HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2000-08-23, Page 7B. Gross Knox organist FROM AUBURN Blyth business group plans coontest THE EDITOR, The Blyth Business Association would like to invite everyone to dress up Blyth for the Threshers’ Reunion weekend in an auttimn theme. The BBA is organizing a Scarecrow Contest amongst the businesses with prizes to be won (prizes tba). All scarecrows should be ready and on display for Sept. 5 and 6 until Halloween. The BBA will be deco­ rating Queen Street light posts with cornstalks and bright fall coloured bows. If you are a business that wants to take part in the contest, make sure to register with Luann at 523-4440 by Sept. 6. This is a fun and festive way for everyone to dress up our town for the fall. You may choose to make your scarecrow mobile to bring in at night. Thanks. Blyth Business Association Promotions Committee. Musical prelude with Bernice Gross, organist, welcomed the con­ gregation to the service at Knox United on Aug. 20. Rev. Paul Ross told of the church and of the forthcoming change decided at the Convention for the UCW. Rev. Ross gave the scripture from Job 42. Here Job realizes that he does not know God and understand Him or his wonders. But God Cruel pet owners disturb writer THE EDITOR, Today I read in the London Free Press paper an article by Joan Barfoot about cats and dogs dropped off on the side of the road or aban­ doned as campers leave after a holi­ day. It is a terrible thing to do. We know quite a bit about this act. Several years ago neighbour children walking home from school found a wee puppy by the side of the road. They brought it home but they already had a big family dog and did not need another. I am a dog lover and we had lost a lovely black spaniel through age so as soon as we heard we went and got him. He was an easy little fellow to train and was the most intelligent dog that we have ever had. For about two years after that dog passed away of old age, I did not want another dog. We have one now, I love him too but he is not Jasper. However, at the same time we bought this dog a friend had a half­ grown cat come to her home. It was hungry and called in no uncertain terms for food. We heard about it so my husband went and brought this beautiful cat home. We named him Goldie. We are happy to have had this deserted pair but why were they deserted? It is simply humiliating that humans can be thoughtless and inhumane. Sincerely, Kay Lapp. accepted him, blessed him or gave him much. Job lived happily on until 140 years old. Then from Luke 10 was the story of Lazarus who climbed the tree to see Christ, then he came down and Jesus went to his home. Rev. Ross's message was from Golf Lessons #2 - Starting Over. Life is like the game of golf. Collection was received and pre­ sented by Gordon and Brian Gross. PEOPLE AROUND AUBURN By Kay Lapp Call 526-7264 Knox United congregation was delighted to see Dorothy Grange in her usual pew at the service Sunday, Aug. 20. Her daughter had brought her to the service. Shelley was taking her back to Goderich Place later. It is a pleasure to see her looking so well. The WI mystery tour is this week. Members are to be at Knox United at 7 a.m. this Wednesday, Aug. 23. It is amazing the quantity of hum­ mingbird feed disappearing at the big feeder. It is being consumer by a family of Baltimore orioles. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2000. PAGE 7. Checking out the machinery Larry Robinson, left, of Waterloo and Jim Cullen of Guelph visited Blyth on the weekend to take in the first ever motor­ cycle show. As well as riders showing off their bikes, there were vendors, a fundraising poker rally and evening enter­ tainment. Avon DISTRICT SCHOOL Maitland Learning for a Lifetime Welcome to the Avon Maitland District School Board! MUSEU The Huron County Museum w hosting an Art Show August 19-October 9,1 LOCAL ARTISTS SHARE THEIR VISIONS OF HURON COUNTY J All exhibited works of art have Huron County themes and are painted by local artists. J The three winning entries from this competition will be added to the Huron County Art al Bank and the paintings In this _ collection will be used for permanent display in the County’s public buildings. ■ Regular museum hours and ■ admission apply. j/pU Huron County Museum I 1 W Norttl Street ** rJj< Goderich 524-2686 .. Back to School! Classes begin in both elementary and secondary schools on Tuesday, September 5th, 2000. If your child was not in an Avon Maitland school last year and you have not already registered, please call your local school as soon as possible to begin the process. To find out which is your child’s designated school please call the Administrative Office at 1-800-592-5437 and ask for the enrolment officer. School Calendar 2000-2001 The four professional activity days this year will be: For elementary: Friday, September 29th, 2000 Friday, November 24th, 2000 Wednesday, June 27th, 2001 Thursday, June 28th, 2001 For secondary: Thursday, February 1st, 2001 Tuesday, June 26th, 2001 Wednesday, June 27th, 2001 Thursday, June 28th, 2001 For secondary students, there will be 10 examination days - Thursday, January 25th to Wednesday, January 31st, 2001 inclusive and Tuesday, June 19th to Monday, June 25th, 2001 inclusive. School Holidays: Thanksgiving Christmas Break March Break Good Friday Easter Monday Victoria Day Monday, October 9th, 2000 Monday, December 25th, 2000 to Friday, January 5th, 2001 Monday, March 12th to Friday, March 16th, 2001 April 13th, 2001 April 16th, 2001 Monday, May 21st, 2001 Early Dismissal Days: Students are dismissed one hour early on five separate days through the school year. On each of these days, teachers participate in two and a half hours of training on key components of curriculum reform. Early dismissal will take place on: Monday, October 23rd, 2000 Monday, November 6th, 2000 Monday, December 4th, 2000 Monday, February 12th, 2001 Monday, April 2nd, 2001 Registration for Kindergarten and French Immersion Parents wishing to register their child(ren) in either of these programs should contact their local school for information. Registration for 'he 2001-2002 school year will take place in the early spring. Notice of registration deadlines and student requirements will be advertised in local newspapers. General Information Visit Avon Maitland District School Board website at www.avonmaitland.on.ca, A variety of information about education, including highlights of Board meetings, is posted and updated regularly. Our e-mail address is info@avonmaitland.on.ca and the toll-free number for the Board’s Administrative Office is 1-800-592-5437. Regular Board meetings are held in Seaforth on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, unless stated otherwise. Avon Maitland District School Board 62 Chalk Street North Seaforth, Ontario N0K IW0 Tel: (519) 527-01J J or toll-free 1-800-592-5437 Fax: (519) 527-0222 Lome Rachlis Wendy Anderson Director of Education Chair