HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1916-02-17, Page 1thr 6TH YEAR NO 20 WINGHAM, ONT., TtIUR$DAY, FEBRUARY lith. 1916 [jmurcb 'few CHURCH OF ST, PAUL THE APOSTLE The Wingham detachment of the 161sG B t Oto a tali n will parade S. Faul'a Church next Sunday morning at 11 a,m. Rev. J. B. Fotheringhaw,, rector of St. George's -Church, Glode- rlch, will preach. Service Wednesday evening at 7.30. Subject "God and the War." The Women's Auxiliary will meet on Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. `Holy Communion next Sabbath at 8.30 a.m. Rev, J. B, Fotheringhant, rector of St. George's Church, Goderich and Vice Pres. of the Huron. Co. War Auxiliary will give an address on "The War" in the basement of St. Paul's Church on Monday evening, Feb. 21st, at 8 o'clock, under the auspices of the A. Y. P. A, A abort musical program will also be given and lunch served. Silver collection at the door, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH An illustrated lecture in the interests of the Children's Aid Society will be given in the Presbyterian Church, Wingham, on Wednesday evening, Feb, 16tb, at $ p.m., by Mr. Geo. M. Elliott, Secretary and Inspector of the Huron County Branch of the Society. 100 views- Everybody welcome. METHODIST CHURCH• Regular services will be held next Lord's Day in the Methodist Church at 11 arm, and 7 p.m. The pastor, Rev. J. W. Ribbert, will preach at both services. Evening subject—"Can God help in this Great War." Good music. There's a welcome and a seat for you. Come. P4TRIOTIC NOTES • The society gratefully acknowledges the following donations for our treasury. Miss Beatrice Anderson $15 00 Miss Whyte 7.00 Miss Margaret Henning, Chicago-5 00 . Mr. M 1 Zurbrigg 5 00 Miss Ethel King, proceeds of her patriotic tea 15.00 In last week's notes the donat'on of $5.25 from Mrs, W, J. Currie should have read Mrs. W. A, Currie, We regret the error. Our society shipped to the "National Warehouse" for field comforts -87 flan- nel day shirts valued at $174.00 and 191 pairs of socks valued at $125, Total $209. The society desires to ,ikank all who Contributed towards providing s.'ch an excellent supper on St. Valentine day. Pat ticu'ar mention is made of the very generous donations from the farmers in the vicinity of Wingbam. To all others who assiFted in any way our thanks are due. Proceeds around $100 00. The cutting out committee has a great number of cutout shirts and workers are urgently needed, Yarn for socks will be supplied by Miss Fessant to any one who will knit Hospital supplies such as new cotton for bandages and old cotton for dressings, mouth wipes, face cloths to be left with Mrs. Jos. Pugh. EVERYBODY'S COLUMN FARM TO RENT—Apply to W. Rams ILTON, Route 2, Gorrie. SEED OATS for Sale—•651' per bush. ---S. THOMPSON, Donnybrook, FOR SALE—•A good 2nd band piano in first elites condition. Terms very reasonable. Apply to Mee COWELL CORN ! CORN! We have a car of American yellow cern in stork. HOWSON & BROCKLEBANK COWS FOR SALE—Fresh Cows and S in ere for Sal P g eat L, LOTT s Sale Stables, 2t APPLE BUTTER fur sale—Get your supply bow as owing to the aearcity of the apple crop this season the Pimply is limited. Apply to E. Mune KLEY & Son. Phone 84. AUCTION SALE --Stock and Imple- ments at Lnt'i, Orin. 2, Morris, on Tuesday, March 7rh. J UN,I,( O ASEIVIORE r • , Prep, -J. PURVIS, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE—Cows and Young Cattle on Saturday, Feb, 26th. at L. Loges Sale Stabler", MnDoNALp & LOTT, Props. Jame Pun ns, Auctioneer, WANTED—To eorrespond with the man who roofed house and fixed barn for Peter Imlay near White. church about twenty years,--PISTEIL IMLev, 483 Grand River Avenue, Detroit, Mich. AUCTION KALE OP COWS—D. E. McDonald will hold an auction sale of milch cow, heifers and ealeee at the Central Rotel. Brussels, nn Sat- urday afternoon of this week, The n re fresh s calvedor C w a near calve ing. John Purvis; auctioneer. E(cIANan YOUR WESTERN TOWN WN LOTS - We will allow full value for a limited amount up' to One Thousand Dollars Worth of Western Canada Town Leto, In eV:hange with ,a eltght difference oaeh or terms for frilly unproved Inside properties in the cities of London or [lues- w b, including sewer, atir, ripe trio plights, gas, cement sidawalke, street care past properties and in well built ttp factory dietelete or eeli+et rest. dental. These properties turn quick and etre right at home. Write to G. M. Fairfield, 417 Wool. "WWI , Guelph for particular'', MYSTERIOUS BOX Onl y a Joks but Caused Consider- able Anxiety The tin box which was found one evening recently on the doorstep of Mr. Pail, Da so a borne ant the 12 J h con. of Turnberry, was evidently put there by gismo one who was bent on mischief, A tin box weighing four or•.five pounds with a half burned fuse attached and bearing the sign of a black band painted on the outside. When this supposedly infernal mach- ine wos opened it was found to con- tain three dryeell telephone batteries. tied together with a string and anoth- er string going through the box partly burned, Officer Phippen has the box now and ie looking for the perpetrator of the joke, which may prove serious bemuse of the fright it gave Mrs. Dawson, who is very ill. FARMERS' HOME To these who have not yet joked the Famine' (dome in Wingham and are interested in such a proposition I would be only too pleased to have the opportunity of talking it •over with you whether you joie or not, as there are provisions included in this system which have hot been advertised and might suit your requirements very satisfactory, Another very important matter is the speeding up of the membership roll as the days at're getting few in number between now and the first of April on which date we hope to be all ready to commence building. It would mean quite a loss to have this proposition fall through for the lack of support as everyone knows it issomething that is needed in Wing - ham more so than even any surround- ing village. And we all know driving sheds do notrow g themselves, so if every one would lift a little it would sure go up. CHAS E LEPARD, Prop. A Pleasant Evening The Young Men's Bible Class of the Methodist church entertained their friends to social evening in the 1 a•e. :mut of the church on Friday 4th, A dainty supper .was served after which an excellent program and social time spent. The Young Men's Bible class have a very strong social committee and due to their untiring efforts the membership is swelling. .i'heir teach- er, Mr. G. R. Smith and president, Mr. W, T. Miller gave addresses as did also the pastor, Rev. Mr. Hibbert and Sun- day Sobool superintendent, Mr. F. Buchanan. Mr. F. J. Hill, Sergts. Forbes and Windsor sang solos and Misses Imlay and Mitchell gave inter. esting readings. Miss H. Brandon pre- sided at the piano. Howick Mutual The annual meeting of the share- holders .of the Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Co, was held in Gerrie on Friday last. The meeting was attend- ed by about five hundred men and great interest was takeu in the off sire of the Co. The treasurer's report showed a surplus of $36,000. The sum $.. 1 000 was , set aside to be used as the directors see fit for either Red Cross or Patriotic purposes. Major N. T Sinclair was present and on behalf of officers of the 161st naked the represen- tatives present to aseist in any way possible in aiding secruiting. The following direttore were elected, Hugh Edgar and Jas. Curtain for a three year term, and A. 4, Gallagher for a 2 year term. WEDDING BELLS SuURRIE—HOLLINGEE On Wednesday afterno on of last week, Clifford P. Shurrie of Chesley and Miss Nearva L., daughter of L. and Mrs. Hollinger, Brussels, were united in marriage at Melville manse, by Rev. A, J. Mann, B,A. The young couple drove to the home of the groom's parents, Jno. and Mrs. Shut- tle, Morris, for the wedding dinner. Mr. and Mre. Shurrie will make their home in Ohesley where 'Cliff` le em- ployed in a shell factory. Ii;INAIIAN —•- CUMMINS Sacred Heart Church, St, Augustine, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Monday, Feb. 7cb, when Miss Mary Kathleen Cummins, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Thos. and Mrs. Cum- mins, was united in marriage to Mr. Joseph P. Kinahan of Blucher, Seek, Rev. Fr. Dean performed the mar. nage ceremony, The bride looked lovely in her tailor made suit of navy blue st rengh serge, beautiful black Gage hat with old gold lace trimming, and wore a beautiful set of black, fox furs And carried a bcquet of white bridal roses. Iter sister, Mise "Budgie Cummins of Ayton, acted as brides. maid and were a tailor madeave_ n blue French serge emit and large bat of royal blue velvet with black foe furs and carried pink roses. Me. Gus itinahan of St, Augustine, assisted bis brother. The young couple will spend a few weeks visiting their many friends bet Tote leaving for their ti\v home in Sask. Both the bride and groom are very popular, as was Amen, by the many beau; iful peneentethat were sent them and they will be greatly missed by their largo circle of "friends" CRAWFORD'S RINK WINS *Ingham Curlers Win The Tecum. soh Trophy. The rink of Wingham curlers which 0 emleedl the oe t a bonspiel at London b n n P P. last week came home victorious, A. M. Crawford's rink winning from the London. Thistles by two emote. The final game;: Wingham A, Coiling T. Hardie V. VanNorman A. Crawford, sk, Alex. Crawford Bert Neaman , Lenders Thistles R, D, McDonald Norman Keene W, McOuteheon 9 ' A. Reamers, ek. 7 011101030011-0 200020101100-7 The London Free Press has the fol- lowing to say about the game. The game between Crawford and Reitman in the Tecumseh trophy final was a tang -up affair, being another one of those last etone victories tbat this big bonspeil'is noted for this year. Big Alex. Crawford watt at bis best and more than once came through in, tight hole, either cutting down Hea- man's heads or slipping in with per. fect draw shote. It was one of the finest stones lairs .down inthe whole spiel which beat Neaman on the final end. The London Thistle ekip, who had won the Tecumseh trophy on two previous e occasions, was 7 to 8 against him, with two stones lying shot, but Crawford had one to toss. He did and it raised Heawan's best effort and lay shot, winning by a snore of 9 to 7. Wherever it was possible Crawford called his side to clean out as many of Heaman's stones as 'possible. Van Norman's.firet stone played havoc with "two of Heaman's stokes, which laid in the first and second ring by missing what he went after and raising a guard. To this Crawford said; ''Hard luck, Van; you didn't do what I want- ed you to do." Crawford's win was well earned. Bert Heaman, after viewing his stones lying shot on the last end, reeds "It he can draw the shot he is entitled .to the trophy," Robt. Johnston's Lucknow rink came third for the. Bank of Toronto trophy. A rink of Palmerston curlers skipped by Stanley Burns won the Mc- Nee trophy. HOCKEYiSTS WIN DISTRICT Wingham Boys Are Now Champions Of Their Group Palmerston hockey. club played with the Wingham seven on the latter's ice on Friday evening and made a very poor showing both as to playing and sportsmanship. Referee Lightfoot of Stratford had no control over the boys. At half time the score was 8 to 1 and when time was called WIngham led by ten goals viz: 12 to 2. The` teams Wingbam Palmerston Reed goal Hamilton Anderson ..,,defense Johnston Fetterly defense ,Root Telfer rover..., Brown Elliott ...... .,centre...,•,• Lawrence McLean right w.,,,,,,, Everitt Miller.... left w Watt A Family To Be Proud Of Few Canadian bern families have the war record. Up to the present time, which distinguishes that ,of Mr, W. H. Ferguson• of Mettle tewpchip, one son is Lieutenant in the 101st, and an only brother, together with his five sons, are in i training with the Bruce Battalion. Out of fourteen nephews ten have+ienlisted for overseas service, Orangemen Enlisted The following is a list of the Orange. men of North Huron who have been registered as serving their King and Country. No doubt there are othere whose names have not been registered. A. F. holland, Dungannon Fred W. Errington " Earl Wilson A. J. Hefford ErnestSeue Nile g N' e Hy Harrison, Carrick W ot, Uawksbee, Fordwich Wm. Lutton 4, Carl Denny " Jas, F. Ball, Wroxeter Major Sinclair " John Ringler " 8. Burke " b Wnr, Westlake "' Fred 14. Chamberlain N. McGee, Ethel J. Jobneton " its,, Lucas ', Wm. Nott. Brussels Roy Thuell Geo. Manning " Jae. Thuell " Geo. Davis VV'm, holt , .. Alf. DVreetson, Alton S, bopelancl, 'Ingham Capt. Adams ,, Gee, A, Blanchard it 14. J, Bell 'e Fred Ti. Gott 't Ad j. O, G. Vanrtone" Albert, Thomas., Degree" Hy. Dye it Itleh, Jones 0. Couloir " "Mr WIaith i' C11ai1 Vt'rrell +< RECRUITING RALLY Able Patri.tic Addresses Listened To. By Crowded House On Monday evening the soldiers the Wingham detachinen f the 101 headed by the Wingham Citizen Band marched to the G. T. R statin and met the epeakere who arrived o the 7,00 train and escorted them to th Town Hall. Before 8 o'clock the h was packed to its capacity, ChM man John F. Groves called ,the mee ing to order in hie usual able manne and briefly stated the reason of th meeting also apologizing for the ab Bence of Dr. Hughes who was unabi to be present, but was Supplemente by a very able speaker in the perso of Sam Carter; M. P. P„ of Guelph Rev. Mr. Parnaby, chaplain of th 101st was the first speaker and spok of the righteousness of the stand take by the Allies in the present war. Ou fathers, he stated. never witnessed th equal of the awful struggle which w witness today, Militarism must b overthrown, never were we so sure o the righteousness of our cause the we are to -day. He said he was mor than surprised at the great republics to the south of us with a democrats president at its head never lifting finger in the interests of those neutral nations when so much is at stake. I Germany were to triumph in this war let the neutral nations beware, all doctrines and treaties would be noth- ing more than little scrape of paper. The speaker pointed out the great debt which we owe to gallant little Belgium for what she did for the Allies in the first few weeks of the war when she refused to allow Germany to cross her 'territory unmolested, she was the first to feel the iron heel of the nvader. We must be prepared to make bigger sacrifices, to win the con- flict. He did not think we would need to resort to conscription, that ,he young men of Huron would give vidence of the loyalty of this, the randeetcounty in the grandest pro - ince in this dominion, Corp, Wyatt, a returned Toronto oldier spoke next and told interest - ng of his arriving at the front and the orrible cruelty and uncivilized deeds ommitted by the Huns, He related orae of the sad sights he witnessed ow women and children who would enture back to their old homes to find ome of their fete possessions would be hot down by German snipers, How number of women were maltreated y a gang of huns and one little child lung to his mother as they dragged er away had both his.little chubby ands slashed off. Of a bunch of sav- gee coming upon a red cross wagon nd killing the doctors and nurses, browing out the wounded to perish nd 'driving off on the wagon. Ile leo told of the brave work done by anadians at Mons, Festeber t, St, ulien, Ypres and in fact everywhere, arid ended by making a strong appeal o enlist like men and not watch some they' mother's boy fighting their attles. Lieut,-0ol. Combo 0. C. the 101st peke of the need of more men for this attalion.It would only be two per ent of the population when the ranks ere filled. He said another battalion ould yet have to come out of Huron nd those joining new would have the dvantage over those joining later on. Lieut. Edith Neelln, a daughter of Mr. F. G. Neelin of Seaforth, who had recently returned froin the front here she was a nurse, gave an inter - sting account of the splendid work done by the nursing sisters Y in hospitals g nd the existing conditions there, Miss Neelin, said that the stories of Ger- man cruelty had not been exaggerated nd cited instances of returned sol- diers' in the hospital who had been mutilated and had their limbs ampu- tated when there was no necessity for She said the young people of Wingham had no idea of the serious - en of the situation, if they had every an of them would be in khaki. Mise eelin expects to return by the end of arch, Mise McBride of Belleville, another nursing sister who accompanied d Miss Neelin waa also present. Mr. Carter M, P. P. of Guelph, was he next speaker and sts,ted how proud e was of the soldiers and nurses who ave seen service at the front, He aid there was less poverty, less de rading influences and less people in ail in Canada than in any other ountry and this was duo to liberty -- he liberty for which we are now at ar, Speaking to the parents he said You are committing a crime if you finder any of your boys from enlist - ng, who are not married. leer years nd possibly never was their such a eld for heroes than at the'present, o man tan else to a greater height Ilan to lay down bis life for the wo en and children. 1e *tilted the rat Waiting o e n f the g leer kin Pa melting g he' in of `Belgium, "What shall on do now that you have lost all" nd the proud answer "No not my oul." Be also pictured 'Canada 25 ears hense if the Allies win and on he Other hand if the Hun wins, 110 toned with a etrong appeal to young en to fight for their motherland and betty for tnany generatione after ilitariem is finally equaehed. The addresses were interspersed with Ica by Sergt, Major Mann and Sergt. orbem, aloe *election. by the RIO of et s' n n e all r- t• r e e d n e e n r e e e f n e n c a f Personale Mr, Mae. Johnston of Stratford, la visiting in town, Miss. Gladys Webb spent the week end with friends in Clinton. Pte. Ohettleburgh of the 33rd was up from Quebec over Sunday. Miss Myrtle Gallaway is visiting her eister, Mrs. F, 5, Ballagh of town this week. • Miss Rachel Rintoul has accepted a position in the office of the Western Foundry. Miss Cavanaugh of Parkhill, is visit- ing with her friend, Mrs. W. F. Barg. man, Francis 9t. Miss Evelyn Wallace of New Bridge, apart a few days last week a guest at Mr. Thos. Scott's, \Mr, Oliyer Galloway yisited at Mr, William Oaeemore's on Sunday last on 10 and 11 con. of Howick, Rev, E, G. Dymond is exchanging pulpits next Sunday -with Rev. J, B. Fotheringham of Goderich, Miss Elizabeth Currie spent the weekend at the home of her friend, Miss Edna Elliott, Belmere. Mies Mary Pattison, of Wingham, has been the guest of her sieter, Mee, T. Leaky.—Kincardine Review. Miss Margaret Telfer l far of Milton, is visiting with her hrother, Mr. M. W. Telfar, of the Bank of Hamilton, Mrs. Brooks, Centralia. paid a short visit to her parents. Mr. and Mre Finlay Anderton in East Wawanosh. Mrs; John Swarts was in Goderich last week attending the funeral of her sister-in-law, the late Mrs, El. R. Swarts, Mr. Robert Dalgarno of Newdale, Manitoba, is spending the week with hie cousin, Mrs. Geo. T. Robertson. Minnie St, Mrs. Wm. Gamble, Mrs. W. E. Morton and 'three children of Port McNichol are visiting their sister, Mrs, R. J. Spicer, Mr. and Mrs. Brock Brandon of Hanover visited at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Brandon, for a few days recently. Mre. Jack Mason of Wingham, was over for a short visit `to her parents. Mr. Mason motoring over for her Sunday evening —Teeswater News. Mr.'and Mrs. Lafayette Darling of Treherne, Man, are visiting friends and relatives. in this vicinity. Mr. Darling speaks in glowing terms of the west. Mr. and Mre. Lewis Jewitt announce the engagement of their only daugh• ter, Mildred, to Mr. l'. N. Waddell of Mornington; the wedding to -take place early in March. Mrs. D. Anderson and son Elgin of Preston were visiting at the home of Mr, Finlay Anderson, Belgrave, last week. Mre. Anderson also visited with her son in town -for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. J. Armour of 227, 0sh St.,, E. Saskatoon, announce the engagement of their daughter, Chriseie to Oscar R. Rienemer of Spokane, Washington, The marriage will take place early y in March • Mr, R. B. Ferguson, for many years a reepected resident of this town and a trusted employee of the Hyman Co. who conducted a tannery in town for some time, bute who has been for sev- eral everal years Chief of Police at Walker- ton, has enlieted to:serve his King and country, together with his five sons who are all training with the. Bruce battalion with the exception of Boat who is with a Vancouver regiment. A Serious Accident *Mr Wm. Reid,accompanied y is b h brother in-law, was returning to his home at Lanes last Thursday evening with his engine after doing a day's work on the Oth of Asbfield, when he met with a serious accident. The en• gine upset, and falling on Mr. Reid, he bad one leg broken and the otherbadly mangled. A man driving by helped him from under the engine and drove bite to his home, Hie brother-in-law was unhurt, What Name Shall It Be? With the approval of Lieut, Col, U B. Combe a prize of ten dollars has been offered by Magistrate Kelly of Godericb, for a name that will be most capable for Huron's tnew battal- ion, Any one is at liberty to com; pete for the prize and your suggestions may be made by placing them in an envelope and nark on the outside of the envelope "Prize Contest," and either give the envelope to the Local Secretary c.f..your War Auxiliary or mail direct to the County Secretary, Mr A.T.o Cooper of Clinton—Contest is open till March let, School Harmonica, ar ca Batl m d, Mise Brien• cion acted as accompanist,, Mr. A. Musgrove, M. L, 41.,, moo- edthethanksof the audience to the epeakere and all who took part in the rally, Mr. 5, T, Currie seconded the motion whieh cvas conveyed, by the chairman and to which Col, Combe replied approptately. 011e recruit went forward and en. Hated viz. Me. Edward J. Raines of East Wawanosh, Others who have enlleted are Meeere. le. 7., Guest. 1I. H. Isard, and R. 0. Salter of Wingham also 11,abt. McGuire of St. RRylene, 4 Il tittaita THE BOYS iN KHAKI Meeting in the Town Hall on Sunday Evening at 8.30. A recruiting meeting will be held in the town hall on Sunday evening next at 8 30 o'clock. Hewer's orchestra will fnrniab music, Solos will be given by Miss E, Griffin and Mr, W. Elliott Addresses will be delivered by Rev. J. B. Fotheringham of Goderich, Capt 0, G. VauStone, ex•Mayor of Wing. ham, and Corp, Wyatt, Mr. R. Van - stone will occupy the chair. Everyone welcome. Sergte V. 8. Sanderson, George W. Schafer and T. 8, McDonald have re. turned from London, Lieut. Hal. McLean having com- pleted his training at London has taken charge 02 the Wingham detach- ment of the 101st. Major Sinclair left on Monday morning for London where he will attend military school for the next few weeks. POULTRY PRODUCTION Will be Discussed in the Town Hall, Wingham Three excellent speakers will speak on poultry production in the town hall on Friday afternoon of this week at one o'clock. Farmers and all in- terested in the production and market- ing of eggs are invited to be present. Egg candling machines and incubators will be on exhibit. The speakers will be Prof, Elford of Ottawa, J. I. Brown of Montreal and R. J. McLean of To. ronto, . • An intereating and profitable after. noon will be spent. CORDITE IN v LSTIGATION Inepecter Reburn of the Ontario criminal investigation department was in Winghom with Probinciai Officer Phippen on Monday pursuing the in- vestigation of the box of cordite which arrived at the Grand Trunk station and which was removed out of the corporation by Mr. Phippen several days ago. There have been new developments in this matter the lastseveral days, and to all appearances the whole facto will be in shortly. A box of cordite similar to the one discovered at the G. T. R, depot here was left at the Ripley station on Thursday last. The box was apparent- ly addressed to Wingham but its place of shipment was not disclosed, .,, The authorities should leave no stone unturned to find the persons who are shipping these explosives. Cordite is no toy. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES The W. H. 5, Literary Society held a meeting on Thursday afternoon. The program commenced with an inethumental by Mies N. Christie. A debateebetween III Senior and IV Forme followed. The subject was "Resolved that Japan's victory over China was in the interests of Civilize. tion," Mr, 0. McLean and Miss A Wilson upheld the Affirmative. The Negative was upheld by Mr. A. Geddes and Mies M. Perrie of Form III. While waiting for the judges' elects. ion the musical part of the program was continued. The Harmonica Band gave two selections; Miss 5, James rendered a piano solo 1 andthe Gee 1 Club tang "Heroes and Gentlemen." Mise Whyte then gave the j•idges' decision which was in favor of the Affirmative. Mr. .Anderson critiz ,l the program in a most acceptable manner. The meeting was closed by singing the National Anthem, A game of basketball was played at the armories on Wednesday of last week between the l,oys ,of the High School and the boys in training. Al- though this was about the firet match game played by meet of the members of both teams it proved to be a very interesting one, The score was 18-10 in favor of the boys of the armories. Another game is scheduled for Thurs• day of this week in the Parise Hall at 4.30. The' official report of Inspector Houston who paid bis visit to the school on Jan, 10, 20 and 210 as sent in to the Department of Education, has been received by the Board and is very satisfactory indeed. In his summary of eonditione he says "Leaving out of consideration the temporary provision for classes ori the third floor, and the consequent lose of the assembly room, the Conditions here are all that could be desired. The organisation and maria e n e t re excellent, a i ant the staff s . tffi g rt► emend and enthu elaettc, the new membere give promlee of success and the general tone le most commendable. Lverything about the echool is in good condition and seems to be well cared for. I had the pleasure of meeting the Chairman and several members of the Board aid of expressing to them per. eonally my app•reoiation of the good work done," The Board. the staff of teachere and all ocaluernerl should fuel greatly en. couraged by this report. Subscriptions. $1,00 p year. r, Soca' 'nom 4.nn..,.ryr+.y vwn.v+.v w v W The late Mr, Crofton who died in Wroxeter on Monday was in his 103rd year.. Monster Stock Reducing Sale of Furniture. See R. A. Ourrie's ad. On page 8, Clearing Sale of boots, shoes, etc, Read our ad, on lest page.—W, H, W ILLIS, The Wingham Dramatic Club is again organized and will put on a play in the near future. Watch for furth- er particulars, Mies Huntley who has been engaged as stenographer at the Western Foun dry has accepted a similar po'eition in The Times office. Five of the Westlake brothers who live near Wroxeter, enlisted, one day last week and left home singing"We'll never let the old flag fall", A Patriotic concert will be given in 9. S. No. 11, East Wawanosh school house, on Friday evening, Feb. 18113; admission 25c and 10c. A good pro- gram. Bandmaster Kahane was released from his detention at the Armories as the papers which were found on him were not of such a Character to con- vict him, Mr. Frank McLean, gents'furnieher, has an 18 lb, shell on exhibition in his window. The shell is one of those manufactured by the Goldie & McCul- lugh Co. at Galt. Mildmay hockey team will play in Wingham with the local boys on Wednesday evening next, Feb. 23rd The Wingham boys will play in Mild may on Friday, the 18th inst. T13>; is ADVANCE equipped N u ed q PP to do all kinds of nifty commercial and job printing. Everything from a visiting card to a full sheet, bill, If you get one job here you'll be back again. A social will be held under the aus- pices of the Women's Missionary So- ciety of the Methodist church, Bel - grave at the parsonage on Friday evening, Feb. 18th. All are welcome, Mr. Wm, Garniss of the 2nd con. of Morris, has sold his farm to Mr. Lewis Jowitt for the sum of $0 500. Mr, and Mrs. Garniss who have purchased Mr. Wm. Sellers' house in Bluevale will move to it in the near future. Waddie Dennis, employed at the Western Foundry, was burned recent- ly when some molten metal got into the top of his shoe. Dennis had his trousers rolled up above his shoe tops while the men were pouring hot iron. The daily papers had an account of a theft of $20 from a man in Montreal by the name of Baril who said he was from Wingbam. We have been un• able to find anyone who knows of a former resident by that name. The ladies of St. Augustine Wo- men's Institute will hold a Leap Year Box Social in the St. Augustine hall on Feb, 29th. The boys will be asked to bring boxes and ladies will pay l0c Per box Admission, everyone 25c. Proceeds in aid of the Red Croce. Rev. C. Tate, Presbyterian minister at Bluevale. assisted Rev, . D, D. Thompson at the funeral seryices of the late John Musgrove on Wednes- daylast b Mr. . Robe Musgrove was in attendance at the bedside of hie brother in Toronto for about three weeks. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the council chamber at 3 o'clock on Thurs. day afternoon, Feb. 24th. Mre. W. J. Currie will give a paper on "Woman's Franchise.., Roll call ti will be answered arae by quotations from Tennyson. The ladies of the B line and North Turnberry who belong to the Wing - ham branch of the Women'e Institute, desire to thank the Turnberry Council for the grant -of 535 generously donat. ed by them to be used for soldiers' comforts.—Mrs' J. J. Moffat, Mrs. J. V. Hardie, Mrs. W.J. Adair. At about 12,20 noon, on Friday, fire was discovered in Mre, Geo. Patter - son's residence on Francis St. The fire alarm was turned in and the fire men were aeon on the scene, but in the meantime willing workers man- aged to extinguish the flames. Some carpets and furniture were destroyed. The Department of Agricultural issue a publication entitled "Season. able Hints" dealing with audio sues. tions as-1+'ield Crop Production, Live Stock, Dairying, Poultry, Fruit, Mower'', Vegetables; Ben, Tobacco. By leaving your name and address with the Bank of Hamilton, this pub'. Heathers will be forwarded to you from time to time free of charge, The extra day February, Which constitutes the entire year "leap year" provides a calendar differ ent from any prio,, d since the centennial year 1870, forty years ago; and different from any that will follow for twenty eight years longer, when 1014 will have begun. This le a leap year be. ginning on Saturday, containing fifty. three Saturdays and fifty-three Eton. days, ouch as no person under forty years of age aver knew before, and such as possibly a very few will sea again repeated iq the millennial year :.'000—elgbty.four years b*nc+e, N, tore•,, .,i ., o . ,n,••„u, REXALL GRIPPE PILLS An Efficacious Remedy for La0rippe They relieve influenza and all its manifeetatione, such as cold in the head, sneezing, cough. fever, pain and sore. nese of bank and limbs, sore throat, headache and genet• al prostration. Rexall Grippe Pills are very useful for sudden colds, coughs and attacks of fever 25e a box Every boxguaranteed to Rive eatisfaction OR WE REFUND YOUR money, After Lateri pe Reran . Wine of Cod Liver 011 Ex. tract, The Cod Liver and Iron Won. is without oil or grea®e sa the best bailder. $1,00 per large bottle, Every bottle guaranteed. J. W,. Molabbon DRUGGIST & OPTICIAN Town Agent for C. P.R. Tickets, Phone 53 WE.ARG ti TO,5eFtVE: YOU aC t30Qpp®ppE3Q ,©f3 'k Lld ( L p ISHO E S For Half Their Value We have gone through our stock and selected out all the pairs of wbioh we have only a few of a kind. We have placed these shoes by themselves on Our '1 Bargain Tables We have 'attached prices to,_,,,..,.; them th , .seeenelistonish" you, a , - 'te shoes at once. ad $5 2• 98 S' ed Wnme = 50.raed$4 $4.50 Shoes mae $2.78 S Cut Prices in Boys', s Girls' and Children's Shoes These shoes have ':.been our best sellers—nothing the matter, only a few pairs of a kine* ``v W. J.GREff THE SHOE MAN t!_i11111 R. A. CURRIE Graduate ofCanadianEmbalmers Association We carr a large and Hrst- class stook of g FUNERAL REQUISITES A'large etock of everything found in a modern furniture store Store Phone 51 Residence 155 LIS s>rtIrn Delaware, Lackawarn- no, and Western Coal Company's Sc ancon COAL We can 8npply the very beet coal for any purpoee. lilghest ea' h pricey paid for all kinds of logs. Inquire at tete other of J. A. ricLean Dealer iu Lumber'. Cosi and 'Wood. Office Phone 04x. trill ]'hone 01. Residence 55, 441