HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2002-11-27, Page 9AMMO2MMML.202MMMO2M10,2012EMMMMMILML
Attention J.R.'s
Gas Bar Customers
JR's Gas Bar in Brussels, uncovered a credit card fraud Friday, November 22, 2002 perpetrated
by one of the gas bar attendants that has been charged by the Provincial Police with fraud and theft.
This individual was hired by J.R.'s on October 28, 2002 and is a minor therefore protected under the
Young Offenders Act. On or about November 13, 2002 the fraudulent acts started taking place, up to
and including November 22, 2002.
Credit card fraud is a serious offence that occurs all too often through various fraudulent means.
This fraud occurred when a customer came to J.R.'s to purchase fuel the gas attendant would service
the customer and then process the credit card in the customary manner. At a later time the attendant
would randomly go through the retailer's copy of credit card slips and manually input a car number
and process an unauthorized purchase to that customer's account. Any customers paying with a debit
card or cash were not affected.
The internal accounting procedures at J.R.'s provide checks and balances, and it became evident
that there were some discrepancies in the daily paper work. Also the security cameras which are
located throughout J.R.'s showed suspicious activity.
The owner of J.R.'s, Bob Rowe, was very disappointed to learn that one of his staff members had
compromised his customers. J.R.'s hires a lot of young individuals, that are starting their
employment history, and would like to think that they learn a strong work ethic that they will take
with them. My experience is that 99% of the staff both past and present have done just that. He
sincerely hopes that this incident will in no way reflect on the rest of J.R.'s staff — one bad apple
doesn't spoil the tree, it just falls off.
The total fraud includes an estimated $2,200.00 with about 57 customers affected. Bob Rowe has
been in contact with various credit card carriers, not only to make them aware of the situation but
also making various arrangements to ensure all his customers are reimbursed.
By following the paper trail they have a pretty good idea what customer credit cards were
compromised. Mr. Rowe urges any customer who has purchased gas and used a credit card for
payment from October 28, 2002 to November 22, 2002 to examine their statement for any
irregularities regarding charges from J.R.'s. If they find charges that seem irregular, they can contact
Bob Rowe or Colleen Elliott at J.R.'s for verification at 887-6951.
Mr. Rowe claims that it is just about impossible to have insurance for staff fraud/theft, and would
like the individuals whose credit cards have been compromised by this individual to know that full
restitution for any loss will be assumed by J.R.'s. He also hopes this incident will in no way tarnish
the reputation of J.R.'s and its staff who will continue to provide its customers with exceptional
Silver Stick begins Mon.
The 20-team Atom Regional have won the past two years. Arthur
Silver atick got underway on returns, hoping to win the title they
Monday at the North Huron Wescast were unable to win last year. The B-
Community Complex. 2 consolation champion from the
Eight teams are competing in the past two years, Shallow Lake, is not
B-1 division, with Mitchell back to returning this year.
defend the title they captured last A total of 12 teams, including the
year. Listowel does not return for the Wingham Optimist Atoms are
opportunity to dethrone Mitchell, looking to claim the B-2
but there are seven other teams championship this year, and the right
looking to earn the trip to the to compete in the international
international championships in tournament in Forest in January.
Sarnia in January. The other teams Also vying for the B-2 title are
include South Huron, Seaforth, Twin Clinton, Milverton, Arthur,
Centre, Goderich, New Hamburg Teeswater, Normanby, Clifford,
and Walkerton. Walkerton hopes to Grand Valley, Ripley, Blyth,
improve on its B-1 consolation Lucknow and Milc!may.
championship status. Three games are played each
Wiarton does not return this year night, Monday to Friday, with games
to defend the B-2 championship they also played in Blyth on Saturday.
PeeWees play Centralia
On Monday, Nov. 18 the Brussels Girls played at home against
PeeWee Girls were on the road to Parkhill. Goalie Brianne Wheeler
play South Huron in Centralia. It saw a lot of rubber and made
was a very fast game with plenty of numerous great saves. The final
play in both ends of the ice. score was 0-0 but the game is best
The girls were pumped and so summarized by coach Jane
were the fans. McCutcheon. "Parkhill may have
Jory Uyl scored a well-deserved dominated in offence (not to
powerplay goal, assisted by Lindsay mention size) but we dominated in
Watson and Bridget Blake. heart!".
It was a very evenly-matched "These girls work together both
game and two late goals produced a on the ice and on the bench and you
final score of 4-1 for South Huron can certainly tell," said
with all of the home teams goals McCutcheon.
being scored by the same player. The PeeWees head to Ilderton this
On Saturday, Nov. 23 the PeeWee Saturday.
Brussels pulls goalie
Continued from page 8 minute later when McClinc hey had a
game midway through the second solo effort. Clinton held a 3-2 lead
when Greg Bowers took a pass from with just two minutes left in the
Chris Jutzi. match. Brussels pulled the goalie
Clinton went ahead at 10:54 of the and were able to tie the game with
third, only to see Brussels score a 27 seconds remaining.
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