HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2003-05-14, Page 36PAGE 36. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 2003. Still questions over school boundary issue By Janice Becker Citizen staff Some issues were resolved and others just resulted in more questions when more than a dozen parents from the Seaforth Public School (SPS) catchment area met with Avon Maitland District School Board (AMDSB) personnel Monday evening. At issue was the possible boundary changes which could move the southeast comer of Grey into the Grey Central Public School (GCPS) area, the southwest comer of Morris into the Blyth Public School (BPS) region and a small area south of Egmondville from Huron Centennial to Seaforth Public. Though much of the change was seen as a housekeeping matter, as many of the families in the Grey and Morris Wards are currently border crossing to attend the proposed schools, the administration wanted to gather input before formulating a recommendation for board consideration. At present, there are 12 students living in Grey and attending SPS. All are in Grade 5 or higher. Pupils from Grey area border crossing to attend GCPS include six in senior kindergarten to Grade 2, one in Grade 5 and one in Grade 6. There have also been two requests for September. In Morris, there are six students enrolled in SPS with three graduating this June. The area sends nine to BPS with all but one in Grade 5 or lower. There has been one border crossing request for any SK student in 2003. AMDSB Superintendent Bill Gerth spoke to the gathering which also included the principals from the three affected schools as well as trustees Colleen Schenk and Charles Smith. “Families have been voting with their feet as to where they want to go,” he said. “Some families are committed to a school community and we are not asking students to change schools. They will be continued to be bussed to the school of their choice.” Gerth reassured parents that students already attending SPS would be grandfathered in, allowing Fire calls uneventful The Blyth and District Fire Department responded to two calls Monday evening, both with no need for their services. Shortly after 5 p.m., they were called to 42085 Hullett-McKillop Road where an electrical panel was on fire. Hydro One was on the scene them to complete their elementary education there if they choose. However, families would not be grandfathered, if this boundary change were to be passed by the board. New students, including siblings, would be in the catchment areas of BPS or GCPS and would therefore have to apply for a border crossing to attend SPS. Though Gerth said “90 per cent of the cases could be accommodated” because buses for SPS and GCPS pass through most of the affected area, there is no guarantee a bus would be provided for all situations. A BPS bus route would be changed to accommodate new Morris students enrolling at that school. Though the meeting was to deal with residents of Morris, Grey and Tuckersmith, the question of Walton families also arose. when they arrived and there was no danger so the firefighters returned to the base, said Fire Chief Paul Josling. Later, there was a false alarm at Elliott Nixon Insurance Brokers, the second in a week. Josling said there is a fault in the system. When Walton Public School closed in 2000, the student body split between SPS, GCPS, BPS, Brussels Public School and St. James Separate in Seaforth. The bus run to Brussels was a special exception to accommodate some families. Though Walton residents will currently remain in the SPS area, consideration is being given to splitting the hamlet along ward lines. A survey of affected families is to be undertaken by Darlene Million who oversees enrolment and accommodation issues for the board. There were also concerns about the pick-up point for Walton students currently border crossing to GCPS. They are required to meet at the closest regular pick-up point which is at a home on Brussels Line across from McGavin Farm Equipment and Supply. Homeowner Monique Baan said MS lives here. Canada has one of the highest rates of multiple sclerosis in the world. Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada 1-800-268-7582 www.mssociety.ca she was worried about the cars and children located along the highway in front of her home, waiting for the bus, particularly in the winter. It was suggested that another bus stop be located for those students. Gerth said it is hoped that a recommendation could go before the board in June for implementation in September. If that were to take place, those students already attending SPS would not have to apply for border crossing status as they would be automatically approved. Anyone with questions regarding enrolment or accommodation issues may call Darlene Million at the board office. Bussing issues should be taken to Dennis Harris. Help protect the environment Reduce, reuse and recycle Notice of Public Meeting For the New { HURON EAST Extractive Resources Huron East Official Plan TAKE NOTICE that the Municipality of Huron East will hold a statutory public meeting under the provisions of Section 17(15) of the Planning Act to receive input on the proposed Huron East Official Plan. The public meeting will be held at the following location: Date:Wednesday, June 4, 2003 at 8:00 pm Location:Walton Cofnmunity Centre Purpose & Effect of the Plan: The Huron East Official Plan applies to all lands within Huron East and is a statement of where and how development should take place within the munici­ pality. The Plan includes text and maps that show how lands are designated. Copies of the Plan: Copies of the proposed Huron East Official Plan are available for review at: • the Municipal Office , 72 Main St., S. Seaforth • Seaforth Public Library and Brussels Public Library • Huron County Planning and Development Department, Court House Square, Goderich • www.huroneast.com Notice of Decision: If you wish to be notified of the adoption of the proposed Official Plan, you must make written request to: Jack McLachlan, Clerk-Administrator, Municipality of Huron East, 72 Main St., P.O. Box 610, Seaforth, ON, N0K 1W0 Ontario Municipal Board Powers: If a person or public body that files a Notice of Appeal of a decision of the Municipality of Huron East in respect of the proposed Official Plan, and does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of Huron East before the proposed Official Plan is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. The following policy and map changes have been made to the proposed Huron East Official Plan based on input from the public and Council discussion including the Public Information Sessions held March 26th & 27th, 2003. Additional Policy Changes Agriculture • Remove reference to farm parcel requiring a current farm business registration number; Section 4.4.xiv)b) • Add sentence regarding commercial scale water-taking operations, with reference to Extractive Resources Section; Section 4.4.xvi • Add example of solar facilities to commercial scale infrastructure; Section 4.4.xvi) • Add Site Plan Control to Agriculture Section for use as required. Section 4.4.xix) • A minimum lot size of 38 hectare (94 acres) is required however, smaller lot sizes may be considered in certain circumstances. (See Land Division Section below) • Surplus farm residential policies added to Plan. (See Land Division Section below) Natural Environment • Add policy to allow future recommendations from Groundwater Study to be added to Official Plan and Zoning By-Law; Section 5.4.3 • Clarifying when environmental studies are required for a change in the Natural Environment area-remove word ‘extensive’; Section 5.4.5, 4th paragraph • Replace ‘local importance’ with ‘significant’ - forested areas shall be protected; Section 5.4.6. 1st paragraph • Add policy regarding ongoing environmental monitoring by the Municipality and/or local agencies; Section 5.1 Urban Settlement • Add to Section 6.2 as last sentence. - Two industrial designated locations in the south west and south east corners of Seaforth are located in the Tuckersmith Ward. The industrial policies of Section shall apply. - One Urban designated location in the north east corner of Seaforth is located in the McKillop Ward. The policies of Section 6.3 shall apply. • Add to Industrial Section following 2nd paragraph ‘in addition there are two Industrial designated locations in the south west and south east corners of Seaforth which are located in the Tuckersmith Ward.’ Recreation • No additional changes since March 2003 Draft Official Plan Infrastructure and Servicing Heritage_____ Economic Development Land Division Implementation •Add definition of asphalt plant and policies requiring rezoning to special ER zone for estab­ lishment of asphalt plants. •Add Commercial Water-Taking Section and Policy; Section 8.1, 8.2, 8.4.xiv ‘Commercial water-taking is a land use. Commercial water-taking operations may be permitted in Extractive Resources and Agriculture designated areas subject to: a Zoning By-law amend­ ment to a special Commercial Water-Taking Extractive Resource Zone; hydrogeological study; and any other requested studies addressing sustainability.’_______________________ • Add Solar Energy reference to Wind Energy Section; Section 9.4.5 « No additional changes since March 2003 Draft Official Plan_____________________________ • No additional changes since March 2003 Draft Official Plan • Add minimum agricultural lot size exemption to Section 12.3.1 .i) “Notwithstanding the minimum lot area requirement of 38 hectares (94 acres).” If the present owner purchases 2 or more parcels of 20 hectares (50 acres) or more in the same owner­ ship, at separate times, and they have since merged on title, severances may be considered to recreate the same previous farm parcels provided that each parcel has a minimum lot size of 20 hectares (50 acres). • Add Surplus Residential Severance Policy Section 12.3.1.viii) “Where a dwelling is acquired through farm consolidation and is surplus to the needs of the farm operation it may be severed subject to the following; a) The residence is surplus to a farm operator (farmer) and was constructed prior to the adoption of the County Plan, June 28, 1973; or has replaced a residence which was built prior to June 28, 1973. b) It is the intention to utilize the existing building and the Council and/or Building Inspector will not issue a demolition permit or building permit for a new residence unless the exist­ ing residence has been occupied for a reasonable length of time, or has, after transfer, been partially destroyed by fire or other natural disaster. c) If the retained farm parcel will be less than 38 hectares (94 acres), it must be merged on title with an adjacent farm parcel. If the retained parcel is located in Concession 13 or 14 (McKillop Ward), and the parcel is less than 28 hectares (69.1 acres), it must be merged on title with an adjacent farm parcel. d) Where a barn exists in the immediate vicinity to the surplus residence, Council may require the demolition of the barn or its inclusion with the residential unit prior to approving the severance. The required zoning amendment shall restrict the total number of livestock to be permitted in the severed barn. e) That the area to be severed be rezoned to a special agricultural category. f) That the rezoning comply with the formula I of the Minimum Distance Separation. g) The separated parcel will not include any more Class 1 or 2 improved land than is required to support the residence. h) That there has been no previous legal severance on the subject property since 1970.” • A policy is added to permit minor interpretation of text policy; and land use designation boundaries; Section 13.2 • Add Section referring to Appendices and Background maps Additional Map Changes Brussels 1. Correction of Flood Fringe and Flood Way lines to reflect current Maitland Valley Conservation Authority regulations Grey 1. Part Lots 2 & 3, Con 2; change from Agriculture to Extractive Resources to reflect Official Plan Amendment already approved in 2002. 2. Part Lot 2 Con 9; change from Agriculture to Residential, the existing eastern urban boundary near Brussels on the north side of County Road 16 to allow the creation of 1 lot 3. Part Lot 2 Con 11; change from Agriculture to Residential at the end of McDonald Drive by 160 feet to allow for the creation of 2 lots 4. Part Lot 33, Con 2 correcting location of ditch McKillop 1. Part Lot 25, Con 5; change from Agriculture to Natural Environment to reflect existing reforested area. 2. North Part Lot 27, Con 13; change from Agriculture to Natural Environment to reflect ownership of Conservation Authority 3. North East corner of Lot 24, Con 1; change from Agriculture to Urban to allow for future development on Schedule ‘B’ Huron East and on Schedule ’B’ Seaforth 4. Lot 19, Con 10; change from Agriculture to Natural Environment on Schedule ‘B’ Huron East 5. Part of Lots 33 & 34, Con 6; change from Agriculture to Natural Environment on Schedule ‘B’ Huron East Seaforth 1. See McKillop #3 2. See Tuckersmith #4, #5 Tuckersmith 1. Lot 9, Con 3 LRS; change from Agriculture to Natural Environment to reflect existing forested area 2. South Lot 17 & Lot 18, HRS; change from Natural Environment to Agriculture to reflect existing farmlands 3. Lot 32, Con 4 LRS; change from Natural Environment to Agriculture to reflect farmland 4. Part of Lot 9, Con 1, HRS from Agriculture to Urban on Schedule ’B’ Huron East to allow for future industrial development adjacent to existing industries; add to Schedule ‘B’ South West corner of Seaforth as Industrial 5. Part Lot 12, Con 1, HRS; change from Urban to Industrial in South East corner of Seaforth