HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2000-01-26, Page 14PAGE 14. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 2000.
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TEDESCO. Denise and Bill
Tedesco of Wingham are thrilled to
announce the safe arrival of their
son, Zachary Mark on Sunday,
Jan. 9, 2000 at 10:10 p.m. weighing
6 lbs. 8 oz. at St. Joseph’s Hospital,
London. Zachary is welcomed by
big brother Alexander, proud
grandparents Jean Nethery, Blyth,
Darlene Campbell, Wingham, Bill
and Debbie Tedesco, Port
Colborne, as well as Great-grand
mothers, Lavina Campbell and
Carmella Tedesco. Special thanks
to Drs. Hay and Natale and all the
wonderful hospital staff. 04-lp
VADER. Anthony is very excited
to see his baby sister, Jasmine
Marianne, bom on Jan. 4, 2000 at
3:51 p.m. in Listowel, weighing
7 lbs. 8.8 oz. Spoiling privileges go
to her parents Mike and Lori.
Grandparents are Jane and Lome
Draper and Anne Exel of Brussels,
Jack and Jane Vader of Barrie.
Great-grandparents are Joan
Wissler and Gerrijge Exel and the
late Gerald Exel of Brussels, and
John and Catherine Vader of
Guelph. Great-great-grandmother is
Margaret Weins of Wingham. 04-1
for rent in Brussels area, $500 plus
utilities, available March l/00,
references. Call 887-6960. 04-tfn
for rent in Londesboro, $350 a
month plus utilities. Call 523-9790.
ment, includes fridge, stove, heat
and hydro, no animals. References
required. Phone 482-9371. 48-tfn
TUGWELL. Big sister Amber is
spreading the good news. Her
brother, Dawson Brandon was bom
January 6, 2000 weighing 7 lbs.
14 oz. Dawson’s parents, Billy and
Angela are thrilled along with
grandparents Alex and Bev Blair
and Bill and Marg Tugwell, also
grandparents, Gordon and Hilda
Harkes and great-grammas, Annie
Biair and Mary O’Hagan. 04-1
ment in downtown Brussels, newly
decorated, parking. $375. Refer
ences. Phone 887-9007. 36-tfn
Sharing a
Future™ ,
ment in Cranbrook for rent, 4 piece
bathroom, laundry room, appli
ances included, $280/month plus
hydro. Phone 887-6935. 03-tfn A ARTICLES
SOFAS $79.95 up, single bed with
drawers - like new $169.95, double
beds $100 up, 3/4 bed $169.95,
colour TVs $89 95 up, dressers
$49.95, recliner $29.95, skates $10
up, skis $29.95, coffee tables
$12.50 up, desk $39.95 up, stoves
$50 up, exercise bikes $39.95 up,
entertainment centre $119.95,
mattress and box springs $35 each
up, high chairs $21.95, playpens
$29.95, freezer 1 yr. old - 15 cu. ft.
$289.95, lamps $6.50 up, bunk
beds with mattress $169.95, love
seats $59.95 up, double stroller
$69.95, swivel rockers $20 up,
single beds $69.95 up, movies and
CDs - 2 for $10, crib with mattress
$89.95. Quality Used Furniture, 86
Albert St., Clinton. Open Wed.
through Sat., 12 ’til 5:30, 482-
1444. 04-1
early - 6‘ Thunder Child Orna
mental flowering crab apples trees,
$29.95. Limited supply. Contact
clerk’s office, 523-4545. 04-1
BAEKER. Words are quite
inadequate to express the depth of
gratitude we feel toward our friends
and relatives for the overwhelming
expressions of love and support in
our recent sudden bereavement.
The floral tributes, cards, donations
to Empress United Church Access
Fund, the Parkwood Hospital
Foundation and other charities are
greatly appreciated. We have also
been thankful for the caring staff of
3BS Parkwood for their unfailing,
professional care of George over
the past two years. Particularly, we
wish to mention Sandy Morton at
Parkwood whose wisdom and
strength helped all of us through
very difficult times. To our
minister, Reverend Lorenzo
Ramirez for his faithful visits to
George and his caring for our
family, the ladies of the U.C.W. for
the lovely lunch served at the
reception following the memorial
service and to the A. Millard
George Funeral Home we send our
heartfelt thank you. - The Baeker
Family. 04-1
BRIDGE-BOVEN. Thank you to
everyone who came out to support
us at our Buck & Doe. We had a
great time and were thrilled to see
so many people there. Special
thanks to Lara and Doug for all
their hard work and to everyone
who helped out that night. We
really appreciate it. - Shirley Ann
and Mike. 04-lp
BRIDGE. Thank you to everyone
who attended my community
shower. It was great to see so many
friends and neighbours. I am so
thankful for all the wonderful gifts
I received. Special thanks to Edith,
Alice, Sharon, Hope and Liz for all
their work in organizing the
shower. - Shirley Ann. 04-1 p
LOWE. I would like to thank
everyone for all the lovely cards,
gifts, flowers and inquiries at both
the Variety and Barber Shop while
I was a patient in University
Hospital and since coming home.
Everything went well and hope to
be back at the store soon. - Ruth
Lowe. 04-1
MORRISON. .Together with Emily
and Michael, I would like to
sincerely thank everyone for their
sympathy, generosity and loving
support to us at this most difficult
time with the sudden loss of Ralph.
The overwhelming kindness shown
to us from our family, friends and
the members of the community is a
consoling strength for us. We thank
you for the many phone calls, food,
flowers, visits and the donations
made in memory of Ralph. This
certainly made Emily and Michael
feel their father had touched the
lives of many people. A special
thank you to Joan Pollard and staff
for their guidance, to Rev. Gani
Lazaro for his kind words and to
the UCW ladies for the luncheon
following the funeral service.
Thanks to Tracy and Everlasting
Flowers for the extra work they had
to do and for the beautiful flower
arrangements which made the
church look lovely. Ralph was a
very special person to me and his
children. His smile, kindness and
memories will always remain in
our hearts. It is so hard to say
goodbye to someone you love. May
God bless you for your kindness
and may the memories of Ralph
remain in your hearts too. - Sandra,
Emily and Michael Morrison. 04-1
I Medic Alert
POTTER. I would like to thank all
my friends, neighbours and family
who remembered me on my 70th
birthday. Thank you for all the
gifts, cards and food. It was really
appreciated. - Jack. 04-1 p
ail regular priced winter wear. Sale
ends Jan. 29. Rice's Workwear
Plus, 11 Victoria St., Clinton, Mon.
- Sat. 10 - 5, 482-8709. Huilett
location offering same savings plus
lots of clearance insulated
coveralls, coats and boots at greatly
reduced prices. Take a drive for
super sales. 2 1/2 miles east of
Hwy. 4 between Londesboro and
Blyth on Con. 12 - 13. Mon. -
Thurs. 9 - 9, Fri. & Sat. 9 - 6. 523-
4426. 03-2
can lull.
Never enter
a smoky
or stairway.
Always protect
yourself from
(3 |
ordered from The Citizen for only
$5.00 for a 5 x 7 or $8.00 for an 8 x
10. Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114.
Lowest Prices in 10 years
• -30 below Zero Zone 2pc. snow suits.
Special clearance of ladies & mens - all
sizes to XL. Priced at $150 (while supplies last)
• Parkas with zippered on hoods and steel
2 way zippers up & down - $45
• Polyester vests to clear at $15
Brophy Snowsuit Centre
Wingham 357-3712
ITo be held at Lobb Auction in Clinton
for Celia Adams and Freda Schoenals of Clinton
plus good additions from other consignors
SNOWMOBILE: 1977 John Deere 340 Cyclone looks good.
BUGGY: Horse-drawn buggy, needs wheels.
COINS: Approx. 70 lots from the Estate of Bill Hoover.
A RIDING LAWN MOWERS: Mastercraft 16.5 HP with cab and front blade (_ Y yrs. old) like new, Yardman 698 riding lawn mower, steel lawn trailer, gas
i push mower. 1
• APPLIANCES: Kitchen Aid 2 door side by side fridge freezer (4 years old), 4
’ Inglis fridge like new, (6 years old), (2) 30” electric stoves, portable '
A washer and dryer, 2 microwaves, 2 chest freezers, 2 dehumidifiers. A Y OFFICE FURNITURE: 5 double pedestal office desks, 4 single pedestal Y
1 office desks, 2 office tables, 30 stacking clients chairs, office chairs, (6) i
• four drawer, (1) three drawer filing cabinets, bookshelves •
FURNITURE: round oak dining room table with centre pedestal, 4 ’
A bedroom suites, 3/4 box spring and mattress (good one), modern style A Y dining suite, round table with 4 chairs and hutch, small maple dropleaf Y 1 table and 4 chairs, modern kitchen table and chairs (4 years old), 1
Y matching chesterfield and chair (like new), plus other good chesterfields, •
modern chesta bed, deacons bench, antique baking table, bridge lamp, .
A antique radio, oil lamps, crocks, old claw foot bath tub, portable TV, air A
' conditioner, 8x12 area rug, large oval rug, Hamedan 4x6 area rug, Y
.........................................................................................■■■ ■
. - - ------ — - — — ——— .
1 jewellery, corner what not, wooden school desk, 3 telephone answering J machines, magazine table, piano stool, crokinole board, barley twist foot
i stool, Duncan Phyfe style drop leaf table, chest of silverware.
| FIGURINES, GLASSWARE, DISHES, ETC.: 2 Royal Doultons, Goody Two
’ Shoes and Marie, Coal Port figurine, plus our usual offering of dishes,
A glassware, small appliances, etc., etc., etc.
Y TERMS: Cash or Cheque with proper I.D.
i AUCTIONEER: Richard and Ben Lobb
• www.auctionhotline.com
STEISS. The family of the late
Ruby Steiss, Brussels, wish to
thank each person who associated
with her during her 94 years of
‘journeying through life’. In 1999,
and again in her last few days, we
especially wish to give a special
thank you to Doctors Annis,
Fawcett and Rutherford and
nursing staff of second floor
Listowel Memorial Hospital. Their
professional expertise, caring and
thoughtfulness for Mom and her
family was much beyond their
duties. Thank you to Rev. Cathrine
Campbell, Mr. and Mrs.
Schimanski, Mom’s friends and
neighbours including Majestic
Women’s Institute, W.M.S.
members, and special home care
for your thoughtfulness and help.
For each person who helped her be
independent - ‘God Bless You’.
We shall always remember the
kindnesses and concern of each
person. - The Steiss, Mann and
Stiles families. . 04-1
B. M. & G. Community Centre,
Saturday, February 12. Dancing to
D.J. 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Tickets
$10/each, admits I person to dance.
Lunch provided. Prizes include:
Weekend Get-Aways, Two Early
Bird Draws of $50 - you must be
there to win at 10:00 p.m.
Sponsored by the Brussels Optimist
Club and BMG Recreation. Age of
Majority required. 04-1