HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1916-02-03, Page 4ham Abbtinr
NT, Proprietor
an. Manager
. PEB. 6 th, 1916
n is published every Thursday
gphonc No. 31.
tr viON 'T's;,sMs.--One Dollar and Fifty
Ur year; it paid strictly in advanco One
r will be accepted; to subscribers in the
ed States the rate is One Dollar and Fifty
is strictly in edtranco Subscribers who
it to receive Tun Anvaxct; regularly by mail
ill confer a favor by acquainting the publish -
r of the fact at as early a date as possible.
When a change of address is desired, both old
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tances may be made by bank draft, express
money order, ppost•ottce order, or registered
letter. Subscriptions may commence at any
Anvrwrisueo Teams, -Rates for display and
contract advortisemonts will be given on applt-
cation. legal and other similar advortisments,
non and four
ten cents nor for Rest inae t
coots per line for eaoh subsequent insertion.
iluelness cards of six lines and under, Five
Dollars per year. Advertisement of Lost,
Found, Strayed, Situations Vacant, Situations
Wanted, nooses far Sale or to Itent. Farms for
Salts or to Rent, Articles for Salo, eto., not ex-
ceedtrg eight lines, Twent•yyfive Cente each in-
sertion • one Dollar for first month, Fifty Cents
for each subsequent month. Larger advertise -
merits in proportion, Announcements in ordi-
nary reading typo, Ten Cents her line No
melee lees than'Lwe., ty-five Cents, Any sppoo•
jai notice, the object of which is the nocuntary
,beneataf any individual or association, to be
oonsiderectan ad eertisemeut and charged ac-
A Challenge To Carvell
The Ottawa Free Press invites
Mr. Carvell to repeat outside of
the House what he -aid concern-
ing that Liberal paper under the
proctection of the House. "We
desire," says The Free Press, "au
opportunity in a court of law to
prove that the important part of it
(Carvell's statement) is false and
At no time in the history of our
nation has it been faced with a
crisis of such gravity as that which
now exists.
If Sweeden refuses to export
wood pulp to Britain, she can
simply keep her Stockholm.—Mail
and Empire.
What is the matter with the
streets lights? Some dark nights
recently Wingham streets were
without lights.
The Sultan of Turkey has. com-
andeered all the hemp in his do-
mains. Give him enough rope
and he'll probably see the° wisdom
of banging himself,
The life of the Canadian parlia-
nent should be extended. No
thinking Canadian would clamor
for an election under present eon-
ditions.--]f'armer's Advocate.
Too Late
Canadians ' have at last
wakened up to the serious-
ness of the war situation,
and are enlisting by the
They will yet be in time
to Help break the back of
I� aiserdom, but too late
to get life Insurance.
No Canadian Company
will insure an overseas
Every eligible
should, therefore, Insure
now, for, when he makes up
his mind to enlist, he will
be too late.
Call and get a
1916 Calendar
Ritchie & Cosens
Agents the Mutual Life of Canada
Now comes Archie McCaig, Lib-
eral M. P. of Kent, with a refutat.
ion of Mr. Carvell's wicked at-
tempt to introduce partisan politics
into the overseas forces of Canada.
Carvell has been folly discounted
by his own side of the House.
When it comes to tying up
groups, little Willie Thaw and his
team mates, Rain, sleet, South,
Wind, Warmer, Higher Temper-
ature, and Mild, has it all ever
any combination ever brought to-
gether. Ile has them tied up all
over the country.
A heading in the London Ad-
vertiser appears as follows "Activ-
ity of Conservatives interferes with
Recruiting" and in the same issue
its editorial "Clinching Nails" is
one of the most bitter against Hon.
Mr. Burrell andthe reason is most-
ly because he had courage to reply
to F. B. Carvell's insinuations.
F. B. Carvell, Liberal member
for Carleton, N. B. when making
the excellent exposure of the exces-
" sive prices paid for bay by the
Dept. of Agriculture, must have
forgotten the prices he himself re-
ceived for hay in 1902, at the time
of the South African war, or he
may possibly have thought that no
one else would have remembered.
.101M 16.
(Successor to J. G. STEWART)
P. 0. Box 366 - Phone 198
Mr J. W. Beattie of the Brunswick
received the following interesting let-
ter from hie son, Will, who enlisted in
the West with the fleet coutlegent
and has been in the trenches and in
the thick of some of the fiercest fight-
Some place in Flanders,
Dec, 20th, 1015.
My Pear Father
1 received a bundle of papers from
you a few days ago, including Jack
Canuck, I always like to get Jack
Oanuek. There ie always a lot of
stuff he publishes I cannot agree with,
particularly in hie military news,
when he refhre to the front. He don't
know a bit more than a lot more of the
stay-at-homes, We often
papers relating happeninge at the
front, and believe me it is very hum-
orous, Take it from ole there is a lot
of it is exaggerated.
THE WING II &WI ADVANCE. Thursday, Febuary 0, 1010
r........timmigoonamomilomememmommoirsimeseimommuwinioso besavemsee sees evareeesese
One thing we have plenty of and
that is rain and mud. It has rained
practically every day for the past
couple of months, and the land in this
country is clay and etoneless eo you
can form an idea of the mod we have
to contend frith. Always packing
about an acre of real estate on your
clothing, sleep in it, eat in it, always
iu It, no getting away. However wo
make the hest of it generally with a
grouch. The only relief ,we get is
grousing, always grousing. At pre-
sent my battalion is in the trencher,
my company is in support. We are a
little better cff as far as being comfort-
able, but have to put up with more
shell fire and take it from me those,
people Hans and Fritz have some
shells and can place them about where
1 they like, but with all their big guns,
Teacher Piano and Theory
Pupils prepared Studio
for Toronto Con- llacdonald Block,
servatory Exams. Wingham
neM= -- —�
Reliable Salesman to act as Agent in
Huron and Bruce Counties
Outfit free, exclusive territory and
money making specialties. Ouragen-
cies are the best in the business for we
sell the highest grade of stock at most
reasonable prices and
� guarantee
liveries in first class condition Nur-
sery stock is selling well this year and
good money can be made in this d's-
trict. For particulars write Sales Mgr.
Toronto, Ont'
Winter Resorts
Special Round Trip Fares
Long Limit Stop -overs
Asheville and Hot Springs, N.C., Char-
leston, S.0 ; Nassau, N P,; Hot Springs,
Ark. ; French Lick Springs, Ind ; Jack-
sonville and all Florida Points, Havana,
Cuba, and New Orleans, La via New
Yo, k and Rail (or steamer according- to
destination) or via Buffalo, Detroit or
Other Health Resorts
Mount Clements, Mich.; Battle Creek
Mich , St. Catharines, Welland, Preston
Springs, Ont,
Tickets and fu'l information on applicat-
ion to Grand Trunk Ticket Agents.
I1, B. Elliott, Town Ticket Agent
TRA'rc-Opt) ONT'-
Commercial, Shorthand and Tele-
Departments Our graduates
secure good posittons and meet with <�
success. In two clays recently we
received 14 applications for trained
help. Many of these applications we
cannot meet. Some calls off ring
2 from $45 per month to $1400 per
Send for free catalogue at once, it
will interest,
D. A. MetACBLAN - Principal j
eMM041,wss>ww.„MatatrAMPOWI 141 W..rrwrn11M44.n.tW,rgs.flWw.r1rr.w..11w.r.11rw,r
The Elgin county eouutfl voted $30,) Makes the Ontario License Board
greatly alters its present viewe the
liquor licenses at the Windsor and
Port Erie race tracks and probably
the club license at the Woodbine, To.
ronto and at Hamilton, will be wiped
out at the close of the present license
000 to the Patriotic Fund.
Guthrie Preebyterians of Harriston
have sent 23 to the colors,
Jas. Coulter. aged 60 years, treasurer
of Brant towneblp, died on Jan, 25th
The 200 -acre farm of the late Lech -
lin McNeil, ljth con. of Grey, has
been purchased by J. M. Knight,
Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Sanders of Grey
township moved to Brussels last
the home of
eek havingpurchased week,pu .
the late Mrs. (Rev,) J. L. Kerr.
The city council of St. Thomas has
decided to apply for legislation giving
authority to tax every citizen, not on
the tax roll, $5 for patriotic purposes.
County Constable Fellow of Gode-
rich, seized a couple of suitcases,
which no one claimed at the Gode-
rich station. They are filled with
Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Com-
pany annual meeting is slated for the
Township Hall, Gorrie, on Friday,
February 11t3, at 2 o'clock. With
good weather and roads the e ie likely
to be a large attendance.
At the annual meeting of the Kin-
cardine .Agricultural Society Secret-
ary-Treasurer J. J. Hunter read the
financial report, which showed a sada-
factory balance to the credit of the
etc, they are up against a proposition
they cannot understand as far as this
front is concerned, Where are many
little details I would like to tell you
about but cannot owing to our being
forbidden to mention military matters.
This is a dreary war, night after night
working party, guard or listening
poet, listening poet ie a position some
distance over the parapet. in what is
known as no man's land where you re-
main during the night hours, watch-
ing and listening for any move the
enemy may make.
I sent you the 5th Battalion Xmas
Garland and I think you will find
some very interesting reading, I also
sent you our Xmae Card. By the way
if you have any or can procure any
Orange Sentinels please send them to
My turn for leave is drawing near,
London for mine. A rest will sure be
appreciated when a man is out in this
country for several months he is about
all in. I have been complaining the
past couple of weeks of a severe cold,
feeling some better now. I was up to
the doctor this p.m., got some must-
ard plasters and am going to put them
on my chest when I finish this letter.
Thie would be a fine country for your
complaint, rheumatism. It is a won-
der to me that the whole population
is not crippled, as I said before ,,the
climate is tierce.
Well Dad it is getting too dark for
me to write any more. Hoping to
hear from you soon.. With love and
bests wishes I remain,
Your affectionate son,
A 26137 -Pte W. Beattie
B Co'y, 6 Platoon
5th Batt., 2 Brigade,
let Canadians,
B. E. F. France.
Night in the trenches.
Many Parcels at the front
Writing to his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Matthew W eleh, 4th concession Huron
Township, Murray Walsh. of the Roy
al tlanadian Dragoons, comments on
the number of parcels received by the
men at the front. He says
have r-
Two parcels are all that .
rlved so far, but the rest lou sent will
come in time. The number of parcels
that come out here are a fright, 1
don't see how they handle thein all,"
rw t'I haven't seen anybody from home
out here for a long time. I was in the
Iltepltal for Christmas and we had a
Pit teed. The boys back here in billets
had i uite a time, too. They had the
bill decorated with ivy and holly
a lotd of tissue paper lanterns, They
ad a concert, too, and everybody had
to do their little bit, whether they
or satltg or recited before or not.
"Thor* was no fraternizing between
trundles and the Germans this
r like tart , rletmatt,
1rii., k �!; A IN
For information that will lead to
the disco -very or whereabouts of the
person or persons suffering from
Nervous Debility, Diseases of the
Mouth and Throat, Blood Poison,
Skin Diseases, Bladder Troubles,
Special Ailments, and Chronic or
Complicated Complaints who can-
not be cured at The Ontario Medi.
cal Institute, 263.20,1e.Yon(.;o St.,
'1'oronto!64Cortespond: flee invited.
Dr. J. Standish, a physician, of Pal-
merston, aged 75, has offered his seta
vines to help keep the enlisted boys in
good health. Dr. Staucliah's sister,
Mre Scott of Amberley, although over
80 years of age is busy from early
morning till Ute at night making
socks and shirts for soldiers.
General Hos
At the Kincardinei• p
tel, where he was admitted as patient
five weeks ago, death claimed Mr.
John Sellery, a man well known
throughout that section of the coun-
try. Mr. Seller& was in his 80th year
and had lived in Kincardine for more
than httilf a century.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stinsoh of
Varna aunounce the engagement of
their youngest daugbter, Kathleen,
to Mr. Ernest W, R. Izz'rd of Mon-
treal, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Izzard of Goderich township,
The marriage to take place early in
The 200 acre farm of the late Lachlin
McNeil, 14th Con. of Grey, has been
purchased by J. M, Knight, who is
now farming 450 acres, having 100
acres rented. He handles a large num•
ber of cattle on account of having
ample pasturage.
John Galbraith, horse buyer, bas
purchased the black Pet•cheron " stai-
lion, Gtilou,n from the Blftevale syn-
dicate, at a good figure, Mr. Galbraith
has also bought the farm of Donald
Campbell, 14th Con., Grey Twp„ now
teamed by R. L. Taylor.
+ t► at, areyq.rr t ge1►��•P t. *yk + a
+► ► ►tiaU d.V.ra1A 4v. ah 'A-.*fr►rate, igu rbr►at► i:r,o vet ie. /ti ass, ai dr• /r•r•s
il� r�r
The post offices at Amberley and
Laurier will close by order of the Post
Office Department on January 31st.
All residences south and east of Am -
barley hereafter will be served by
Lucknow Route 3, and those to the
north and west by Kincardine Route
1. All served by Laurier will go on
Lucknow Route 3,
Mr. Walter Rose of Teeswater hat
just returned from Ottawa, where he
exhibited some of hie single -comb
White Leghorn poultry. Out of 120
entries he won for cockerels, first,
third and fourth. For bene he won
second and sixth, for pullets, fifth,
sixth and ninth, for dock, third and
fourth, besides a special silvericup and
incubator for beet collection. Silver
cup for beet cock and hen, cockerel
and pullet, and a special prize of $100
for the best cockerel.
Mise Black of McDonald Hall, who
has been conducting classes in domes•
tic science at iTeeswater for the past
two weeks, concluded the course on
Friday. She was presented with an
address and beautiful cameo pin by
the ladies who had been under instruc-
tion during the course. The young
women of the class tendered a banquet
to the detachment of the 160..t Bate
talion who are training in Teeswater.
Music and recitations were rendered
by members of the detachment, Rev.
W. A. Bradley and Mr, S. R Brill, in
the absence of Reeve Ferguson, who
is attending the County Council, de-
livering addresses. The classes in
agriculture, in charge of Instructor
McKay, will continue till February 5.
The Milwaukee Free Press of Jan.
13th gives the sad particulars of the
killing of 16 American citizens in Mex-
ico by bandits. These men were en-
gaged as mining experts. Among the
number was W. J. Wallace, whose
father owned Brussels Cheese factory
30 years ago. •
Annual meeting of «the Brussels,
Grey & Morris Telephone Company
will be held in the Town Hall, Brus-
sels, Tuesday, February 8th, at 3 p.m.
Business will be the presentation of
annual report, election of Directors
and the transaction of ether business.
There will no doubt be a large atten-
Dear Dad:
Your most welcome letter to band
just a few minutes ago and was indeed
pleased to hear from you. I did not
receive the tobacco, as a rule it takes
from a day to two weeks longer for a
parcel to reach us here.' I am very
sorry to hear you have been suffering
from your old complaint and sincerely
hope your suffering was of short dupe -
tion. You spoke of - being
at Testubert. He never saw Testubert
and as for him being gased, gas wasn't
used in that battle. The last that was
seen of him was under the table at
Ypres growling like a dog his nerves
all shot to, shreads, of course shell -fire
is nerve -wrecking and a man must
have good nerve to stand it and that ie
more than — ever had. You are
not aware that he belongedto the 5th.
If he is talking about being gased at
Testabert plainly tell him for me that
gas was not used. As I said this after-
noon believe half the stun you hear.
It gets my goat to hear such people
like -- shooting off what they have
done and he was not out here long
enough to get acquainted. Well dad
I told you all I could this afternoon so
with best wishes, I remain -
Your affectionate son
W. i3eattie.
P.S. My letters are often short but
its no fault of mine, I may start to
write when the order comes to stand
to. There you are, my time is not my
own. Will.
Gained 15 Pounds By 'raking Vinol
Norfolk, Va.- "1 suffered from her.
vousnens, had We appetite WA WAS very
thin. Nothing I'took'seelned to help me
until oiw daya friend told ole about'c Incl.
1 havri bow taken six bottletf lend have
gained ffftentt Wands: hand rt gaud ap.
petite and tan bat anything'.',—MA'TTIII
1110141:14411s NorZolk, Va.
Vinol is a delicious cod liver and iron
tonic without oil, a constitutional remedy
which ties an appetite, aids digestion
ntekas purs healthy blood. Try it
Stan. Bartley had the misfortune to
lose all his household furniture in a
fire that completely destroyed bis
home in Ethel near the chopping mill
early one morning recently. The fire
apparently had been smouldering all
night and broke out between 6 and 7
a.m. Mrs. Bartley had difficulty in
escaping with the children in their
sleeping apparel. Mr. Bartley is in
business at Listowel where the family
has gond.
The Cobalt Nugget says, that at an
entertainment held under the auspices
of the Presbyterian Ohurch at,Hailey-
bury, recently, Mr. Ike Quinn, son of
Mrs, Geo. Quinn, East Wawanoah,
was presented with a wrist watch by
the teachers of the Sunday School as a
small token of their appreciation of
the interest taken by him in the S. S.
work. Mr. Quinn's friends in thie
section will be pleased to learn that his
work along that line in the north
country is being appreciated.
An interesting little story comes
from Paisley. A Mies Lewis of El-
derelie township, had knitted a pair of
socks for the soldiers and having at,
tached a slip of paper oontalning her
name, they were forwarded through
the Red Cross Society with thousands
of others. Recently Miss Lewis re-
ceived a letter from Bandsman H.
Stark, a Paisley boy who had enlisted
at Vancouver, but now in France,
stating that the socks had been hand-
ed to him. He was greatly pleased
and surprised by receiving the socks
knit by the hands of an old neighbor.
explanation Quite Correct
In reference . to the recent contest
far the its hi e p 0 fThe
Bruce Herald and Times eaye :
"Mr. John Joynt, the man who
moved the big patriotic grant in the
Bruce County Council at Walkerton
last September, and who himself is
giving annually $1,000 to the patriotio
funds of Bruce and Fluron eountiee aft
long as the war lag s hal been defeated
for the Reoveehip of Lucknow by Mr.
J. G. Anderson, ex-•M.1'.P., of South
Bruce, who won out by a Inatgin of 29
At the electiob caused by the dearth
of peeve Murdoch in Lnckieow last
spring. Mr. J iynt beat Mr,;'Anderson
by 40, but ati the latter xppets to
meet Mr. Mu•grovre in the t South
Huron light, he gave out th his po-
lineal life was endangered by t chyle
defeat _ -Ad rallying the Libe..._: to
the colors in that Ieheral hive, b has
now eueeeeded in oneth g Mr. yrl't.
Trims did Luoknow tr,fe tl el
for -ryl1'tlee, toed Cal , MI iffy;(; ost
® ® L)
R. J. Cantelon
O6Ioe with Dominion Express Co
Phone 199 P. O. Box 127
5,000 Pacts About Canada
The public will welcome the new
isttue•for 1916 of "5,000 Facts About
Canada," the popular and valuable cy-
clopedia of Canadian dates, compiled
by Frame Yeigh of Toronto, the well-
known writer and lecturer on the Do-
minion. No up-to-date and intelligent
Canadian can afford to be without
this "hardy annual," which is a reve-
lation in concrete form of the wonder-
ful growth of our country in a single
year, despite war conditions; indeed
it circulates all over the world, and as
such is a splendid advertisement. _ The
chapter of "War Facts" is, by the
way, both timely and illuminating.
Fifty other chapters are devoted al-
phabetically to every phase of our
national life, from Agriculture to the
Yukon, while several sketch maps are
of high value, Copies may be had
from newedealers or by sending 25c, to
the Canadian Facts Pub. Co., 588 Hur-
on Street, Toronto. Canada,
As a result of the raid on Christian
Eilber's pig pen by officers of the
Canada temperance act, Mr. Either
drove to Clinton Thursday morning
end acknowledged hie guilt before
Magistrate Andre -vs at 10 o'clock court
and was fined on three charges. Chris-
tian Ell ber loses $158 in fines besides
costs, and the price of the liquor,
which is to be confiscated, will bring
the amount up to over $300, and he is
likely to lose his position as county
constable and bailiff as well. The
sooner Huron is done with such coun-
ty constable° and officers the better
for the 0, T. A.
Corrie Presbyterian Ohurch held
their annual meeting in the Orange
Hall on the evening of the 19th lest,
It was preceded by an,exceilent supper
provided by the ladies, after which
business was attended to, The various
reports were very favorable, the linen -
Mil statement showing the best in the
history of the congregation notwith.
atauding the fact that Iter, Mr, Dob.
Bon. the pastor, had been Mend so un.
able to be with his people for over six
months of the year. A pleasing feat -
urs rwas the large ma that we.s eson-
tcibitted td "n s BriTaish Bed 0 few',
Sp Os Kidney Trouble
There's no use putting oh liniments and
plasters to cure that ache an your hips or back
—the trouble is inside. Your kidneys are out
of order. GIN PILLS go right to the cause
of the backache and heal and regulate the
kit'.ney and bladder action. Then you get
relief, permanent relief 1
Many a man and woman who has been
doubled up with shooting pains in the back
having to stop work and lie down to geta little
relief, has found new health and comfort in
ay Sale
Ladies',Misses' and
Children's Coats
Thursdayjridayaud SsturdayOnly
$20 to $27.50 Values $14.75
Reduced to
FIFTEEN ONLY this season's coats, in latest
styles, sizes 34 to 40 made from Fancy
Tweeds, Plush and Sealette, mostly North•
way make, which stands for style and work-
$12 to $15 Values
Reduced to $8.50
TWENTY COATS in Ladies' and Misses sizes,
1.4 to 20 years, in heavy tweeds and plain
cloth, in blues and greys, well tailored and
finished throughout.
TWENT't-FIVE COATS in Ladies' and
$8 to $10 Values $ /� , 75 Mi ses odd coats, along with a put -
Reduced to �} chase of traveller's samples, mostly
half price and less,
$4.00 to $6.00 values Reduced to $2.98
FIFTEEN ONLY Girls' Coats in blues, greys and brown, made from good weight
a 1 wool coatings in smart styles.
$8.co to $io.00 values Reduced to $4.75
TWENTY COATS in laCest styles, well lined and tailored, in shades of navy,
brown and heather mixtures, made from heavy imported coatings.
We want Choice Butter, New Laid Eggs and Dried Apples Phone
▪ •
a• e
I.., Ai
•I• ii:,►: , e. ATe.AP Alt Me4 :A.y r i►ii►iiiii PA!, eyi:i r►Y'►elfiniiiert�rj r'P iT• .14 OT)..1•03,Y4:1) if ►,♦�,-��it . V
.d. .d. .d..d..d..d. ie. .1..d..d........... Wise ed..,. ed. /Aviv'..d..d..ti .d. 0 .d..1 }..d. ip i ' �. Id. , eAV eel�d� ." 4.
(Intended for last week)
H. V. Armstrong of the A. M. C. of
the 71st stationed at Woodstock was
home for a few days last week nursing
a sore hand. He returned to camp on
Thursday last.
The Women's Institute are prepar-
ing for a concert they intend giving
for Patriotic purposes on Feb. 14th.
Mr. Albert Andrews of Exeter visit-
ed his mother, Mrs. Thos. Andrews on
Tuesday last.
Mr. Norman Jardine from the West
is visiting with friends in and around
A meeting of the Farmers' Institute
was held oa Tueeday afternoon in the
town hall. Mr. Smith of New Ham-
burg gave an excellent address. Mr-
Jno. Stewart occupied the chair Ow-
ing to the storm the meeting of the
Woman's Institute which was to have
been addressed by Mre. R. T. Moore -
house of Cerro was cancelled as was
also the public meeting which had
been advertised for the evening.
The Presbyterians held their annual
Church meeting on the 19±h in the
Orange Hall. After an excellent sup-
per, provided by the ladies of the
congregation, the Rev. Mr. Dobson
called the meeting to order. The re-
ports showed a very successful year's
work, and pastor and people went
home well pleased and with bright
hcpes for the coming year's work.
Revival meetings have been held in
the Methodist Church for the past
week and will be continued for anoth-
er week, they are lteing conducted
by Rev. G. W. Rivers, assisted by Mr.
Mr. J. Steinmillar and nearly all of
bis family have been very ill with la
grippe for the oast week, but we are
glad to see them all able to be around
again, with the exception of Mre.
Steinmtllar, sr„ who is slowly recov
School report of S. S. No. Morrie, Sr.
4, Examined in Gram., Arith.. Spell.—
Harvey Robertson 87, Rettia Turvey
85, Elva Ramsay 81, Christie Forrest
72, Haze! Robb 70. Sr. 3rd—Ruby
Kernaghan 78, Sperling Johnson 70,
Verna Johnson 65. Jr. 3rd—Gertie ..�
Robertson 93, Gordon Moffatt 83,
Stewart Smillie 79, Grace Kernaghan
79, *Margaret Miller. Sr, 2ed total
300—Louise Fraser 295, Mabel John-
son 282, Jessie Messer 259, Harty Robb
250, Laura Johnson 250, . "Greta
Eckmier, *Margaret M a D o u g a 11,
all, *Duncan McDougall. Sr. Pt, 2nd,
total 200—Campbell Robertson 182,
Clarence Johneon 178, Willie Peacock
151. Jr. Ps. god—Harold Thomas, Jean
Messer. Roll number 32. Tom l;e
Cross $2 —B. Mesetateacher.
RAYNAItD—In Grey Township, on Jan.
256b, 1016, to Mr, and Mrs. Atistin
Raynard, a daughter.
p.. .44ti."+w.." ._.- tit4.~.40— {6.+,+, r,pMY...wkw ;
I Valve-in-HeadChevrolet «N><nety-Fcn>r I) Powerful and
Quiet Running
Motor "The Product of Experience"
Two boxes completely cured Arnold McAskell,
of LowerSclma, N.S. "I have never. had any
trouble with my back since," he says.
If you have a lame back—or any sign of
Kidney trouble—get GIN PILLS to -day and
start the cure working. sec. a box, six Loxes
for $2,50—and every box ruaranteocito give
satisfaction or your money back. 'Trial treat-
tncut free if you write
National Drug & Chemical
Co. of Canada, Limited
Toronto Ont. r5
Price Complete $675.00 F.O.B. Oshawa
Regular Equipment. Nlobair Tailored Top. Envelope and Side C urt si
Electric morn. Clear Vision Ventilating Wind Shield.Speedometer
Electric Starting and Lighting System. Ammeter and Licence Brackets
1V0T' -Owing to the great demand for this oar, wo would suggest placing your order
early to ensure delivery
Wo use the Stewart Speedometer. Two -unit "Auto -Lite" Starting and Lighting
with Eendix dame typo and grade as used on the highest prided earl
System, Drive, �P
The host powerful motor (size considered) ail the world
`or sale by R. BEA' TIE, ii Sha
We will have cars Hireat Livery ,')nerd