HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2000-07-19, Page 15Brussels Fire Chief McArter clarifies 3 call responses Brussels Fire Chief Murray McArter responded to questions from Morris council regarding fire call billings, at the July II meeting of Brussels council. Morris council had forwarded a letter to Brussels stating that three calls from May 8 and 15 did not conform to the terms of the agreement with regards to contacting other departments. Brussels was only to be first response for Huronlea and a grass fire at Neil Gowing’s. The call to Huronlea was reported FROM LONDESBORO Carter, Reid win at euchre The Happy Gang Seniors held their euchre tournament on Friday, July 14. There were 18 1/2 tables in play. Glen Carter and Watson Reid were high couple with 82 points. In second place were Mabel Wheeler and Jim Coultes, with 80 points. Third place with 79 points went to Raymond and Lois Haggitt. Stuart and Lois Chamney and Gordon Bosman and Harvey Edgar tied for most lone hands. There were three Share the Wealth winners. Aug. 11 is the date for the next card party. A seniors dance will be held at the hall on July 28. PEOPLE AROUND LONDESBORO By BRENDA RADFORD Call 523-4296 Here are the answers to last week’s question, “Who you gonna call?’.’ a) Dawn Dolmage can show you all the latest Avon products. b) If you have a dog or cat in need of a clip and/or shampoo, you might call Marie Caldwell. With two dogs of her own to care for and recognizing that veterinarians don’t necessarily have time to provide this type of care, Marie decided to try her hand at pet grooming. Although recognizing that there are pet groomers who are self taught, Marie went to school to learn. During two months of classes in London, she learned how to clip the various breeds, skin and hair care, proper equipment and handling. Through her classes Marie met other groomers from around the province as a kitchen tire, but was actually an overheated dishwasher, said McArter, so the Blyth department was not needed. McArter admitted to being a “little bit guilty" on a grass fire call though said the Brussels department had it under control. With the Higgins’ barn fire, McArter said Wingham was called and Brussels was told to go and use up their water. Morris council had asked why Brussels responded as the property is not in the Brussels fire area. Councillor Joe Seili said he would Council to repair sidewalks Continued from page 7 ^_7 The village water system has had *** its annual inspection, White told council and it was suggested more sampling be done along with chlorination at well 2. The PUC is trying to determine how to chlorinate as the 15-minute contact time is not possible with no reservoir. Chlorination of the water supply has continued since May 26.*** After complaints about transport trucks using engine brakes in the village, White said the OPP had been contacted, both to ask Brussels Livestock to post a request not to use the brakes and to watch for others. Consideration will be given to posting ‘no engine brakes’ signs at the edge of the village.*** White was authorized to contact a company about cleaning out catchbasins in the village. A request will be made to have them done, along with the county’s, next spring as well.*** Accounts payable totalling $12,761.33 were approved for payment.*** Support was given to Windsor regarding protection of water and Ashfield Twp. for a moratorium on liquid manure facility construction or expansion.*** There were no objections for a special occasions permit for the Brussels Tigers’ ball tournament with whom she makes contact if she needs help with a client. c) Through her regular nursing shifts at the Clinton Public Hospital, Rev. Riley realized that many persons, particularly older patients are no longer able to care for their feet adequately. Now Bev offers foot care in your home or hers. A friendly visit with Bev will definitely help get you going on the right foot. d) If cutting your own lawn has lost its appeal or you need lawn maintenance while on vacation, either Don Greidanus or Adam Wilts may be able to help you out. These teenagers each have a lawn tractor and will travel. The purpose of this little mental exercise was to help you learn more about your neighbours so, if you have any questions about the people mentioned, ask a neighbour. Mike and Tanya Memer came to the village in the latter.half of June having purchased the former home of Don and Catherine Allen. Mike and Tanya have an 11-month-old daughter, Alexis. Mike works in Stratford at the Steelcraft plant while Tanya is employed at The Clinton News-Record. ' Welcome to Londesboro! stay at the fire hall to ensure all necessary calls were made. McArter believed Morris Twp. only wanted a clarification of the calls and would be satisfied with a letter of explanation. In other fire department matters, McArter requested a fax machine be purchased for the fire hall as Seaforth dispatch wanted a written back-up of call instruc­ tions when 9-1-I goes into operation. Brussels will also pay their portion of a $13,000 upgrade of system equipment for Seaforth dispatch. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 2000. PAGE 15. Each’ year, many Canadian women ; over 40 see their lives shattered by osteoporosis.... P-ease consult your |T»lk doctor or visit our into your own hands Tenders will be let for sidewalk reconstruction. The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" COMING EVENTS CAMPING! Chevy Truck Presents: Havelock Country Jamboree, August 17-20. Terri Clark - Ricky Scaggs - Sammy Kershaw - Blue Rodeo - Gene Watson - Ronnie Hawkins-Bobby Bare - Jimmy Flynn - Tommy Hunter - Lace - Good Brothers. Info 1-800-539-3353. www.havelockjamboree.com. BUSINESS OPPS. INVENTORS - PRODUCT IDEAS WANTED! FREE INFORMATION PACKAGE. Develop and professionally present your new product idea to manufacturers through Davison, an award winning firm. 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