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The Citizen Agriculture, 2003-03-19, Page 42
THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2003. PAGE A-17. 35 jl St |X---- 4-H helps young people to analyse life situations4-H helps young people to analyse life situations f jj expecting their middle child that Kim made a decision which ultimately led her back to the ring. Knowing she wasn’t going back to work, she thought it might be a good thing to have sheep. “Part of our bam was too low for cattle and you have to shovel it out, A good start Kim (Rintoul) Higgins, right, won the Queen’s Guineas award with this steer at the Royal Winter Fair when she was 16. From left: her mother, Lila Rintoul, sister, Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stavro of Knob Hill Farms, who purchased the animal and Jack Riddell, then agricultural minister. (Photo submitted) Continued from A-16 leaders for the 4-H beef club. After her marriage to Bruce, Kim worked off the farm, though like any farm wife, made her contribution. Bruce farms 540 acres and has a cow/calf operation with his father. Yet, it was when she was How to train new drivers Training a new operator is one occasion when it might be necessary to carry an extra rider on farm machinery. When this involves a tractor, the instructor or student should stand behind the operator’s seat on the draw bar, with the vehicle free of any towed implement. This will reduce the chances of being run over should that person accidentally fall. In the case of a self-propelled machine or a tractor with a cab, the extra rider should enter the cab with the operator where possible, but should make every effort not to interfere with the driver’s operation of the controls. Instructions should always be given at reduced speeds, on level ground, and away from traffic and other hazards. There are some specialized machines, such as tomato harvesters, that require riders other than the operator. The most common farming operation requiring extra riders is haying. When extra riders are necessary, certain safety precautions should be observed. Machine operators with passengers should look out for the safety of their riders by using slow speeds while towing or turning, by starting and stopping smoothly, and avoiding bumps and other obstructions. Riders can increase their own safety by sitting whenever possible and wearing shoes with non-skid soles. The Canadian Federation of Agriculture along with Farm Credit Canada, the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association, and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada want to remind Canadian farmers that Farm Safety Means Farm Safely! so I thought sheep would be a good way to utilize it. That was- six years ago, she says and the plan then was to have a commercial flock of cross-bred sheep, mostly Suffolks and Dorsets. She sells her market lambs at Brussels Livestock, and is pleased to see the price improving from last year. “There is more Ontario lamb in grocery stores than there used to be.” It didn’t take long, however, before the past came calling. As ner parents had taken sheep to the Royal, with success, Kim decided to give it a try about five years ago. “There’s very little different about .showing sheep over beef except it’s much easier,” she says. Despite a time lapse Higgins has done well at the shows she attends, and has returned home with her share of awards. In 2001 she had the champion group of three and in 2002 the reserve champion group of three. Describing herself as a competitive person there is no question that Kim likes that part of showing livestock. But it is the social aspect which brings the most enjoyment. “I have made a huge amount of friends over the years. 1 have made contacts that I wouldn’t I f have made without 4-H. There are so many benefits to the program.” The competition itself is good for young people, but learning about the other side of things is equally beneficial. “Judging is another important part of life, analyzing things. No matter what you are doing in life you have to make choices. 4- H helps with that too.” Her own young family, Laura, eight; Ashley, six and Shelby, four are already learning the ropes, showing calves at fairs. Dad Bruce, though not interested in the showing part, does attend and contributes a truck for transporting the animals. The children, Kim stresses, will only be involved in 4-H if they want. But it doesn’t mean they won’t be busy. Besides helping in the bam, the two oldest play hockey in Blyth. “We spend very little time sitting GAM A ■ Auto Parts Plus Auto Parts " Quality Parts plus Personal Service Come in and see us for all your farm & industrial needs • auto parts & accessories • tools & equipment • body & shop supplies YOUR EQUIPMENT NEEDS MAINTENANCE YOUR WALLET NEEDS A BREAK. Super Savings is in full swing, so get your equipment ready for spring. Make the most of your Case Credit Vantage Account19 and defer interest and payments until May 2003 when you purchase’ genuine Cose IH parts and related services through March 31 .» Pay just S1M per litre with a 30-gallon drum purchase of Case IH 15W40 or 30W No. T" engine oil.•Ls-W® III1 Come in and see us for all your welding supplies FARM, AUTO AND HEAVY TRUCK PARTS 235 Turnberry St. Brussels, ON NOG 1H0 Tel.: (519) 887-8002 Bill Giousher Res.: 523-9023 Gary McArter Res.: 887-6027 ©2003 Com, UC. Com IH and Com Credit are regiaared trodamoriu of Cat», I1C. 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