HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1916-02-17, Page 4r i Page lour ,40 THE I; rM I.NG IT AM ADVANCE mg§aut `lb an.c.e Joffe JOYNT, Proprietor A. G. SDwru, Manager TSURSDAY, FEB. 17;b, 1910 Tine Apvatter is published every Thursday morning. Telephone No. 34. $Unsente tertTI:RMB.--One Dollar and Fifty Conte per year; it paid strictly in advance Ono Dollar will bo accepted; to subscribers in the 'United States the rate is One Dollar and Fifty Cents strictly in advance Subscribers who fait bo receive Tun Alevauco regularly by mall will confer a favor by acquainting the publish- er of the fact at as early a date as possible. When a change of address is desired, both old and the new address should by given. Remit- tances maybe made by bank draft, express money orer, post•oflice order, or registered letter. Subscriptions may commence at any time, AnvERTisnia TaI IS. -Rates for display and contract advertisements will be given on appii- Catton. legal and otheretnrilaradvertiemeutP , ten cents nor line for brat insertion and four apnte per line for each subsequent insertion. Dollars gpcarryear. siAdvertisementdor, Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations Vacant, Situations Wanted, Houses for Sale or to Rent. Farms for Sale or to Rent, Articles for Salc, eto , not ex- ceeding eightlines, Twenty-five Ce nt s each ch in- forton•one Dollar for fleet mwith, Fifty Cents for each subsequent month. Larger advertise- ments in proportion, Announcements in ordi- nary reading type, Ten Cents per line No notion less than Twe' ty-five Cents, Any spac- ial notice. the Went of which is the pecuniary benefit of any individual or association, to be considered an advertisement and charged no- cordingly. aslnr.n.. 41115111/1 The Prohibition Question The Provincial prohibition peti- tion which was recently signed by the great majority of our citizens, as well as the people all over On- tario, will be presented to the Government which will meet in a couple of weeks. Their answer will be awaited with the keenest interest by. both the antis and the prohibitionists not only Iif the province, but throughout the Do - ,minion. Ws believe that the peo- ple who signed this petition will not look to the Government in vain bat that their prayers will be answered by Hon. W. H. Hearst and his able Cabinet counsellors who will be, as their honorable predecessor the late lamented Sir James Whitney was "Bold enough to be honest and honest enough to be bold." The liquor interests are basing their opposition as one of their circulars puts it upon the ground that this is a "Fight for Liberty against Tyranny." There is no such issue. The real issue is whether.or not tire people of thi- province shall have a right, to pass upon a great question involving the .material and the moral well being of oar great Province or shall their petition be ignored in respect to this real and very vital, issue? Which is the worst Tyranny, the fact that you cannot go and buy a glass of Whiskey if you want to or the Tyranny as known in many a drunkards home by his starving wife and children? Prohibition in Wingham has meant new life to more than "one — rtirir i'fi`i `-family therefore it would surely be a God -mend to hundreds of homes in—the Pro- vince.. . It cannot be charged that Ger- mans discriminate. They dont care who they• kill.—Kincardine Review. - d Bourassaa and Lav ergnes should be shipped off , to the North pole for a periodof,on`e hundred years less one dair. Some mothers in town should not be surprised to find their child. ren in the hands of the Humane Society. A. number of children are taken down. town in their slieghs and left in front of stores while the mother goes in shopping and for- gets about them till kind passersby interfere, or the child cries with the cold. Postage Is Reduced. ' -" The Canadian Postoice Depart- ment has -foregone its share of the postage on parcels to soldiers in France, thus effecting a material save ing in the cost of forwarding such Matter to the front. The following official announce - anent has been issued: "The Dion, T. Chase Caegrain, Postmaster -General of Canada, has been successful, as a result of ne- gotlatione entered into with the Im- Aerial. postal authorities, in effecting an arrangement with the British Government whereby 'parcels from Canada for Canadian soldiers in France and Flanders will be carried at the same rate of postage ari applies IA parcels from the United Itingdolu tor the expeditionary forces on. the itontinent. That is: "For parcels weighing up to three Pounds, 24 conte; for parcels weigh- ,ing over three pounds and not more than seven pounds, 32 Bents; for per - eels 'weighing over seven pounds and not more than eleven pounds, • 28 cents. "ThI$ means a material. reduction ton the cost of parcels, and it is hop- ed it will be a source of satisfactioli to the Canadian public, Tills reduce dsfreginalluchrgefragPetted ao the conveyance of these parcels is Canada and on the Atlantic," Austria's Skoda Gun, Elie Skoda gun is Austria's chief con- tribution to atlieloney • in the preterit Wet". Mort in the vicinity of an et- pfiug Skoda silttll merely vanish; it Is said, no shred or fragment being fornr4L Oast beztele et, Melted by the roti $ERPENT;i A$ 1i'i VNOTI aTS, rhe Charm They Use o." Animate They Succumb to The.i:solect. Cases of fuseintttiou ley' horponta of trds and other small animate ecu too frequently reported to adtiilt f serious doubt on 1114 subject. lvi leutly it Is simply u kir :1 of hylluotisut cul based, like hutnttu hypaotietu, oil he effects of rbythinl.•ai impreselous .trade upon the nervous,. stem, ISaperlmcut has Proved that the mo eolouous swinging of a glittering ob- ject before the°eyes will throe/. many, men and women into hypnotic sleep ,`'hen u eerpeut charms or 1'aseluutes n `,ir'd or small quadruped it employs a ,itliilnr method. It sways its hencl with glittering eyes or sets its brilliantly .olored cone 11t0 silent rhythmicmiC move. wrr elf tl ent within sight of Its victim,t 'he latter gradually yields to the to lueuce, But the most dangerous serpents are •bemselves subject to this very ltyfl none control, a fact which is the baste of the proceedingss of the serpentr ent 'harmers of India and those of oth- er countries where venomous snakes bound. Music, or the monotonous. repetition f musical notes, nppears to be the most effective agent In serpent charm lug. It may be remarked that accord Ing to some observers the sounds pro• ducted by a rattlesnake, and even the loud hissing of some serpents, have n liy'puotie inductive, or at least tt sort of ,'nralyzing force, due probably to ter- ror. The cobras of southern Asia and rhe closely related najas of Africa will ..owe out of holes, erect their heads and a part of their bodies anti sway about in a kind or serpent dance when hey hear the notes of ft pipe played by a skilled performer, However, no cobra charmer ever has sufficient confidence in Itis control eve' his dangerous subjects to neglect the removal of their fangs. A cobra bite has been known to kilt a man within a few minutes of its in diction. Hamburg's Unique Ferry. Hamburg possesses a steam ferry of a somewhat original type, for the main deck can be raised and lowered by suit able machinery in order to take up a difference of level of some sixteen feet, The large structural framework rises to a considerable height and is intended to guide the whole platform in its ver. tical. movements. 13y t he use of pow- erful electric winches it Is possible to raise and lower the (leek as tl whole, even when it is loaded with numerous heavy vehicles, such ns are used in landing material at the port. The rea- son for adopting this arrangement of the deck Iles to the fact that at the Hamburg port the difference in tide level is considerable, so that when the boat lands at the wharf 11 is by no menus on the same level at all times and In the ordinary ease the heavy vehicles would be obliged to mount or descend a steep incline. I t is In order to avoid this drawback that the Pres• ent type of ferry was constructed, anti as the movable deck can always be brought flush with the level of the dock, the vehicles can now ruu off in the ordinary svay. The Local Newspaper No business man, professional man or manufacturer in any town should allow a newspaper published in his town to go without his name and busi- ness being mentioned somewhere in its columns, says an exchange. This applies to all kinds of business ---gen- eral stores, dry goods, groceries, furni- ture dealers, manufacturing establish- ments, automobile dealers, mechanics• professional men. and in fact all kinds of busines does This to d es not mean that you should have a whole or half or even a quarter of a page ad. in ev- ery issue of the paper but your name and business should be mentioned, if you do not use more than a two line space. A stranger picking up a news- paper should be able to tell just what business is represented in a town by looking at the business mentioned , in the paper, This is the beet possible advertiser. The man who does not ad- vertise his business does an injustice to himself and his town. He is the man who expects the moat free boost- ing for hie town. The man who insists on sharing therbusinese that comes to town but refuses to advertise his busi- ness is not a valuable addition to any town. The life of any town depends upon the live, wide-awake and liberal advertising business men. ' Turnberry Minutes of Council meeting held in Bluevale on Monday, Feb. 7th, 1010, all the members present, Minutes of meeting e last regular and special m ing w re read and adopted by Messrs, Adair and Mo:'fatt. Moved by Messrs, Wheeler and Adair that the Women's Institute, Bluevale, receive $50 and that of Wingham $35 to aid in Red Cross. work, The Auditor's report for the year 1010 was adopted on motipn of Wheeler and Moffatt, Adair ----Moffatt -- That By-law No. 5 be passed to borrow money for cur- rent expenditure until such timee ae taxes are collected. Any ratepayer wanting a change of pattinuister will plestee notify somee member of Cauneil or the Clerk on or before next meeting. The following accounts were passed and cheques issued -- Mrs. 0. Tate, Women's Institute, $50; at, o- aMrs.J.3,Moffatt. W Bluevale ,}Hen's Institute, Wingham, $35: Chas, Button, bal. Bdy. account for 1915, $11; P. McDougal, wood, Tp. hall, $3; Miss L. Mathews, H. .Calvert in Hospital, $15; 0. A. Jones, part Tp, surveying, 1915, $92 70; R, Black, auditor $12; B. Cruickehanks, auditor, $12;'j'. K. Powell, attending audit and express $3.40; W m, Field, meat, H. Calvert $2,50, Next meeting of the Council will be held in Bluevale on Monday, March 27th, 1916 at 10 o'clock. P. PowELL, Clerk, Morris Report of S. S. No, 8, townships of Turnberry and Morris for the month of January. Sr. Fourth, total 500—V Procter 451, L Lennox 423, W Aude'r- son 399. Jr. Fourth, total 450—R. Armstrong 806, *N .Walker 35 Sr. Third, total 300—M. Henderson 273, V. McKenzie 271. A Procter 209 Jr. 3rd, total 400—M Armstrong 381. 13 Moffat 356 "G Fowler 235, *0 Riotoul 211, "R Henderson 85. Sr. Second 250— 0 Martin 207. Perfect in spelling for Dec, and January, Harold Moffat. Perfect in spelling for 'January, V. Procter, 0. J. Bnodi , Teacher. East Wawanosh. (Crowded out last week) James A, Vancamp has disposed of his farm to Mr. Oke of Seaforth for $6500. Mr, Vancamp takes some To- ronto property in exchange. Nethery Bros. intend remodelling their barn during the conning summer. A young daughter came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Tril- by last Saturday. The sale of etock by Wm, E. Scott was cancelled last week as :he secured a manager for his farm during hie absence on military service.' Chas. Coultes has done the brave act and is now a soldier of the King and training at Blyth, Wesley Rath is also training there. John Fothergill and family of Ed- monton who have been visiting friends here have returned to their western home. A couple of nieces of Samael Morton from Western Canada are visiting him at present. Skating has been good on the ponds this winter and many are taking lots of exercise it affords. Joshua Walsh was severely injured one evening last week coming home from Belgrave; owing to the darkness the horse went over a high bank up- setting the buggy and landing his son James and himself out on the ground breaking some ribs and other- wise bruising him. s® WOMAN ALL RUN DOWN Made Strong and Well By Vinol Waynesboro,Pa.—" I was all run down after a hard spell of bronchitis so it was hard for me to keep about. I had pains in my chest and took cold easily. A friend asked me to try Vinol. Iedid and it built me up so I am strong and well and I stn able to do my housework which I had not done for three months before taking Vinol."— Mrs. Y. R. Hox- BOUGH, Waynesboro, Pa. Vivol creates an appetite, aids diges- tion, makes pure blood and 'Creates strength. Your money back if it fails, J, Walton MoKibbon, Druggist, Wingham, Ont, CANADIAN PACIFIC For Winnipeg and Vancouver Leave Toronto 6.40 p. m. DAILY VIA THE TRANSCANADA Through equipment including Electric Lighted Compact. hent Observation Car, Standard and Tourist Sleep- ers, Dining Car, First-class ,Coaches "The frequent C. P. R. Service passing through the Business Centre of each City is an asset to the Traveller." J. W. McKibben, Toun Agent. Particulars from C P.R. Ticket Agents pp' write W. B. Howard, 1) P,A, Toronto A VINICAWNWitPRICE N' •' loo‘ a._ PRICE $15.25 ---- �' $15,25 "LATEST WONDER IN PHONOGRAPHS" THE "VANAPHONE"� "COMPARES WITH THE BEST BY ACTUAL TEST" A phonograph second to none, yet at a price no home can afford to be without It's beauty of tone and clearness of reproduction a o marvelous Play any sire reveal, vocal, instrumental. nand, etc. 1tOI:. SALT; AT A. CURRIE'S Furniture Store, Wittghlum Blot vale, (Crowded out last week) Au entertaining schoolboys' debate was the feature of the last meeting of the Literary Society held on Friday, Feb. 4th, The subject"Hosolved that Fire ie More destructive than water" had lead to a great deal of research on the part of the young debaters and their speeches were received' with much applause and approval by the audience. Harvey Mester and Parker Smeltzer took the Affirmative and Harvey Haney and Roy Thomson the Negative and the Atlirwative won according to the decision of the three judges, Mise Victorie. Patterson , Wing- , r Wing - ham, Miss Wilma Shaw and Plank Tawe, The eccol boys ito td [vin g g another debate at school on Friday afternoon of this week from three to four on the subject, "Resolved the, the airship is more destructive than n the submarine" and the public ars cordially invited to attend, The pro- gram for the evening was in charge of Mr. George McDocald'it committee, Mr. Leslie S. Winch was an excellent chairman and a splendid speech eat, given by Mr. J. W. King on "Current Eyents," Other numbers were, a solo by Miss Margaret Garnise "Dublin Bay"; a recitation, "Mick's Kerchief" by Willie Orr and a piano solo,"Battle 'of the j atious" by Miss Annie Spence. The meeting was brought to.a close by ainging "We'll Never Let the Old Flag Fall," The next meeting of the Literary Society•will be held on Fri day. Eeb, 18th, when there will be a debate, "Resolved that India is of more value to Britain than Canada." The Turnberry Township Council at its meeting here on Monday was wait- ed on by Mrs. 0. Tate and Mrs. R. Shaw on behalf of the Women's In- stitute and requested to make a grant towards the Red Cross work so faith fully carried on by the women of this district. The Council voted fifty dol- lars towards this good ohjeot, an action which will meet with the approval of all patriotic citizens. Pte, Robt. McMichael, C. Co., 71st Battalion, was home from Galt on two day's leave this week. Pte, R. McMichael of the 71st Batt., Galt, visited under the parental roof this week. UM TI ER OF CONDOLENCE Mrs, Wm, Darnell received the fo'u owing letter of condolence from Gen. eral Hughes. Militia and Defence Canada • , Mtnistpi'e Office Ottawa, January 130, 1910. Dear Mrs, Darnell Will you kindly accept my sincere eympathy and condolence in the de. cease of that worthy citizen and heroic soldier, Sergeant William Darnell. While one cannot too deep'y mourn the lone of such a brave comrade, there is a consolation in knowing that he did his dut•' fearlessly and well, and gave his life for the cause of Liberty and the uplifting of the Em- Pipire, rQ Again extending to you my heart - tilt sympathy. Faithfully "Sam Hughes." Mnjur General, Minister of Militia and Defence Canada. for Canada. About fifteen boldiers attendedthe memorial service of the late Sorgt. Darnell which was held in the R. 0. church on Friday morning last. Morris The Messrs. Emmers of Manitoba have been visiting with their uncle Milvert Sellers of the let line, Hazel Campbell who was home for a month has gone back to Seaforth again. Wm. Clegg of the 1st line bas been very sick again but we hope she will soon be o.k. Mr. H. Cornell of Preston has been calling on old acquaintances• in this vicinity, 11lr. D. H. Campbell who bas been ill with la grippe is able to be about again. Mr. Wm, Ager and friend of Blount Paresis, visited with Mrs Gray of the 1st. line, Special Announcement We wieb ro acquaint the pen- ple of Wingham and vicinity with the fact that we have been appointed agents for the Can- adian Nnrthern Railway sys- tem, and are prepared to it.sue tickets to any point in the West. This great Canadian R.R. bas a through line to the Pacific Coast and a network of branch- es all over the Western Pro- vince, touching many places not reached by the other lines. The most southerly Canad- ian route to Winnipeg, run- ning through the beautiful Rainy River Country. Call and get a 1916 Calendar Ritchie & Cosen$ Ticket Agents Real Estate Insurance. • 4.04044444.4•44.41.4•040% •4410...4.4%444441.4•44040•4•44 1 JTRAL4//.! TlA,TQRD. ONT. YOU Can Secure a Position • if you take a course with tis. The 3 demand upon us for tra ined help is many times the number graduating. Students are entering each week. Von may enter at any time. Send for free catalogue at once, it Z will interest, n. A. reicLACMA'ii • leriaaleal ,0 0 O*61, lt_:3EWARD ,For information that will lead to the discovery or wi:c.rcabouts of the person or lrerson3 suffering from Nervous Debility, Piscas, s of Slit Mouth il llrlrBlood Poison, , Skin Diseases, Bladder '.['roubles, Special Ailnteuto, and (hroiiie or Conlplidated Complaints who can- not be cured at Tho Ontario Medi- cal Institute, 263.2(5'VongeSt,, rr+ Toronto,Co.sponderyce invited. Whitechurch (Crowded out last week) Mr, and Mrs, Rehert Mowbray of Wingham spent Sunday with rela- tives here. Mies Ida Carriek was home from Wingham for the week -end. Private Bert Hubbe, t,f Stratford spent the weekend here, Sergeant Windsor of Wingham war - the guest of village Meade over Sun- ►al. day. �i♦ .l. Me, John Gillespie epent part of bat wtee VAN." iIC :1. 41.4 4. ed♦ air 4.1.4 .l. fid♦ a' fid♦ tri et. vi sae a♦ Jr' 40. ililI era :l. ar tri aT�► exet# spr► Thursday, Febnary i7, 1916 arywryaryar ar arya+rari,rarrarf.wry ryarr rdiar r aryarr*+ a a ,+ ar a+ eery r d w + rr ► -.►.~elle rr . �► r,► �► rr.y► ► •�� r►.0► r► r► ♦ w► �► yr •Y► r► M► . i► - r r *► A � fi i�♦ �,. i{� ,ri� ij� ij. �jw ��♦ ��v w�; �j� �♦ ir♦ +� +'� ,�� � �� iti �� i� � � �� ��iy �♦ t � d� � ,r "' .,..,,,..,„400 ♦b,: ,�k OA Great Week -End Sale f . r. 400 . teiV OF MEN'S SUITS On Sale Thursday, friday and Saturday Only week with friends in Hamilton and Brantford, Mr. Smith has taken charge of the G. T. R. station here, taking the place of Mr, R. M. Patten, who has enlisted. Mr. J. Davidson gave an interest ing talk at the Y. P. 5, meeting, urg- ing the members to renewed efforts on behalf of the Society. Miss M. Pater- son will have charge of the next meet- ing. On Friday [evening the Young People's Society held a e.ocial, ,when they entertained the members Id the Langside Society. The:program was in charge of the social committee and consisted of an instrumental solo by Rev. J. Ure Stewart, duets by Misses M. Gordon and G. Fox, and Mies Gor- don and Mr. Alex. Henry, recitations by Mise Annie Laidlaw and Mr. Angus MacKay, violin music by Messrs. Jas. Laidlaw and William Henry, also remarks by the presidents of tbe two Societies, Game3 were enjoyed and lunch was served. Several members in uniform were present and during the.evening Miee Gordon sang "Doing your Bit." This most pleasant even- ing was brought to a close by the singing of the National Anthem. tr r You can ward off many anxious moments if, at the first sign of a Cough or Cold, yon will use Cham- berlain's Cough Remedy. It loos- ens the phlegm, it heals the sore throat and bronchial tissues, allays fever and gives good results at once. If Influenza, Bron- chitis or 'Whoop- ing Cough have developed, you ran count on this splendid old fam- ily remedy for sure relief. Be sure and keep Chamberlain a Cough Remedy always in the house. Prices 25c. and 50c. • DESPITE the great advance in the cost of woolense w offer for this week -end sale only, fifty Men's Suites made from the finest of all woo], tweeds and worsteds, in sizes 34 to 44. In older to make room for the spring stock we have gone over our clothing and picked out all the odd lines which we have not a full range of sizes. The values in these suits could not be duplicated for at least double the money, so if you are wanting a suit at a bargain take advantage of this exceptional chance. • Regular values $15.00, $18.50 and $20.00 Your choice for $10.00 March Designers are now in, kindly call for your copy. I{ING We want Choice Butter, New Laid Eggs .41 wv 0 BROS. x WAN, Sk ::4 °•Q - VI rr %U. _� a ara. .r .► .rfAl► .rlr► r►l.►,o. AV 1 IAV lAV ..V.. �► r► . o V e rr ►.rtrl,airrrh. i�►A. P. i►:�rrr,.rtj► r�rger *** .ti • and Dried Apples Phone 71 Londesboro The funeral of the late Mrs. Thos. Adams, Sr., took place on Tuesday of last week to Londesboro cemetery, We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Hall ie able to be around again after a tovere attack of pleurisy and also heart trouble. The Woman's Institute met at the home of Mee. Geo. Moon on Thursday o" last week and a very pleasant time was spent by all. The ladies are faith- fully doing their part to add to tbe comforts) of our brave soldiers who are fighting for us. A large box of about 45 shirts, 50 pair of socket quite a num- ber of wristlets, scarfs, etc., will be sent by them from Londesboro this weeks. Join this noble iustitute of ladies and do your part even though is may be small. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Snow of George• town are spending part of their honey. moon with Mr, and Mrs. John 'Taylor and other friends near Londesbnre. AWN - F7nfllFp�p 1' t,3t, .YS=� Zi=` rt C. P. SMITH �l Capital Authorized $5,000,000 IVIUIMa er tl hale Capital Paid-up - $3,000.000 K i Surplus - - - - • $3,475.000 WELL ENTRENCHED The Bank of Hamilton is not dependent upon the prosper• ity of any one section of the country. It is a well -entrench- ed institution with branches spread over Canada, at each of which a general banking business is trans. acted. X \XXXXX\t \V\ oil\M\%\moo\l MIXX \X\X\X \X\X\ i\-14 X, \X\X\XXX\XV Will be Continued Until Saturday, February 19th Owing to stormy weather and bad roads, many customers living in the country X Event have not been able to attend this Big Mnnv= Saving so we have decided to put on one more week that all may take advantage of the BIG I BAR(1AINS offered. Reduced Prices as advertised will be carried out in all de- partments until Saturday, February 1.Ath, • ._ on FURS, Fill:. COATS, MEN'S and BOYS - (`)VERflOtr t'; 3, UNIDisRWEAR, SWEAT- • ,C5 , .tLADIES', ERS, �JI.I Tr rod C�Lc)VL.' , LADI l✓ , MISS. SE.S' and Cl I ILDREN'S WIN lER 00A I S, DREss GOODS, ilOSIERY, GLOVES, coRsE CEP,I ES, BOOTS and SHOES. BE SURE AND Q1 ET YOUR SHARE OP THE BA las E. ISARD 91111.11111111111111111 RGAINS. r COMPANY Wingham - Ontario. st lilCytX7KiClX7tX9rYCXXXPCiXXtXXiaXyfXXi'iyCPcylACXXXCi1XXPK7tXiXXAti