HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2000-07-12, Page 14PAGE 14. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 2000.
UCW president speaks at United Church
Although the school year for
Hullett Central officially ended
nearly two weeks ago, there were a
few pieces of news from there you
might like to hear.
On May 2 staff and students
participated in Jump Rope for Heart.
This program raised over $2,800 for
the Ontario Heart and Stroke
Guest speaker at Londesboro
United Church this past Sunday was
Margaret Hem. She is Huron-Perth
Presbyterials UCW president and an
active member of Presbytery’s rural
life committee. She and her husband
farm at RRl, Woodham and her
message was titled All This and the
Bam Door, too!
For the children’s time, she read
The Crippled Lamb, a story of Josh,
an orphan lamb with a bad leg.
When he left sad and alone his friend
Abigail, the cow, told him that God
has a special place for those who feel
left out.
On Christmas Day for Josh that
truly special place was in the manger
keeping the Baby Jesus warm.
Brenda Konarski was in charge of
junior congregation.
Scripture lessons were a
paraphrase of Psalm 145: 1-9; and
selected verses from Ecclesiastes I:
3-9 and 3: 1-13.
Standing at the bam door one can
appreciate beauty and the richness of
life from within the bam and outside
the door, Mrs. Hern said. How lucky
Christ was to be born in a stable.
Scars on the bam door reflect the
realities of hard times found in life
itself. A bam door/a new day/life
itself is opened with anticipa
tion each morning and closed
with thankfulness at the end of the
Betty Graber Watson will conduct
the service on July 16.
Flowers at the front of the
sanctuary were from the funeral on
Friday, July 7 of Mary Caldwell
McDougall. The sympathy of the
congregation and the community is
expressed to her surviving nephews
and nieces.
Mary and husband, Jake, came to
Londesboro many years ago from
Kites soar over school
More than once this spring our
attention was caught by brightly
coloured kites swooping and
straining against the wind in the
school yard.
The interest in the kite flying was
sparked by Steven Dougherty.
Steven attended the Mitchell Kite
Festival early last spring and became
intrigued by the sport.
He took his kites to school hoping
to interest others in flying. The
Grade 4 class in particular took an
interest in learning and even Mr.
in the fall to come to Hullett school
to demonstrate and talk to the pupils
about kite flying.
In the years since I came to
Londesboro, the village has
undergone significant changes in
size and character. Then we all knew
each other and (for better or worse),
about each other and were familiar
with those for miles beyond the
village limits.
However, society as a whole has
changed and as villagers we tend to
Goderich. They resided with Mary’s
parents for whom she cared. Jake
was a painter and trapper. They
resided at the Seaforth Manor for a
few years before their respective
stay busy with our own lives. Now,
sadly, we don’t always know much
about those in our community.
In the months that I’ve been
writing this column not a week goes
by that I haven’t learned something
new about one .of you. Over the
next few weeks I’d like to share
some of those mental computer
bytes with you. I hope you enjoy the
Movie buff or not, everyone
recognizes the line from
Ghostbusters - who you gonna call?
Now I ask, Who in our community
are you going to call if you have -
a) run out of makeup or skin care
b) a pet in need of grooming
c) trouble caring for your toenails
d) a lawn that needs mowing?
Answers in next week’s column.
"Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country"
The Bio Agri Mix-Fairies Benefit
Services Cdn. Reading Fund has
awarded Hullett School with $200.
This monies will assist the school’s
Silver Birch Reading Program.
There will be a number of changes
to the teaching staff come
September. Kathy Pletch and Al
Sanders have retired while Elizabeth
Stennett is moving out of the area.
Crystal Whyte is taking a year’s
maternity leave. Her son Quinn
arrived Sunday, June 25.
Principal George Barker has been
moved to Brookside Public School.
Classes resume again Sept. 5.
After a review of tenders
submitted, Hullett council selected a
contractor for work in 2000, at the
July 4 meeting.
The quote from Merner
Contracting Ltd., in the amount of
$54,338.60 was accepted.
Council supported a resolution
from Windsor endorsing the
municipal action plan, 'Protecting
Our Water’, as announced by
Association of Municipalities of
Ontario President Michael Power.
Accounts totalling $34,336.02
were approved for payment
Barker bought a kite and became
involved along with some other
Steven told me that getting a kite
up is the easy part of kite flying for
in our area there is always some
wind. The real fun in flying a kite is
in learning how to keep the kite up
to manoeuvre it in the winds and to
do stunts or tricks with it.
Kites come in a variety of sizes,
prices, materials and styles. Most
people are familiar with and have
tried flying a single line kite with a
tail. Steven’s favourite is a dual line
stunt trainer kite which he purchased
from 'Tail Spin Kites’ in Mitchell.
A ‘feather’ kite is made of such
fine material that it requires almost
no wind to fly. One can also
purchase a quad line kite and a
parachute style which will actually
pull a person on a three-wheeled
A hobby kite can be purchased for
$20 but the sky’s the limit, so to
speak, for pricing of larger, more
elaborate models, Steven says.
Steven has spent much time
learning about winds and how they
affect kite flying. His family is
travelling west in August and he
plans to fly kits along the way to see
how winds differ in the various
locations. As opposed to our gusty
winds, Steven has learned the
mountain regions of B.C. have more
constant wind which will provide
new challenges for handling.
It is hoped that the owner of Tail
Spin Kites will have an opportunity
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Cty. council lowers speed limits
The speed limit will be lowered on
County Rd. 86 in the village of
Molesworth under a bylaw passed
by County Council June 6.
The speed limit in the village is 70
km but there have been complaints
from residents and businesses that
this is too fast. The new bylaw will
reduce the speed to 60 km per hour.
The speed limit on County Rd. 12
at Wroxeter, south of County Rd. 87
will be reduced to 60 km from the
current 90 under the same bylaw.
The county has given up its tight
to have the province show the same
kind of efficiency it had expected
from the county.
The county had argued that, since
the province reduced its payments to
the county by 1.7 per cent in 1998
calling it an “efficiency reduction”,
the county should also reduce its
payments to the province for
services the province expected the
county to pay for. The county
withheld the money but the province
ignored the county’s claim and
misapplied the county’s payments to
cover the deficiency, leading to a
bookkeeping nightmare for county
The county feels it has made its
point and will now make payments
in full instead of withholding l.7 per
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