HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2000-06-28, Page 17THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 2000. PAGE 17. Classified Advertisements - RATES - 20 words or less only $4.00. Additional words 15C each. 50c will be deducted if ad is paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114 Accommodation for rent COUNTRY HOME FOR RENT by the month between Blyth and Walton. Clean and partly furnished. Rent negotiable. Phone l-5 19-885- 0435. 26 & 28 3 BEDROOM FARMHOUSE FOR rent near Brussels. Call 887-6918. 24-tfn CLINTON - NEWER TWO BED- room, quiet 4-plex, controlled entry, four appliances, laundry facilities available, parking, no pets, $450.00 monthly plus utilities. Available now - 519-685-2264. 23-tfn Check out our WEBSITE at www.northhuron.on.ca Ar tides for sale NEWLY SAWED LUMBER FOR sale, quantity of hard maple and butternut, 1" thick. Phone 887- 6697. 26-1 ONE LARGE STEEL SWING set, all reconditioned. Phone 887- 6918. 26-tfn THE CITIZEN’S 2000 PHONE Book is available in both our Blyth and Brussels offices for only $1.00 each. tfn SWEET CHERRIES NOW READY Pick your own or we pick BLYTHE BROOKE ORCHARDS 1 mile west of Blyth on County Rd. #25 523-9338 482-9371 The Brussels Lions Club is replacing the existing PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT at the Pool-Ball park location. The existing structure is for sale and price will be accepted subject to the following conditions - All of it has to be removed - Removal has to be done between July 3-12 - Equipment can only be re-used for private residential installation (no commercial or institutional use). Please call Henry Exel at 887-6561 or Greg Ducharme at 887-9676 before June 30, 2000. Highest or any trade not necessarily accepted. Auction sales | RICHARD LOBB | AUCTION CALENDAR I CLINTON 519- 482-78981 t SATURDAY, JULY 8 AT 9 A.M.: 1986 Toyota truck, nearly new computer, i Rolex watch, Royal Doulton figurines, f Royal Winton dishes, antique furniture, i t collectables and interesting items al i Lobb Auction, Clinton. We will accept 1 some additions of good antiques. See T twww.auclionhotline.com for full listings and upcoming auctions. 1 TUES., JULY 11 AT 5:30 P.M.: MF165 | tractor and loader, 1968 Ford pickup, I * 32,234 miles, older farm equipment, i antiques, etc., 3 1/2 miles east of 1 Hensall for Ross Kercher 262-3435. ’ Business opportunities TURNKEY FROZEN & FRESH food retail business, great opportunity for the right person. Call 357-1858. 26-4 Lards of thanks SIERTSEMA. A sincere thank you to all who remembered us with cards, visits, phone calls and prayers during my illness. Your kind support was very much appreciated. - Murray Siertsema. 26-Ip SMITH. I would like to thank my neighbours for the lovely going away gift and assure them that it will have a prominent place in my new home reminding me of them and Brussels often. - Dorothy Smith. 26-1 STRAWBERRY SOCIAL COM­ MITTEE. Thanks to everyone who supported the Strawberry Social on June 22, especially those who donated food, cash and those who sold and bought tickets. Special thanks to Luann’s Country Flowers, Stitches by M.J., Bob Campbell, Scrimgeour’s Food Market, Donna Moore, Rev. Dow, Yvonne Dow, Joann MacDonald, Irma Mason, Susan Howson, Shirley Cross, Fred and Hannie Meier, Cliff Snell and the stewards and to all the other diligent workers involved. Your willingness was greatly appreciated. - Candice Howson, Chair, Strawberry Committee. 26-lb VAN VEEN. We would like to thank our children, relatives, neighbours and friends for attending our 45th Wedding Anniversary Open House which was held in the Cranbrook Hall. Many thanks to everyone for the many kind wishes, cards and gifts and for helping to make this such a memorable occasion for us. Thanks once again. - Pete and Margaret Van Veen. 26-1 Coining events KIDS’ CORNER JULY 17 - 21 1 - 4 p.m. SK to Grade 8. Registration forms available at Brussels 5R’s Thrift Shop. Organized by Brussels churches. Held at Brussels Mennonite Fellowship. Guests welcome at closing celebration July 21 3:30 p.m. For more information call 887-6098. 26-lp Coming events JULY 1st IS THE DAY. Celebrate Canada Day here in Blyth. Our Annual Chalk Drawing Contest is being held Saturday, July 1 and on behalf of the Blyth and Area Business Association we would like to invite everyone to participate. Prizes will be awarded in four categories: under 7, 8 to 12 years, 13 to 18 years and 18 to 99 years. Refreshments will be provided for all participants. Bring your chalk and register Saturday morning at 9:30 in front of The Citizen. All drawings to be done by Saturday noon. Phone for more information, 523-4792. Join us and celebrate Canada Day in Blyth.26-1 MONSTER EUCHRE TOURNA- ment - St. Joseph’s R.C. Church Hall, Clinton, Wednesday, June 28, 8 p.m. Over $100.00 in prizes. Lunch provided. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus. 26-lp COMMUNITY SHOWER FOR Lori McClure July 12 at 8 p.m. at the Walton United Church. Everyone welcome. 26-2 HURON-BRUCE FAMILY Coalition Party Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 4 at Wingham Town Hall, 8 p.m. Members and interested persons welcome. For more information contact Linda Freiburger, 881- 0549. 26-1 CLINTON’S 125TH HOME- coming tickets/registration blitz, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Wednesday, July 5. Spooners Lane - Town Hall. Buy Now-Save. 26-1 M & M PARTY AT FEMMY Van Amersfoort’s place on July 4 from 7 - 9 p.m., 198 Mill St. S., Blyth, 523-9457. 26-lp BLYTH FESTIVAL YOUNG Company, July 10 - Aug. 31. Children ages 13-20. Auditions June 30 at Blyth Festival. Call 523- 9509 for more information. 23-4 BALL'S CEMETERY, AUBURN 74th Annual Memorial Service, Sunday, July 2 at 3 p.m. 25-2p COME AND GO BRIDAL shower for Cindy Hodgins, fiancee of Grant "Gunner” Jarvis, Thursday, June 29 at the Brussels library from 7 to 9 p.m. 25-2 For rent BLYTH, QUEEN ST. RETAIL space available for rent. Available August I. To inquire call 523-4351. 26-4 Please Recycle This Newspaper Garage/yard sales YARD SALE, JULY 1, 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., 74 Queensbury Street, Brussels. 26-1 MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE - toys, sports equipment and household items, Friday, June 30, 4:00 - 8:30 p.m., Saturday, July 1, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. weather permitting. First sideroad east of Hwy. 4 on County Rd. 25 - second house. 26-1 Garage/yard sales BLYTH SCOUTS HUGE Garage Sale - Saturday, July 1 from 8:00 to 1:00 at Blyth Vet Clinic. Barbecued hot dogs, lemonade and baking. All proceeds go to PEI 2001 Jamboree. 523- 9271 for donations. 26-1 Help wanted COOK - MONDAY - FRIDAY, experience preferred, will train, to start immediately. Apply with resume to the Blyth Inn 523-9381. 26-2 BRUSSELS COUNTRY INN IS seeking part-time cook to start immediately. Experience is required. Contact Rick or Shelley at 887-9035 for more info or submit resume to Brussels Country Inn. 26-2 A LIVE-IN CAREGIVER, part time 24 hours for an elderly disabled female. Meal preparation and personal care necessary. References required. Apply to P.O. Box 233, Seaforth, ON N0K IW0. 26-2p PAINTER/DRYWALLER We have an immediate opening for a painter/drywall installer/taper Willing to train the right person Only those considered will be contacted. Send resumes to 519-523-9545 MARSHALL DECORATING LTD. Cooks, servers, dishwashers, prep person to start immediately Drop your resume in to OLDE OfLLAGE w BISTRO Blyth 523-4800 OFFICE HELP required immediately Duties include; typing, answering phone, computer work, etc. Must be organized and self-motivated Send Resume to: H Howson & Howson Ltd. P.O. Box 390, Blyth, Ont. N0M 1H0 Applications must be received by Friday, July 7 We thank all applicants. Only those selected tor an Interview will be contacted. Help wanted CLASS A-Z DRIVER WITH clean abstract to drive a new (IH) Eagle Tractor with 53 ft. dry van to the south and mid-west states. Paid mileage and drops. Fax resume “Att. Barry” 887-9021. In memoriam CALDWELL. In loving memory of my dear husband, Ralph, who passed away one year ago June 30, 1999. Wait for me in Heaven, Someday soon I’ll join you there Then 1’11 leave behind the loneliness When I see your empty chair. Once more we’ll be united In God’s Kingdom up above Walking hand in hand together Surrounded by His love. - Fondly remembered and sadly missed by his wife, Gladys. 26-1 p CALDWELL. In loving memory of a very special father, grandfather, and great­ grandfather Ralph Caldwell who passed away one year ago June 30, 1999. Your gentle face and pleasant smile With sadness we recall, You had a kindly word for each And died beloved by all. The voice is mute and stilled the heart That loved us well and true. Ah bitter was the trial to part From one so good as you. You are not forgotten loved one Nor will you ever be. As long as life and memory last We will remember thee. We miss you now, our hearts are sore As time goes by we miss you more. Your loving smile, your gentle face No one can fill your vacant place. If red loses grow in heaven Please pick a bunch for us And lay 'hem in his arms, And tell him they’re from us Alive in our hearts. - Love, your family. 26-lp Livestock WE BUY AND SELL LIVESTOCK dairy, beef and horses, crippled and poor- doing cows PAY IMMEDIATELY LICENCED DEALER CLARENCE POORTINGA 887-9747