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The Citizen, 2003-01-29, Page 16
PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2003. HE gets info on smoking bylaw By David Blaney Special to The Citizen The proposed smoking bylaw for Huron County was the subjeel of a presentation to Huron East eouneil at its Jan. 21 meeting. Craig Metzger, public health manager for the Huron County Health Unit, explained the contents of the draft bylaw and the reasoning behind its various sections. Metzger explained that the new municipal act had authorized councils to pass bylaws regulating smoking in workplaces and public places. He commented somewhat wryly to councillors that, “the province’s action (in this matter) was essentially to drop it on you guys.” Metzger said that surveys indicate Tipping it over In spite of bone-chilling temperatures over the weekend, occasional blue skies, a little sun and activity made for a great Saturday as several teams gathered in Bluevale for a snow volleyball tournament. (Vicky Bremner photo) Council gets Watch update By David Blaney Special to The Citizen Erica Arnett, Huron County’s health promotion co-ordinator appeared before the Huron East council Jan. 21 to provide council members with an update on the Road Watch program. The program is designed to moderate bad driving behaviour by allowing the general public to report instances of unsafe driving. Arnett described it as “a grass roots program driven by citizen participation.” In her presentation Arnett noted that there were 1,371 reported motor vehicle collisions in Huron County in 2002. This was 109 more than were reported in 2001. Th© 2002 accident toll resulted in 10 deaths. there is an 80 per cent support level for smoke-free workplaces in Huron County and a 60 per cent support level for banning smoking in public places. He added that more than 20 Ontario municipalities, counties and regions already have such bylaws. As it is currently written the bylaw would only apply to indoor locations. Metzger did not indicate that any extension of the proposal to outdoor locations was contemplated. When questioned by Public Works Co-ordinator John Forrest, Metzger said that municipal vehicles would be considered workplaces and would therefore be off limits for smoking. During public meetings the question of exemptions has been raised on several occasions. The Royal Canadian Legion and long term care facilities have both She also noted that the cost of motor vehicle accidents was tremendous. She estimated that in Ontario alone, motor vehicle accidents caused more than $600 million a year in direct and indirect expenses. She said that in Huron County the chief cause of vehicle collisions was excess speed. This was followed by such things as driver distraction, failure to stop and impaired driving. Arnett said that of the collisions reported in 2002, 55 were listed as alcohol related. During the first few months of Road Watch the public submitted 126 forms complaining of inappropriate driver behavior. The police sent 42 letters to vehicle owners, phoned 28 and three cases were turned over to the community requested that exemptions be considered for at least part of their facilities. Metzger suggested however that the most successful bylaws have been those having few or no exemptions. The revised draft bylaw will be presented to the county health and planning committee on Feb. 11 and then public delegations will be heard at the Feb. 18 county council meeting. A vote on the measure will take place at the March 6 meeting of Huron County council. If the bylaw is passed at the county it will become effective when it is ratified by five of the nine local municipalities, with 50 percent plus one of the county’s popula tion. policing unit for action. Arnott mentioned that not all forms submitted were acted upon due to incomplete or conflicting information. Arnett concluded by saying that the program was just in its beginning stages and there was much to do. She said that the group needed to keep the program in the public eye and that the volunteers needed to identify stable sources of long-term funding to ensure the program’s continued existence. 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