HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2000-05-10, Page 24PAGE 24. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 2000. Home & Garden 2000 Finding weed info y\/ha+ a Wouldn't it be nice to know when certain pests will show up? How about letting some of the plants do your weeding for you? Then you should know that Mother Nature has an extensive net­ work of pest informants and a weed police force ready to go when you are. For thousands of years, pest informants and weed police have been used by farmers to time the planting of crops and predict the arrival of insects. To be an inform­ ant, or synchronous phenological indicator plant, the plant must be well-known and grow coast to coast in Canada. Two of the most fam­ iliar informants are lilac and service­ berry. • When lilac is in full bloom, you can proactively treat for gypsy moths; that is if you have evidence of gypsy moth eggs on tree bark the year before. Remember, these devas­ tating pests have a seven-year cycle. • If you have seen tents of the Eastern Tent Caterpillar, the best time to eliminate these tents is when the serviceberry is in full bloom. • Forsythia can predict the sprout­ ing of crabgrass. When it is in full flower, crabgrass is just starting to put down roots, This is when you take action. Plants that prevent weeds and keep insects away are called Allelopathic plants. Their use was first document­ ed almost 2,000 years ago, when writers recorded the effects certain plants had on crops. Today, interest in the properties of allelpoathic plants is spreading, especially within the agriculture industry, and many allelopathic plants are available to homeowners to help control persist­ ent weeds. • Quack grass can be a most trou­ blesome pest. To control it, plant some artemisia, chrysanthemum or sunflower. • If your forsythia has informed you that crabgrass is on the way, mix rye seed in with your regular lawn mixture when you seed your lawn. Rye will keep the crabgrass in check and is effective for a couple of years. If some weeds already have the jump on you, your strongest line of defence is a biodegradable spot weed killer. - News Canada behold! Te-Em your gardening friends! Huron County s largest to Greenhouses bursting with colour and aroma! The gardener who appreciates quality and the area’s largest selection shops at Te-Em Farm. Selection includes The Waves, Proven Winners, and all the cultured plants that everyone is talking about plus everything in between from ageratum to zucchini. Also, 20,000 geraniums in 20 different colours. bid you know ...that the most important part of the plant is the root system? That is why we at Te-Em Farm grow a lot of plants in larger containers so that you will have a top quality plant to put in your garden. The Blooming Perennial Garden is a must to se as they are never the same! Ted's Tasty Tomatoes are ready! Mothers Sunday, May All mothers shopping will receiver a FREE 3 1/2” Seed Geranium Farm A Gardener's Paradise RR#1 Bayfield, Ont, NOM 1G0 (519) 482-3020 UH REGULAR SPRING HOURS Monday - Friday 8-8 Sat. & Sun. 9-6 Wave Weekend & Long Weekend are combined this year! Lots of surprises! 1 r a***ri<*j n hS1 /| A p [tn 1 te-em II FARM I | 1/ 'tei,-* 1- McGcivin's have corralled some great deals for you! Many 1998 & 1999 lawn fit garden tractors at clearance prices plus used units priced to sell. Take the hard work out of yard work Boomer ™ has tightest turnaround New Holland LS yard tractors take the hard work out of yard work season after season. Four different models from 12.5 to 19 hp, packed with the power to tackle mowing, tilling, dozing or snow blowing with efficiency and dependable performance. 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