HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2000-07-12, Page 11THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 2000. PAGE 11. From the Minister’s Study A grain of sand and the universe By Ben Wiebe Brussels Mennonite Fellowship The Hubble Space Telescope - launched in 1990 - and other large telescopes have opened great new windows to the universe. We are reminded afresh of the sheer size of our universe. According to the speed of light, the length of time it takes light to travel a certain distance (186,000 miles per second), the clos­ est star is about four and a half light years away. Our earth is a part of a galaxy that is about 100,000 light years in diameter and that is only the beginning. The most distant galaxy discov­ ered by Hubble, according to the sci­ entists, is about 10 billion light years away. The data from Hubble also highlights the reality of change, and movement in the universe. At the same time there is an order of frame­ work within which the earth, the sun, the galaxies have their place. This poses certain questions. How did all this come to be? Who is God? What is our place as humans? Some will simply say, “our uni­ verse began evolving billions of years ago. Energy was transformed into atoms and atoms collected into stars.” That is, everything, all reality can be reduced to physics and chem­ istry (mechanistic materialism). This is true whether it is the'rock that falls or the thinking and choosing of human beings. Actually, how can there be a place within this framework at all for pur­ pose or choice? So the eminent British scientist M. Polanyi claims that “to speak of life as something to be explained by the laws of physics and chemistry is strictly speaking absurd, for physical and chemical processes do not determine by them­ selves-any finite system”. Is all that happens a matter of chance? Or looked at from the other side, is everything determined through some inevitable cause - effect process? Or is it a world bounded by purpose but open for human choice and action? How do we make our way to the truth on this? For example, the reali­ ty is all living things exist in rela­ tionship. Without immediate relation to water the fish dies and without appropriate relation to water and air the human dies. To understand everything real and living is simply to understand the network of rela­ tionships, connections and surround­ ings. According to mechanistic theory things are primary and then their relations according to “natural laws.” But in reality relationships are just as basic as the things that exist. For nothing in the world exists, lives or moves of itself. Everything exists or lives in relationship. If this is true of everything now, what about the ori­ gin of all things? Are we to think this simply “happened” of itself? This is one pointer to the God of purpose and order as the origin of all things. Here is the ultimate relation­ ship: creator and creation. Science itself speaks of a beginning for all things (example - “the big bag”). In accord with the word of scripture it is by the word of God that all things have their beginning. He can act with purpose and life giving power. God does not “act upon” something. Creation comes into being out of God’s creative purpose by his word. Creation says that to be here at all, to be named and have a place in this order is “of God”. What is our place? Do we again need to learn that we are creatures? As a creature I am not above creation but part of the whole network of life. To pollute the water or the air is to contaminate the relationships within which I live and exist. At the same time it is the purposeful thought and action of humans that can build a marvelous instrument like the Hubble Telescope by which we can peer deep into the universe. Nevertheless, ail creatures receive before they give, and give only as a response to their receiving. To recog­ nize myself as a creature is to be able to receive like a child. And to receive the greatest gift - the kingdom of God. To exist in relationship to God who gives meaning that is greater MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BRUSSELS Worshiping with the Brussels United Church than all the frustration we experience and love that is stronger than death (Romans 8: l9-23, 35-39). at the United Church for the month of July. We welcome you to come and worship with us. Rev. Cathrine Campbell - 887-9831 BRUSSELS - ETHEL PASTORAL CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Joan Golden - Supply Minister Church Office 887-6259 E-mail - bepc@wcl.on.ca /°\ July 16 THERE WILL BE NO MORNING WORSHIP fcpjSj) IN ETHEL- THEY BE JOINING \^7BRUSSELS FOR A SPECIAL MUSICAL SERVICE WITH “THE SAINTS” All are welcome to come and worship with us HURON CHAPEL EVANGELICAL MISSIONARY CHURCH Auburn - 526-7555 PASTOR DAVE WOOD - 523-9017 Sunday 9:30 a.m.- Family Bible Hour 10:30 a.m.- Morning Worship Service 7:30 p.m.- Evening Worship Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m.• Prayer & Bible Study Friday 7:30 p.m.• Youth THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA join foot ui-di&fiip tfiio, Sunday, Morning Worship Service - 10 a.m. Evening Worship Service ~ 7:30 p.m. “Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children, and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. ” Ephesians 5:1 BLYTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. Adrian A. Van Geest Hwy. 4, Blyth 523-9233 Wheelchair accessible Oft give thanhs to the. invited to, us at Brussels Mennonite Fellowship 10:00 a.m. each Sunday during July and August (no Sunday School) Everyone Welcome Pastor Ben Wiebe 887-6388 l/au aie ujelcvme tfiiy Sunday JULY 16 - PENTECOST 5 MORNING PRAYER Trinity, Blyth St. John s, 9:30 a.m. . Brussels Wheelchair accessible 11:15 a.m. Rev. Nancy Beale - Rector - 887-9273 Cornerstone Bible Fellowship Ethel Communion - 9:45 - 10:30 Family Bible Hour and Sunday School 11:00 - 12:00 Prayer & Bible Study Tuesday 8 p.m. Spinal Muscular Atrophy is the leading genetic cause of infant death. year, counties. Canadian kids are diagnosed with SMA. Which means they may not see their first day of school. Sadly, there still isn’t a cure. But until there Is, there's us. And until we find a cure, we’re making the lives of people with neuromuscular disorders better. Call and donate, because together we can put neuromuscu­ lar disorders where they belong. Behind us. 1 800 567-CURE Blyth United Church Come Worship The Lord With Us Sundays - 11:00 a.m. Worship Service A special welcome to our guests, The Blyth Church of God, for the month of July Minister ~ Rev. Ernest Dow ALL ARE WELCOME 523-4224 The congregations of the Blyth Community Church of God and the Blyth United Church will meet together for the month of July at the Blyth United Church Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada Morning Worship Service Sunday at 11 a.m. Please join us for worship John 14:6 - Jesus said, "I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, no one comes to the Father, but through Me." Everyone Welcome For more information call 887-6665 BLYTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH July 24-28, 2000 9:00 - 11:30 a.m.