HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2000-04-19, Page 16< PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 2000. CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS- RATES - 20 words or less only $4.00. Additional words 15c each. 50c will be deducted if ad is paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114□ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT LARGE 2 BEDROOM APART- ment available May 15, new carpet, freshly painted. Call Brian or Melinda Ten Pas, Brussels 887- 9830. 14-4 BLYTH - 2 BEDROOM APART- ment, includes fridge, stove, heat and hydro, no animals. References required. Phone 482-9371. 48-tfn E ARTICLES FOR SALE LARGE KITCHEN TABLE AND 6/8 chairs - table chrome with butcher block top 38" x 54” with (2) 12" leafs to extend to 75”. Chairs - chrome with leatherette, 3 Tiffany style drop lights - amber tones, 2 - 10" diameter, 1 - 12" diameter. Call 519-523-9207. 16-1 IDA RED APPLES AND MAPLE syrup. Contact Boyd Taylor, 523- 9279. 14-3 TREES - LARGE QUANTITY of 7' white ash at $9 ea. White spruce, 2 - 3' at $7 ea. Also Scotch pine and sumac at $5 ea. Treebelt 523-9771. 15-3 WEDDING FLOWERS, ALSO rental of new candelabras and gothic pillars very reasonable. Professional assistance, no pressure, call Linda at 524-2765 for more information. 15-2 CHALMERS. Darryl and Lynn (MacDonald) welcome with love their third precious gift of a beautiful daughter. Logan Naomi was bom April 12, 2000, at Clinton Public Hospital weighing 8 lbs. 3 oz. and measuring 23 1/2 inches in length. Sadie and Mackenzie are blessed to have another sister to share their lives. Another grand­ child to spoil for Enid MacDonald and Jim and Joan Chalmers, all of Blyth. Thought of and greatly missed at this special time are Grandpa Kenneth MacDonald and Poppa Ben Arnold. 16-1 GRAHAM. David and Annette are pleased to announce the arrival of their first child, a son, Tristan David Donald on April 4, 2000 weighing 7 lbs. 8 oz. at Joseph Brant Hospital, Burlington. Second grandchild for Pat Lucas and sixth for Anita Larose and Allan Graham. 16-lp HELPING THE WORLD WRITE NOW CODE Self-sufficiency through literacy in the developing world For information, call 1-800-661-2633 A AUCTION SALES BLYTH P.S. GRADE 8s. We wish to thank all of the local businesses, friends and family for donating items towards our Silent Auction held April 12. We wish to thank all community members for their participation in this successful event. Your support will aid us in our year-end trip to Lion’s Head Celtic Camp. - The Blyth Public School Grade 8 Class of 2000. 16-1 Ct) Medic Alert S P E A K ,S FOR YOU 1-8DD-668-15D7 w w w . m e d i c a I e r t . c a CHALMERS. We would like to thank Dr. Salsbury and the OB nurses of Clinton Public Hospital for the special care and guidance given us during our stay. Logan sends hugs and kisses to Aunt Bev, Aunt Lisa and especially Daddy for helping Mom and being there during her delivery. Thanks to Grandma Chalmers for staying with the girls. Also thanks to family, friends and neighbours for the many flowers and gifts received while we were in hospital and since returning home. - Lynn and Logan. 16-1 AUCTION SALES DONALDSON. I would like to thank all my friends, neighbours and relatives for all the cards, treats and get well wishes. To the Masonic Lodge, the Legion and Lions for the visits while in the hospital. Special thanks to Lynn, Bill and my wife Marg for being so helpful during my long stay in hospital. These things will never be forgotten. Thanks to Doctor Antoniadis and the terrific nurses at Wingham Hospital. - Al. 16-lp AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of home furnishings, antiques and real estate will be held for Miss Helen Mitchell and the Estate of Miss Luella Mitchell at the Brussels Community Centre on Saturday, May 6 starting at 10:00 a.m. Auctioneers: Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater 392-6170 Rob Thompson, Ripley 395-2640 f ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ ’ APPLIANCES: Inglis almond washer and dryer, White Westinghouse 4 almond fridge and stove, dehumidifier, humidifier, microwave, Electrolux 4 ’ vacuum with power head, portable sewing machine, floor model colour ’ Itv. k ' CAR: 1986 Olds Firenza, 2 door car. Sells at 11:30 a.m. k ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, ETC.: Large antique chest of drawers, table-top A I phonograph, open washstand with spooled legs, O Gee clock, V 1 washstand, treadle sewing machine, music cabinet, trunks, 4 matching 1 T pressback chairs, oil lamp, piano and bench, corner china cabinet, 2 V A dining tables with matching chairs, bedroom suites and beds, wooden A Y high chair, dresser with oval mirror, chesterfield and chair like new, Y a chestabed, large offering of furniture. a Y DISHES AND GLASSWARE: Includes 12 place setting of Limoges dishes, y i collector plates, depression pieces, doll, Noritake, Coronation pieces, i y cornflower, chamber pieces, RS Prussia, etc., etc. y , PERSIAN RUGS: Various sizes and colours. y POWER TOOLS: Wood lathe, small steel lathe, jointer, mitre saw, skill saws ♦ . HD, transit level, plus other related items. 4 Note: 2 auctioneers selling starting at 9 a.m. y Auctioneers: Richard and Ben Lobb - 482-7898 Clinton A www.auctionhotline.com k ’ SATURDAY, APRIL 29 AT 9 A.M.: Antiques, furniture, tools at Lobb Auction ' k Building. k LARGE AUCTION SALE to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Building in Clinton for the Estate of Ronald Coultes of Wingham and Estate of Thelma Dale of Seaforth plus good additions. SATURDAY, APRIL 22 AT 9 A.M.OAIUKUAY, ArKIL ZZ • COINS: Approx. 80 lots. Sells at 12 noon. T A DDI IA Irt/’ilie u/richor z*ir HOUSEHOLD AUCTION SALE For the Estate of Douglas and Wilma Hemingway of real property, antiques, woodworking equipment, household effects and misc. SATURDAY, APRIL 22ND ~ 10:30 A.M. Viewing Saturday, from 8:30 until sale time Sale held at: Brussels and District Community Centre and Arena, Brussels REAL PROPERTY: Cape Cod style, 3-bedroom home. Fantastic location, backing onto the conservation lake. Lot size: 0.68 acres. Taxes: $1,700.00 (approx.) . Known municipally as 687 Maple St. Brussels. Property being sold with reserve bid. For viewing or questions, please call the family or executors listed below. FURNITURE/ANTIQUES: Dining room oak sideboard, 3 drawer drop-front secretary, bow front china cabinet, round extension table with 6 chairs, tri-drop leaf end table, old tube radio with large metal horn "Magnavox'1, broadcast shortwave wooden table top radio, family room furniture, recliner chairs, Zenith 27" colour TV, Nikko VCR, end tables, wall clocks, roll-top desk (old), Gingerbread clock, parlour table, crocks, round top trunk, blanket box, coal oil lamps, 10" wall-mount ammeter (old), pool table 4'6" x 8'6", o/s, billiard and snooker balls, assortment of bells (sleigh, chime, etc.), sad iron, butter press, brass steam whistle. DISHES: Austria "Victoria" partial dinner set for 12 with extra pieces, cups and saucers, Noritake hand painted Japan, Nippon, Belleek, depression glassware, silver set, "Community" for 8 with extra pieces, Royal Doulton figurine: "Kirsty". Other good and everyday pieces and cookware. BEDROOM SUITES: Ultramatic beds, 2 twin beds, individual controls, bedroom suites, dressers, linens, bedding, quilts, etc. INSTRUMENTS: Violin with bow and case, Gibson guitar with steel, Oreana electric chord organ. APPLIANCES: Whirlpool "Thin Twin" stacking washer and dryer, Crosley fridge (new Aug. '99), 30" electric range, small electrical appliances. BOOKS AND CURIOSITY: Old books, history, scrap, newspapers, magazines, Brussels Post back to 1937. 1984 Huron Cty. historical atlas, "Wee Wisdom", Gene Autry, old bathing suits (20's), costume gowns, furs, old jewellery. TOOLS: General jointer, 1180, 42-1/2" x 6-1/2" Delta planer, 12" portable, 22-54OC Delta bench drill press, 15" scroll saw, Rockwell beaver 10" bandsaw, 28115 bench grinder, belt and disc sander, Craftsman 10" table saw, wood lathe, router, block planes, scribes, large assortment of hand tools, pattern books, extension ladder, Noma snowthrower, weedeater. YARDMAN: 11 hp, 38" deck, 5-speed lawn tractor BOAT: 12' aluminum, with 4 hp Johnson outboard, life jackets, fishing gear, exercise weight resistance bench. Information/Viewing ~ Neil Hemingway: 887-6444 Peter Hemingway: 291-3173; Sharon Whittaker: 752-3570 SALE CONDUCTED BY: GILMORE AUCTIONS, Listowel AUCTIONEERS: Doug Gilmore, ph. (519) 291-3421 Bob Gilmore, ph. (519) 236-4152 fax:(519)291-5304 For additional information and upcoming sales, please review our website: www.auctionsfind.com/gilmore Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed sale bill. Owners or auctioneers not responsible for accidents, deletions or loss of property sale day. Terms: cash or cheque with proper ID sale day. GLOUSHER. I would like to thank family, friends and neighbours for flowers, cards, visits and food sent in, also phone calls, while in Wingham Hospital and since at home. Special thanks to Drs. and nurses at hospital. It was all greatly appreciated. Thanks. - Marie. 16-lp KIEFFER. A sincere thank you to my family, friends and neighbours for your support while I was a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital and since my return home. To Dr. S. Marshall, the nurses, and all support staff, a special thanks for your professional help and conscientious care. - Bill. 16-1 McNICHOL. We would like to thank everyone for celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary with us. Thank you to the neighbours on the 8th line of Morris and the 8th Liners baseball team and friends for the surprise parties. Thank you to Grace and Aubrey and our family, Mike, Krista, Josh, Jessica, Kandice, Dave, Brian and Sarah for taking us out for supper. We would like to thank everyone for all the lovely cards and gifts. You have all made the last 25 years most memorable. May we continue to be blessed. Thank you once again. - Ray and Kathy McNichol. 16-1 SHIELL. The family of the late Pearl Shiell would like to express our deepest appreciation and thanks to all the people who helped us through the loss of our mother, grandmother and great-grand­ mother. We are grateful for the kindness and care by the Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home, Braemar Retirement Centre, Dr. Shubat and Dr. Gear. Special thanks to Rev. John G. Roberts and the ladies of the Wingham United Church who prepared and served the lunch, and Doug McBurney and staff at McBumey Funeral Home for their guidance and support. Also thanks to all our relatives, friends and neighbours for their care and support, gifts of food, flowers, cards, telephone calls and visits and charitable donations. - The Shiell families. 16-1 ON $3.00 THURSDAYS Drop Into either of our offices any Thursday with your word classified (maximum 20 words) and^ay only $3.00 (paid In advance). That's $1.00 oft regular rates C itizenTheNorthHuron —i r~ — • . ' . ' ■—i