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The Citizen, 2003-03-12, Page 21
FROM LONDESBORO THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 2003. PAGE 21. Women learn about life in Lebanon Women of Londesboro United Church and guests from Auburn, Clinton and Summerhill observed the annual World Day of Prayer Service at the church on Friday, March 7. Women of the many different faiths of the country of Lebanon worked in community to prepare this year’s service. They chose Holy Spirit: Fill Us as the theme of the service and the story of Pentecost, of God sending the Holy Spirit to empower the early church. Lebanon is recovering from many years of civil war and the people are replanting areas ravaged by war with cedar seedlings. A cedar shrub used in Londesboro’s service will be planted, come spring in the garden area at the front of the church as a remembrance of the service and to show solidarity with Lebanon’s Forgiveness, theme of United service The Miracle of Forgiveness was the title of the message at Londesboro United Church on Sunday, March 9. Rev. Nelson assured those gathered that morning that God forgives them not because they are innocent, but rather because of the guilt which is their helplessness, unworthiness, or weakness. He forgives because of His love. In Psalm 20, David tells his belief that God will hear when people call. Isaiah, in Chapter 42: 1-4 rejoices in the knowledge that God will not fail His people. Christ asks God to forgive those who have crucified Him in Luke 23: 33-36. attempts to replant peace in their country. Taking part in the service were Mary Vander Moelen, Betty Archambault, Helen Lee, Marjorie Duizer, Mary Peel, Helen Dale and Betty Millar. A dramatic presentation of Acts 2: 1-4 was done by Crystal Whyte and Brenda Radford followed by a reflection of the story of Pentecost. Just as the Holy Spirit gave new incentive to the disciples to spread God’s love and message, that same spirit and help nurtures today’s believers. Barb Bosman was pianist for the hymns that afternoon and during the offering sang a hymn, also prepared by the Lebanese women, titled Spirit on Fire. The Lebanese foods, hummus and tabbouleh, were served for lunch. The session, stewards and official board will meet on Tuesday, March 18 beginning at 7:30 p.m. Minutes of the last meeting are available in the narthex of the church. Consider joining the Sunday School for an evening of crokinole on Thursday, March 13. The UCW has a large tied comforter, two smaller quilted throws and a pillow for sale. If you are interested in any of these items, contact Brenda Radford. The sacrament of Baptism will be observed next Sunday, March 16. There will be senior choir practice this coming Sunday at 10 a.m. Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh councillors approve raise Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh councillors approved an increase in remuneration at the February meeting The pay for the reeve will increase from $3,800 to $5,000; the deputy reeve will receive $3,500 instead of $2,500 and councillors remuneration was upped to $3,000 from $2,000. A bylaw will be prepared for final approval. *** The municipality will consider seeking funding from the Trillium Foundation for fencing and bleachers at the Dungannon ball diamond and renovations to St. Helens Hall. *** Pre-budget approval was given to Carl Gower for grass and weed cutting to the fence lines at the 2002 rate of $35 per hour for the extension PEOPLE AROUND LONDESBORO By BRENDA RADFORD Call 523-4296 At time of reporting both Dennis Penfound and Marion Snell are still in hospital. Marion is in Clinton while Dennis is still a patient in London. Both are in need of our prayers as they recover. Today, Wednesday, March 12, is the rescheduled card party to benefit the Clinton Public Hospital at the Londesboro Community Hall at 1:30 p.m. mower and $30 per hour for the seven foot mower; Da-Lee Dust Control for calcium chloride at a rate of $280.91 per flake imperial ton and Joe Kerr Ltd. to crush, stockpile, haul and spread gravel for a total cost of $173,942.05. *** At the Feb. 18 session, Brian Luinstra of the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority presented a demonstration on groundwater contamination. **♦ Because OSTAR funding has not yet been released and the Saltford water project is complete, council agreed that the residents will be billed for the work, with installment information included. A letter will be sent to Huron MPP Helen Johns regarding council’s dissatisfaction with the situation. Charges laid On Feb. 14 at 1 a.m. Huron OPP were called over a theft. A 42-year-old woman said she was driving on London Road between Clinton and Londesboro when she saw flashing red lights and pulled over. She said a man dressed in a uniform like an OPP officer advised her she had committed a traffic offence. The officer demanded a sum of cash, which she indicated she didn’t have with her. She returned to Clinton and a bank machine located at the Clinton Slots and withdrew a sum of money, which she turned over to the male officer. On March 10 after an investigation police charged the woman with public mischief. She will attend court in Goderich on May 5. *** After reviewing a staff report and cost to implement a blue box and garbage pick-up program for the municipality, council agreed on a May 1 start date. *** January accounts in the amount of $370,513.62 were approved for payment. Approval was given for the payment of $1,403.80 to the Ashfield Service Centre and $162.21 to Huronia Welding. 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