HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2000-05-24, Page 15Tenders THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 2000. PAGE 15. Classified Advertisements Tenders TOWNSHIP OF GREY GRAVEL TENDER Sealed, clearly marked tenders are now being received by the undersigned until Monday, June 5th, 2000 at 4:00 p.m. for the supply, hauling and placement of 7,000 metric tonnes "A" gravel and 22,000 metric tonnes "B" gravel to the road reconstruction of Concession Road 17 from lots 3 to 10. Work to be completed by August 4, 2000 to the satisfaction of the Township Road Superintendent. Contractor must be capable of 2500 metric tonnes per day. Tenders must be submitted on Township tender forms available at the Municipal Office and must be accompanied by a certified cheque for 10% of the enclosed bid. Contractor is responsible for any rules and regulations which may be acceptable under the Aggregate Resources Act. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Dave Hastings, CRS-I Road Superintendent Township of Grey WI hears poem about mothers FROM BELGRAVE Belgrave WI President Isabel Campbell, welcomed everyone and read a poem “Mothers”. The minutes of the last meeting, the financial statement and correspondence were read by Nancy Jardin. The roll call was answered by 16 members. Plans were discussed for the Huron West District Annual which will be held in Belgrave on May 29, with registration beginning at 9:15 a.m. The dates were announced for three caterings during the summer. A donation will be made to the Family and Children’s Services of Huron County to send a child to camp. The WI is offering training for health programs for women at vari­ ous locations during June. The WI is responsible for provid­ ing beverages and dessert at the fam­ ily picnic following the community church service in conjunction with the millennium celebration on June 25. Norma Moore will look after ordering cakes. A WI display will be set up at the arena with Gladys VanCamp respon­ sible for obtaining suitable articles. It was decided not to enter a float in the parade. Lunch was provided by Nancy Jardin and Sharon Campbell. CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" COMING EVENTS CAMPING! Chevy Truck Presents: Havelock Country Jamboree, August 17-20 Terri Clark - Ricky Scaggs - Sammy Kershaw - Blue Rodeo - Gene Watson - Bobby Bare - Jimmy Flynn - Tommy Hunter - Lace - Good Brothers. Info 1-800- 539-3353. www.havelockjamboree.com. 6TH COUNTRY CRAFT SENSATION, St. Jacobs Arena. Saturday June 3 9am- 5pm, Sunday June 4 10am-4pm. Info 519-884-1119. LUFA: Valid card-holding member's General Meeting called RE: Termination - Replacement of the Board of Directors. 1:00 pm, Saturday, June 10, 2000, Memorial Centre, 4214-58 Street, Red Deer, Alberta. Info: www.lufa.ca PHONE: 403-845-2280 AUCTIONS Auction4it.com - FREE SHIPPING - Name brand Computer, Electronic, House­ ware, Hardwam products (Braun, Dell, HP. Logitech, Makita, Pioneer, Uniden, ....) STARTING BID $1. Limited Time Offer. www.Auction4it.com 1-877-808- 8352. BUSINESS OPPS. COLLECT CASH! Coke, Pepsi, Frito Lay, Mars. Re-fill unique vendors in your area. F/T, P/T. No selling. Min. investment $13,980. Call 1 -888-577-5376(24hrs) Member of B.B.B. and D&B. INVENTORS - PRODUCT IDEAS WANTED! FREE INFORMATION PACKAGE. Develop and professionally present your new product idea to manufacturers through Davison, an award.winning firm. Patent assistance available: 1-800-677- 6382. TRIMPATCH P-3, Just Peel & Stick Weight Management. Approved by Health Canada D.I.N. 02240596. Distribution Opportunities Available. Get paid in U.S Dollars. Canadian launch July 1,2000. ORDER TODAY 1-888-767-8746. THE MONEY MACHINE! ‘NEW* not an ATM. Most financially secure home­ based business in the world. $100,000/yr potential. Investment under $10,000.1- 888-257-4164 (24hrs). Member B.B B LOW INVESTMENT FRANCHISE. Liberty Tax Service. 100% growth last year in Ontario. Ground floor opportunity. Niche - proven-success-system. 1/2 billion dol­ lar industry. We're #2! 1-888-766-6060. www.libertytax.com Commercial/retail space for rent in downtown Meaford, available immediately, prime location approximately 1500 square feet. Also prime location in develop­ ment property near harbour for restaurant/steakhouse with outside patio. Contact 519-538-4303 or 538-5797. INCREDIBLE BRAND NAME PRODUCT. Distributors required immediately. Substantial $$ year potential. Min. investment $10,950 guaranteed. A few need­ ed in your area. The Blue corp. 1-877-448-7744 (24hrs). Canadian Company. FIRE YOUR BOSS! Get paid every 7 days just for giving out your toll free It. It's easy. 1-800-811-2141, ext. 142391. EARN ONLINE NOW! Get Free E-Profit Report. Cash in, ride the internet explo­ sion. Start Home e-Biz turn your computer into a profit centre. Call 1-800-682- 3860 www.100kfromhome.com DUH! How do you spell opportunity? Product nobody has, everyone will use, everyone can afford, nowhere else to get it. Get started $295.1-800-478-6144. MAKE SUBSTANTIAL $$ in imports/exports. Easy step by step guide. Worldwide contacts, products, manufacturers, brokers available. ‘Free bonus package'. Course/manual $59.99.1-877-305-1647 orwww.skyboom.com/mega-nett. COMMUNITY HOME-BASED TRAVEL BUSINESS. Turn-key operation. 100% daily support. Earn while you learn. CALL 1-800-561-9999 for info-pack. Ontario license #2122091. WEB: www.travelsource-network.com CAREER TRAINING Exciting well paid careers in computer programming and internet website design. We will prepare suitable applicants. Ministry of Education Registered Home Study Diploma Program. Financial assistance, loaner computer systems and job place­ ment tools available. No expenence necessary. 1-800-477 9578 www.cmstrain- ing.com PEOPLE AROUND BELGRAVE By Linda Campbell Call'.Of!357-2188 Barbara Anderson, team captain for the Belgrave and area district for the Canadian Cancer Society can­ vass in April reports that $3,638 was collected this year. Eighteen volunteers gave their time to do the collecting. They acknowledge those who don­ ated so generously to make this pos­ sible. Mabel’s Moms met at their regular time on Wednesday, May 17. Those who attended were Kim Higgins, Ashley, Shelby and Jarrod Logan; Lila Procter and Jessica; Donna Raynard, Curtis and Craig. Their topic was Bikes. Get read to sing folks in the mil­ lennium church choir for the Sunday church service during Belgrave’s Millennium weekend June 23-25. Practices start Tuesday, May 30. Anyone interested can call John Roberts. A. Leddy wins high On Wednesday, May 17 there were nine tables of euchre in play at the Belgrave Women’s Institute Hall. Winners were: high lady, Aileen Leddy; second high' lady, Nell Johnston; most lone hands, Alice Nicholson; low lady, Louise Bosman; high man, George Inglis; second high man, Richard Moore; lone hands, Laura Johnston; low man, Dennis Leddy. There will be euchre again on Wednesday, May 24 at 8 p.m. EDUCATIONAL OPPS. COUNSELLOR TRAINING INSTITUTE offers distance learning and on campus courses for certificate and diploma programs. Course catalogue 1-800-665-7044 www.counselortraining.com FOR SALE SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, planks, beams. Large capacity. Best sawmill value anywhere. Norwood Industries, manufacturer of sawmills, edgers & skidders. Free information 1-800-566-6899. $99.00/mth: 32' Big Screen TV with Surround Sound Stereo. Order Now & receive DVD Player or VCR FREE! Add a Computer system for $64.00/month & receive FREE PRINTER! 1-800-267-9466. HELP WANTED MAKE MONEY NOW! Unique Legal Service NYSE listed company 3 yr. advanced commission. Lifetime residual income. Part-time, full-time. Call 1-888- 350-2890. EXTRA INCOME! COMPANY NEEDS help sorting and processing data. F/T, P/T available. No experience required. 1-800-279-0019. 10 Sales people urgently required for unique banking product. HUGE EARNING POTENTIAL EACH DAY. Fax resume 905-684-9349 www.tangarineconcepts.com PROFESSIONAL HELP WANTED SOCIAL SERVICE EMPLOYMENT - INTERVIEW IN TORONTO - WORK IN USA! Provide daily living instruction, counseling and personal care assistance for adults with disabilities in Wisconsin. Presentation: Monday, June 26, 2000, 6:00 pm. Interviews Tuesday, June 27, Wednesday, June 28, 2000. Cambridge Suites Hotel, Toronto, Ontario by appointment. Excellent salary, benefits (3 months FREE housing, $250 relocation assistance +). Requirements: Canadian Citizen­ ship, BA/BS social service field, driver's license. Interested? 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Pioneer.... 1-800-668-5422. VACATION/TRAVEL TIMESHARE RESALES. World’s Largest Reseller. ERA STROMAN SINCE 1979. CALL NOW! Buyers call 1-800-613-7987. Sellers call 1-800-201-0864. Email: info@stroman.com. • It's Affordable • It’s Fast • It's Easy • One Bill Does It All • Northern Ontario $79 • Eastern Ontario $140 • Western Ontario $130 • Central Ontario $136 • All Ontario $395 • National Packages Available • Call this paper for detailsl Report card DHC top priority The Grey Bruce Huron Perth DHC has approved its workplan for the coming year and is launching a new project to formally monitor changes in our local health care sys­ tem. “For yeart, District Health Councils have been informally mon­ itoring changes to local health serv­ ices but this year we are taking a new approach. We will be working with DHCs across the province to systematically collect a set of health indicators which will allow us to compare how the Grey Bruce Huron Perth health care system is doing rel­ ative to other planning districts”, said Jim Whaley, DHC executive director. “Based on this comparative data, we will develop a local Health System Report Card which should be ready for public release by the end of this year.” At the DHC’s annual planning day in March, board and staff rated the Health System Monitoring Project as the top priority. It is also consistent with the new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that DHCs have signed with the minister of health. Specifically, the MOU says that the DHC is responsible to: “Strategically plan, monitor and evaluate health system delivery and health outcomes and assess changes to the health care system and their impact on the health status of the community”. Over the coming year, the DHC will be collecting information on the following types of health indicators: • access indicators such as waiting lists for cardiac surgery and long­ term care facilities • outcome and health status indica­ tors such as mortality rates, hospi­ tal-treated morbidity rates and the incidence of low birth-weight babies • hospital utilization indicators such as in-home visits from nurses and homemakers plus visits to doc­ tors • availability of health profession­ als (eg. numbers of doctors and nurses per capita) • funding indicators including expenditures for hospitals, OHIP, CCAC (home) care, mental health and addiction services, and long­ term care facilities.