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The Citizen, 2000-09-06, Page 16
PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2000. Teen says exchange a learning experience A European adventure Kristy Blair, daughter of Bev and Alex Blair of Blyth, partici pated in the Lions Club exchange program, spending six- weeks in Switzerland. By Janice Becker Citizen staff Kristy Blair of Blyth took advan tage of a great opportunity this sum mer when she participated in the Lions Club exchange program. When choosing which country to travel to for a six-week stay, Blair says she looked for a European nation with a similar climate to Canad’s. She settled on Switzerland because it looked and sounded nice, she says. Along with sightseeing, Blair says she was kept very busy with hiking through the Alps, boat trips and guided walking tours of various towns. Her favourite trek was to the top of a 3,000 metre mountain where a rotating restaurant allowed an amaz ing view. Blair’s travels included a one day journey to France for a little shop ping though she says things were very expensive, especially food in restaurants. Though the food may be costly, Blair says they generally eat better than we do. '‘And they stereotype us (North Americans) as burger eaters,” she says. A few things she couldn't get used to was the bitter coffee in tiny cups and bubbly mineral water which everyone drank rather than plain water. Staying at four different locations in Switzerland, Blair was able to experience much of the region. The first family had younger children, but she met some young people through a volleyball tournament in which she participated. Her second home was with an older couple, but who were able to travel extensively with her. Part of the experience was learn ing to communicate with her host families, says Blair. The first family spoke French with one adult speak ing some English. Blair’s French was considerably different than that spoken in Switzerland, she says. The older couple spoke French and German, but they managed to get by because the husband under stood a little English. During her last two weeks, Blair attended a “camp” for all the Lions exchange students in fhe area, 35 in all. Biair admits it wasn’t really a camp as they stayed in a four-star hotel. She says it was great as she got to meet students from a number of countries and learn about their cul tures and traditions. She found that Canadians are associated with maple syrup and snow. The camp was also English-speak TVew doctor signs on at clinic Continued from page 10 He will be working with Dr. Greg Antoniadis and Dr. John Ping. Comack said they had organized the space to suit their needs and will share staff. Dr. Charles Omole has moved into two rooms from three. She informed the board she was waiting for confirmation from a another physician who may come to Wingham. The physician is going to let Comack know his final decision on the offer to come to Wingham by Sept. 15. She said they have received a quote on renovating the empty space in the health centre in order to re design the area into a reception area and examination areas. ing though Blair says she picked up a little Swiss-German during her stay. Canadians are still preferred in some area of Europe over American visitors, says Blair. “One girl from North Carolina told everyone she was from Canada.” “Europeans hear the Americans using a lot more slang and think it is a dirty language,” she says. Her final stop was for a single night prior to flying home. If given the chance, Blair says everyone should take the opportuni ty to participate in an exchange pro gram. “Not only do you leam about the country where you are staying, but at the camp you learn about different cultures. You leam how different you are.” “This taught me more than the high school experience,” she adds. “I didn’t know you could have so much fun and leam so much.” The board approved the renovation project which will cost about $30,000, including equipment. The Health Professional Tour is set for Sept. 25-29 and the board has received great leadership and com mitment for this tour from Steffler and Noreen Gnay. Steffler noted that while Wingham will be working with the partnership, it will still be recruiting its own physicians. “We have done better than the other hospitals,” said Steffler. ’’Why should we stop now.” Comack stated Wingham will be attending a job fair to recruit more nurses in London on Oct. 2. It will be participating as part of the partner ship. WARD & ’’WUPTIGROVE. llp* P.O. 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