HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1916-02-17, Page 2PIP 1 411 LES ON LieSisteN VIII. February O. it 'rbe Christian Brotherhood at Jena. --Temperance: ,Leseort-Acts 4; V2-5; 16. tPrint 4; 34; 5. COMMENTARY. --1. Christian fibers alitY (as. 32; LI). 32. The multitude of them that believed -'--The number of believers had become eeveral thousand unit more were constantly being sari and that in spite of the oppositioa that wale directed against the new seet thti Jewisit leaciern Of one heart and ot one soul ---This is a Hebrew feria of expression and. Means complete tw- eeze). "It is the outpouring of th., Sldrit, Melting every heart in Math- ieu love, which produce e oneness. Aid that same melting of heart Mises the streana of benevolence to . flaw, - Whedon. Was his own -These Christiaue had in their possession more or leas property, but they con- sidered that they were stewards rath- er than ownerof it. All thing common -That is the only instan.ce IP scripture of n community of goods and this arose front the exigencies of the occasion, A 'gracious revival was In progress, and all were earnesta. co-operating to carry forward the work of• -spreading the gospel. must elso have been many arena ier in Jerusalem whose prolonged sns left them without sufficient means to arovide ecir theraselves. A conaMon treasury seemed • necessary that all 'might be cared for. 23. With great power -It was the anointing of the Holy Ghost that gave this power, Gave the apostles witness -The apost- les were doing the werk which had been assigned them (Acts 1; 8). They were bearing winless. in Jerusalem to the fact of Christ's resurrection. Great grace was upon them all. The divine favor was upon all the believers, and not merely upon the apostles. Not only no, but the Lord gave the Christ- ian continually favor with the people. 34 Neither..that lacked -Being • ote aeart and 'of one s•oul," the ne of all were met. This was not e alIne tor withholding and accumulet- ing temporal gods, but for distributeg as need required. Sold tharn-Tbis indicates ha* lightly in comparison with spiritual good these early Christ- ians held their earthly possessions. 25. Laid them down at the apostles' feet -Owners of property sold it and placed the proceeds at the disposal of the 'wales to be used for the sup- port of the needy. Those who liad means supported themselves, and those who were destitute were sup- ported by the ssurplus of those aho had more than they needed. Distribu- tion was made -Not that an equal amount -wen given to all, but the needs of all were supplied. 36. Joses-Tee same as Joseph. Surnamed Barnabas -,loseph Was a very common Hebrew name, hence the .necessity of conven- ience in designating this convert' by an additional name. He was hence.- fortle to be prominent in the work of studying the gospel. a Levite-Of, the priestly tribe. Cyprus -An island In the eastern part of the Mediterran- ean. Barnabas had come to Jerusalem to attend the feast of Pentecost and had tarried with the apostles, having reteived the Holy Spirit. 37, Having land -Probably in Cyprus. Barnabas is particularly mentioned in contrast to Ananias. lie was:a whole-souled. honest giver, an honor to Abe Christ- ian brotherhood, H. Hypocrisy punished (vs. 111., 1. Ananias -The Greek form of the ize- brew named Hannaniah. Sapphirai- The name MeollS beautiful. Sold. a' possession -tit was a piece of land (V 3.) 2, Kept hack -The Greek Word is sometimes rendered to purloin or to rob. Part of the price -They were under no compulsion to sell the land. Their act of selling it was en.- -- liesetyanolatitaen,. but having sold it, they were grossty wiek in keeping a part of the proceeds arins they had given all. Th nag the hypocrite. Their ently was to make a s Lien- ity, while they were _ what they .pretended .to give. His wife axe being privy to it -This act was pee meditated and was agreed to by An- anias and Sapphire. 3. But Peter ectia ---It is very evident that the Holy Spirit revealed to Peter the decep- tion which Ananias was practising. 'Phis was to pitted the purity of the urn'', and Peter was used as the Int - means to this end. Satan filled heart -Satan, the %deceiver, ankle to praceiee -deception ' t gain .naliepulation as 0 a Satan, fills the hearts d Christians to vote nce of the saloon. To e I-Toly Ghost -The Holy Spirit was dwelling in individual be- lievers and in the church as a whole. The Holy Spirit was moving the be- lievers to sell their possessions and place the proceeds in the apostlen „bands; and Ananias gave the 14e to the Holy Spirit when he practized ' this deeeptien, for he virtually clean- ed to be likewise moved by the Holy Spirit, while in fact he was moved by Satan. 4. Thine own --Ananias need not have sold the land. In thine own pow- er -He ceuld have kept the whole amount that he received from its sale and the church would not have cen- sured him, but he sinned against tile church and the Hely Spirit wh'en ho pretended to do what he had not doue. Thou has not lied unto men, but unto God-Anttnias had lied "to the Holy (4host" (v. 3) and "unto (40d," lienee this is a clear proof cf the sieity of the Holy Spirit. He had lied not merely to men, and he had , hide any suspicion of their baseness. lied to men, but his great sin was, They would have succeeded if only against C4od. 5. Hearing these Wolfe , they could have kept Goa from inter- -That his ein was known, as well as ' posing. The fate of A.nanias and the enormity of hie sin. Fell down, Sapphire operated as a warning to all and gave up the ghost -This Burn- 1 who were of like spirit, and inade miry Dunishtnent shows God is esti- 1 them afraid cf tempting God by a. mate of sin. "[He was smitten false profession. It was a strong tbrough the power of that Spirit 1 manifestation of Gurs eontienination whom he had inteeded to deeeive. 1 cf hypocrisy. This affection Was Here is no description of a death 1 made to bear geed fruit under the pro - from apoplexy or mental exciteme videnee of Md. The effect on the limier the rebuke of the apostle, but itureh use valutary. Tt recalled the direet intervention of the divine pt •Iturch to it Reme. cf what rIghteette- er. -Cam. Bib. Great fear Mine o eras implies.. T. It. A, alle-Thia judgment was ealettlated to inepire fetir of a %Ise profession ; WILL HELP SHIPBUILDERS, Glasgow, Peb. 12. ---The Government 6-11„ "Young mon," probably- seleee. hie decided to grant facilities to ship - ed because of their strength, at once builders to eomplete hair a million tons wetted hie piamenie about elm tine of mercantile shipping which is nisar- t•arried him away for burial. In that Ing the launelling and fitting, out stag', country biirial takes place Withal a aecording lo e statement from 81111) feen hourafter death, uou 011y the i building cirele s. TiIt is understood Oils e position quickly set in. Sapphire !nation is to he taken with a VIM to relieving the markets as soon as Pm - Paine day. liPeallSe of the heat &tom - tousle in Alertly after her husband's sible from the effects of high freight death and aeries, ignorant of yawl 1 rates. A number of eltiplatilders some hail transpired, sac declared that the i weeks ago appealed to the Govern - emu brought by Animas wag tho whole ;tient fer fintinelal aseisiance to com. proceeas of the sale. Her death ewifte elete eentraets, and it is inferred ar- ty retinues/I mid the enng nwn Iftgotur.uts have been mail". bed littried her lineband etitrried her body te be pliteed Wilde Anitliiite and Sapphire aliberatehe undertoeli te deeeive the Chadian COMMunity in *Wee thea had a Wee. 'rimy desired bp highly esteemed by the eiturc1i. ir eoneern \Oa not 00 mueli to res , * the needy au to mane for them- ,: n8 a name. The .enormity of their :a deelared Peter; words, "How .t that ye. have agreed together iempt the ttPit of the Lord?" (v. ea We need not be surprised that in the eompany Of believerthere Were two peons who were fabie. Or in the little hand of twelve disciples. of our Lord therewas one who was base and tend hinisel•f to Satan. III, Divine power displayed (vs. 12- 1a). The progrees of the gospel Was. aot impeded by the oppositiou brought against it from without nig be the ey- p; crisy of Professed Chrietians, Mika • summarily dealt with. The Lord e eight miracles by the halide of the le. Sties, The Chrlatians made Solo - ea. 'tee porch their place of meetleg e en they went to the temple for ireyer, aud others did not intrude ape en their devotions. Through the work of the cburch multitudes. were "added to the Lord," Sick people were brought to the apostlesin great num- here and all were healed, The work that Jesus had begun and which had been committed by Him to the dis- ciples was time being carried torward with great slieeeas• ,Questions, ---What is meant by one heart and one soul( Why did the aaostles Preach on the resurreetion? si nat is meant by great grace.? Why lat thee Christians sell their Po:SM- .:tea and lay Bee .proceeds at Coe- eeosties' feet? Was this praetice corn- t-ory? Who was loses? What did Io do? Why did Ananias. sellint pos- ses:seen? Want was his sin? Whitt itiegment came upon Ananias. and Ins elfe? I•low were the people affected?' Was it just? How did this puniehment benefit the ehurch?"Selmt sins are bere mentioned that are closely con- nected with the liquor- traffie? PRACTICAL re URN' - Topic. --Christian Fellowship, h I. Under divine leatieralape II. Under satanic servitude. Unde cvino 4eadersh1p. The apostolic church had become welded alto a remarkable unity or experience end purpose so that men had forgot - :en their selfeihneas and lived for each miler and their Lord. lsrom the reending of Christianity the duty of Ing for ahem was insisted upon. The apostles were so animated with the joy which the resurrectiOn - was calculated to inspire that they mani- fested an analetY and diligence to maintain and .propogate the religion of their Master. The resureetalen was a triumphant refutation of Jewish error. Accordingly the apostles press- ed that fact witb great persistency: tit this happy state, in thia clear atmosphere of love, the ;treat truths of 'the gospel shone out with mar- vellous brightness. The whole multi- tuda.of believers were ;so united in christ that all distinctions were lot. The Ordinaryworldly life seemed to have melted into the life of faith and godliness. The whole body received the apostle -s' doctrine, submitted to tneir rule, committed everything to their ordering. The hoar fervor mani- fested by them at tbis 'time was not accounted for by the lemming- of wealthy members, but by the increase nue enlargement of the grace that rested upon them. Their unity' rested on a common faith, a conimon ideal, a common sentiment. Theirs was a harmony, a union onknown betore. The love of money was swallowed up in the hive of Christ. The community .of. goods was their expedient to mom- rlish the will of God, It was a mar- clious sign of the Spirit's presence seta power, the result...of a supertiatu- eina Being working in their hearts. ...extraordinary times ana circum- stances required extraordinary mons - oda IL Under Satanic servitude. Great grace and true benevolence were sud- denly followed by deception and coun- terfeit benevolence. A deliberate at- tempt to impose upon God and his church was folio -wed by a solemn dis- play of divine pleasure that the grow- ing society might be guarded from be- ing corrupted in spirit as it increased 'n numbers. Like lightning from • a clear sky came the crime of Ananias and Sapphire. . No sooner did evil reveal itself, within the church than the Holy Spirit detected and judged it. Without any heart sympathy with the comniunity of goods Ananias and Sapphireeprofessed to adopt it because It was popular. They did outwardly that for which they had no real re- spect. 'They pretended to be moved by a divine 'influence; not be doing a thing which was pre-eminently the fruit of the Spirit in the hope of se- curing to theniseises the good opinion e the congregation to which they belonged. They desired to have all the credit of the church for acting as generously as Barnabas had. Their act was proof of imarts ellenated from clod. Their purpose was veiled under the pretence of religious principles. 'their sin was deliberately and pre- sumptuously directed against the Holy Spirit. Thee knew of the Pentecost- al gift and yet definitely propoaed to deceive the Spirit of God la the per- sons of his chosen enes. Their delib- erate act proved them hypocrites. Peter's question, "Why?' implied that. resitaance to Satan's influence had been possible. There was apparently no necessity laid upcn them by out- ward eirclOnetances. 'ahoy were not helpless creatures wham the enemy had made his tools. They agreed to igniter to deceive. The deep, sad tome of their conduct was the stirring ef the religious emotions without the corresponding quickening cf the Moral arises. In vain did they secretly colleen their Wen and aiiiitime the confidence of conscious integrity VS karem ToaoNTo MARKETS FAISeinitS' 5 Aveles. bbl. •. •.•• .•.. 3 00 00 e Putittoi.e. ,bare . .... 2 1.10 10 Egg% new -laid. . 0 40 till 31 litto.r, good to choice .... 0 n tiering chickens, dressed .. 0 21 0 23 Vt.wl. dressed, le, ..„ „. 20 0 24 Ducks, Spring. 1h. .. 0 20 ea IAN re. lb.. , ..... . ..... 0 18 020 '1 takers, .... 0 25 II 20 MEATS -WHOLESALE. Beet forequarters. cwt. ..0 0 50 610 50 Do., hindquarters 13 00 141)0 1,M. choice sides 11 00 IL 70 Do,„ coalmen. eirt - ..... 9 00 10 00 'reals, common. cm e. 7 00 9 00 Do.. prime ' .... 12 00 14 60 Shop hogs • ...... 12 50 13 50 Do. . 10 50 11 00 Spring leonine ...........11 50 19 59 Mutton. light .............31 Co 14 00 SUGAR. MARXIST. Sugars are quoted wholesale at Tor- onto as 'follows: por 27:aibaulbautgesd, ei7v8ti Do., St. Lawrence .. „ Do., 20-1b. bags . ..... 6 81. Do., granulated, Xeoicitai 3.01) •• 6 01 Do., 20 -lbs. „ „ „ 71 Lantic, extra, giantilittect........ 46 Do., Star .blue • .. ..;. ........ , 41 Do., 2 and 5-1b. imeaages .• • • ,• • 6 76 D0,. brilliant yellow „ 6 06 Beaver. granulated, 110 lbs.. 6 GO Yellow. N.o. 1 light, 100 lbs. :it LIVE STOCK. Rece1nts-2,315 cattle: 137 ealves; 448 hogs: 138 sheop. • Export ca.ttle, eh choice . , 7 76 8 15 Butcher cattle, olce.,.„ 7 40 7 05 do, do. medium 6 76 7 25 do. do. common .... 7 00 6 50 Butuher cows. choice.. 6.25 6 85 do do. 'medimn 5 50 6 00 do. do. canners .. 3 75 4 00 do. bulls, 4 25 7 00 Feeding steers ...... 50 80 Stockers. choice 26 00 6 85 do. light. ..„2,.. 5 75 Milkers , cifolce, P h • 70 00 100 00 Springers ;.. 70 00 100 00 Shec n. ewes . . • 7 50 • 8 60 Bucksand culls 5 00 7 00 Lambs' . „. 10 50 12 50 Hoes, fo'ci la no Calves ...... 6 50 11 00 OTHER MARKETS 'WINNIPEG GRAIN OPTIONS. Wheat- Open. High. Low. Close. 1 27% 1 27% 1 27%1 V% July1 2511 1 26% 1 25% I 264, IviOacyts- . 0 46% 0 40;3 0 4G% 0 461/2 July 0 45% 0 45% 0 45% 0 4571 May „, 2 13 1 13% ? 12% 2 a% July . „ - 2 15 2 15 2 14 2 14 LIVERPOOL, CATTLE MARKET. Liverpool. -There has been no change in trade at Birkenhead this past week Irish steads and heifers still making from 180 to 130 per pound, sinking the offal, with chilled beef at 14e rer pound for the siCes. MINNEAPOLIS GRAIN 'MARKET. Minnearolis,-Wheat-May, 01.26 3-4 to 11.20 7-8; July. $1.25; No, 1 hard, 61.34 44; No. 1 Northern, $127 7-8 to $1.31 7-8; No. 2. do., $123 7-8 to 6148 7-8. Corn -No, 3 Yellow. 76 to 77e. Oats -No. 3 white, 45 t, 45 1-2c. Flour -unchanged, Bran - $19 to ee0. DtiLuTH GRA.TN MARKET. Duluth. -Linseed -Cash, 62.30 1-2; May, 82.33; July, 62.33. Wheat -No. 1 hard, 81.24 1-4; No. 1 Northern, $1.27 1-4; No. 2 do., $1,24 1-4 to $1.25 1-4; Montana No. 2 hard, $1.26 1-4; May, 81,27 1-4; July $126 LIVERPOOL PRODUCE: Wheat, spot quiet. - No. 1 Manitoba -14% 9 1-20. No. 2 hard Winter new -13s, GO. Corn. spot, quiet. American mixed, now -'lis, 2 1-20. Flour, winter 1'atents-49% O. }Ions in London (Pacific Coast) -14, 15 to 15. 15s. Beef. extra India mess -150s. Polk. prime truss, western -115s. Ham, short cut. 14 to 16 lbs. -54s. Bacon, Cumberland cot, 26 to 30 1131).- 71s; Short ribs. 16 to 24 lbs. -71.s. Clcar bellies, 14 to 16 lbs. -Nominal. Long clear middles, tight, 28 to 34 lbs. - Long clear middies, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs. -74s, - Short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs. -71s, Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs. -70s. Lard, prime western, in tierces, new - 565. 90: old -59s, 90. American, refined -60s, 90. Rutter, finest LT. S. in 56 -lb. boxes -59s, Gcl. Cheese, Canadian, finest white. new - 875. Cr lored-99s. Australian in London -59s, 90. Turpentine, spirits -49% Resin, common -20s. Petroleum. refined -10 1-40. Cotton Seed Oil, hull refined, spot--4Gs. Linseed 011-40s, 60. BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. East Buffalo, Despatch -Cattle receipts 4,003 head:- fairly active; prime $8.50; heifers $5.75 to 67.75; cows 63.50 to steers $8.50 to 88•75; shipping $7,75 to 68.35 ; butchers $6.50 to 68.50; heifers 85.75 to $7.75; cows 1)3.50 to 17,09; Walla 1)475 to 67.00; stoelt heifers 1)460 to $5.50; stockers and feeders 65.76 to 67.25: fresh cows and springers, ac- tin and steady, 650 to $95. Veals, receipts 1,200 headra active and steam+. $4.00 to 612.50. fleas, receipts 16,000 head; slow; heavy and mixed 68.70 to $8,75; yorkers $8.35 to $8.75; pigs $8.00 to 68.25; roughs 67.40 to 87.60; stags $5.00 to 65.75. Sheep and lambs, receipts $9,000 head; active; lambs $8.00 to 612.00; yearlings $6•60 to 410.75; wethers $8.50 to 69.00; ewes 84.00 to 68.50; sheep, mixed, 68.50 to 68.75. CIIICA.G0 LIVE STOCK. Cattle. receipts 14,000. Native eket strong. iv 6 30 CCaorvsesanif h.etiers 00 • 8 50 Hog -s. recei.nts 76,000. Market slew. Light ... „ 7 75 .9 Mixed' , . . 900 .. 7° 93 Pigs 5 ....„ .. 6 2 Eulic of sales .' 2., ... 8 05 Sheep, receipts Market weak. Wetliers. ... 7 GO 8 35 Lambs. native8 76 11 35 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK. Montreal, Feb. 14. -Hogs were up tweuty-five cents and cattle down 16 cents at tat cattle market this morning. Prices were as follows: cage. butcher steers, best $7.50 to $7.75; medium 66.25 to 86.651 rough $5.00 to $6.15; butcher bulls *560 to $7.35; canning bulls 64.15' to 64.60; butoher cows $5.40 to $6.90. Canners 63.75 to 64.76. Receipts 1,300. Sheen 6 1-2 cents to 7 1-2 cents; lambs 10 to 19 1-2 cents Receipts 150. select 810.40 to $11.00; roughs and mixed lots 69.65 to $10.15; common 88,40; SOWS $7.60 to 67.85; receipts 2.700. Calves, milk fed 8 1-2 cents to 1.0 1-4 cents; grass fed 4 ta 5 cents; receipts 400. 4 • 11. HUN "WAR." 1005 8 00 11 50 825 35 8 35 8 05 7 40 8 30 Austrian Planes Bomb Ancient Church and a Hospital. Paris, Feb. 18. -Austrian aeroplanes made a raid yesterday over Ravenna. tout the neighboring towns of Cocii- MO and Bottrighe, in Nortitettstern Italy, near the Adriatic. A Haves des- patch. from Rome saye fifteen persons were killed nnd a number of others wended. Several women and children were injured. A. hospital and the Beelike of Sant' A.pollinare at Ravenna wefts daMaged. The Church of Sant' Ap011inare was erected in the years 535 to 538, and was cOnseerated in 549 bsaSt. Maxim. tan. It Was restored in 1779, and is the largeet of the basilieas still exist- ing in Ravenna. 104.4.4*.....S. GRAHAME-WHITE UNWOUNDED, London, Peb, 14 -(New York Times eable),---la reference to the report from Hazebrouck, Prance, that Claude Grahame-I,Vhite had been seriously injured, the Daily Sketch says it is Probably untrue. Ile WW1 at, the Hen- don aerodrome' until 6 o'elock Satur- day evening, and was teen in 'London later. Vatgaryl Movinglo Prevent Any Further Outbreaks, • Caigary, Alta.,reb, a ineete ing ot the 'City .Catincil on satnrdar, at which Brigadier -ilea, Cruiltsitenit was present, a Motion wa paused to the effect that the Council had con- fidetice in the military authorities, 111 CAW ef any further trouble, should Menial's interfere,. the general said lie would' eall on the. Magistrate.. t0. este them 10 disperse, All civic loyees of alien nationality were ordered linutediatale dientissed, and all foreigners born in metey court - trim employed in the street railway acpartment were laid off by order of Cennutssioner Gravea this inOrttlaR. A rider was attached to the Motion to the effect that retarned Soldiersbe employed where possible in the pima of the discaarged men,. . • • • POULTRY MEN IN TIGHT BOX May be Held for the Murder of . Barnet Baff. Committee Raised Fund, Unknow- ingly, to New York, Feb. 14.--A grand jury ben to -day to tette, evidence con- cerning the murder of Barnet Baff, the poultry dealer who Was killee by a hand of gunmen in NO -heather, 1914, under eircemstances which have been likened in some respeets to the mur- der .of Herman Rosenthal, for the iustigation of which Charles Becker wee executed. There has been no hint, however,. that the police Were in any way envolved in thieBaff case. It is charged that Bate Was slain as the result et rivalry in ausinese, that a fund of $4,e00 was collected from 200 poultry merchants under theepre- tenee that it was to be used in a legal fight against Baff, and that this fund vats used by a "murder stet:1111g emu - mitten" of twelve men to employ agents who in turn employed ate gunmen who shot Baft to death. Diseriet Attorney :Osman ben:seas he has enough evidence to send to the electric chair four men, in addition to some of the gunmen. who actually did the .inurd.er. The men are eaid to Lave had the distribution of tbe zuuraer •fund. The District Attorney said that if it is proved that • the. twelve members of the steering* com- mittee know all the stops taken in the iniurder conspiracy, each of them would be in the same legal position as was Becker in the Roseuthal case. Many of the poultry dealers, • who aesert that they Contributed innocen•Le ly to the fand used to finance Bali's murder, have voluntarily given infor- mation to the District Attorney, Mr. Swann to -day issued an appeal to the other merchants who eontrIbuted 00 the fund to give himthe names of the members ot the murder committee, 'We know that die crime was pur- chased for $4,200, eubscribed by mer- chants," said the District Attoraey. "It is true that many of those who alaed the fund had no idea the money wee to be so applied. We know that a steering committee .was empewered to spend Um money. We want to learn the names of its membera." Mach of the evidence thus far -Ob- tained by the District Attorney was given by Frank Ferrara, who says he was chauffeur of the automobile in which the gunmen went to kill Baff, and in which they eseaeed after the crime. TO KILL 200 But 100 Extra Guests. Weakened Poison Dose in Chicago. e Chicago, Feb. Ie. -Fleet Deputy Sup- erintendent cf Police Schuelier said to- day that he expected the arrest within a short time -of Jean Crones, assistant chef at the University Club, who is suspected cf putting poison in the soup served at a dinner given on Thursday night to Archbishopneefundlein. Empty poison bottles and wrappers found fa the kitchen of the University Club, verified by a quantative analysis of the soup served at the banquet, in- dicate that the alleged poisoner made scientific .eelculations, • according to' the authonties, to kill every guest at the banqueti The club officials said' It was understood covers were to be laid for 200 guezts, but et the last mo- mvent invitations were issued for 100 more, Two hundred and ninety-six in all were present. ; That thinned down the poison dose to about three- fifths of the minimum fatal dose. To this the officers attribute escape from serious illness of those taken sick at the bangent. STOLEN GEMS 160...•••••••........,..• Are Located,' and a Provincial Constable Arrested, Toronto, Feb: Ie. -Constable Tho- mas Delaney, a Provincial police of- ficer at Niagara. Falls Was arrested at midnight Saturday by two TOronto detectives following a six weeks' in- vestigation into the mystery surround- ing the disappearance of a bag of dia- monde, valued at $2,900, stolen by three New York men from the show rooms of Barnard Allan, a diamond merchant in the Continental Life Building. With the arrest of Delaney the' police announce that they have al e° discovered the missing diamondie They were in the Pereseselen Of •tt friend Of the cOnstable's. The tnah who reeeived the gang resides at Fort Enie, and accepted them from Lelaneise not knowing that they had been dot en. 10108,8435 lie UNITED STATEi. • Washington, Feb. 13. --Census Bu- reau experts estimated teeday that the population of the 'United States( on January 1 last was 101,208,335, and that by July 1 would be 102,017,302. On July 1 last year they figured the population of 100,399,318. Western. States have led in growth, Washing. ton heading the list, with Oklahoma, Nevada, North Dakota and New Mex- ico following in the order named. SHORT ITEMS OF THE NEWS OF THE DAY Fresh 1Yrassacres cif Armenians Are Reported as Taking Place in Turkey, M.VENIZELOS Britain to Take Over Whiskey Distilleries for Munitions Plants. A. prigade of men of Arnerican birth or parentage has been authorized. Ten thousand Teronto men are ex- pected to join the colors during the next roar weeks. There were severe earthquake saocits on Friday in four provinces of Central Argentina. Toronto civic' employment bureau will register retired workers desiring to replace enlisting men. Fresh massacres ot Armenians are reported from Turkey. Two Greeks have been execated at Constantinople, A fair wage officer from tile Depart- ment of Labor will endeavor. to settle tee Toronto railway teamsters' strike. 16, B, Benson, a prominent grocer of SL Thomas for many years, died after being stricken with paralysis on Fri- day. • Major Newell, the ' famous dwarf, who appeared in midget shows of the early days, died last week in Liver- pool. Canadian horse breeders will give a a horse ambulance and 24 horses cost- ing between $7,000 and $8,000 to the Canadian army. Car ferries from Cobourg arrived in Kingsto3a harbor, . breaking through ten inches of ice, and making a record for early navigation there. Claude Grahame -White, the Britisn aviator, has been wounded gravely. No details have been obtained. He was .commissioned lieutenant last month. Fire broke out at 6.30 on Sunday morning in the Northumberland Paper & Electric Ce. building at Campbell - ford, practically destroying the whole plant. General Logie authorized the state- ment that all precautions were being taken to, deal with any emergency in connection with reports of a threaten- ed invasion. Another sufferer of the ,anthrax dis- ease is undergoing treatment at Belle- vue Hospital, New York He is Eu- gene Tiers, 89, employed as an assort- er of hides. The London Daily Chronicle states that the Government will immediatety requisition all the large whiskey dis- tilleries in the country for use as mu- nition factories. The late J. B. It, Laplante, assistant Clerk of the Commons, who lost his life in the fire, *cern likely be succeed- ed by Arthur Beauchesne, K. C., of the Department of Justice. Fire broke out in the frame dwell- ing occupied by John Erick, Port Staaley, Sunday evening, which com- pletely gutted the betiding and made it practically a total loss. Tokio despatches- state that the Chi- nese rebels who advanced from Yun- nan Province into Sze -Chuen and cap- tured Luchow and Chung King" have been joined by Government troops. A Zeppelin visited Rouen and Havre Saturday eveningand the alarm was given, but the dirigible, after hovering over the cities, sailed away toward the German lines without. dropping any bombs. Major Arthur Morton Grenfell, ,of the Ninth Lancers, has been wounded in France, it was officially announced. alajoi Grenfell is a son-in-law of Earl Grey, former Governor-General of Can- ada. Prof. Cudmore, of the 'University of Toronto, speaking on "Britain's Meth- od of Financing the Wean told the Royal Canadian Destitute that hotel bars should be closed, from an econ- omic standpoint. The Paris Journal's Athens corre- spondent says that former Premier Venizelos ef Greece has decided to re- turn to active political life, becoming a ccuididate for a vacancy in Ike - Chamber of Deputies from Mytnene, M. VENIZELOS. Latest Report Denies Greek Leader Will Re-enter House. , ,London, Nov. 14. --(Montreal Cie- zette.)-The Daily Chronicle's Athens correspondent, wiring Gn Sundae', sates: . "The newspapers are busily dis- cussing the probability of a. return to political life of M. Venizelos. The former Premier is reported to con- toisplitte contesting the vacant seat of alitylene, and, iii consequenee, there is a flutter of excitement in political and Government eirciee. "ef. Venizelos, whera I saw to -day, assured ine that he had no intention at the present moment of departing from the policy Of aloofnees which lie decided upon a couple of months ago. He said he had not the, slighteat. in- terest in the doings of the political aneembly, and did not even trouble to read the published reports of its de- liberetione." • • MORE TIME FOR CODERRE, London, Feb. 18. -The appeal documents slimed by ex-Lictit. Coderre have tow gone In. and will probably be given their first hearing a week henee. Pei.. Mier, Agent -General for Quebee, states that he has received assuranee from Dui Home Secretary that the death sentence u Ill not be tarried out on rehruarr 01, the date originally mentioned by the sheriff, 4* ZEPPELIN IN DISTRESS,' • Lemon. rob, 14. --The 'Copenhagen ehr- restiondent of tho Daily Mall telegraphs: The SaeoPolin L-20 was sighted off the rod ctolst of Denmark, near Esbjerg foreseen the island of rithee) to -day (Sunday). It tried te steer to the south,. ward, IAA was tillable to do so, and a strong wind„drove it over the North ilea. It is stated that its engines 'were triting tandem, Feb. 13. --The Central ;nesse es -e -e--- • ALL SINGLE MEN em,Ler.Y. Is authority for a report that all sin - lo men are to be called on to enlist next week. A BoYal ProtitunatIon shortly to be issued notifying all single 011e11 to ntrtitttsttcostilthee (01.1etb„txrialolgtr goosatyatAsihunoatt- i9 to. the metre mato coneultations between (Tref (Ael.intster be Mutinous and Ow War ' OALGAItY 4111.111t Rioting Believed to be Wk o German Intriguers, Calgaree Feb. 13. --There bite been no recurrenee of the riotiniswiieh took eplace in the city on ThursailY and Friday nights of least week. AU the troops, except the Men ez.guged in picket and patrol duty, are confined to barracks, and any soldier found en the street witaout o peen 10 liable to arrest. To -night, as on Saturday, the elty heavily guarded iv trooieS with loaded rifles and fixed haYonete, "re. Inglit the ciey is absolutely. tenet. It is the general. belief of the police and eon° of tae military otficere that the whole affair was deliberately planned by pro -German agencies, ank the intention of getting the Canadian troops into trouble, or giv- ing an excuse for reprisals anti cheek- ing recruiting, 011LCIIII FORCE TRANSFER HED Taken From Macedonian Front to Face Roumanians And Its Place Taken by Troops From Germany. Loncians Feb. 13.-A report was re- ceived this afternoon from the Athens correspondent af the Exchange Tele- graph Company that Bulgaria is seek- ing a separate peace with the allies, The despatell acids that the eorres- pondent obtained carifirmation cf 'the report In Entente 01i1003 .101 the Greek capital, 3 StOri is generally doubted here and up to a late hou to -night could not be confirmed-offieially. The Athens correspondent of the Daily Mail telegraphed to -day that he had learned from two good sources that all the Bulgarian forces are retin ing front the Macedonian frontier, lie adds that'Clerman troops are replacing the Bulgariana in Macedonia. This news, together with oteer im- portant factors, tends to dispese of the story concerning Bulgaria's al- leged overtures for a separate peace, Those inclined to believe the story point to the fact that Belgaria bas achieved the one purpose for which she admittedly joined the Central powers, the conquest of Serbia. It is also pointed mit that the difficulties between Bulgarie and Greece have been .growing ever since the Bulgar- ian army reached the Greek frontier, where, together with the Austro -Ger- man eel Turk forces, she meaaced Saloniki. During the last few weeks there have elect ben frequent reports con- cerning a serious disagreement be- tween Bulgaria and Austria. over the spoils of the Balkan campaign. It is to this disagreement that many corres- pondents and military observers have aseribed the apparently -indefinite ,postponement of the drive on Saloniki I. and the failure or the Bulgars to push their invasion of Albania to the Ad- riatic coast, ITALIANS ATTACK AUSTRIANS. A Vienna despatclt. announces that Italian troops have fought their first battle in the Balkans, according to an official announcement from the Aus- trian War Office to -night. The Italians in strong force attack- ed Austrian positions on the heights west of Tirana, ten miles east of the Albanian port of Duran°, toward which an Austrian army is advancing. These attacks vere repulsed, it .is said. • Austrian aviators have brought word that a large Italian lone is con- centrated near*Durazzoi and itis be lieved liere • that a- decisive battle is imminent. Recent advices•to the Aus- trian War • Office, following, earlier re. portsthat the Italians intended to surrender Durrazzo without a fight, have indicated that Italianreinforce- ments .have been; e landed ,an Avlona and moved northward ta Durazzo. Popular indignation against the de- cision, to surrender all bat Southern Albania to the Austrians Is believed to have forced the Italian general staff to reinforce the Albanian expedi- tionary forces and order an attack against the Austrian invaders. -- • • • COTTONSEED OIL In Salad Dressing, Says Domin- ion Analyst, 6 Ottawa, Feb. 13.-Tbat many brends of salad dressing containing cotton- seed oil are being sold as olive all, contrary 'to the regulations governing the sale of thie article, is the report of Dominion Analyst McGill in a bul- letin just Issued, Out of 159 samples of all examined, 43 were found to contain cottondeed on. Only 35 sam- Ples coetained the word "cotton," in very small type, on the label, whereas the resulations require that they be labeled in cohspicuous characters. The bulletin describes this condition of things as unsatisfactory. ••• MUNITION WORKERS STICK. London. Feb. 13.-The.president of the Glasgow munitions tribunal in granting clearance certificates to SeVen Canadians whose six Months contract at the 51113)" yard' had eltpired strongly appealed tO them. to remain here and make sonic. little sacrifice to help Idtiglnnd win the war. One workman. replying, said they desired to stay. Most .of thorn had brothers with ferees. Canadians, he thought, had act.. ed very fairly by England. The president 'hastened to assure the workmen he had not intended tho slight- est reflection. 4.e TO Reamo AT ONCE. Ottawa. Feb. 13. -It i.s understood that little time is to be lost by the govern- ment in making a start on the construl- tion of the new Parliament IMildIngs. '1 ho preliminary report of Architects troarmen and Marehand, engaged to ex- amine the walls of the hurtled building, has been received awe a is understood that there will not be intuit delay in de- ciding on plans for a now home for Par - 11)' 10)0011, RED EAGLE FOR PAPEN. Paris, Feb. 13, -The Matta says; "Hidden in an. obscure corner in the German press is a notiee of the de- coration of Captain von Pap'sthe German militury attache at Washing. ton, .wlio, with Captain IlOy-Ed, the naval attathe, was recalled at the re- tateet Of the American Government, with the order or the Red Eagle, fourth class." ILL 3INI1110111 CElikitIti BAIT President Wilson to Adopt Their Suggestion And Warn U. S. Citizens From Armed Liners, 'Washington, Feb. 13,-IhO ;united States will adopt the suggestion of the German etoverrunent and warn Americane not to take passage on eine- . • ed merchant -nem Definite informatiou that tide is the intention Of Presiaent Wilson, end that an. ennouncement ha We Meet will shortly be made by the State Pe - pertinent, wan ,forthcoming to -night from an authoritative source. In November, 1014, the Tainted Stetes took the position that Inerebaut ves- 81310 may carry small guns for de- rensive purposes, A different posi- tion is taken now, inasmuch 312 devel- opments in submarine warfare have proved since that time that any arma- ment may be used offeneively against a submarine. In diplomatic circles discussion to- day centred on the probability 01 the President taking this course and the most conservative opinion holds that the resultant situation will in- volve this country in a controversy With Great Britain' and her Allies, which may easily prove to be the moet troublesome and embarrassing of any the United States has yet had to face, No one eouvereant with the facts in. the me 'goes so far as to forecast anything more serious growing out of the controversy the na loss of for- eign trade But that the United States must expect to suffer seriously In this respect if the German centen- nial .as to armed merchantmen is nit - held by this Government is consid- ered inevitable by the best informed statesmen. • los., it Is pointed out, can be inflicted on American commerce by retaliatory measures which it must be expected the Allies will promptly take. If the United States prolabits the clearance from its port of armed mer- chantmen the Allies may be counted Upon to reply by discontinulug the entrance into American ports of all kinds. of their merchantmen. .Deried the use of allied merchantmen, which now carry almost all the foreign trade of the United States, the seris ousness of the lose may easily be cal- eulatea. BRUTAL PLOT. Diners at Archbisb.op's Inaugural poisened by Anarchist. Chicago, Feb, 13. -Agents of the Caned etates Secret Service set out last night on the trail of Jean Crones, the vanished aosistant chef in the kitchen of the University Club, want- ed in cannection with the poisoning et more than one hundred gueste at the banquet in honor' of Archbishop Mundelein of the Catholic Church, on Thursday night. Tho authorities be- lieve Crones is the eentre of a vast anarchistic propaganda. It is thouglit that. Ile may know something of the spies who have been causing so much concern to the Government, In his room in a lodging house, at 2201 Prairie Avenue, were - found dozens ot volumes 01 anarchistic literature and the complete equip- ment of a Chemical laboratory. Bot - nee containing arsenic, cyande of potaseium and mercurous nitrate - the poison said to have been found in the soup -were in great number. Simultaneously the management of the University Club issued thin warn- ing: "The club management calls the attention of the guests at the banquet to Archbishop Mundelein to the ad- visability or immeaiately procuring medical attention." This warning was iseued in view of statements by physicians that arseni- cal poieoning has a tendency to re- main effectiveiu the system for hours after the first effects have passed. The else is fear of the deadly mer- curial poisons which -may have been in the soup. TWO RAIDERS. Germans Interned in South Am- erica Freed by Ruse. - Buenos Ayre-, Feb. 13.- Two in - tented German stentaships escaped linen South Americtin ports yesterday and are now at set, oupplied, accord - to current reports, with ample supplies or coal by Germano in South America. While there is yet no evidence of the purpose behind the es- capes, it is presumed hero that the vessels will attempt to join other Ger- man ships, and after being equipped will be 'usea for commerce -raiding. The two veesela were the Bahren- fold, whieh was interned at Buenos Ayres, and the Turpin, interned in the Chilton port of Punta Arens, in the Straits of Magellan. Both vessels got away through the use Of the same ruse, Their com- manders w 't to the' port authorities Of Buono, Ayres and Punta Arenas respectivea and Gatti that the ma- chinery of the vessel was deteriorat- ing through lack of use. To remedy this concltion the commanders asked 1 for permission to test the engines in a day's run, promising to rehire to port the same day. , Accepting the promiee at its face vaine, the authorities of both the Argentine and the Claims ports gave the desired porinission; the vessel were coaled and left port, Neither of them has returned, Slime their saltine it is reported that both ships were a-nply shoplied both with food and 0051 for a long voyage Wettish the etfortis of Gerintifis here tina ie Punta Arenas. ' CANADA TO SUPPLY RUSSIA, Petrograd, Feb, 19.-i1'1oe Minister of Communications yesterday announced the Government has about completed arrangements for direeting freight from Canada to Itusein, via Vladivos- tok and Vaneouver. It is possible, it W55 Stated, that war inenitIons, 315 well ass other supplies, will be trans- ported to the eastern battlefront in this manner, "What is the most difficult dieee-el yd have to Contend with?" netted the student, "Imaginietiori," retitled tithe doctor.- -Kansas City ,:tournaT, Iliratington al • Eire ins. Co. rottblisho4 1$40, Witco, ovz.t.pa, ONT. Mae talon On all O11141e* Of 10=4 able PrOPertY 011 the coelx or Prozol= note arlit0M, MOO. IMIAMAN, JQ DAVIDSO$ Preetclent .Pooretexy RITCHIE & 000EN8, A0onteo Winglten. Onto - Dudley Holmes BARKaTeri, 801.101TOR, *TQ. Office: Meyer Moak, Winahaing R. Vanstone i •ARRiaTER ANO SOLICITOR, Money to loan at lowest rates. • 1 WINGHAM. Arthur J. Irwin I %D.8., L.D.a. I Neter of Dental Surgery of the Pen% aylvania College and Licentiate a Dental Surgery of Ontario. office In Macdonald Block, i f G. H. Ross D,D.S., L.D.S., ialmor. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeonof Ontailo, nonor Graduate of University Of Toronto, /Itioulty of Dentistry, Mei Over H, E. !Bard & Co,'s Store ...-................-..-...-...-.......-4........-...,-..........-....-.....4 W. R. Hamby B.Sc., M.D., C.M. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. . Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Church, All business given careful attention. Phons 64. P. 0. Box 118 Dr. Robt. C. Redmond IvI.R.C.S, (MO L.R.C.P. (Lond.) - PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand). General Hospital (Under Government Inspection). Pleasantly Situated, Ibeautifully fur- nished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates' for patients (which, include board and nursing) -$4.90 to' $1.5.00 per week, according to location, of room. For further information - Address MISS L, MATHEWS, Superintendent, Box 223, Wingham, One. Town see my list some excellent J G. Phone 184. I S-11 i and Farm properties. Call and and get my prices. I have values. STEWART WINGHAM, Office In Town Half, AUCTIONEERS MeCONNELL & VANDRICK, Are prepared to take all kinds of sales, Raving had a wide exper- ience In this line, we are certain we can please anyone trusting their sales to us, You can have either one to zonduct your sale or can have both without extra charge • Charges Moderate. T. R. Bennett, J. P. AUCTIONEER Dates Arranged at the Advance Office Pure -Bred Stock Sales a Specialty Sales conducted anywhere In Ontario. 1 1 PHONE 81. WINGHAM, ONT. _ W. Elmore Mahood CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Estimates and plans fUrnished on requett. Satisfaction guaranteed, WINGHAM, ONT. BOX 335, John F. Grow s lix:! Diner of MARRIAGE LICENSES TOWN HALL WINGHAM Phonee--Office 24; Residence 168. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN • DR. F'. A. PARKER. Osteopathy builds vitality ancl strength. Adjustment Of the epine and other tissues is gently secured, there- by removing the predisposing dames Of disease, Blood pressure and other examina- tions made. Trusses scientifically fit- ted. ' OFFICE OVER CHRISTIE'S STORE. Hours -Tuesdays and Fridays, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Wednesday; 9 to 11 a.m. Other days by aPpointnient t • WE WANT CHEAM We `want cream, and will pay. the highest prices for good cream. 'Why slily Your cream away, a long aletance when you can receive as good prices neat 'tonne end in sending your cream esle:laanbaystlii:tglooi imocelesaraec.jahntria sualtsrlitituperfise;g taltaVad60. tvi;oltrryuytiltlinisa;livitiltilloewoxinhilress charges and assure winter would do well to Ship to as. Write for further particulars to , , THE SEAFORTII CREAMERY SEAFORTA --A 0 NTARI 0 CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic removes tile CAUSe praCtleally all diseases. It matters not 'What Part Of lhe body is effected, it ettil be reached through the nerve tentres in the epinal -column, by ed- Jutstreertt01 sabiuxated eertebrae. Coneultation free, DR. J. A rox. D. C. Graduate 0.1dropriketer. Merfober Drualece Phylielaree elatieti of Canada.