HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2000-03-08, Page 16PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 2000.
From the Minister's Study,
Lent not just for church-goers, says pastor
By I .es Cook
Blyth Community Church
of God
This Wednesday, known as Ash
Wednesday in the Christian Church
marks a season of the Christian year
that differs significantly from
Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany.
As we think about our spiritual pil
grimage during this season, we need
to see how it differs from the rest of
the church calendar.
Lent is the time when we especial
ly identify with the sufferings of
Jesus. During Lent we walk the way
of the cross. In Advent we longed for
the coming of Christ, at Christmas
we celebrated his birth, and after
Epiphany we encountered Christ in
Local Quakers host secretary
The local Quaker Worship Group,
which meets at Bluevale, had a visit
from the newly appointed field sec
retary, David McKay of London.
McKay is helping with support to
Quaker Meetings for Worship in the
Central Region of Canada which
includes Ontario and Quebec.
Following the regular worship
period there was a potluck lunch and
a discussion of plans for Pelham Half
Yearly Meeting.
This semi-annual gathering brings
together Quakers from Southwestern
Ontario and rotates among the vari
ous Meetings. The Lucknow
F. Bolger
at Blyth
his many manifestations. Now, the
entire mood changes. Lent is a time
to reflect on the rejection Christ felt
when the religious leaders and others
turned from him, rejected him and
plotted his death.
Lent is a time for repentance and
renewal. What we want to accom
plish during Lent is the opposite of
what the Pharisees, the mockers, and
doubters did. They rejected Jesus.
They were proud, haughty, and con
fident of their righteousness.
Lent is the opposite of those atti
tudes. It is not necessary to adhere to
any certain doctrine or denomination
to benefit from participating in the
Lenten season.
Matthew 6: 1-18 emphasizes only
Worship Group will be hosting it at
the end of April and are planning to
offer a program that combines wor
ship, business, fellowship and recre
Fran McQuail of Lucknow,
reported on her recent attendance at
Friends United Meeting in
Richmond. Indiana. She said that in
a discussion on outreach, the slogan
“A simple faith, a radical witness”
was suggested, as one way of
explaining Quakerism in a phrase. It
embodies Quakers’ religious belief
that there is that of God in each per
son from which flows their deep
commitment to equality among peo
ples and their involvement in social
you are ‘Welcome, at the
9:45 a.m. - Sunday School for Children and Adults
11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship
Bible Studies - Wednesday 10 a.m. & 7:30 p.m.
Phone 523-4590 McConnell St., Blyth
11:00 a.m. - Morning Service
- Sunday School
9:30 a.m. - Belgrave Service
that these things be done in private
so as to strengthen our spirit rather
than feeding our ego through recog
nition by others. It is a personal pil
grimage of soul searching and exam
ining our inner being.
As well, to admit our need for help
from a power greater than ourselves.
Lent is a time to get right with our
The Christian church has devel
oped three disciplines that help us to
do this. They are prayer, fasting, and
almsgiving. Matthew 6: 1-18.
Our spiritual journey during Lent
is related to these three disciplines.
Pray with your mind, your heart, and
your will. Spend some time in
silence (take the phone off the hook).
The Religious Society of Friends
(Quakers) tiaces back to the 1600’s
and early Friends developed testi
monies on peace, women’s equality,
simplicity and social justice stem
ming from their belief that God’s
divine spirit is in everyone.
The local group meets on Sundays
and following a period of singing,
they settle into a silent Meeting for
Worship. Members may be led to
share spoken ministry during the
Meeting for Worship. There is an age
appropriate program for children
during the this time. There is no paid
clergy and very little hierarchy in
Quaker organization.
Consider fasting during this Lent.
There are many ways to fast. You
can drop a favourite food
from your menu, you can choose to
fast one day of the week, or you
could go on a partial fast for the
entire season (except Sunday;
Sunday is always a feast day because
it celebrates the resurrection, even
during Lent).
Finally, determine to give to some
one in need. Give a gift that goes
beyond your normal giving. Let it be
a giving that hurts. That is, you
should deprive yourself of some
thing, you want in order to help
someone else.
Finally, remember that Lent is a
Blyth United Church
Come Worship The Lord With Us
Sundays - 11:00 a.m.
Worship Service & Sunday School
Minister ~ Rev. Ernest Dow
‘Ifeu (Vie welcome thio. Sunday
Trinity, Blyth St. John's,
9:30 a.m. Brussels
Wheelchair accessible 11:15 a.m.
Rev. Nancy Beale - Rector - 887-9273
time that is important to your spiritu
al health.
By taking Lent seriously through
prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, you
will be able to identify with the suf
ferings of Jesus in a way that you
never have before.
And the real spiritual gain of Lent
will be experienced during Easter.
For by preparing for his death and
entering into his suffering you will
be able to experience the resurrec
tionjoy in a way that you have never
experienced it before!
Pray that God will help you main
tain your Lenten discipline as we
begin this segment of our spiritual
Greeting at Blyth United Church
on Sunday, March 5 was Faye
Bolger. Ushers were Lois van Vliet,
Lenora Davidson, Earl and Shirley
Fyfe. Karen Youngblut was in charge
of the nursery. Guest organist was
Lynda Lentz.
Prior to the service Keith and
Allison Dow provided instrumental
music. Faye Bolger read the Gospel
lesson Mark 9: 2-13.
The children’s hymn was In the
Secret. The children’s time centered
on the two sides of Christ - Son of
God and Jesus, a friend.
The sermon was entitled, Listen to
Jesus, Rise Above the Muddle. Rev.
Emest Dow explained how to turn
the lows in life into highs and learn
from the experience. He compared
this to the transfiguration, which was
“a real mountaintop in the middle of
a real muddle giving a real message,
which brings real meaning to the
Lloyd Sippel read the Minutes of
Mission. The ushers and Laurie
Sparling took up the offering.
join uLouAlp tliU Sunday,
Morning Worship Service ~ 10 a.m.
Evening Worship Service ~ 7:30 p.m.
“Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his
neighbour, for we are all members of one body. In anger do not sin.”
Ephesians 4:25, 26a
Wheelchair accessible
Nursery care available
We welcome you to come and worship with us.
Rev. Cathrine Campbell - 887-9831
Rev. Adrian A. Van Geest
Hwy. 4, Blyth 523-9233
Wheelchair accessible
Joan Golden - Supply Minister
Church Office 887-6259 E-mail - bepc@wcl.on.ca
Auburn - 526-7555
Sunday 8:45 a.m.- Morning Worship Service
10:00 a.m.- Family Bible Hour
11 a.m.- Morning Worship Service
8 p.m.- Evening Service
Wednesday 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.- Family Night (Kids' Club)
Friday 7:30 p.m.- Youth
March 12, 2000
Ethel United Church
9:30 a.m.
Brussels United Church
11:00 a.m.
March 8th at 7:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday Service
Please join us as we enter the Season of Lent
March 14th at 7:00 p.m. ^'Praying in the Midst of Life"
discussion group. All are welcome - Please come and join our
learning journey.
Walking 3 km in 35 minutes
can do wonders for your health.
Its that simple.
A little
exercise can
go a long way!
Communion - 9:45 - 10:30
Family Bible Hour and Sunday School
11:00 - 12:00
Prayer & Bible Study
Tuesday 8 p.m.
Sharing a Healthier Future
■ ^parmcipacnon^®
John 14:6 - Jesus said, "I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, no
one comes to the Father, but through Me."
Everyone Welcome
For more information call 887-6665
Let's open our
hearts to receive
i a new revelation
\ of God's truth
I during Lent.__
Brussels Mennonite
9:30 a.m. Worship Service
10:45 a.m. Christian
| Everyone Welcome
I Elders Don Procter
I 357-3557
I Elwin Garland I
I 887-9017