HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2000-06-14, Page 19Services THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 2000. PAGE 19. Classified Advertisements GUITAR LESSONS - ELECTRIC, acoustic, bass. Learn to play the music you like. Call 887-6353. 36-tfn CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE Wanted WANTED TO BUY: SCRAP cars and trucks. L & B Auto Wreckers, 1/2 mile south of Brussels. Call 887-9499. tfn BILL’S SALVAGE & AUTO SALES - Wanted: scrap, cars and trucks. Phone 887-6510 (on 14th Cone, of Grey). 20-7p WANTED TO BUY: FARM TRACTOR 30 - 80 h.p. with or without loader, excellent price paid. Phone 523-4260. 24-1 Bly th will repair drain Blyth councillors agreed at the June 5 meeting to repair the McConnell Street drain which had been causing problems during heavy rains. It is suspected tree roots are clog­ ging the drain. Twenty to 30 feet of solid pipe will be used to replace the current line.*** The village reservoir was insulated to protect the water from summer heating.*** Janet Harris and Matt Harsant of the Blyth Festival attended the ses­ sion to thank council -for their sup­ port of the theatre.*** A meeting will be set up with Bruce Potter of B. M. Ross and Associates to discuss council’s pref­ erence for curbs and gutters or ditch­ es along Gypsy Lane when it is reconstructed. COMING EVENTS SWO 17th Annual Fiddle & Stepdance Championships, Stratford Fairgrounds Col­ iseum, Friday June 30th, 7:00 pm; Saturday July 1st, 9:30 am. Finals and show 7:00pm. Tickets at door Advance tickets/campmg information (519)271-6115, Fax (519)273-7666 CAMPING! Chevy Truck Presents: Havelock Country Jamboree, August 17-20. Terri Clark - Ricky Scaggs - Sammy Kershaw - Blue Rodeo - Gene Watson - Bobby Bare - Jimmy Flynn - Tommy Hunter - Lace - Good Brothers. Info 1-800- 539-3353. www.havelockjamboree.com. 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Fax 519-258-0707 for free catalogues and infor­ mation. *** Council will pay $849 to the Blyth' Centre for the Arts for the operation of the village tourist information booth.*** There were no objections to the Blyth Lions Club erecting a beer tent between the ball diamonds for an industrial slo-pitch tournament, Aug. 10-13. The Old Dogs hockey team was also given permission to apply for a special occasions permit for a beer garden at Blyth Lions Park for July 21-22. *** Council approved a donation of $500 to the Walkerton Relief Fund. Lawn ornaments taken COMPUTERS Auction4it.com - FREE SHIPPING - Name brand Computer, Electronic, House­ ware, Hardware products (Braun, Dell, HP, Logitech. Makita, Pioneer, Uniden, ...) STARTING BID $1 Limited Time Offer. www.Auction4it.com 1-877-808- 8352. EDUCATIONAL OPPS. COUNSELLOR TRAINING INSTITUTE offers distance learning and on campus courses for certificate and diploma programs. 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Call 1 -800-668-5111, ext. 536 for free brochure STEEL BUILDINGS. Limited sizes many below wholesale Factory direct. 20 year warranty. Sold on first come basis. Act now and save. Toll Free Call 1-800-606- 1288 VACATION/TRAVEL TIMESHARE RESALES. World's Largest Reseller. ERA STROMAN SINCE 1979. CALL NOW' Buyers call 1-800-613-7987. Sellers call 1-800-201-0864 Email: mfo@stroman.com. • It's Affordable • It's Fast • It's Easy • One Bill Does It All • Northern Ontano $79 • Eastern Ontario $140 • Western Ontario $130 • Central Ontario $136* All Ontario $395 • National Packages Available • Call this paper for details! from Blyth residence On June 10 in the early morning hours three reports of items stolen from lawns'or vehicles were report­ ed. The first call was that sometime during the evening of June 9 - 10 a 12' dark green/brown Zedco tri-coat- ed plastic canoe was stolen from the top of a vehicle. The canoe was tied to the roof of the vehicle and the ropes were cut when the canoe was stolen out of the driveway Af the Queen Street parking lot. Also a Canadian flag was stolen from a pole and lawn ornaments were also taken from a Hamilton Street residence. Huron OPP are asking the public to call police when they see some­ thing suspicious or when they see anyone hanging about. Sr. Const. Don Shropshall said, “If your neigh­ bour is away and someone is on the property call the police.” Anyone who can help in recover­ ing the stolen items is asked to call the local OPP or Crime Stoppers. Taking the step Blyth Sparks were all smiles when they received their cer­ tificates last Tuesday as they moved on to Brownies. They are, from left: Corey Pollard, Kelly MacDonald, Alex Raynard, Laura Peach and Emily Allen. Brussels looks into website Continued from page 2 sewer easement at the Dan McKay property, Councillor Mike Thomas suggested a letter be sent explaining the situation. When the land was given to the family by the village, an easement should have been put on it at the time but wasn’t. . Clerk-Treasurer Donna White said a letter had already been sent to them, but she could send another. She also has legal counsel looking into whether or not the village needs permission since the property was given to the McKays. *** A proposal is being looked into for free internet access and web site design from the cable company. “I’m interested in getting the industrial lots on the web,” said White. *** The 20-day appeal period for a zoning bylaw amendment to see the conversion of a chicken bam to a storage space has passed with no appeals. *** A resolution passed that the Albert and William Street storm sewer phase two project be given top prior­ ity as the next capital project to be undertaken by the new municipality of Huron East and that it be a priori­ ty in the year 2001. *** A complaint received regarding a piece of machinery in a driveway was out of council’s hands. “There is nothing in the bylaw that says we can do anything about this,” said White. *** Archive items from the municipal office are being sorted for storage at the county museum. *** The application of calcium on gravel roads in the village will be completed this month. *** A donation of $250 will given to the Brussels Agricultural Society. *** As every year, there have been complaints about backyard burning, said White. Under the fire code this should be done only in a confined area, supervised constantly and be for the purpose of cooking food. *** The village will continue to chlori­ nate the water for at least a couple of weeks, though White said she expects the province will soon order it to be done continually. *** Council agreed that a donation should be made to Walkerton but felt they would prefer it be done as a ward of Huron East with the others also participating. This was to be discussed at the transition board meeting. *** White, Reeve Ralph Watson and Councillor Joe Seili will attend a meeting in Holmesville. June 29 regarding restructuring issues for small municipalities. *** In his fire report Seili noted that the Brussels department had responded to three medical calls and one barn fire since the last meeting. The firemen are hosting a break­ fast on June 18. In the recreation report Councillor Mary Stretton said the missing soc­ cer sweaters and bags were found in a locker the same evening the board was told about them.