The Wingham Advance, 1916-02-10, Page 1t'•eee 4...;•••• 46,1111 YEAR NO 19 WINGHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY Mb, 106 0 Cburcb flew PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The annual Sabbath School concert ,will be held in the basement of St, *ndrew'e Presbyterian Church on Tueeday evening, February 1512, com- mewing at eight o'clock. A good program is being prepared. Admire goo for children 5 eta., adults 10 cts. CHURCH OF ST. PAUL • THE APOSTLE The rector desires to meet the ofQ. •cars and all the members of the differ ent committees of the A. Y. P. A., ID the infant class room on Tuesday evening, 15th hist, at eight o'clock sharp. METHODIST CHURCH Regular services will be held in the Methodist Church next Lord' e Day at IL a.m. and 7 p.m. The Rev. D. Thompson of Bluevale will preach at both services. Come, At tbe Quarterly Official Board held in the Methodist Church on Monday evening, Feb, 7th, a review of the de- partments of .the church revealed sat. isfactory progress. A hearty and un- animous invitation is extended to the pastor, Rev. J. W. Hibbert, to return for the fourth year Commencing con. ference 1916. Appreciative words were spoken by members of the Board, of • hie services. The invitation was ac• cepted subject to the action of the conference. • • HIOH SCHOOL NOTES Reports for January will. be given out on Friday of this week. Parents are requested to consider them care- fully when signing, noting particular- ly bow the mark obtained in any sub. ject compared with the average mark foe the class. At the last meeting of the H. S.' Board Mr. R. Vanetone was appointed chairman and Mr. Dudley Holmes and Mr. A. Oosens were re -appointed Sea. retary and Treasurer respectively for the present year. Mr. Alex. B. Hems of Form has enlisted with the: es, ce Battalion at ow. Ore' s departure last oon train the stu- Thursday 00 to dente marched to •e an enthusiastic, s ere. He will be missed iq H. S. activities as be has always taken hie share in such, ing this term editor of the Journal also a sergeant in the Owlet Corps. He lib third etudent to enlist elude I• September, The second meeting of the Library Society for 1910 will be held on Thurs- day afternoon of this week when the •seriee of debates will be continued. • Morris • M. Carroll and Charley Earner who have been visiting their aunt, Mrs. M. Sellers of the it line, left on Monday for Toronto, Buffalo, See Minneapolis, St Paul. enroute to their home in garroll, Man. The Vitteling Workers of the !Writhe' diet Church, Bluevale, held a very euccesefnl sewing bee at the home of Mrs. &invert Sellers on Thursday afternoon. • ,Mr. John Peacoek‘ left an Monday for hie home In Bossevaine,blan. Mr. and Mrs. M, Sellers entertained a number of their young friends on Thursday evening of list week in hon- or of their nephews from the Webt. A.11 report an A-1 time. . MARRIED HAStiVrON-OliatSto - At Oranhrook, on Wednesday, Jan. 20 .h, 1916, Miss Beatrice Greigg. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ,las, Greigg, of Grey to Mr ' George Hamilton, of Elma, by the • Rev. Mr. McCullough. EVERYBODY'S COLUMN CORN! CORE! We have a car of Anlei lean yellow corn in stock. HOWSON & BROCitLUBANIC COWS FOR SALE -Fresh Coro and Sptngere for Sale at L, Los Salo • Stables. 2t CHOIR LEADER or Presentoy. - wanted for t. Andrew's Church, • 13Iyth. Appffeatione reteived np tb 'Web. 7.041.. ApplV to Secretary Teem. urer, Jns. STOTIMRS, Blyth APPLE BUTTER for sale -Get your supply now as owing to the scarcity of the apple crop this eetnion the supply le limited. Apnly to IL Min. XLEY & Sot. Phone 81, FARM FOR SALE -The undereigned execntors of the estate of the late Jae. Nethery offer for eale the faro) being parts of lote 41 & 42, ton 5 of the Tp. of natit WawanOeb, contain- ing seventy live acres of land. For further partiCularig, apply to Atex 01.0411nY or PSTUtt W. SCOTT, Belgra,ve P. 0, BXORANTIP TOUR %/STERN TOWN LOTS We will allow full value for a limited amonet up to One Thnueend Dollars W01412 of Western Canada Town Lot., in Mimeo With a alight difference mien or terms for fully improved inside • perthes in the cities of London or etnh, taeleding ewer, water, oleo reit* gae, cement eldest:Like, i Ave peat properties and to well feetory dietricte or select Mil. Tlasee baropevtise turn quick ere eaa A, airfield, 447 Wool. pareireabere, EXPLOSIVES FOUND •••••••••,11•••••• Stored in a Coe of Furniture at Wingham Mr. Anderson, of the Kish School staff received his household effects from the Met last week and bas tak. en up residence in the Ponder dwell- ing on Patrick St. When unlcaiing the car a box was found stored away With the furniture, which when open. ed proved to be lilted with cordite, one of the worst kind of explosivee, also a quantity of fuse. Of course Mr, An- derson was at a lose to know Piet where that bz came from or how it got in the car with his furniture. Pro. vincial Officer Phippen took charge of the box and no one apparently intends to claim it, and just as well for them that they don't. Several different theories have been advanced as to why the box came to Winghain, some say it was shipped by mistake, others that if no one had let it out some One would have claimed it, but no one will likely be any the vele- er now. WEDDING BELLS SEWELL-MOORERISAD A quiet wedding was solemnized at Dunn Ave. Preebyterian Church, To - route, Feb. 5th, when Hazel H. Moore- head, dapghter of the late Stewed and Mrs. Moorehead of Brampton, formerly of Milton. and Dr. Kenneth D. Sewell of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe. G. Sewell of Brampton, were united in marriage. The cere- mony was performed by the Rev. Log. an Geggle. Mrs. (Dr.) Sewell is form. erly of Wingham. kArti ELizAtnrrit hire. George Howatt passed away with startling euddeness at her home in the town plot., Wingham, on Friday Feb. 4th. She appeared to be in her usual health and was . scrubbing the floor on Friday afternoon when Mr. Hewett went to a neighbors, when he returned she was lying unconscious and expired a few hours later, De- ceased le survived by her husband and one son, Robert Currie, who residee. in the West. She was in her fifth year. Petrie conducted the. faneral service inckwas held on Monday to Wingham demetery. ••••••••••••••••.••• • lona Mosemove On Sunday morning, Feb. 6th, at Wellesley Hospital,Torento.John Mus. grove, for many years an influentsl and much esteemed resident of Turn - berry, passed to his esernal resteabout flee weeks ego deceased underwent an operation which proved successful, and recovery was fully anticipated but pneumonia developed and, notwith. standingallthat could be done this disease proved fatal. Mr. Musgrove was born on the old hoinestead in 1878, and for over 50 years resided there. .48 a neighbor, deceased was kind and obliging and was held in very high esteem by all bis acquaintances. For many years he rendered faithful and efficient ser vice to his native township, serving first as councillor and subsequently as Reeve. A few years ago he voluntarily retired from ro.uoicipal service. In 1896 Mr. Musgrove was united in marriage with Miss Agnes Wood of Turnberry, wham he leaves to mourn the lose of a true and devoted bus. band, In religion he was connected with the Methodist Church, and in politics, conservative. The remains arrived from Toronto on Monday, accompanied by A. H. Musgrove and Dr. George Musgrove, who were with their brother when the end clone. The funeral took place from the late residence of thedeceased on Wednesday last to the Wingham cemetery. The large number of friends and relatives present testified .to the high position "Jack" Musgrove oo cupled in the hearts of the tieople, • The funeral service was conducted • by Rev. D. D. Thompedn, Methodist • minister, Bluevale, pastor of the de - awed, who spoke in high terms of the life and character of Mr. Musgrove, The pall.nearere were, Robert Mus- grove, A. H. Muogrove. Dr. George atiogrove, brother, Joe. Pearson, Arthur Wheeler and Janiee Nichol. The members of Bluevale L. 0. L. • of Which the deceased was a *nowhere sent a beautiful wreath, ao••••A..m. FARMERS' HOME dpromiagiauld•Mirrilp Since the particulars of the "Perm. ere' Home" in Winghara has been pubt liehed, the intermit in such a. prepesit. • ion has increased to a very great ex. tent, both with the farmer, the mer. chant and in fact the townsmen in general. Noie, if the roan whom this /toot& • modation le going to benefit can only he convinced, that th ',teener be fire out a form which 1 hat isehowitig that he would be a tilatithar for one year, the sooner 1 will be in a position to know what size eked to let aontreea • for. This form nen be filled out at the Illathenge Rotel at any tinteored don't forget, the money Will not be es4ced for until the 14 day of May, 1910. QUA E. kattattea ProPi Personals seso,"•444,4•4~44.44~4~•~4.44"~ Mee, Chits, Swanson ie vielting With friende in Toronto, Mis* Kemp of Listowel, epent Sun. day with friends in town. Mr. Oliver Galloway clotted Mr. and Mrs, F. S. Ballagh lest week, Mimeo Edna Davidson and Mee Oantelon left this week for Parbe Pte. Stratton of the 83rd Battalion, orient Sunday at his home in town. Mr. Garry J, Wilson was down to Brussels on a business trip last week. Mr. Geo. Pattereon of Clifton Kan. see, bas been visiting at Mr. Thos. Scott's. Miss Annie Pieter, nurse of Guelph, was a visitor at be' borne here for a few days. Mimes Ethel Oasernore and Mabel Reid visited friends in Bluevale for the week end. Mre. A. G. Smith and Master Irving vent a couple of days this week with friends in Kincardine. A. H. Wilford left on Monday morn- ing for a businese trip through, the Maritime provinces. Mr. and Mre. Henry Johann of Bell- more, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. 5, Bal. lagh on Tuesday.' • Mise. F. Boomer and D. Haugh have begun the study of stenography at the Butane's College. Mr. W. H. tunes of Hamilton, has accepted a situation At traveling sateen:m for Spotton Schools. Mr. jack Ensign who has been in town for some time returned to his home near Ripley en Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tindall of Neepawa. Man., are visiting with their amine, Mreand Mrs. R. J Tindall. Allan Knechtel left on Wednesday morning for Clinton where be will train wit'h the medical corps of the 161st. Mies Mettle Maxwell, aura", left for Winnipeg lea Tursda.y to nurse her sister deter, Mrs. W. J. Welkin,. -who Is very ill. • Miss 0. Knox, Toronto, Who recent- ly been visiting with relatives in town hay commenced a course in the Busi. nese College.• Mies Duff, Eluevale, is aulbng those who have most recently come to Wingham for the purpose of attending the Businese College. Mr. John Calder of Edmonton, ac- companied by his wife, visited with his sister. Dr. Margaret Oalder, for a few days last week. Mr. Samuel Hayman and Mies Ester Hyndman of Crandall, Man., have been visiting at Mr. Thos. Sootv's during the last week. Mr, and Mre. F. S. Ballagh, Mr. Oliver Galloway and Mary of Wing. ham visited Me. and Mre. Henry Johann of Belmore on Sunday. Mrs. John Hall and gee Cecil of Car, gill and Mrs. George Copper and little son, Arnold of ginedels. Pleskoka, who were vieitinte Me and Mrs. David Fiplei, Lewee Wingham, have returned home. - • Mre, Woodcock, whose huobaud Corp. Woodcock le training With the 80th Batt. at Belleville ie visiting at.. the hems of her uncle, Mr. Robert Cunningham. Mr. John Ford •of Ridgetowu, who has been spending a few holiday* with his sisters. Mrs. David, Mrs. Howatd and Mrs. J. H. Finley of town, bas returned to hie home. Mr, R. L. Mitcbell, the •obliging teller in tbe • Bank of Hamilton hare for some years hag been promoted to the Main office of that Bank in Toren. to, Mr. Little of Palmerston, succeede Mr. Mitchell. Mr. and Miss O'Dwyer have moved to Wingham from Mount Forest and taken up residence in the bowie /MAY occupied by Me. J. B. Duffey on Dial?. onal Road. Mr. O'Dawyer bee secured a situation as section man on the rail. road. Mr. A. H. Milegrotte returned to town yesterday after being hi almost constant attendance for the omit five Weeks, upon hip the late John Musgroise, lla opeetto in vary high terms of the kindnette and hospitality sheten to the friends of the deceatted who vieltiO the City, by former reei. dente of Turnberry and vicinity, now residing in Toronto. •••••••••••••••••• °dards On Duty Trati of the 'tiddler boys are kept on guard duty night and airy patrolling around the town hall, the post office and the armories. This le beeistisa there hes been to many fires lately that appear to have been set, and *leo the fast that a etranger was reported to be Blotching the armories recently. Parloile Valentine Siipper Tn. WObleilihi Patribale Society an. noutteit a *gentles supper to be given in the eouneti chamber on Monday Web. It. The ladles eremite to make this intoner a semis' and everyone elionld try to 00020 acid help alOtw their till'Ortal 90 provide eninforte for Mt *oM1ere. SUPPOr will be tarred OthiOnkt $S% •'• RECRUITING 161ST ••••/.•••••••(14••••••••• Dr. Hughes Will Address a Meeting In Winghoun onFeb. 14, Dr. Jae, L, Ilughee, brother of Sir Sam Hughes, Minister Of Militia, who bas been addressing meetings all over the Province of Ontario in aid of re. crafting, will widen:: a public meeting in the Town Hall in Wingham Qn • Monday evening the 14th loot. The meeting is being held in the intermits of the linet Huron Overseas Battalion, The chaplain of the Battalion, Rev. Mr. Parnaby,, Corporal Wyatt, a re- turned soldier and two recently re. turned nurses will also address the meeting. All those interested in the successful conclusion of the war and • the recruiting of Huron County's Own Battalion should attend this meeting. Dr, Hughes' reputation as an elo. quent and ready speaker has already preceeded bird to Winghameas he has spoken within the last few days in Goderich, Clinton and Exeter, Mr. W. Ea Helps who has been in the employ of the Electric Light De- partment for some time has enlisted. The Armories was the scene of a very enjoyable dance and card party on Wedneedey evening of last week, when about 200 couples were present. The proceeds wilt be used by the local company to further toe interests of recruiting. .Music was provided by Hewer's orchestra and everybody who knows anything about good music are of the opinion that to bring into town the beet city orchestra is now useless for we have as good at home. The following 'lectors have been tempgrarily appointed to attend to tbe health of the 101et boys at the different centres- . ,Wingham-Dr. S. P. Kennedy. Goderich-Capt. Hunter, M.D. .Brusecle-Dr. McRae. Seaforth-Dr. Burrows. Wroxeter -Dr. McLeod. Exeter -Dr. Hindman. Heneall-Dr. Peck. Blyth -Da Milne, Clinton -Major Shaw M. H. 0, Lieut. Dudley Holmes is in charge of the recruiting of the 101st at WroxeLer. PkTRIOTIC' NOTES Belgian Relief Fund: Previously acknowledged .... $116.12 Miss Burdetta McCracken .... 2 50 Mies Cecelia McCraken . . . . 150 We are pleased to see the contribu- tions for thie fund coming in and hope that others may realize the great need and help &long the cause with ..their donations. The society is pleased to acknowledge the following donations with thanks. Mre. M. Robertson, patriotic tea $1 50 Mre. Wm, J. Currie 5.25 Miss Lockhart's S. 5, dam, 16 wash cloths.and 15 yards* of cotton rolled; Mre. Walton liteKibbon donated 82 yards of cotton which was rolled by the young ladiee of St Andrew's Cir - ole; Class No 9, Presbyteriau S. 8., 10 yards cotton; 1 quilt pieced and quilted by the pupils of 13 S. No, 9, East We- wanosh, Mies /11, Hetherington, teach. er.' The Supply Committee his purchas. ed another supply of flannel and yara, and are anxious that the shirts ad sooke be completed as soon as possible, sothat the soldiers may have them during the cold weather. :Any who are willing to am or knit will be sup. plied with yarn by Miss Pessant or with cut out shirts by any of the coin. mittee, Mrs. Gray, Mrs, Bone, Mrs. Tyndall or Mrs. John Wilson. We are glad to be able to report so many generous donations of cotton, as dreeeinge and bandages are required in ouch great quantities in the -Hospie tele. Further contributions will be received by Mre. Pugh. On Monday, Feb, 14, the Women's Patriotic Society bave arranged to serve a Valentine Supper in the coun- cil chamber, We have decided not to make a systematic commis for proles lone but trust to the generosity of the ladies of the town to provide what ,is necessery, We would ask that every- one who possibly can, help melee the supper a spocees b3r donating mune. thing. Supplies of cooked opiate, sal- ads, pies and cake are requited' and Will be received at the council champer on Monday before 4 o'clock. Supper will be sorted at six o'clock. Admen °ion 25 cents. fled Cross Concert A concert will be held in the Forest. er'e Hail, Ilelgrave, on the evening of Valentine Day, Feb, 14th, An "sot. lent program will be rendered. Ade mieeloriMe and 850. Plan of hall at 0. MoOlelio.ild'e dere. • Partnere Buy Tear Seeds Now All the beet grades are now in stock and we would advise early buying as prioee are advancing, No. 1 Red Cie". er, No. 1 Mammoth Red Clover, No, 1 Aleike, No1 Alfalfe, No. 1 Timothy. All our erred* are the beat obtainable and No. 1 Gci, *entrant standard, you Will find the beet ate the eheepeet saw'. NOTTI-We do not *barge seeds, 00442 or not. Mild acCOSIparty every Sff02 DOW, sos.44.4..44..4,44.4040,444,04,444..44~0404,41 'Loot Item!, 4,04144,04"4.1444404,44444404.44***94f4",4,4 Mr. W. T. Boyne has purchased Ford ear. Stock Reduction Shoe Sale. Read our ad, on last page. -W, IL WreLls, Patriotic Supper served in, the muln. Oil chamber op Monday, Feb. 14. at o'olook. 25o. Rev, Mr, Ribbed addressed a re. crusting meeting at Bruoefleld on • Tueeday evening. • Mr. 1 W. McKibben of the Itexall Drug Store bite been appointed town agent for O. P, R, tickets. Gore Mutual Piro Insurance Co. voted its profits for the year. viz., $50,000 to She Patriotic Fund.• It is reported that. Dr. R. Stewart formerly of Belgrove will .open up a practice in town in the near future. 'Mies who call on Professor Pember will receive one of our ',Pannell of Beauties" Free. 16 hair dressing styles for 1916, Remember the hockey match at the rink here on Friday evening between Palmerston and Wingham. A keen game is expected. The many friends of Customs °Meer Davie will regret to learn that he is at present confined to hie bed with an attack of la grippe. Remember the Valentine Supper in the council chamber on Monday, Feb. 14, under the auspices of the Women's Patriotic Society.' Admission 250, Mr. Walter VanWyck has colleted, with the 160th at Kincardine. Van's many friends would have been delight- ed had he enlisted at Wingham. The remains of Mrs. K. McKenzie, formerly ofAebfleld were brought home to Loch:fish for burial-. Funeral took place Wednesdey. Feb. 8th. Rev. Eric Anderson her taken charge of the Methodiet pulpit at Bel. grave, while the pastor. Rev. Mr. Parnaby will act as chaplain of the 161et. Lucknow Public Schol hae been or; dared closed by the Board of Health for a period of at least two weeks. A number of the children have the measles. •• "Do your bit" to help provide com- forte.for our soldiers by arranging to have supper at the council chamber on Monday, Feb. 14, Admiesioe 25e. About thirty citizens accompanied the hockey boys to Mount Forest' on Friday of lad Week to witness the match betWeen Wingham and Mount Forest which resulted in A victory -for Wingham by a score of 9 to 4. The members of Feria Lodge No. 19, Loyal True Blues met oil Thursday. evening last at the home of Mrs. Cun- ningham and rolled fifty yards of cotton into• bandeau and donated it to the Ladies Patriotic Society. - The local branch of the Canada Furniture Manufacturers shipped a large order of desks by express to Ot. tawa, for use of the members whose desks were of course burned along with the Parliament Buildings. Mr, Robt. Cunningham' has purchas- ed the Dominion Barren business from Mr. W. A. Sanderson and took possession on Monday, Mr. S, E. Wright has taken Mr. Cunningham's position with the Canadian Express Co. • Mr. George Oasemore of Minnie St, met with a 'painful accident recently while chopping wood in the shed hie axe struck a rafter causing it to fall heeviir to hie foot giving it a nasty gaeh. Dr. Rambler put e. few (innate,' in it and the patient is now getting on nicely. Mr. Geo. M. Elliott, County Secy of Children's Aid Society. will deliver an illustrated lecture in the Presbyterian church on the evening of Feb. 19, at 8 o'elock. One hundred views, musical numbers.' A most interesting evening may -be expected. Everybody win. come. Offering at close, •li Mr. reed F Homuth has accepted & position with J. Walton McKibben of the Rexall Drug Store. Mr. Hornoth is an Honor graduate of the Qntarlo College of Pharmacy, an Honor grad- uate of the (antario and Montreal Colt lege of optitee So that you will alvenye find a qualified druggiet and optician to wait on yeti at the Rexall More* The Ontario Mention Ae the lad voting wilt. Make it On May let. Municipalities under /peat Option Nit; Municipalities under Oan. edit Temperance Act 01; other Muni. destines without Unmet, 166; totel wider Prohibitton 576; having LWOW see 215; total Iltunicipalitlee 8514 Married At Bratifferd, Mee Bessie Walket, daughter of Mr, clod Mre, George Walicet of Brantford was quietly mulcted on Thureday lad to Mr. Jamal nation of that city. Mr, and Mre. nisbri OatOA on to MO ton Friday going from there to Wing ham to spend a few days with ether relatives before eettling in Brantford where the groom has a good position 41 inopeeter of plumbing. ebo. The many trisects of the bet& ha Clinton join in good wish*, for their future beppinsee and weitirehig,--NeWs-Ite. soul, Clinton, TOWN COUNCIL MEETS ••••••••••••••••••••ir • T. J. McLean, Aeseseer-420 Greeted 'te Children's Humane Society 00uncil met in the council chamber On Monday evening, Mayor Me1012- hon opened the meeting sharp on time. All the members present but Resee Mitehell, he entering shortly efter. Minutes of last meeting Was read and edopted, The tire company reported on at. tendance at meeting and property on hand Councillor Rinkley thought they ehould report the number of coateand boots on hand air well as the other Beam The Mayor wae also of that opinion. Moved. by Isbister and Patterson thatthe report of the fire company be adopted. -Parried. A communication was read from the Ohildrenai Humane Society of Huron County, asking for a grant from Wingliam. Moved by Hinkley and Gurney that a grant of. , $25 be made. -Carried. The Ontario Municipal d.oeoeiation from Toronto wrote inking that the• council endorse a resolution asking for the establishment of provincial employment officea-Left oyer, An invitation from the Ontario • Hydro and Electric Ry. Aesociation asking that a representative ibe sent to Toronto to, attend, theire annual meeting on Feb. 16th at.•2 p.m. -Left over. Aplea from the Toronto and Y'oirk Municipal councils •asking for a re. adjustment of the pensions aot. At the preemit time the officer draws too large ft salary In comparison with the private. Moved by Binkley and Tin- ting that we join this association and petition the government re pension fund. -Carried. • Applications for Aesessor from Messrs T. J. McLean, Lawrence Pear. in and Wm. Bone. On motion of Pat. tereon and Mitchell T, J. McLean was appointed assessorat a salary of $112, with an allowance of $7 for postage. Mr. Lack Kennedy addrebsedthe council asking for a reduction of his picture house license front $60 to the lowest possible &Mount" they see fit. He had written to the clerks of all the different towns near here and not even Toronto city way paying as high as he.. He claimed to be one of the heave lest payers into the town:treasury, bits electric bill alone averages $25 per month. He said some people claimed people salient money in there who could not afford it. Mr. Kennedy said he had admitted several persons each night that he thought could not rigbtly afford to pay. • He also road a few paragraphs from the new Ontario License Law which Would not come into force until June let but he would then be charged 00 by the Govern- ment and the municipality could not charge more. Mcved by 'abider and Spotton that the limofee be set at W. -Carried. Mr: T. .R. Bennett asked council to consider vaudeville license but Mr, Kennedy eaid he was not anxioue to introduce it, Mr, W. J. Boyce asked if the coun. ell had made any change in the plumb ing byelaw in the past couple of years On being told "no" he said he was the only man in town who registered last, year and all of three others worked at the trade. He thought the committee should either live up to its by-law or revise it, Mr. Ee Merkley asked the privilege of eeeuring town power. He has been compelled to let hie mill stand idle be- cause the superintendent of the elect. ric light department refused to let him connect on to thfitownline. To satis- fy the town he purchesed three differ. ent rooters but still was Wile. de Mr. Brooke, the acting superintendent said in order to put Mr. Met kly on the line a man would have to be engaged at the pump house and also& consider. able amount of extra fuel used, Mr, Markby Meted that he Was only ask- ing a privilege which other ratepayers had. Councillor Spotton said he thought the matter should be settled as soon as possible and not 'dallied over when industry was being hamper. ed.. Moved by hie worship, seconded by esbleter that the matter be left in the hands of the Electric Light and Water Commissioners to deal with without delay. -Carried. The Finance Ooinneittee reported fpeoreble on the payment of theus.. nal accounts. Report adopted on the *notion of Patterson and Spotton. Chairman ainkley of the Electric Z4ight Committee reported as folletve; That this) Committee clothe it wive to (Renege of the Electrical Supply Item Which was a loosing investment, if the Oottnell see fit to give up the store, Mr, Markley bad agreed to eell off the stook at a Weill perOentage. Town Clerk Carom, had oleo offered to die. pole Of the stock in the Plerk'a office. The lease of the store doer not run out until April let. The/ aleo suggested storing the Wiring and tools in the basement of the town hall and keep a men to do this work as mud. They Mee considered taking the phone but of Mr. Detinie residence and pltichag it in the wheelhonee. The Phone he tenor" was put it STrs Mania' reel. dome in that in omit of fire Mr. Dew tilts who Itviet quiewhienly °resift stilt the Wheel, bat tbestrielto weed it found 211 liaetariteabmt en rian nue of the whatilliotwe and Weber Mr. Nerd". VW. MIAMI er.tprietsed the opinion OW it should remain, melting the rs Mirk that one could gtiatie a long thee to the vrheelheuee, hi ease of et fire, if thew was no one there, lidov. ed b Patterson and Isbliter that the report of the Electric Light Commit. tee be adopted and that the commit* tee iequireinte the distance ordered by law for the phone trona wheelhouge.-- , Cerried. Councillor Spotton complimented the committee on their work and said the only fault he could lee was that it might have been well to have kept a • few of the staple electrIcal supplies eo that people could still secure •them at 'cost or near cost Reeve Mitchell' thought the town was to be congratulated on not having to use the phone in the wheelhouse for a Bre for ouch a long period. The committee on Street, Sewers and Sidewalkreported through their Chairmen Councillor Tipliag that they • let the tender for snowplowing to Mr. A. Sandi:teen and Mr. A. Poeliff, eaob to Matt at 620 a, 121, for 40 cents per hour. He also reported favorable on • the Merchaee of a steel plow which would gradithe toad in bummer, the old snow plow cost $85 and was now about done and the new one costs on. l• y $50. Moved by Tipling and Mitch- • ell that the report of the Street 00n2 - mines be adoptede-Carried.' Mr Spotton stated that he had been requested by a number of citiz- ens thee the street lights be left on till one o'clock eaoh night. He also lug- gested that there bbould be more light • around the federal square, to help the - boys who are on guard. On motion of Spotton and Patterson these pug. gestions will be carried out, •Councillor Tipling stated that town teamsters had &eked him where they would be permitted to dump ashes etc. The matter was left in the hands of the Street CornmIttee to report at the next meeting. The Mayor eald he thought the flag on top of the Town Hall should be re- placed. Ile wrote away and had a quotation on a 12 foot Union Jack, Moved by Mitchell and Tinting that the purchasing committee purchase a Union Jack for town hall.-Cerried. Bylaw 1VQ. 753, 1916, appoint an /w- eenier for the year was read three times and finally passed on motion of Hinkley and Spotton. Reeve Mitchell gave an interesting account.of the -doings at county coun- cil. His Worship, Mayor McKibben in Tilted the Council board, town officials and press to an oyster supper at Walmeley'e restaurant. BANDMASTER ARRESTED, Adolph Schatte who has been in charge of the Citizens' Band here for a short time was searohed onelaturdaY, and on Sunday arrested by Officer Phippen and has since been detained in the armories awaiting the return of certain lettere which were eeut to Ottawa for inspection. If Mr. Schatte • proves innocent, which we all hope he will, he need not feel hurt at being searched for he is &native of Germany arid a niewber of the 22od Mounted rifles, only out a short time,eand we • must remember Canada is at war and • must take steps to guard against any possible trouble. A Canadian would not, We all know last very long in Ger many. *ammo*, Picture House News Daniel Frohman presents thee fasein- sting kraal° Marguerite dark in "The Crideible" at the Lyceum Theis. tre on Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 9th and 10th. • Oa Thursday and Friday, Feb. 17th and 18th, Danieli presents Famous Players Film Company's stupendous phottespectaele "The Eter. nal City." The plan will open at Me. Kibbon'e Drug Store on Feb, 14th, • ova.* BIRTHS Alemita-In noivick on Sunday, Sane, 28rd, to Air, and Mrs. David Ante' a eon. FRISBY-In East Ware:mesh on Fri- day, Feb, 4th, to Mr, and Mrs. H. a Frisby, a daughter. Imoosimmommimmommo*.iliall East Wawanosh. •••••••••••••••••••• Mr. George Ray is renewing old acquaintances on the 10th line. Mr. Sandy Young is on the sick list at preterit. One day last week Sanded Bobo saw a robin; but I aw afraid he Will hare to hunt a coey :met today, Mr. Henry Leishman le engaged with James tone at present. The many friende of Mre. Henry Leishinatt are glad,to nee her getting tirouud again after het, recent illness. Mr. Leslie Whightme.n spent Sun. day at Mr. Thomas Leaver% Mies Gladys Stapleton of Marnoch • returned home after vielting her aunt, lira John Meesolhien, kthol Brum end eider, of Degree*" are vielting Mende its Olden Sound. Mr. John Maniac sr., is getting *Mend npita atIer a severe attack of la grippe. We are pleased to see Mrs, jamas Steesiew *rowel again atter her retina Ulnae*. An EffienciontRemody Laeripps Thefrelleve influenza and all its manifestatIone, ouch - as coldin the head, sneezing. cough, fever, pain and gore. nese of beige and limbs, sore throat, headache and getter. al preetratton. Rexell Grippe Palo are very useful for sudden coltish coughs and attack" Of ferer Men box Every box guaranteed tl give malefaction OR WE REFUND YOUR money. After -LaGrippe Raxali Wine of 004 Liver 011 Ex. tract. The Ood Liverend Iron Ton' • is without oil or grows is the best builder; $1.00 per large bottle Every bottle guarenteed: wi 4P. TO SE RN, -ve611 t * vk • S H OES • • F• or Half Their Value • We have gone through our 4 stock and selected out alt • the pairs of whloh *e have only a few of a kind. • We have placed these shoes by themselves on Our Barga Tabl' ww 4. 3 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 1. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 3 4. 4. 4. 4. We have attached prices to them that wilt astonish you, and sell the shoes at once. Men's Shoas r91!araknedd 95 rarroernral,ktl$2.78 Cut Prices in Boys', Girls' and Children's Sho These shoes bd. e been our best sellers -nothing the matter, only.a few pairs of a kind. W. L GREER THE SHOE IAN 0000080000g10060000111121200111100 ie. ••••••#* ra......-0-- R. L CURRIE 1 Graduate offinadianEmbahnere Assotlaticsn We carry a large and first- class stock of FUNERAL REQUISITES Alarge stock of everything found in a modernfurniturestore Store Phone 51 Residence 155 IIMIENNO11101111101111.111011110 Delaware Lackawan- na, and Western Coal Company's cran on 0 A L We can supply the veeee best coal for any rtilkolit‘ Highest cash prices paid fert all kinds of logs. ,loquire ett the elece ef J. A. llcL DAMtIC 10 If. Net Platuld 0*, el 1 sr..Cssiastd riPM*14.4 ' 01 fee 4*. 1