The Wingham Advance, 1916-02-03, Page 6nunary
t of' KU
lett you!"
re addressed to me lie
the German army. lie
hie beard just sprout -
there had been no war
nany and any other pow-
tg before he wan born he
) way of letting off big sur -
We were in a beer garden,
and been sitting, at a table
tr one at Mach I sat with a party
Ameriean friends, *
Getting up from his table, he walk -
ea past us, and, my foot being in hie
way, he took pains to stumble .againet
it. Then, glaring down at lee, hp
vela in English:
"1 vill pig stick you!"
"What does the fellow mean?"
, "You've been ehallenged to fight a
attel," sEld Washburn, an attache at
the American legation. Ile had lived
In Berlin a number of years and knew
the vas of the inhabitants.
"Ile van send all .the ehatienges he
pleases," I mid, "I'll pay no atten-
tion to them." .
"In that case," Washburn replied,
"you must give up the social stend
you bare prepared to take In Berne
1 shouldint like to pO you forward
as 1 'lave prom:zed unless you either
. right young Donhoff„ whom everybody
et o is on intimate terms
1 family, or find some
nt of the matter is
t , ,, .. 1twee
"I'll think it over. I've helped Bev.
• eral Americans out of such scrapes.
By the bye, I OMR I'll try the plan
by which I saved Albertson from get-
ting a sword thrust between his ribs."
"What plan?"
"I didn't explain it till the affair
was settled, nor will I tell you. PO
• yourself hi my heads, ask no clues.
tams, and I think I can bring yeti
out of this with honor, probably with
I assented, and he took a Message
from me to Donhoff. I was an Amer,
lean, and .A.mericaes 'did not fight
duels. However, I was willing to
fight limier -certain conditions, or,
rather, I would prove myself more
skillful than he, We would fire at a
• hen's egg at 20 paces. If he hit' the
egg ofteuer than I, I would stand up
• and permit lam to shoot at me as
• long 'ait he liked, If I bit the egg
more times than he, he was to eule
• mit himself as a target for me.
The hot headed youngster accepted
the conditions. Indeed, he was rather
pleased at the novelty of the plan,
Washburn arranged for a test of skill
in a fencing academy and brought a
basket of eggs to the place, whin
were to serve as targets, The atfair
being an unusual one, none of the
safeguards common in duel prelim:la
aries were taken. Washburn fixed Ihe
target, suspending the egg by it tliread,
Donhoff and I tossed for order of
trial, and I won. Each principal Wa'S
to deliver five shote, and the one who
thatterea more .eggs than the other
The day -before the test I eould
smarcelyehit a barn door, but I prac-
ticed sufficiently to bit an egg at
least once in five ehote. On the trial
1 spattered the contents twice. Dom
haft, who like all German army Mai-
cers, was a good marasman, looked
upon my work with evident contempt,
I missed the first and second shots,
andas soon as I had done so he
ee mad to lose all interest in the cen.
te... He had doubtless made a prt•ve
out trial and discovered he could hit
thetegg -every time.
1 was instructed by 'Washburn thin
}ellen I beat Donhoff-and Washburn
t nu assured me that if his plan work-
ed I would -I was immediately to re-
nounce my right to make it target of
him. Washburn hung an egg for him.
Ile fired somewhat carelessly and
misspd. He was surprised especially
at seeing the egg vibrating from the
wind of the ball. He fired a second
shdt, thistime aiming carefully. Again
he missed, and again the egg danced.
If now he hit the egg at every remain-
ing et he 4.24,aottitheat me. Though
A -took a long time to aim before the
illiird shot, he missed it,
116 could neW only tie me. But he
had become so irritated with himself
that he was not capable of doing as
good work as betore. He missed the
fourth and fifth shots, the egg at each
successive shot vibrating less, indicat-
ieg that his aim had grown less accu-
rate. On missing the fifth shot he
threw his pistol down with an oath.,
Wasbburn shot me a glance, and I
cried, "I renounce the right 1 have
won!" and, hastening to Donhoff, put
out my hand. He took it, muttering
imprecations on himself • for having
amen so clumsy. Then he and bis party
thanked me for my magnanimity and
left the academy.
"By Jove!" exctaimed Washburn,
sinking into a chair, "If those fellows
bad exercised one-tenth the care they
would have taken in an ordinary duel
I would hayethadete leave Berlin."
'hat do you mean?" I asked.
"You fired at a solid egg. Denheff
a shell from which 1 had drawn
te eontente. No ball will hit an
mpty eggshell. The wind will drive
it aside every time,"
We had. won by a Yankee trick, but
'since it was merely to avoid blood
epIlling our consciences did not
a trouble, as. I entered Berlin society
under Washburn's wing with great
eclat, I feared that I would be 'called
upan to maintain my championship,
but was let severely alone.
le • *
He was 'esti-not it shade of doubt of
For lie never barked at a Milking eat,
But :amid in the square whbre the !wlnd
blew raw,
With drooping ears and et trembling paw,
And a Mournful look In his pleading eye
And a plaintve sniff e.t the passerby,
That hogged as plain as tongue could sue.
NM, mister, ph afte may I follow you "
A torn WC° Wtlie of tawny brown
Adrift In the roar of a headless town.
ni, the saddest of sights in it world et
is a little I,.et pup with his tall tucked In.
Well. he won my heart (for I St.t great
oe my own red llute-who is here no
n,y morel.
0 1 whietled riper, sad he trodded it; .
nd Wit° So glad es that small lost ntier
UP PilalY8 iny board, and he oWno
v bee.
, fairly ehouts When he in ars MY
things no wrong as they Grime'-
t I
M111 Ile, %Lula Is eold and I'M feel1i41:
tie .1i/e, rights to damage my evopA
1,,,,eent 'reel tongue and it nice cold
silky lig ad en nay 55111 OP 1(111,6
,01 ti t'at 110 a, paw OM be.
lir I. wi, rove the woods for a. league
te•ti VIII of pranhe ti, e, pelmet let out
1„.nti frisks 11, 111v-4,-
16:miff's cell
;ere 1.e, down like it th,infkr-
ef sights in the witted( oh
1,0•0 1.,,ith h 1 in tlie
To most of his hearers there was
nothing in hie Manner that was not
quite natural, but Graves. looked 1111
suddenly as he spoke and eyed aira
r ith a little more atteutIon than he
Lea hitherto baetowea on him.
Mr. Blake's examination was con-
etudea, and the Coroner heard the me -
e$ evidence.
This was on the 'whole very simple.
'Jho medical men used professional
terms, as they usually do, but the con.
elusion to which they had come was
etraightforward enough, James Rich-
ardson had died from the effect of
the wound on his head.
"Not by drowning?" wilted a juror,
"No, certainly not! The man was
not drowned, It is not probable that
he waS ever under water,"
"Can .you give us any idea Of the
eon of Weapon which would have in-
flicted these injuries?"
'Almost anything large, heavy and
bunt; a blunt tool -a spade, for in-
stance -or a large ;atone."
"Buell as this?" -and the stone
nicked up was hown
"That would do it."
"In Yaur opinion, allowing that this
were the weapon, was it thrown at the
man, or held in the hand and used aiti
a hemmer?"
"Probably the latter; but if it were
thrown O all it would aave been
from a very alert distance. The ap-
pearances point to its baying been
dulled ageinst the unians temple."
"Would one blow have sutficed, or
do you think there were more than
"One would have been an that was
"And what degree of force would
have been used?"
"It is difficult to say. If the as-
retalaut had at all the advantage of po-
eition, if he were standing on higher
ground and could come upOn the man
with something of a rush, a compara-
tively moderate amount of strength
would suffice. If they were standing
level, anci if they were about the same
height, it would require mare. But
I do not think we need assume that
there was any very •anustial muscular
"For a man?" said the coroner.
"Exactly, for a man,"
"If you were looking at the subject
In t onnection witha woman, what
would you say?"
"A woman? That would be a very
different matter, The average wo-
man would not throw anything with
nearly the same amount of streugth,
nor if elle need It as a hammer would
she be able to pat the same force in-
to the blow. Girls may compete very
successfully with their brothers in
running and swimming and climbing,
but I never yet met one with a good
idea of throwing." -
"Yet it would not be an impossibil-
ity for a muscular, well-developed wo-
"No, not an impossibility."
The doetor retired, and the coroner
busied himself for a moment with has
Then Tamnas Slade was called, and
he stepped forward and was duly
He gave his name, -an-d stated his
business to be that of a job garderter
and general laborer.
"You knew the dead man by sight?"
he was asked.
"Yes, sir."
"Have you spoken to him?"
"No, sir."
"When did you see him last alive?"
"On Tuesday afternoon,"
"Am I bound to say, sir? I don't
want to go against the law, but I'm
a poor man, with a wife, and I have
to think. You gentlemen, will go
away, but if I've offended any one
here I shall be left"
"No one will be allowed to injure
you in any way," said the coroner.
"You are certaanly bound to answer.
Where did you see James Richardson
on that afternoon?"
"In the garden at Box Cottage," said
"Box Cottage? That is -in the oteu-
Patton of-"
• "Mies Daintree, sir."
"And Nitta was the deceased doing
there? Was he alone?"
"Alone, except for her -Miss Dain -
tree, I mean."
"Was the deceased a friend of the
"Not that I should have.thought. I
never aaMr him there before."
"What happened on tine occasion?"
"I came in from the 'fields at the
back. They were stanea'vng on the
lawn, and I thought they must have
been friends unbeknown to me; but
11 wasn't as friends they) were there,
fOr they were having a batter quarrel,
and both were too angret to see Inc
uutil I were close on Unarm"
,"How do you know they were quar-
"I heard their voices raised, and as,
I tome up t heard her say -and the
threw the words at him as if they had
been states -'That is the weapon that
will be fatal to you.' Then he saw
me and he went. away,"
"Do you Mean that you took this
to be •a threat of personal violence
from Miss Daintree?"
"Well, 1 don't rightly know what
to think. I told our peliceman about
it, as I knew he was always het:Ping
his eye on her because of wthat her
lot was doing tip in London."
.This cryptic stateraeut bad to be
tenravelea for the benefit of the cor-
"Am I to gather that themffietr avas
afraid of thie lady?"
"I wouldn't say afraid, ,sir, but on
his guard, ea to 'speak."
Miss Dalian° was neXt arid
sworn ita the coroner had expected
to see a "wild -haired fury" tile was ells -
appointed, for she looked very geld,
very- pale, and very sad.
"How long have you knOW1), tha
ceased slut was asked,
"1 have onlir spoken to him twice
tn nly life. Once was on. the after-
noon to which Slade rams, and onatt
wee about five or six days before:
then, when I' met him,, entirely,. by
aecitimit ;the hollow 'by, the ftwa
aoble." • ; .." •
"Tell us whet hippo:zed then!"
"1 had gone to pick flowers, andt
found him already tlyere.- Ito Aare
afraid he viaa driving Me, away, AA
atfered to help um geetthellowers, 'nut
this1 &ennui, und I left tat one, ;le
Caalto with me as far ae the teeke,
and handed me cole'rainy-ahteaket *bid
bade- me gt.cti•evuning.", .
"Did taw ate tat:c eed i'ateathiarale
•• •
"As 1 left I !taw the Rector aud Sir
John Wooten."
She Was told to stand down for a
few minates and whilet Sir John was
asked if lie remenaltered the incident,
• He said that he did.
"SVliy was the fact impressed upon
your anind?"
"Simply because 1 was astonished
at the idea that ;Vise taeintree coula
• poestbly know' a man ite such a very
• different station in life from her
"Did you hear her answer him when
be wished her good evening?"
"No; she did not take any notice or
hien at
e"Did. ite look pleased or the re -
"Decidedly the reverse."
The Rector, locating very worried,
• confirmed Sir John's statement, and
Mies Daintree was once more called,
"You -were surprised at eeeing this
man in the hollow by the Pools?"
"You heal uo further conversation
with him there?"
"And the next meeting you had with
him Was in your own house?"
"In my own garden."
"Why did he come? Was it by 1.-
"Certainly not,"
"You must have some explanation
to offer, as to wily this man, a com-
Pieta stranger, called on you? Do
you think he was influenced by any
desire, however impertinent, tc) ex-
press admiration for you?"
Beryl shook her head:
"I must press this queetion, Miss
Daantree. What had this man ter say
to you?"
"I cannot tell you," she said.
"Surely you reallze this is verY
extraordinary? This man forces'
himself in to your presence, and You
cannot tell us why?"
Beryl did not answer.
Every one in the room was staring
hard at her, For the first time it
dawned upon her that she was in a
position of great difficulty, possibly
great peril.
• "You have heard Thomas Slade's
• account of what he heard and saw.
Do you agree with his' statement that
there was a difterence of opinion,
amounting to a quarrel, betweea
"Yes, there was a difference of opin-
"Was the subject on -which you
dieagreed mentioneq between you on
the occasion when you met the man
in the hollow?"
'Neither directly nor indirectly?"
"Yet you were aware of it at. the
• "I was not aware of it."
"But in less than a week you are on
terms of grave disegreement with him
on some point, although you had not
raet in. the interval. Are we to un-
derstand that you reeeived any writ-
ten commaitication from him?"
,"Noe I have never done so."
,n,,,yyeetse.,:sk us to accept these seem-
ingly cotradictory statements?"
"I should like to read over to you
this extract from Slade's, evidence -
heard Mies Daintree say, "This is
the weapon that will be fatal to
you." Is that statement true?"
"I should think so -most likely. I
cannot recall my exact. words, but I
have no doubt they were very Mee
"And to what weapon did you re-
"To the telling ot the truth."
"The truth was to prove fatal to
the deceased?" ,
pla"nYse.s,,, fata•l to some of his hopes and
"Will you ttell us what these hopes
and plans were?"
"I cannot."
"What took YOU to the pools on the
day of the murder?"
"I went there to pick flowers."
"And on the day betore .then, the
day on which you were speaking to
him there?"
"I went thee also for flowers."
"Cart you account for the stains on
your dress, Miss Daintree?"
"When I saw the poor man lying
there, half in and half Out of the
water, I naturally ran down the bank
to his side and tried to lift him Aut
of the water .He was too heavy for
me, but I could scarcely avoid getting
some marks."
Item had turned rather pale as she
recalled the horror of that moment.
"I should have thought it weald
have been more natural for a lady to
have gone for help .at once," said the
Coroner, "When You came to the spot
you heard no voices, Ito sounds of any
"And saw no one leaving the place?"
"No; it was all quite still."
Miss Daintree was again asked - to
state the cause of the quarrel between
•the dead nian ahd herself, and it was
hinted to her that she might find
herself in an unpleasant position if
,she did not -do so; but she resolutely
declined to tell.
At length the Coroner begat' to ad-
tdrese the ,Ittry, and pointed out that
'the dead men appeared to have been
of a very inoffensive disposition and
to have no enemies in the place. The
only record of any disagreement Ite
'had ever had was colniected with the
lady , whose evidence they had heard,
but who so firmly declined to answer
any Question which would throw light
•oet its came. Not only did elle appear
to be his one adversary, but ithe was
Also the only eveman with whotn he
'would seem to have had any conver-
•eation at all that was of a marked or
ameret kind,
"Please, sir," Bald a Vence burn the
back of the room, "may I speak? I
do know better than that."
• The Coroner was just working up
the full tiao of litee eloquence, and did
,not welcome the interruption. He was
• under the ittlpreeeion that Ali the evi-
aince had been taken; but he could
7110t, refuse to heat* a witness, who
iturrted out to be it certain man called
Wrigh t, a taborer on the Hall estate.
Having .been sworn, he said -
"That -last bit you said wasn't true,
,sir, thieve seen tha poor eliap that's
dead nieeting tolte one cm the ,quiet,
not (Mee nog tWice„ and alwaysi;some-
where round •the Peels."
"When have you seen this?"
•"Time and .again. Once in theteally
Morning, but morn erten in the 'after-
noon- late, Suet when it got asc,
$aw It within the last four days 't
eta WhOM did tha 044 OM taelat
; tbe'lleallew?"
'age wolltan„," maid the witeleget "anti
if I were to say a lady 1 shetlide't ba
tar Ont."
"Oo you kilow 'who it Wale?"
"No. When it wait the eacititig Elle
bad a tlakleil veil down, INtel in the
Inerniug1 watt not near enough."
"tt as it allee Oaintree?"
The whole room waited atlXiotiely fee
the axtewer. Tba man loolted round
"Vni1) e-ou, plow; Attend upe Miss
Dalutrav, alla wiji Yett cone° forward
etTlferIgtertrteitenanldell(..arae tarWard piitE
To the Surer's° 0 many he enook
hie head,
"No, no, it wern't ber. Not a bit
ilke. She's a head teller than the (me
I saw, who was e liLtis slip of a thing,
and len lay site had yellow bail',"
"What 014$3 of person did alto al).
pear? You deecribe her as a latlY."
"That's what come inta my head as
I eaw her. She Was all wrapped round
11110 M a cloak, so 1 can't say about her
dress, but I held Iter to be a lady."
"Did she appear to be on friendly,
let us say on affectionate terms with
the man she met?"
eel); there Was no kiesiag or any-
thiug 0 that sort. I though at Met it
would be a bit of sweethearting, and
I wondered weat the lass up at the
White Farm would sal' about it,"
There was a general scusation;
Wright had managed to hint at a. cer-
The Coroner however took him
back to his previous Point,
"But there was no sweethearting, as
YOu Yn"ot even p aand-shake, I didn't
watch them Much after that, but I
don't think they met as friends." '
"Mr, Blake," said the Coroner, "is
your daughter here?"
"She is waitiag for me outeide, sir."
"Have her called, Tell me, is there
• any ground whatever for this sugges-
tion that your daughter took any spe-
cial interest in the deceased?"
",No, sir."
Florence Blake was called, and the
coroner looked at her kindly and
spoke gently to her. She was a girl'
of about seventeen, very pretty in a
sort of gypsy way. Rumor said that
her mother had been a pure-bred
Romany who had taken by storm the
heart of joshua Blake by means of
her wild, exotic beauty. He had cer-
tainly toyed her with 41. more demon-
strative affection than is common
amongst men of his class, and his
.heart was all but broken when, with-
in a yea'; she died and tett behind it
baby daughter, who inherited her
mother's dark eyes and eable locks.
The little 'girl became as the core
of his heart and the light of his eyes.
Now, as she stood taere, shrinking
and trembling, her father put his
hand an her shoulder.
"There is naught to be afraid of,
my lass. Speak out!"
I ask you,. ?Miss Blake, whether
there was anything in the nature of
an 'engagement between you and the
late lodger at your father's farm?"
"No, sir," she replied.
"Well -there would have been no
harm in it, you know -was there any
love -making?"
"No; he was not in love with meat
"You are sure of that?"
"Yes, sir."
"You were not under the impreesion
that he thought of marrying you?"
"No. He wasegoing away. I was
never to see him again."
"Vas this a grief to you?"
"No; I wanted him to go."
"Then you would not have minded
if you had seen him meeting ;tome
other woman? By the way, you nev-
er met him in the place where he was
Lound dead?"
"Never, sir."
"And you would have felt no jeal-
ousy with regard to another woman?"
"What right had I? It was for his
wife to mind."
Another bombshell appeared to
have fallen in the room.
"His wife? How did you know he
was a married man?"
"He told me so, sir."
"Did he tell you who and where his
wife was?"
"No; be said she was it lady, and
that she hated him,"
The girl was allowed to withdraw,
and Beryl was one • 11 d,
"Did you know of this 'marriage?"
Miss Daintree?"
"I did." •
"'Were you this man's wife?"
"Do you know who his wife was?"
Beryl did net answer.
In the end the jury returned a ver-
dict of "Wilful murder against some
person unknown," but added a rider :
to say that Miss Daintree's evidence ,
had not been of a satisfactory nature.
The coroner sternly rebuked her, and
implied that matters could not be left
where they were,
- When she went home She felt that
she was under a cloud; a touch of
gloomy doubt was in the faces of all
she met. Even her little servant re-
quested permission to go home for the
rest 0 the day, and seemed to shrink
from her.
HoW was she to clear herself? It
was impossible as long as Dora held
her to her promise -and Dora, was
caly likely to do that.
(To be Continued.)
Thackeray)F.; Appetite.
Thackeray, telling of a dinner he en-
joyed at Antwerp, ;mid it consisted "of
green pea soup, boiled salmon, mus-
sels, erimpied skate, roast meat pat-
ties, melon, carp stewed with mash -
rooms and onions, roast turkey, cauli-
flower, fillets of venison, stewed calf's
ear, roast veal-, roast lamb, stewed
cherries, Gruyere cheese ;tad about
twenty-four cakes of different kinds,
Except five, thirteen and fotirteen
ate all, with three rolls of breed and
a score of potatoes,"
Those twenty potatoes remind the
reader of the dreadful disillusion of
Charlotte Bronte when she catne te
London and sat opposite her literary dinneie "Oh, Mr, Thatkeray!"
she .cried in slicked surprise as the
watched hint eat. She had never im-
agined a hero who ate potatoes by the
Numbered Teaspoons
In the early days .ot tett drinking,
when the brew Was rare and costly,
numbered spoons were used, It was
not etiquette for a glean to aek for it
seemed cup until all the company had
finished the first. The numbered
spoons therefore insured each getting
his own eup•back again. As a sign to
the hostess that no niore tea was
wanted the spot% was placed •iit the
enp. Even When etiquette Was a fet-
ish teapot spouts sometimes got 'Omit.
ed up, so the long handle of the. tspoon
with piereed bowl that sueeeeded
the silver strainer was thrust down
the spent to disperse the _leaves. "Itti-
(Melte," remarks Arthur Iltiti,vden in
t hats on Ohl Silver," "forbade the
imetwis to 'blow down the spout,"
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brass, 2,141 tons; hair for upholstery,
1,008 tons; moss, 2,050 tons; hides,
67,232, on the basis of one-third hide
per car, where real leather was used;
artificial leather, 3,280,000 square
yards; upholstery fittings, $917,542
worth; burlap, 6,560,000 yards; top
material, 11,405,250 yards, valued at
$2,447,780; maunfactured cotton., in
tires on new cars only, 7,950 tons; cel-
luloid, 300,000 pounds; rubber and
compounds, 9,338 tons; hinges, 2,446,-
780 pairs; door catch fittings, 2,446,-
780a carpet, 489,356 square yards; lin-
oleum, 642,908 square yards; boards
for floors, wheels and bodies, 0,540,000
running feet.
• 4'
In Spite of Taxes and Contingent
Appropriation, Dividends and Bonus
Were Maintained Without Drawing
Upon Past Profits -Bank In Very
Strong Position for Renewal of
Trade Activity.
The fifty -first -annual statement of
the Union Bank of Canada, which was
presented at the annual meeting in
Winnipeg on Wednesday, January 12,
reveals a year which has been highly
eatisfactory from the shareholdera'
standpoint and at the same time has
witnessed a great expansion in
the deposit businese of the Bank and
a remarkable increase in its liquid
assets, while its loans to Canadian
trade ad industry have been main-
tained to the full extent of the present
reduced requirements, of the country.
The Bank reports net profits for the
year amounting to $659,688, which
compares with $712,440 in 1914 (a very
moderate reduction, having re-
gard to the prevailing condi-
tions, which have been univer-
sally unfavorable to profitable
bank operationst-they represent 13,2
per cent. en the capital stock, and
sufficed for the payment of the full
regular dividends of 8 per cent. and
the bonus of 1 per cent., • together
with the appropriation of $150,000 to
contingent account, the payment of
War Tax of $45,720,77, and the usual
contribution of $10,000 to Officers'
Pension Fund, while the balance care,
vied forward is increased by some
$3,956, and now amounts to $106,-
976.75. It is worthy of note that thls
Bank has passed through the entire
three years, 1913, 1914 and 1915, main-
taining its dividends and bonuses, its
pension contribution, its provision for
. depreciation and contingencies, its
• special taxes and sundry patriotic do-
nations, and all without having to
draw upon acuminated profits or Rest
Account, and with an annual Increase
In the profit balance carried forward.
The balance sheet showe an expan-
sion of over nine millions in the total
volume of assets . and liabilities. The
Public liabilities total $81,654,026.75,
as against $70,992,919,04 a year ago -
the chief items being note ci-rculation
$7,673,659.00 (increase about $1,300,-
000), deposits not bearing interest
$21,999,882.00 'increase feur and a half
millions), deposits bearing interest
$50,685,304.63 (increase a little voider
five millions), and balanees dtte to
banks abroad, $984,405.99.
The changes in the asset column are
huportant, and serve to exhibit the
immense reservoirs of strength which
have been accumulated since the war
began, and Which are now ready and
available for the support of Canadian
business in the period cf expansion
which is already coming in sight.
Total assets amount to $90,663,063.70.
The liquid reserve amounts to $39,-'
1138,385,0, which is an increase of
close upon thirteen *million dollars, or
almost fifty per cent.„ over the figures
of a year ago. It corisists of $9,257,-
094.56 of coin and Dominion notes in
hand, $2,800,000 of gold and notes in
the Central Gold Reserve, $3,556,491.45
ot cheques on other banks and $706,-
742.00 of notes of the same, K08,-
345.88 due by banks abroad, $3,434,-
139.73 of railway and other bonds Rad
stoelts,. $7,746,570.44 Or Call loans la
Canada and $4,183,651.69 of call Wills
abroad, With smaller sums in other
gilt-edged items,
Notwithstanding these large sums
Mit into fltittld assets, the Bank has
in no degree neglected its duty to the
.comntereial commuttity, Current loans
and dieeettrits in Coned& '(other than
call loans) are $48,941,315,32, which is
scareely two millions less than in
1914 in spite Of the marked tontrac-
tion in the trade of the couatrY,
and is actually two Millions More than
iii 1913, If we add together the cur-
rent and call loans in Canada We tied
an inereaee of $2,700,000 during the
past year. Diseounte outside of Can-
ada, are $608,602.92, a moderato in-
erease. There is a Marked reduction
in overdue debts, and all the less real -
'sable items aro very small, which
appears to indicate it healthy condi- •
Gee of affairs among the Batik's
Very few banks, and only the very
strongest, have ,tome through the past
three years with each satisfactory re-
sults as the Union Bank, and the fig -
scam to show that President
John Galt end (lerieral Manager G. H.
Balfour have brought to the business,
sines it was eMoved to Winnipeg, the
Ball* eonitervative and thotoaghly
sound principles which actuated It
wheit its headquarters were in the eau.
time mit. In the city of Quebec.
Zn Auntie rue.
When the Indiana travelled together
they seldom walked or rode two or
more abreast, . but followed one an-
other In singiefile. It Las been
thought by eonie that tale practice re.
milted from the lacle of roads, evhich
compelled them to malte their way
pravtiee, then we atomic]. eXpect to
countries travelled la companY, OA do
:1.1:iotug08.11 woods. by path.%
find that the tribewhos lived in. open
If this were the read reason for the
The true reason for jenirtleYing, as
the Indiana did, in tangle file, seems
elelng of caste. This feeling
was the bottom Of other cagoule of
This Peculiarity IS Asiatic. How it
has warped and disfigured Hindoo Ufo
Is well IttloWit. Home is scarcely pos.
sible where it prevalle, To the women
and children, domestic life is bondage,
The women of a Chinese household are
Held= seen on the ;street. The chil-
dren, when accompanying their father,
follow him at a respectful distance, la
single file, and in the order of their
.14-41 •""""-'++++44-4-44"""+"G Facts for Hoe Seekers
To Ponder Over
(By Sarah Baxter,)
• Did you never hear 0 the Gila mon-
ster? No? Well, the Gila looks none
thing like a young alligator,. When
attacked it feigns to be deed, Its bite
is frightfully poisonous. The victim
lingers a long while in great agony,
then dies.
There is -or rather there was -out
on the plains west of the Missouri
river a human monster as much to
be dreaded as the Gila. This Was the
desperado who finds his prowling
grounds in new countries. When Am-
erica was being occupied by a civil-
ized people the human Gila, was the
renegade white. He lived with the
Indians and fought with them against
their enemies, including those of his
own color. When the savage e wished
to draw ,the whites into an ambush
they would use the renegade for the
purpose, and he was not ashamed to
serve them,
This human monster in another
form was the terror 0 the plains
when they were passing front law-
lessness to civilizatiou. He delighted
la cruelty. There wfl3 no law in the
country on which he had obtruded
himeelt to prevent his murders or
punish him therefor except the re-
volver, and since that was las espe-
cial weapon he was so skillful with
it that he had every advantage.
Mark Rogegs, an Indiana farmer,
having a sickly wife, sold his farm
and took her with their children to a
region in the southwest then being
taken up by white settlers, There he
"squatted" and rained what crops he
could while his wife was regaining
her strength, A hamlet grew up in
the vicinity, coneteting al' four dwell-
ings, a store, a blackemith shop and
a saloon. Ono day Rogers was pass-
ing through the hamlet when a mah
known as Textee Bill came out 0 the
saloon firing Ills revolaeraaboat him
as a boy celebrating the Fourth of
Stay. Seeing Rogers, he put a bullet
into his left breast, in the region of
the heart. He had nothing whatever
against Rogers, He fired at him as
he Would at a tree or any other mark.
His victim fell and lay in the road
'till some persons took him up and
carried hint home. There was little
or no hope that he wouln survive,
and at his death las invalid widow
and her children would be in it des-
titute conditior. He lingered along,
however, and one day his wife heard
him mutteriug to himself that when
he recovered the man who had shot
him would have a chance to shoot
him agaan or die.
This boded no good for the Rogers
family. Texas Bill would have every
advantage in a fight, and since it was
to be expected that if Rogers recover-
ed one 0 the two would die every
one knew that Bin v.ould be on the
watch for his enemy in case he got
out again. There were no vourts to
punish the crime or prevent a subse-
queat murder. If the husband and
father did not die of his wound he
would subsequently be killed,
It remained for it weak Newnan to
solve the problem. As soon as she
could be spared from .attendance on
her husband Mrs. Rogers took a bag
and went out on the plain. When she
returned it was evident that she had
something in the bag, but what it
was no one know and no one caved.
She took it into the cellar and 10111
there, locking the door. Every day
after that she would go into the cel-
lar, take the bag and go down into
the hamlet, where sbe would spend
some time answering questions as to
her husband's condition, but it was
noticed that she was always looking
about her and had an eye especially
on the saloon,
One morning while she was thus en-
gaged Texas Bill Came out of the sa-
loon, smoking a long black cigar. His
trousers wore 'inked in his boots,,
his flannel shirt was open, exposing
Itis hairy breast, and his face was
flushed with liquor, A revolver was
slung to each hip, and te long knife
was in his belt, Mrs, Rogers left her
friends and advaneed toward him,
There was , something about her
Movement to tell the others that she
had some intent concerning ber bus.
bead's enemy --n eeetain resolute look
hi her eye, a quickness in her walk,
She seemed ke a David advancing
to attack a Goliath. Was the bag she
carried a sting containing a stone?
Texas 13111 stood for a manna on
the porch 0 the saloon looking down
on the desolate scene, then stagger-
ed down the Steps end walked 'away
from the group 0 wilich 'Mrs, Rogere
had formed a part, Shefollowed him.
While doing so She raised the skirt
of her dress and from about her waist
uncoiled a rope. Winn late came to
within, a few yards ot Bill she threw
a noose in the rope ov 1 bus shoulders
and as it fell to his elbows gave it a
sudden jerk, pinioning his arms.
From this moment she moved with
lightning -Ike rapidity, holding the
lasso in her left hand, while with her
right she turned the hag over on
13111's shoulders. A loathsome thing
fastened itself onto his back. Giving
a mighty yell, ho freed his arms
and grasped what Clung to him, hut
was too late to save bimeelf from he
bite. Wrenching it off, he BMW the
deadly Gila.
Fortunately far the woman he was
too Intently
engaged with the Mole
Stet' to pay any heed to her or he
Might have served her as he had
servell..her ljvhand. Ile went howl-
ing down the tad and hie (*Mee of
teeth were heard till death relieved
him of his agony.
floors recovered, and his wife was
ever afterwkrd known as the woman
who had betoken Texas 13111.
• -• •46 44' .t %.1111.
..;6•341, iift, • g „
Nearly every disease eaa be trace
to clogged or inactive stomacas, liv-
ers or inteetinee, Indigestion, bilious-
ness, headaches ana insomnia all ern-
auate from this eause, Keep these or-
gans in working order and you'll have
continuous gotta beanie No case was
ever treated with Dr, Hamilton's Pills
and no cured; their record is one
Of marvelous success. Dr. Hamilton's
Pills are very mild, yet they cleanse
the bowels promptly and establish
healthy regularity, You'll cat plenty,
digest well, sleep soundly, feel like
new after using Dr. Hamilton's Pills
-one a dose ---25c a box everyvvhere.
Be sure you get the genuine Dr. Ham-
ilton Pills, in a yellow box always.
Saluting the Quarter Decks.
In response to an Inquiry as to why
officers and men of the nay)" "salute
the deck" and civilians remove their
hats when going aboard a naval ves-
sel it may be said that, though tom -
manly called a "salute to the deck,"
the salute:in question is really a sa-
lute to the flag. For instance, ea night
on reaching the quarter deck or upon
leaving 11 110 salute is required, as the
flag is, of course, not flying. Tbe fact
that this salute is rendered upon reach
Mg the quarter deck, as when leaving
the ship, is probably responsible for
Its having been known as a salute to
the deck; but, as has been stated, it is
really a salute to the flag. Men should
when rendering it stop, stand erect
and face the flag.
Marion Bridge, C, p„ May 20, '02.
I. have handlea MINARD'S LINI-
MENT during the past year. It is
.ithvays the firet Liniment asked for
here, and unquestiontebly the best,
seller of all the different kinds 0
laniment I handle,
Out of the Mouths of Babes.
Teacher -Now, Johnny, can you tell
me the difference between one yard
and two yards?
Small Johnny -Yes, ma'am. A fence.
"Mamma," said 4 -year-old Margie,
who had been assigned the task of
rocking the cradle containing her baby
brother, "if the angels have any more
kids to give away, don't you take
- "Oh, dear!" sighed little Elmer, es
he gazed at the flaming circus posters
on the side of it barn. "I wish I were
an angel for a few weeks."
"Why do you wieh that, Elmer?"
asked his astonisbed mother.
"Because," explained the little fel-
low, "then I could fly around and look
at all the circuses for nothing."-Chi-
eago News.
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia
Ancient History of Kilts.
The Scottish kilt, as an article of
dress, dates back to historic times,
anti was originally, as far as can be
figured out, -merely a plaid blanket,
worn about the shoulders, with one
end gathered about the loinin cold
weather. The mountaineers of the
Balkans wear the kilt, and students
say that the soldiers 0 the Assyrian
kings wore e costume very closely
akin to the kilt of Scotland.
Minaret's Liniment cures Burns, Etc,
- o
An Egg Trick.
Hold a raw egg on end and spaatit
on a plate or other smooth surface.
Quickly- place the hand upon it for an
instant, stopping the' motion momen-
tarily. When the hand is removad the
egg: will resume its spinning. This is
because the liquid contents of the shell
continued to whirl rapidly when your
hand stopped the shell, and if it is
quickly released the whirling tontents
will again set tlie shell to spinning.
* •
Many a man can't understand why
the rest f 118 don't get stiff necks
looking up to him.
Here's Palate Joy for You
—also stomach comfort be-
yond belief. Heat a Shredded
Wheat 131scuit in the oven to
restore crispness, then cover
with sliced bananas and pour
over it milk or cream.
Sweeten it to suit the taste.,
A complete, perfect meal
supplying more strength -
giving nutriment than meat
or eggs arid at a cost of
three or four cents. A warm,
nourishing breakfast—a de.
licious lunch.
Made in Canada.
WANTI10- 0
TV rum loolanaree %es,
sleeker teedere. e'er parte) • ter
to the alluesby Mae the, terruttel
turd. Ont.
lee Britiett Army orders,. knittsd. under'
Wear, ;se/elbow. plain *ateliers EittulOartk.
us, Brigilt, healthy employment. laaad
weges. Zimmerman auk, co.. Ltd..
Aberdeen and (earth streets, Iiiinalton,
..e, .
la7ANTDD-WEAvElt5 0N' 13i4A11.
VT !sets and plain Cloths. Alan AP"
prenticee to learn weeviug. .111eliest
wageit and steady work. ekepla to the
alingsby Menufecturinte Coe:teeny, Ltd.,
Brantford. Ontario,
1?OR sa.ix-FANOY VicinioNs Attic
flying homerto pricey retinue:Ole. la
lIolton, 22 Caroline street fintan. kiare'n
11ton, oat,
ATC"I'D-01111,4 OF (1001) 14I)I7C.A..
• t1oi to traM -for BMWS, -Apply,
Wellandra ifespital, 91. Catharines. Ont. •
.arbed Wire in the War.
In war barbed wire is used in vari-
pus ways, but its Main object is Man ,
stopping, It is iaterlaced with ground
pegs in front 0 trench:lc:emir:1n
poee 0 tripping ebarging troops, it is
etrung across bridges 47e7ds.-
to prevent thepaseege 0 cavalry, wed
it is used for hawing in cameo • to
guard against rushing tactics ou the
part af the enemy. Whenever pos-
sible barbed wire entanglements are
hidden in long grass or in hedges, so
that advancing troops will be trapped
while tlie enemy rake their Haft with
shot and shell. Barbed wire vermeill.
ed in undergrowth is particularly
deadly where cavalry is concerned,
for the wire grips the horses' hoofs,
causing them to fall on the spike
strewn ground. -London Timm
4 .0
(Rochester Times)
Ida Tarbell says the ultimate aim ot
all girls ie matrimony. Why the "el-
4 4 40
Mrs, E. Cutler, St. Lazar°, Man„
writes: "I have used Baby s Own
Tablets for the past ten Years for MY
five caildren, and cad truthtelly eity
there le no medicine to equal them."
The -Tablets regulate the bowels and'
etontach, cure constipation and Indi-
gestion, expel worms and make teeth-
ing easy. They are sold by flail -Mine
dealers or by mail .at "25 cen Je! a pox
from The Pr. 'Williams Medicine Set
. e
Brockville, Ont,
Telegraph Wires tni Barometers.
A phenomenon with will& most
people are 'familiar Is the curlew:
noise made by telegraph wires. It
is accepted as ordinary; and yet there
has been hitherto no final tx.•zplitaa-
tiOn. Professor lebl, 0 the Vetiver.
site, of Ottawa, eletes that the sang
of the telegraph aires is that song ta
theabarometer, and the.t the vane.
tions are ia direct relation to varia-
tions of the weather. It le eccorra
Mg to Professor Mena eeeeele;retatcalpaaa,
dicator 0 the weather. If tho Vound
is IOW the woather will change in two
days. If it is sharp it momentary
change is probable. Accerding to the
new theory the vibrations af the wire
are., transmitted by the posts, whica
receive them in tura from the earth.
/f you are troubled with weak, tired
feelings, headache, backache, bearing
down sensations, bladder weakness, cons-
tipation, catarrhal conditions, pain in the
sides regularly or Irregederly, bloating..
or unnatural enlargements, sense of fall-
ing or misplacement of internal emu's,
nervousness, desire to cry, palpitation,
hot flashes, dark rings under the eyes,
or a loss of interest in life, I invite you
to write and ask for thy simple method of
home treatment with ten liars' trial en-
tirely free and postpaid, also references
to Canadian ladiee who gladly tell bow
they have regained health, strength, and
happiness by this method. Write, to -day,
Address; Mrs. M. Summers. Itcat 2, WM&
tier Ont.
Crippled Feet in China.
.According to • Chinese historet the
custom 0 small feet among the
females of China originateekaeaee '
ceztturiee back, wleetiate large bCaly of
wemen rose against the Government
and tried to overthrow it. To pievent
the recurrence 0 such an event the
use 0 woodelt shoot so small aa to
disable them from. makingtany (effec-
tive use of their feet was enforcati,..att
all female infants.
Mineral's Linlme......nt or sale_eyerywhere
Paperhanger's me directions Pas:e.
Kindly givefor mak-
Ing paste for pixperhanging.
wlsa 0.
Follow • this formula:
Five pounds of flour, two gallons, of
water, make a thick paste of your
flour, then when it is nice and smootll.
pour your beineg water over gradual-
ly, stirring all the time, then when
this is finished take two tablespoons
0 powdered alum, pour warm water
over it, and gradually add this.
el- •
Millard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
And How ratigue Militates
Against it in Labors,
whatever of antagonient-egnil itis n
a little -there may he in 'labor ear 0
the new "efficiency," its methods and its
stadards, is based, at least avowedly, on
the dontention that it increases proeitte-
tion without regard to tho efforts of
faster nixd harder work on those doing
It. Of course, efficiency so secured Is
more t dentine than it It human, and It
would not la the end be profitable to
the employers.
One boss who evidently knows this is
the superintendent of it Conneeticut blew
works, who contributes an interesting
little story to the iron ,Age. ,At these
works there, was recently", co/tsunami
a long Moline up which lime* loads
were to bP wheeled in barrows,
premiums wers offered to the man who
did or exceeded it certain entount of this
labor. They attempted it.vigorously, but
none succeeded In earning any ot the
extra. motley. Bieteaa they' ail tell con-
iliaorably below the fixed task,
Prompt investigation by an eXpert dis-
closed that the trouble lay in the feet
that the inett were working Without suf-
ficiently frequent periods of rest. There.
%molt tt formai' wits stationed by a clack,
arid every 12 minutes he blew it whistle.
At the eount every harrewman 16topped
where he evea, eat down on hie barrow
aria reetett for three minute& The first
hour ittter that Was done slumed a re.
Inittete.ble Omega for the better itt ae-
eninpliehmenti the seated day the men
all made a oretelum ellowenee by &Mei
more then, whet luta been ten Melt, and
ott the thli,d day thn brerrilum teninen-
satin had risen, on the AVefeIN 44
• (*tette with no remplainte of overt
vitae trOn any of the fates..-Vrew
ark Thsieri.