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If so, nominate him/her for an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award. Nomination forms available through this newspaper or OCNA at 905-6 39-872 O. Forms online at http://wWw.ocna,org/Awards/JuniorCitizens.htm. Dead- line November 30th. BUSINESS OPPS. INVENTORS - PRODUCT IDEAS WANTED! FREE INFOR- MATION PACKAGE. Develop & professionally present your new product idea to manufacturers through Davison, an award winning firm. Patent assistance available: 1-800-544-3327 (24 hrs). NEW AGRICULTURAL FRANCHISE sells rapidly in Ontario!!! "NEW" Agricultural Franchise rated #1. We provide a very unique service to the agricultural industry. Franchisee/Dealers required. Investment $30K-75K. Earning capacity 1st year, $75,000-$120,000, plus re-occurring revenue thereafter. Can provide many references. Agricultural or Marketing back- ground a definite asset. Master Distributor also required. Investment $125K. 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Good eats Orval and Ruth Bauer filled their plates at the delicious roast beef dinner sponsored by the Walton Hall board on Sunday night. (Vicky Bremner photo) THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2002. PAGE 19. Mother, son greet at Duff's service FROM WALTON WLS news The Walton Little School pre- school class has been discussing octopus and ostrich and the many things that start with 0. The children enjoyed the story I Know an Old Lady Who swallowed a Pie. They had plenty 6iggles as they read the book, sang the song and charted the story in sequence. Some of the pre- school children earned free pizza through a special reading program. The toddler learned about bird nests, painted on newspaper and created pictures with noodles. They loved the new song Head. Neck, Knees and Toes. They have been busy using their noses to smell cookies, peppermints. chocolate and cinnamon. At the craft centre they have been doing • a favourite activity — nickel rubbings. The toddlers have also been busy reading books in the library to the new bears. Unfortunately, the staff are concerned about the playground equipment being used on the weekend. There are obvious signs of misuse and rough play. The playground equipment is designed for children under the age of five and to keep the playground in good condition, older children should not be on it. They would appreciate everyone keeping an eye open to help control any further damage. Thanks for your co-operation. Congregants were greeted to the basement service of Duff's United Church by Shelley and. Brandon McGavin. It was a celebration of children's Sunday and an intergenerational service. The call to worship was delivered by Evelyn Gulutzen and son Justin Beisinger. The youth choir of CasSandra Banks, Laura and Bethany'Black and Justin sang We are Children. The opening prayer was given by Ray Huether. The scripture reader was Jo- Ann McDonald and it was enacted by Joan Tuchlinsky, Bethany, Laura and Justin. The reflection Joan began with a science experiment and she invited the children to help. They mixed cornstarch and water together. It was difficult to stir at first but became easier. The experiment was found in the Amazing Science Re'sources for Children book. After adding a little food colouring into the mix, it was poured into different containers, to show how it conformed to the different shape,,_ Sunday School Superintendent Shelley McGavin was called forward to introduce the teachers of the Ambassador gives speech at meeting Continued from page 18 be effective with the exception of a form letter. If signing a petition one should fully understand what they are signing and the implications. Mr. Cardiff, who is the chairman of the Provincial Farm Products Tribunal Board, told of some of his experiences at the hearings, Nicole Lowe, ambassador of the Brussels Fall—Fair was present and gave the speech entitled Country and City life that she gave at the competition. She told about her duties at the fair and in the community. Kathy Bridge thanked the speakers and gave them a gift. The December meeting will be held at the Brussels Inn on Dec. 11 at 11:45 a,m. Sunday School who were present. They included Monique Baan, Teresa Baan, Cathy Huether and Kevin Wilbee. They were thanked for their efforts. Don Baan and Murray Dennis presented the offering after Lucas Beisinger read the introduction of givings. Marie McGavin sang the offertory solo He Touched Me. The prayer of dedication was given by Shelley McGavin, and Brandon McGavin offered the Prayers of the People and led The Lard's' Prayer Mathew Huether presented the sending forth and blessing. There was a reminder to remember others this year and donate new toys, clothing and food for the Huron County Christmas Bureau at the White Gift Service on Sunday, Dec. Everyone was invited to enjoy coffee and muffins provided by the Sunday School. The fundraising committee is selling poinsettias as its next venture. Orders must be placed by Dec. l and plants will be available Sunday, Dec. 8 before church. The WUCC held is yearly budget and' committee meeting on Wednesday evening. They decided to revise the group lists and catering lists. If you have any concerns for them, contact Gloria Wilbee. The Walton WUCC Day Out is set for Nov. 3Q. It's a mystery and if you wish to be included call Judy Emmrich or Heidi McClure for more in formation. To celebrate the joy of Christmas through song, voices ale needed for the adult choir that will perform at the Christmas carol service in Brussels. Contact Glenda Morrison if you can add your voice to the choir.