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The Wingham Advance, 1916-02-10, Page 8
Page •eight • , THE WINGRAM ADVANCE Thl,'lrsday, February 10, 1916 Jnteresting Pilces. and Bargains To Move Out Stook Before Spring ..,1111111111111111111111111 LADY'S SUIT and MAN'S SUIT, Mmtor�18 Men's Fine Shirts, Boys' Suits, Furs, Dress Goods, Prints a n d Ginghams 3o Ladies' Suits in sizes to fit you, in Berges, blacks, blues, in plain and fancy cloths, sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, Q �5 SALE PRICE Men's Suits to offer in heavy weight, in good quality of tweeds and worsteds, Regular prices $15.00, 16.00, 18.00 $925 WINDOW SALE Men's Fine W. G. R. Shirts in best negligee style, stiff and soft cuffs, all sizes 77c -- Regular $1.25 and $1.5o • FO R Boys Suits in fancy tweeds and darks blues, double breasted with bloomer pants, Regular $6.5o and $7.50 $3,75 TO CLEAR Big reductions in Overcoats, Furs, Sweater Coats, Ladies' Winter Goats Prints and Ginghams to clear at per yd 10n Hanna & Co. Phone 70. Re$grave Mr, Duman A adereon of Preston ie renewing old acgnaintaucee with e d.' d a ve the e, fri te e and ret ti s on h b lin 111x. James Vaneamp has sold his 100 acre farm on the 0th line to Mr. Oak of Seaforth, The price paid is $0,500, Mr. Vancatnp will move to Toronto, Robert Dalgarno of Manitoba le. spending a short time with relatives here, His wife predeceased him a year ago and was formerly Mies Sarah Dunbar. Rev, Mr, Formby leaves here this week for Clinton where he will assume duties in connection with his military appointment. Dr. and Mrs, GuiIfoylo left here on Monday for London where the Dr. has been attached to a Hospital unit for overseas medical service. Rev, Mr, Laundy of Walton will have charge of the services at Knox Church next Sunday, Rev, Mr, Boyle has the anniversary services at Mon- crief on the Walton charge.. Mr. Hugh Sproat of Woodetock spent Sunday in the village with rela- tives and old acquaintances. The auction sale of W. E, Scott which was to have .been last Wednes- day was called off owing to arrange- ments being made, whereby David Scott will take charge of the farm in the absence of W. E, to serve his King and country. S. S. No. 5 also No. 3 in Morris are closed for two weeks owing to an epidemic of measles having broken out.. Mrs. 0. W. Proctor spent last week visiting with friends in Grey Tp. Wedding bells are ringing in and around the village very lively these days. The recruiting meeting which was to, have been held in the hall last Friday night was cancelled on account of the speakers not being able to be present. A message from Thomas 0. Wilkin- son of Escanaba, received by relatives -here, stated the death of his eldest daughter, Florence, aged 11 years, from scarlet fever. Sincere sympathy goes out to the bereaved parents from friends and relatives hero. Joe Wilkinson is at present in the Wingham Hospital where he is un- dergoing treatment for a disabled arm. Jno Tasker and John Anderson have enlisted for overseas service to serve their King and country, Joe Olegg is away on a trip to Lond- CANADIAN PACIFIC Por- Winnipeg and Vtncouver • Leave Toronto 6.40 ;ilk m. DAILY VIA THE TRANSCANADA through equipment including Electric Lighted Comport, -went Observation Car, Standard and Tourist SIeep- " `'m ers, Dining Car, First-class Coaches "The frequent C. P. R:'Service passing through the Business Centre of each City is an asset to the Traveller." JLL W. McKibben, Town Agent. Particulars from C P R. Ticket Agents or write W. B. }toward, D P.A., Toronto r. i1i11111i11111Y 11111 W Y/ .trY411_IIUIIII11111g111.1i W111UIuuIi Raise More Poultry JIMISSMOMMOOMINIMMIMNIM We will have two of the Prairie State Incubators at work in . our warehouse this seasion. We expect them in today, We will have them set up at once and we want every farmer in this dis• trict to see how easy it is to get strong, healthy cnickens just when you want them and as many as you want. The Prairie State Incubator is a very reliable machine and is doing excellent work in other parts of the country. More Poultry Needed We have already sold large amounts of egge and poultry for delivery in 1916, We will guarantee the farmers of Western Ontario a bigger market than they ever had before, Fertilizer Will increase the crap on your farm so that if you have not the help to work as muob land as you did other years, by the use ofGunne Shue -Crop, you may have the same amount of grain from less land. Nearly all the farmers are using Fertilizer now. We have placed an order for 25 ear loads of Fertilizer which . is an evidence that the farmers of Western Ontario have faith in Gunne Shure -Crop. Cream Call at tear warehouse for cream sans, as it is more profitable to ship your cream than to make butter. A. H. WiLFORD Telephones: -Office 1740 Residence 108 WINOI-IAM, ONTARIO . B ADVANCE for your next supply, 11p+ it B I1Nh, ads. 00, Miss Bengauf spent a day in the village last week. Miss Pollard and Miss McKenzie of New Durham, were the guests'of Mr, and Mre. Sandy Stewart last week. Miss Bella McCrae spent a few days in the village. John Clegg and Abe Proctor were in Toronto attending a convention of united farmers of Ontario. Miss Tessie Halliday is visiting in Brussels, Mr. Adam Halliday leaves for his home in the West this week. James Scott has a car of coal at the station this week. Quarterly service was held at the Methodist Ohurch last Tuesday, - Red Cross meeting was held at Mrs. D. Scott's on Monday evening and the Indies have a good supply of soldiers garments cut out and any one wishing to help with_the sewing please call at Miss McClelland's and get a parcel, The regular monthly meeting of the Farmers' Club will he held in the Hall on Tuesday, Feb, 15th. A full attend - 'ince is requested. Don't forget the concert on Monday nigbt. Bellnore. The evangelistic services which were held in McIntosh Preebyterian Church under the able leadership of the Rev. H. N. Konkle, closed Wednesday evening, god inst. They were quite successful, many evincing their desire to lead a new life. Mrs. Konkle charm- ed all by her sweet singing. They have gone to their home in T.ronto for a few days' rest before taking up work in another field. Mr. and Mre. Richard Jeffrey have returned from their wedding trip and are now settled in their beautiful home on con. 10 of Turnberry, Mise D, Irwin le visiting friends in Teeswator. Mr. and Mrs. ,James Douglas, Hi11- view Farm, are in Kincardine attend ing the funeral of Mrs, )3uttery Mrs, D's. mother. I4litch sypopathy is ex- pressed in their sad bereavement, Master Murray Mulvey who has been ill is convalescing slowly Don't forget the bolt social to be held under the auspices of the Wo. men's Inst]t;}te on Feb. 1441, in the Town Hall. Ladies with boxes go fres. Admission 39e, which entitles gentlemen to receive a box. Good program. Sacramental e s s ry#ce s were held i the Methodist Church last Sunday afternoon and were well attended, GhiPiUONTHEDNEYS S. Why Recommended, "My case was very serious and I toss sn tkk that everybody expected my death any day, leo sullering could ever be worse than what I had to endure. 1 could feel et first theyravel passing through mybladder tint now ram as strong as ever. 1 weigh about eo lbsr tinge than when 1 started to take (iln Pills, T beg you to publish roy letter to that people may know what Gin Pills had dope for pre. The first box relieved me a good deal, eget hones were sufficient 10 cure Hie 8h4 tircly, and bring me bark to perfect health. (sgd,) ISIP0Rr THOMAS, Tiller Road Gien, NIL" GTN PHIS are !!alit by all etiruggate, See. a box; six boxes for $2.so. National Drug & Chem al Co. of ,CanadaUnited, WINUli.; li MOWS (Correct up till Wedueeday noon.) Wheat, new. , . , 1 05 to 1 12 Flour, per oat,, patent, , 3 75 to 3 75 Flour, per cwt., family. , 3 15 tie 3 80 Brun, per tan , , , . .?„5. 00 to 26 00 Shorts, per ton., , . .... .'.:0 00 to 27 00 ()ate . .... 0 38 to 0 40 Barley 0 52 to 0 55 llay, new .,,;.,,,.,14 00 to 15 00 Butter, per ib -Dairy , , 0 28 to 0 30 Eggs, per dozen .. 0 25 to 0 27 Cattle, medium butchers 0 00 to 7 00 Cattle, butchers choice7 00 to 7 00 Flogs, live weight 0 35 to 9 00 Lamb (clvt) 9 (30 to 10 00 flame, per lb 0 25 to 0 25 Bacon long clear, 0 00 to 0 ]8 Sheep Skins 0 75 to 1 00 Hides 9 00 to 10 00 Morris Mr, Jewitt of the 2ad line tris pur- chased the 100 acre farm of Wm. Gar. nese. Owing to a typographical error last week this item of news read Mise Garniss inetead of Mr. Attentlot,l Eyes Front) A puh)to meeting will be held in the Foreeter'e i Hall, Bluevale, on Friday evening, the 11th inst. at 8 p.m. Wm. Minae will `preside and patriotic speeches will be given. All welcome, by order. Mies Louie Wilburn has been on the sick lief but is lwproying. Wm. Sellers has eold his property to Wm, Garttise of the tad line of Morrie and gives up. possession Mar. 1. Mre. Time. Jewitt bas been on the sick list but is some better this week Mr. Chas, ()puttees who has been taking treatment at Philadelphia, has returned and is much improved in health, to rrrats (44eeecKififi Eiectmni*.vi :;Boit! .3i, aid IGbrls Wanted 11' ft at rt! PRINGLE'S Glove andLeath Works NOTE --We pay from 2c to 15c per dozen more than American Glove Makers, Unions prices. Members of Union to furnish machines and keep them in re- pair for, themselves. We fur• nisi* machines and power and keep them in repair at higher. prices. Brussels The annual meeting of Bruasele, Morris and Grey Rural Telephone Oornpany was held last Tuesday in the town ball. This ie one of the largest rural companies in the prevince and is popular, well supported and still grow- ing, There are are about 1,000 phones on the circuit besides connections with four or five other rurale, either free or at small cost, Milton, the son of Constable Oliver, a few weeks ago ran a sewing needle into one of bis lege and last week he stepped on a needle that broke off in his foot. Doctors were called and removed both and gave him some ad- vice. Richard Oa.rdiff and A, 0. Dames have bought a lime -grinding machine. They have leased the old quarry and will install the necessary machinery to convert the limestone in lime for ag- ricultural purposes. It will take about three weeks to get ready to start. rill 111=1111011011M CMS ICHRTSTTE'S GROCERY PHONE 59, Store opens 7 a. m. PRUNES MEATY, LARGE and -JUICY, We nd JUICY - We do not stock poor prunes. The price for that kind may be cheap, bot they're never satis- factory. Besides why pay good money for something (Pits) you cannot, eat. The prunes we sell are the Meaty, Large and Juicy kind. Per Pound 18c 1 APRICOTS Very Fine Quality, Per Pound 15o HADDIE and FILLETS Sea•Board express shipments. They cost more than cold stor• age kind but are better. , LAKE HERRING 1 ear -nistemewrtetttt tsccwitttirttse Jus. Masters received a card this week from Harold Swenn who .15 in the trendhee in France. Mrs. Lawrence of Wingham, is visit• ing friends in the village. Wm McMichael, sr„ of Galt, was home over Sunday, (Intended for last week). Mr. L, S. Winch paid a visit ;o bis home at Paisley on Saturday. Mr. Earl Aitchison of the G. T. R. staff at Georgetown is home on sick leave, The sale'of Mr, D, Miller's stock and implements on Friday was largely attended. lel Wm. Elliott of ti* L. e Bluevale road bee bought the old barber shop and moved it away on Saturday. The highwater and break up of the ice so unusual at this season of the year caused a good deal of trouble at the dam on Thursday and Friday nights. Mies L. Isbister of Wingham spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Thos. Garniss. At the meeting of the Literary Society on Friday night of this week a debate will be held on the subject - "Resolved that fire is more destruc tive than water." The Affirmative will be taken by Harvey Messer and Eldon McKinney, the Negative by Roy Thompson and Harvey Haney. At this meeting an address will be given by an old Bluevale boy, Dr. Thos, King of Souris. He will talk on "Current Events" and other interest- ing musical and literary numbers are being arranged by Mr. George Mc- Donald and his assisting committee. There has been considerable difficulty in securing a piano this year but it is hoped to have one in time for Friday night, The congregation of Knox Church. Bluevale intend celebrating the pay- ing off of tiie last of the debt on their church on the evening of Tuesday, the 15th of February. An oyster sur'per will be served at 8 o'clock, after which the mortgage twill be burned in the presence of the people and a short pro- gram given. Mr, Archie Willets sf Berlin and Mr. W. Willets of Turnberry visited their cousin, Mrs, Wm, McMichael, one day last week, Mr. Wm. McMichael, sr„ who is employed in a foundry at Galt, spent Sunday with bis family. • Uorrie Mrs. Wm, nestle paid friends in Wroxeter a visit on Tuesday. Mr. James Musgrove has enlisted for overseas service. Miss M. Maguire who has been visiting at S t r a t f o rd for the past few weeks returned home on Sat• urday night. Pte. Scott Hamilton stationed at Toronto is home for two wweks on sick leave. A recruiting meeting was held in the Town Hall on, Friday evening last. Rousing addresses were given by Rev Mrd Robarts, Rev, Mr. Lackland of Wroxeter and Mr. Groves of Wing - ham. Mrs. Wm. Hattie, jr„ gave a social evening to a number of her friends on Wednesday last, The proceede which amounted to $10.00 were given to the Wo•nan's Institute for their Patriotic Fund. The concert to be given by the Wo- man's Institute on Monday the 14 h inst.. St. Valentine's Day, promisee to be first-class and Wingham's talented solo singer, Miss A. Currie is assist- ing. ©000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000G 0 THE COMPLETE LINE FERTILIZERS GROW �I G0ER CROPS i[914 BRANDS. Available Available Ammonia Phos,Acid Potash Ammonia 'hos,.e4.aid Potash 0 3 10/ 4, 0.......i 0.:...... 102 0 0 0 1 2 ... ..,,, 0..,...., 2 8........ 7 2; 1..:....,..,..':.. S d........ 7' ANALYSIS GUARANTEED' ALL BRANDS REGISTn14 31P 1'llade in Canada by The Ontario Fertilizers, Limited WEST TORONTO Sold in Winghanl by T. R. 1BENNETT, Leal Agent Write, Phone or Call for full tt»formatiuh and 'prices 8 1 FUBLIL,"s tIOOL REPORT Tbe following sthe report f„r Wingham Public School for the wonth of January;.-. Sr. 4th; examined in Gram., (hog., Spell., Arith„ total 400-.-.0 Baker 369, F Mnegrove 1330, M Ooultes 812, A Adams 285, A Imlay 281, L Jatirvie 280, M Passmore 202, 0 Lloyd 201, P Joynt 261, M Allen 200,. 8 Brown 250, 8 Lock - ridge 249. R Anderson 248, F Rinecliif.• 245. G Dow 225, G Fryfogle 204, V Hamilton 203, S Rubinenn 192, II Aitchison 102, J Saint '191, fi Angus 100, F Robinsnn 182,I, Sturdy 150, T Sanderson 147, R Smith 101. Jr, 4th - A Galbraith 33t, Mary Robertson 310, 0 Hutton 315, M Rob- ertson 314, J Allen 289, K Wilkinson 251. E Angus 278, A Williamson 272, M Reid 203, V Johnson 259, H Huff- man 254, K Nichol 252,E Bell 251. J Davidson 242, M Johnson 240, T Mon- roe 239, 0 Pocock 23, A Blackhall 233, I Reid 231, A Kennedy 221, H Gannett 222, 0 Pocock 2 0, E Rintoul 200, V Hill 189, Il Hamilton 106, J Lutton 150, W Currie 128, G Case- more 94, Sr. 3rd; examined in Arith., Spell., Gran,, total 2S3 -N Boardman 283, A Baird 283, F Sperling 283, D Perri() 283. D Lynett 283, P Dyer 283, E Kew 283, V Joyne 283, Laura Eliacott 283, le Fells 283, LJohnson 282, 8 Holmes, 251, to Zurbrigg 281, I3 Mundy 281, G Scott 279,'K Mutton 279, M Walker 279, 131 Bennett 278. R Sanderson 277, O Dow 276, M Sell 276, H Mills 276, W Ellacott 276, B Angus 270, H Wilson 274, M Johns 271, L Campbell 270, M Linklater 269, A Anderson 208, F Sell 268, S Donaldson 202, I Bell 256, J Vanstone 25'4, F Piper 251, H Bateman 233, .Lillian Ellacott 229, I Day 211, 0 Hingaton 195, M Dalgleish 152, Cor- rect in spellinge-P Dyer, D Lynett, L Etlacott, L Campbell, L Ellacott. Form 3rd, marks obtainable 590- M Oosene 507, M Dinsley 555, A Irwin 531, II Redmond 530, I Watson 524,5 Harrison 522, N Ieard 511, K Donald- son 496, V Amebury 475, G Filter 456, G Bisbee 451, G Bowers 450, M Dennis 449, L Campbell 445, A Sturdy 442, A Scott 431, V Munro 410, A Brown 400, D Piper 384, B Rogers 381, M Vanstone 343, 5 Robinson 319, E Wild 313, A Forgie 299, N Morden 298, L Bell 279, N Clark 272, E Simpson 264, H Car- ruth 254, A Gould 251, D Cloakey 230, H Wilitams 217, J Ard 184, M Pilon, 175, R Williams 150, V Forier 139 Form 4tb, marks obtainable 625- V Robertson 505, M Oruikehank 532, R McLeod 514,-E Currie 506, F Pocock 499, I Lutton 498, V Dennis 497, D Rogers 496, 13' Bennett 490, B Joynt 487, V Robinson 487, R Brown 487, A Williamson 482, ' M Strrl,tton 481, 8 Hutton 478, R Holloway 471, C Mason 462, A. -Mitchell 455, L Holmes 453, W Lockridge 449, L Hanna 437, W Mann 430, G McTavish 431, J Johnson 415, E Stevens 395, 0 Donaldson 394, W Brooks 390, C Boyce 387, 0 Hinscliffe 326..E Gibson 325, C Casemore 281, L Zurbrigg 261, E Henderson 260, L Sanderson 259, A Carruth 248, N Vev- ey 243, 0 Lockman 238, C Cruikshank. 193, J Carr 124, Dept, 5th, total 400-D Lloyd 372, B Boardman 360, E Blackhall 353, P Johnson 353, M Schaefer 352, A Will- iams 319, K Dymond 342, M Angus 338, M Henderson 327. J Adair 326, W Casemore 319, W Kew 318,E Ams - bury 313, J Carruthers 308, V Camp- bell 307, T Isard 301, M Holloway 206, C Bennett 281, T Str•icker280, A Field 274, W Sturdy 263, 0 Cooke 251, 0 Hardy 239, E Forgie 228. V Bell 226, K Carter 211, C Pattison 210, 11 Holm. es 208, J Casemore 201, A Cloakey 202, 11 Wright 188, F Bell 179, D Levis 171. 0 Wright 170, M Hill 107, H Aitche. son 151, G Ard 150, H Caslick 148, F Aldington 36, B Coutts 29.. Dept. 6;.13, Sr. Blase, total 050-•R Carr 837, C Louttit 601, G Anderson 544, E Williams 529, 0 Dickson 515, ser Clark 509, E Lynett 493, 0 Tennant 492, W Scott 465, H Wild 455, 0 Doug- las 446, I Ellacott 437, B Jarvis 854, I Hunter 322, M Tennant 318, M Wells 304, J Cook 241., 0 Carter 115. Jr. class, total 050-K Dinsley 612, G Robertson 598, M Vansickle 596, L Pearen 587, E Carr 578, N Fixter 652. L Bennett 534, N Edwards 528, ht Swanson 522, F Angus 515, J Taylor 502, M Gurney 471, 3 Brown 458, 11 Boyce 440, G Rantoul 398, V Finley 886, H Sutton 385, •E McLean 324, R McDonald 313, M Schaefer 305, P Stokes 290, G Lediett 286, H Bowden 259, R Lockman 255, G Angus 251, E Obettlehurgh 237, T Saint 204, W Levis 191, A Corbett 140, J Cowell 61 Div. 7, class 3, aggregate 650-M Christie 590, W Munro .475, J McGee 410, B Munro 380, L Jnston 335, J Adair 330, J Brooks 290, 0 Hingaton 245, W Ilunter 225, W Coleman 225 M Fells 215, H Groves 175, F Roberson 105, M Oloakey 40. Claes 2 , aggregate ate 700- J Field 810. 0 Fry 510, 3 Young 510, W McKihhon 490, MPhnrlow 480, A. Irwin 885, .A Laundy 320; N ' Williamson 1320, 0 Dymond 315, A McLean 310, A Ludwig 305, M Saint 200, E Oalvert 275, 13 Huntley 220, 5 McTavish 215, It Holm. es 195, P on , V Campbell 130, R. WagneGibsr lour M150()ontta 100, J Gilark 00 I Sanderson 30, F Bowden 30, Claes 1-0 Walton. M Coleman, 3 Turner. A Hutton, E Walton, D Wag-, Her, G $porton, South Huron County Lodge The South Huron County L. Q. L. met in 3,ceter on '1'uesdayt Feb. let, with over '75 delegates present. The fallowing officers were elected; W. 11., 3. W. llodgene; D. M.,_ George Yana erburg; chaplain ttev. Moulton; tees eco„ P. Cantelon; fin.`eeo., 3'. G. Murt chip; trews., A, 'Cantelon; D. of 11.,' !'rank Davis; lecturers, .Hobert Me. Moray and 3'. ff, Armitage. It was decided to cerebrate the 12th of July 014 itat, ri tbta Stock Reduction Shoe Sale For 13 Days i• Beginning on Saturday next, Feb. 12th and end- ing on Saturday, Feb. 26th, inclusive.' straight cash din- 20 per cent count on every. 1 thing in the store. CASH ONLY W. H. WILLIS Sole Agent For The FOR sf/o LADIES When a family go a'shopping-or to the theatre -or for asocial call -or anywhere else that families go -they'll be comfortable in a Ford Touring Car no matter what the weather. It's a luxurious car for five -built on the same prin- ciple that has made the Ford world famous for utilisy and economy. The Ford Touring is $530;; the Coupelet $730; the the Sedan 3890; the Town Car $780. All prices are f.o.b. Ford, Ont. All cars completely equipped, in - eluding electric headlights, Equipment does not in. dude speedometer. Care on sale by A. M. CRAWFORD, Dealer, Wingham. N � � rte se, 'P A 1, w PRICE $15.25 w ww PRICE $15.25 "LATEST ONDER IN PHONOGRAPHS" THE "VANAPH 0 NE" aesi "COMPARES WITH THE BEST BY ACTUAL TEST" ._ A phonograph second to none yet at a price no home can afford to be without It's beauty of tone and clearness of reproduction a• e marvelous. Play any size re: ord, vocal, instrumental, Band, etc. FOR SALE AT • R. A. CURRIE'S Furniturep m Store. Wingham AsVMPAPAMWMPRIMAAMAPAMMM fl xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BIG M. CLEARING SALE CONTINUES Pr R. M. LINDSAY, Wingham mIxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmoim Don't lot your system become lowersci by tho :tttitektl of ft cot t or cold. "Safety M First" - tatto a Hosts of Chamberlain's Cough: Remedy at once. 11 levo cars the Cough so see , that itscoffdie ppeare; it ltenl.tthe eureneas; strengthens the throat anti )ungs se they are unafieete.11ychanges oftemperature. Chatnberlaiies contains no narcotics or harrant drugs. While' it gives( ielihff from tho first dose it ntay be safely u ed with the youngest. .Ml tint Ista 28C. *tSOc,