HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2000-06-21, Page 19THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 2000. PAGE 19. Rev. Ross relates tales of his father on Father’s Day FROM LONDESBORO Greeting churchgoers on Trinity Sunday, June 18 were Lome and Addie Hunking. Ushering were John and Jane Hoggart. For the children’s time, Rev. Ross had in his story bag, a picture of his parents. For the occasion of Father’s Day, he recounted three stories his father had related about his youth - about a strawberry picking day, an Indian bike, and a crystal radio. He encouraged the children to have conversations with their fathers about their younger days. Deb Stephenson was in charge of Junior Congregation. The New Testament scripture passages, Luke 9: 46-48 and 18: 15- 17 teach that children were important to Jesus. The text for the message. The New Curriculum, that believers have an obligation to teach others about God, was found in Deuteronomy 6: 4-9. During the 19th century, a security officer in a British jail, was concerned about the future of the children in the poor sections of his city. Determined to improve their situation, he began schools for ages five to 14. Most of these children laboured weekdays, so instruction was offered in reading and writing on Sundays. The only book used in these schools was The Bible. By 1925 when union brought the United Church of Canada into existence, Sunday School was a tradition for all ages. In 1962, The New Curriculum for Sunday Schools was a revolution in Christian Education. Although expensive to use and controversial in nature, 90 per cent of congregations implemented the program. During the last quarter of the century, The Whole People of God was introduced for Sunday Schools. A modernized and reworked program called Journeying Together has now found favour with teachers. From the earliest days, churches have felt obliged to instruct members about their faith. Sunday School teachers are committed to do this ministry to the young members of today's churches. If you were unable to attend the recent picture taking for the church directory and wish to be included, you should contact Garnet and Marg Wright. Another day for photos has been scheduled for Monday, Aug. 14. The Londesboro/Auburn Youth Group report having a blast at their recent weekend campout. Thirteen young people and five adults spent Friday evening to Sunday afternoon on the camping grounds of the Bluewater Centre, south of Goderich. Weekend activities included campfires, skits, the construction and painting of birdhouses, volleyball and swimming. On Saturday the group prepared a short church service which was presented outdoors among the trees on Sunday morning for their families. WI members talk of common herbs The members of the Londesboro Women’s Institute answered roll call by revealing what herbs they use on a regular basis. Their answers - sage, parsley, thyme, etc. - concentrated on cooking herbs. Then Birgit Hillier, who writes The Green Zone column, shared some of her practical and useful knowledge of herbs with the members and many guests. Birgit brought along a bouquet she had picked on her farm, Highgables Farm near Holmesville, and took it apart during her presentation. Along with the name of each plant and a brief description, she explained how it could be used for balms, teas, potpourri, soaps or in cooking. In addition she gave tips on incorporating these plants in gardens. In her bouquet were lady’s mantle, mint, catnip, heliotrope and lovage to name just a few. In generations past home remedies made use of herbs. Those same herbs are the basic of today’s herbal medicines she noted. Mrs. Hillier also touched on the making of potpourri. Although ‘the herb lady’ explained she was only scratching the surface with her talk that evening, those in attendance certainly had their perception of these useful plants broadened. . Of interest to the guests was the reading of a list of accomplishments by the Women’s Institutes over many decades. Stop signs at railway crossings, quality gradings on canned goods, the pasteurization of milk, and centre lines painted in highways are some examples of how this group has benefitted all of us. During the business part of the meeting, the ladies accepted the challenge issued by the Belgrave WI and will send $50 to the Children’s Miracle Network. The July 12 meeting will be an outing to Blyth for lunch at the hotel and a presentation of Anne at the theatre. CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" BUSINESS OPPS. PEOPLE AROUND LONDESBORO By BRENDA RADFORD Call 523-4296 Have you noticed that flowers have been added to the beds at the front entrance of the community hall? Thanks, Sam and Thelma for helping our community to bloom again this summer. Brenda Jarrett, who has done the community collecting in the north end of Londesboro for some time feels it is time to pass the task on. This village committee plays an important role in promoting a feeling qf community and the villagers thank her for her efforts. Neighbours in that area will be represented on the committee now by Shannon Clark. The Happy Gang Seniors will host a dance at the Londesboro Hall on Friday, June 23. How often have you heard someone lament, “That sort of thing just doesn’t happen here”, or “That’s the kind of thing that happens in the city?” Sometime in the early hours of June 15, three bicycles were stolen from the yard of a Londesboro main street residence. That’s not the sort of thing that should happen here! At the time of reporting one bicycle has been recovered but all of us need to be aware rural areas are no longer as safe as we would like. Be your brother’s keeper and question what seems suspicious. Security is something we all need to protect in our little village. Congratulations, Richard and Trisha Bergsma on the safe arrival of Curtis Bruce, Saturday, June 17. Council looks at severance With the acceptance of two conditions, East Wawanosh council approved a severance application for the north half of Lot 28, Cone. 3, at the June 6 meeting. Christina Empey had filed the application to sever an existing single family residence from a farm with two permanent residences. The conditions stated that the retained eight acres be rezoned agriculture-small holding and be rectangular in shape. Brian Treble of the Huron County Planning Department said the minimum distance separations put limitation on uses of the barn and the livestock buildings were not suited for large expansion. Paul Montgomery, an upset Hutton Heights resident attended the meeting to ask when work would begin on the Johnston Municipal Drain. He had informed council in writing that his basement was flooded after rainstorms. Councillor Murray Scott said it was hoped the work would fix the flooding problem, but that Hutton Heights should have more drains. Montgomery said the work on the road and drain should have been done properly in the first place so the township would not have to spend more money on repairs. Clerk-Treasurer Winona Thompson said the earliest the work could begin, according to contracts was June 9. It is to be completed by the end of the month. Due to the heavy rainfalls in the past month, Road Superin­ tendent Ralph Campbell told council there will be an expense of $10,000 to $12,000 for road work. This will go towards repairing washed out roads and cleaning up downed trees. 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