mr. William Clegg, we are sorry to say
is not improving very fast.
Mr. !Hetherington and son delivered 7
fine bead of cattle to Mr, S. McEwen last
l vrxlt;nroiw—SANDnxtaov-•.1n Mod-
e/803y, Seek., on Saturday, January
20sh, 1010, Mary Hazel, youngest
daughter of Mrs. Henry Sanderson,
of Kindersley, formerly of Gorrle,
to Mr. Wilbert T. Rutherford of
Edmonton, Alta.
Mt•Lr:t+t. 41INrooL .fn Turiberry, oa
Wednesday, Feb, ltlth, Peroy I).
McLean of Belgrave, t r Mies Ida J.
itintoul, daughter of 11Ir. and Mts.
Chas, Button) of Turnbe ry. The
eerelnouy was performed by At
P. Tate.
(correct up till Wednesday noon.)
Wheat, pew, 1 02 to 1 07
Floor, per cwt,, patent3 75 to 13 75�l'be Huron OM Boys, mule per cwt„ family3 eie to 3 30 of Toronto,
Bran, per ton 00 to 20.0') Geld their annual tl t I os in the
Sborta, per top et) 00 to 27 00 Aeeetnbly Room of the beautiful Odd -
Oats, 0 88 to 0 34?' WawHell College St. on
Barley 0 52 to 0 55 gFriday
Bay, stow 14 00 to 15 00 Fele Ch. While the ettendauee se ,,
Butter, icpererdo!b--•zenDairy 0 28 to 0 ;30 bot (Otte as large as on forme oecac-
lf ggs, 0 25 to 0 27 sious, a goodly, number were presen',
Cattle, medium butchers 0 00 to 7 00I and heartily and thoroughly enjoyed
Cattle, butchers choice7 00 to 7 00
Fltheutselvea until a tate hour,
Hogs, live weight..,,0 35 to 9 0U
Lamb (cR t) t) 00 to 10 00 Tne President, Ur. John Robortsion,
Gams, per lb 0 25 to 0 Zai 1 occupied the chair', and In a felieitou�.
0 00 to 0 18 manner extended a welcome to those
0 70 to 0 00
resent, and was very OQ to 10 000 p ha ppy in his
introduction of those who Made ad*
Hold ltnnual Re•Uuion And
PatrioticM Rothe
Bacon long clear
Sheep Skins
6' 41Ct> kF*EEEEt'r.Efe iecegets
at 1.6
IC'' teFecesecseitase,iia!a laaaila$alr
Golden wedding
Qn'Monday, the 21th ult., Mr. and
Mrs, A. D. Cameron, of Goderich form-
er residents of near Lucknnw, eslebra+.
ed the 50th anniversary of their mar-
riage, On the eventful day 50 year s
ago, a sleigh load drove from the
bride's home in Peru, Halton Co., to
Georgetown about 11 miles, ' where
they were married by, the Rev. Jos.
Unsworth, of that place. The grooms-
man was Mr, John McLaren, of Torons
to, brother of the bride, and the
bridesmaid was Catherine Oameror,
sister of the groom, now Mrs. Hugh
McDonald, of St. Helene. The greater
part of their married life was spent in
Huron Co , Mr. and Mrs, Cameron
living for a number of years about two
miles south of Lucknow, later in St.
Helene. From there they moved to
Goderich nineteen years ago, Mr,
Cameron is deputy -sheriff of Huron
county, having occuplea this position
for a number of years. Of the wedd-
ing party fifty years ago, only one,
Mee. Henry Richmond, of Blyth, eia'ter
of the bride was present on both oc-
cassions. Mr, and Mrs. Cameron are
still active, and we wish then, many
years to come of happy wedded life.
Glows andl Bathe. Works
Girls Vlanted
NOTE --We pay from 2c to 16c
per dozen more than American
Glove Makers Unions prices.
Members of Union to furnish
machines and keep them in re-
pair for themselves, We fur•
nish machines and power and
keep them in repair at higher
Ole 1111111110111aft ONMOIMMINA OM, ill
Store opens 7 a.rn.
Bakthg Powder)
A reliab'e Baking Powder at a
reasonab+e price means 'much to
the Home Bak'r. There are many
different kinds on the market -all
more or less the same. Some of
these- are bought on the Free
go,e,0s coupon or something for
nothing basis. and a good house-
neyer sere \vher9 She is at.
This is put up for rysnlf. It it
wife is
good, common quality. The Tin
contains 10 ounces Baking Powd-
ct'. It is reliable. The price is
a little over lc per ounce or
Per Tin 17
Full monny back if
net Satisfactory '
II alasat0e _rrosigot,8,iaO
dreases. Oa the platform was the
ever smiling apd energetic secretary,
E 'Moody, Mayo. Book, 'Choy. cuddy, E Hotmo4, E. J. B. Duncan
acid W. Houston.
The )Obit (Huron) Battalion was
represented in person by Lieut. -Col,
H. B, Combe, Moj'wJ. W. Shaw, and
junior major M. D. McTaggart, all of
whom gave short addresses, Alder-
rnan MacGregor sang a couple of pat-
riotic songs and responded to an en'
core, Mr. Houston, as a Bruce pioneer
joined his congratulations with those
of the Mathew], to all present. T.
McGillicuddy gave a humorous amen.
dote. Mr. Bloody read letters of
regret et not being able to be present,
from Sir Sam Hughes, Minister rf
Militia, Sir William D. Octet. (•a native
of Clinton) and ()there,
Mies Isabel Graham, of Seaforth,
read two origual panne of her own
composition, one of which is no fol-
Iows, entitled:—
Fling the tidings near and far
Where the feet of freeman are—
Send them swiftly o'er the sea
To the haunts of cruelty; -
But the dove deepoiled; distressed—
Bend the olive to her breast;
Take this message to the Huns
Canada's behind the guns.
Canada is proud to bear
Of the load a lion's share
Proud to do and proud to die
For the Empire's; ideate high,
Britain's sons the whole world o'er
Will be freeman evermore;
Take this message to the Huns
C tnada's behind the guns.
Canada bas wealth in store
She will lavish more and more—
So that tyranny may fall
She will gladly give her all;
From her dearest she will pat t
For the cense that stirs her heart
Take this me. age to the Huns
Cainada's behind the guns.
Mu6io was furnished during the
evening by Stewarts . Orchestra—tt e
leader a popular young 13uronion—and
dancing followed tbe rendition of the
literary program. The evening was
pleaFautly sperm by ell, It would he
impossible to name ail who were pre-
sent; it is sufficient to say that the
gathering was truly representative of
the good old county,—Star.
Splendid reports were presented for
the past year by the different organi-
zttions at the annual meeting of Mel-
ville Presbyterian Church, The total
,vmnnnt raised for alt purposee was
$13,017, twine $8.417 for the'huilding
fund, and $1 000 for the general fund
The communion roll now stands at
45I; 19 new members being added dur-
ing the past year,
Clifford P. Sharrie of Chesley and
Miss Nearva L.,'daughter of Mr. and
Mee, L. Hollinger of Brussels, were
united in marriage on Wednesday
morning by Rev. A, J, Mann, at Met.
ville manse.
George Henderson has purchased
the house and lot on Market street
from Dr. T. T. McRae and will move
into it shortly.
Bruesels Council has denided to pur.
chase another t -apply ns field stone to
be delivered this winter, so that the
permanent road improvement can he
proceeded with in the spring.
.Brussels Council, at the hot meet-
ing, amended the cigarett s +iv- aw by
reducing the ll+enso fee from 550 to
Brussels W. C. T. U. has atarte.l a
chocolate and cocoa fund to help pro-
vide chocolate for the soldiers at the
rdM Stock ReducingS St le
,�, o nstera
k. R. A. CURRIE .
FURNITUREand UNDERTAKING1i��xa�i�:rvi�c�e�ae'�e�n'
To Make Room for New Spring Shipments
Including Bedroom Soll:e, 'klrior quits, Dining
Suits, Dining Chairs, Dining, Ventre and` ;i nary
Tables, Brass, Iron and Wood Beds of all:1416,
Buffets, China Cabinets, Odd ())lairs and. Odd
Kitchen Cah nets, Sid.<<boitt:ds, !!!este Cabinets,
Rockers, Couches, ete„ at prices never heard of be
fore, If you don't believe it call and see for your•,
self. It's a pleGsure to show goods,
Sale sta °ts Thortday Feb. 17th
so bo here' and vet tlist choler, a All High class
A good meeting of•ths Literary Socie-
ty is expected on Friday night of this
week, Mr. Relit Shaw's committee has
challenged Mr. George McDonald's coin•
mittee to a debate on the subject, 4'Re
solved that India is of .more value than
Canada to Great Britain " )4r. McDon
alt's committee wilt be represented by
Miss Bernice Shaw, Miss Zelra Turvey
anti Harold Thomson who will take the
affirmative side of the quesjon. while the
negative wilt be uphe'd by Me. Shaw's
committee represented by Frank Tate,
Wilbur Mathers and Miss Wi'ma Shaw.
In addition to the debate there will be a
dialogue, "The Pecker", choruses and
songs in costume, piano and violin num•
bers, and other entertaining features.
A recruiting meeting under the auspices
of the Huron County War Auxiliary is to
be held in he Forester's Hall on Thurs.
day night of this week, Revs. Hibbert
of Wingham and Parnaby of $elgrave,
chaplain of the Huron Battalion, are
among these expected to speak.
A meeting was held in the Forester's
Ball last Friday night to make arrange,
ments tor preparing a return of all the
men of In; itary age in this polling division
of Turnberry who are fit for military, ser.
vice in accordance with the policy which
bas been in+ugurated throughout the
county Mr, Wm 'Mines presided and a
committee of which Mr. Robert Shaw
was the convener was appointed to take
charge of the work, The committee met
on Monday night and completed the 1i t
The teacher and pupi's of the Bluevale
school held an enjoyable literary afternoon
last Friday to which the public were in-
vited and quite a number of visitors avail
ed themselves of the opportunity to be
present. The leading event was a de-
bate on the subject, "Resolved that the
airship is more useful in war than the sub-
( marine." The affirmative side was in the
bends of Elden McKinney, Roy Thomson
and Harvey Messer, the negative speak-
ers being jas Dobie, Pearson McIntyre
and Harvey I•Ianey The boys are mak-
ing progress as debaters and the judges
Messrs Geo, McDona d, L. S Winch and
C. Duff had great difficulty in reaching a
decision which was final'y, however, a-
warded to the affirmative. Besides the
debate a varied program was given, con•
sisting of songs, recitations, a dialogue
and selections by the school boys' band.
Parker Snieltzer made an unusually good
chairman The guests of the afternoon
signed their names in the visitor's book
b ,fore leaving.
Mrs. J. F. McCracken entertained die
members of tfie Women's Institute at their
regular monthly meeting last Thursday in
her new home on the 13'uevale road which
was'much admired by the guests for its
many convenience; and attractive fea-
Belgr'ave -
Alex Cloakey visited with relatives and
friends at Mitchell and Seaforth last week.
Representatives from the Patriotic Soc-
iety waited on the bast Wawanosh coun-
cil which met in the hall here on Thurs-
day. also on the' Morr's ' council which
met on Monday relative to securing an
equalization fund fr, m both municipal t-
ies for the support of the Canadian Red
Cross funds on the solicitation of the
Governor General of Canada,
Richard Proctor was reappointed cPr-
ector of the Western Division of the
Brussels, Grey and Morris Telephone Co.
which met in Brussels on Feb. 8th for
their annual besipess meeting.
Miss Tessie Hal'icley lias returireil from
a business trip to Wessels,
Mrs Brooks of Centralia visited .her
father, Mr. Finley Anderson last week.
Mrs Carson of Wingham, is the guest
of Mrs. David Scott.
Mr. Gibbs of Londesboro was at Earn
est Geddes' last week.
J A. Brandon went to Drayton to see
}lis sister who is very ill last week,
The Farmers Club unloaded a carload
R. E McKeuzic had the misfortune to
loose his driving horsd?
James Taylor shipped a car of hogs on
Friday and a car of cattle on Saturday.
The Red Cross Society held one of the
most successful concerts ever held in the
village on Monday eve ning which netted
the society over $100.
Miss Rena C oakey of Wingham is
visiting with friendOn this locality.
Mr. Ander.on, a student. is holding fo, t
on the Methodist circuit here, filling out
the time until conference, His father was
a successful paster in Blytt some years
Auction sales are quite the topic just
now. J A. Geddes is dated for tlrc 18th
of Feb„ Wm Geddes for Feb 25th, Wm,
Garness for Feb 23rd. each is without
reserve as the proprietors have ail sold
their farms and are retiring James Tay.
for is the busy auctioneer.
• Mrs. John McLean is moving in
to Wingham to take up residence there
We are sorry to laced Mrs. McLean and
family as they have been good cilizene
and enthusiastic workers in the various
departments of Knox. Church. Miss
Lillie b fug the efficient organist for some
Two bright stars are 50 be
seen Close
together itt" th`eeseesterti piatiiin'of tie;
skyi11 life ear y evruing. 70 )lie natural
eye they aper to be Trout it feet jiart;
'}`iS i$ rltiitp all gtlysual sight.
'Tito Many old Morals et nev. 4. L.
ilgdge, ortnerly of this burg. blit ilOW Pt
iireenipr e, }vitt Ire pteaseil 10 beet. of his
cell to Chalreet's chtirch, flariniltott Tile
IndgeNPndo taite place tltc 1st of Merglt
A recruiting meeting Will be heal in 'lila
Forsters' hall on this T it u r sot a y
night at 8 o'clock, A good program will
be given including addresses from 1,ev.
Penin froth Wingham, also returned sold-
Rev. J A. Maned Bross. Is will preeelr
preparatory service in Knox Church here
on Friday at 2 o'clock.
Rev. Mr Lundy of Walton took the ser-
viee in Knox Church and at Calvie on
Thursday, Fehilary t7, 19113
Special Clearing Sale
Boots, Shoes,
Rubbers, Etc.
Ill our advertisement in last week's Ad.
vance we announced a; "Clearing Sale"
for 13 days.
Kindly note the following change viz—
For reasons that it is not necessary to
mention this sale will end on Saturday
next instead of one week from Saturday,
20 -per cent. straight
cash discount on every-
thing in the store un-
til Saturday next, (in-
Sole Agent FOR
Ford Touring Car
Price $530
Take a little comfort as you go -especially if
you can combine it with'profis. The man who
owns a Nord bas provided healthful enjoyment
for his entire family and equipped himself with
an economical servant as well.
The Ford Runaltout is $480; the Ccutaelst $7E0;
the Sedan $800; the Town Car $780, All prices are
f.o.b. Ford, Ont. All cars completely equipped, in-
cluding electric headlights, Equipment does not in-
clude speedometer. Cars on sale by
A. M, CRAW'ORD, Dealer, Winghanit
O •' uctl-on
Will be discussed by men who thoroughly
• understand the business, in the
Town Hall, Windham
At one o'cloct p. m. on
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18th vs., -
The Speakeis will be:
PROF. F. C. ELFORD, Ottawa
1 I.
R. J. MaCLEAN, Toronto
ATI invitation is extended to all who have anything to
do with the production and marketing of eggs. I gg Candling
machines and incubators will be on exhibit. England is
calling for food.
Ai, TT 1 .ADV'ANCR. ror� you, next sup Iy o
ettetlieads, Envelope., J3lllhl ids, c