HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2002-09-18, Page 14Outdoor learning.
Grey Central staff, students and parents, officially opened the new environmental learning
grounds during the annual open house and meet the teacher night on Wednesday, Sept. 11.
Planning for the gazebo began over two years ago when the school council agreed to work
with the staff to create an area where classes could learn outdoors no matter what the
weather. It also provides a place for the senior students to enjoy lunches, etc. Speakers for
the opening were Principal Alice McDowell, Trustee Colleen Schenk, Huron East Councillor
Alvin McLellan, teacher Barb Terpstra and parent Marie Blake. (Bonnie Gropp photo)
R.R. 2 Bluevale
Give us a call 887-9061 Fax 887-9999
Support was given to a resolution
from Hastings Highlands regarding
the reinstitution of bear hunting for
the safety of the residents.
Work is currently underway on the
bridge on Holmes Line, Turnberry
12,4'° 100% Organic Programs!
- Trust the Professionals -
A request for the municipality to
grade unopened Sideroad 20-21,
Morris Ward, was denied by council.
Busy week
at Walton's
The Walton Little School has been
very busy the last couple of weeks.
The preschool class is working in
small groups studying the letter S,
its sound and related activities.
The toddler class is working on
All About Me Unit. Their activities
include recording their heights on a
growth chart, making hand and foot
prints, discussing the differences in
their birthdays and ages, facial
features, colour of eyes. hair colour
The toddler program has been
discussing feelings also in their All
About Me Unit. They have created
happy and sad faces using shape cut-
outs. They have also started the
Second Step Violence Prevention
program that teaches children
empathy for others.
They are starting off the new
school year with lots of new friends.
They have had to say goodbye to the
summer staff Stephanie McDonald,
Bridget Blake and Michelle Blake.
They are pleased to say hello and
welcome two new teachers and staff
in Kendra Inglis from Belmore area.
Kari Taylor from Hensall and
Valerie Shortreed of Walton. They
appreciate all help from community
members in donating craft supplies
and materials' to the school.
The preschoolers have been
enjoying their daily rotations of the
literacy centres. In small groups they
are learning about the letter S and
related sounds from scooping sand
in the sunny September weather to
making Ss hooks.
Kuik wins
best restored
Continued from page 12
and Mary Hall, Wingham 1914
Model T Ford Touring; Vines
Turkey Products, best restored post-
war vehicle, Carol and Ben
Munnings, Clinton, 1958 Ford
Fairlane, retractable; featured
tractor, best restored, Harm and
Sharon Thalen, Blyth, 1957
Cockshutt 35 Deluxe; gas tractor.
Jack Arthur trophy, best restored
1910-_1930, John Kuik, Ashfield
Twp.. 1928 GP John Deere; John
El[aeon trophy, gas tractor, best
restored 1930-1950, Bill Seers,
Auburn. 1946 WC Allis Chalmers:
John I lallahan trophy, best time belt
setting with steam engine. Searson
Family, Watford.
to host
There was no sets ice at Duff's
United Church this past Sunday as it
was Bluevale United Church
Anniversary Service. This Sunday
both Walton and Bluevale churches
will he participating in the Alzheimer
Coffee Break program. ("Mee will
he served and donations accepted
prior to Bluevale service and after
Walton's service.
Gloria Wilbee will he speaking on
Alzheimer's at the services.
Don't forget Sunday school starts
this Sunday.
Mark your calendar for Sept. 28 at
I p.m. to-attend the memorial service
for Dr. Glen Oliver to he held at
Duff's United Church. Dr. Oliver
was a former Walton-area resident
who never forgot his roots and
friends around Walton.
He passed away July 8 and
services were held in Whitehall, PA.
Friends are invited to attend this
celebration of life memorial service.
Congratulations to Jim and Valerie
Shortreed on the birth of their new
little girl. Justin and Jordan are
excited on Jaden Kathleen's arrival.
Proud grandparents are Ken and
Judy Shortreed, and Shirley and
Barry Skinner.
Congratulations to Michelle and
Mark McClure on the birth of their
daughter Kayla Michelle. Proud
grandparents are Bill and Sharon
McClure, Winthrop and Dale and
Ruth Machan of Brussels.
The Craigs, Graeme, Helen and
Michael have returned from a trip to
the west this past week. They headed
for Saskatchewan via Michigan and
Morris-Turnberry Chief Building
Official Albert Nauss told council at
the Sept 3 meeting that he had
received a complaint about the
safety of the Orange Hall_ in
He does not believe it is dangerous
and will send a letter in response.
A letter will be sent to Minister of
Municipal Affairs Chris Hodgson
explaining council's position that the
Line Fence Act is not suitable. A list
of municipalities that endorse the
resolution will be included.
Public Works Co-ordinator Lloyd
By Stew Slater
Special to The Citizen
The Avon Maitland District
School Board and CAW Local 302,
representing the board's custodial
and maintenance staff, averted a
possible strike by reaching an
agreement last week.
stayed in Frankenmuth.
Unfortunately for Helen, no
shopping was allowed.
They headed for the Kipling area
in Saskatchewan to visit Lionel
Mills an old friend of Graeme-s
mother Margaret. She was originally
from the west and they toured the
area where she was born and raised.
They travelled to Brandon,
Manitoba and went to the Peace
Gardens where a special monument
is to be built with rafters and cement
from the Twin Towers of New York
Next they Went to- Souris and
walked on the Swinging Bridge,
then they went to Winnipeg and
enjoyed the Red River Forks tour.
Travelling home through Northern
Ontario they stopped and visited
different tourist areas. They stopped
for a visit with Helen's uncle; Ross
Elliott. in Cobalt. They took time to
stop in Haliburton to visit with
Helen's sister and husband. Emily
and Scott Lame.
On their way home they stopped in
Toronto to pick up Mr. Bugler, a
familiar face at Walton Inn, which
Michie will attend two water courses
for the Ontario Water works
Association and Drink Water
A plant or flowers, with a value of
up to $100, will he sent to Wcscast
Industries for the anniversary
Payments approved for were
general accounts, $85,852.98; parks,
$34.83; recreation, $1,000; roads,
$97,149.26;- drains, $3,530.13;
water, $39,967.70; and restructuring,
The contract, which was approved
by the hoard in a special meeting
Thursday, Sept. 12 and by the -union
on Sunday, Sept. L5, came together
during a _bargaining session on
That occurred after the CAW
announced on Tuesday, Sept. 10 that
it had set a strike deadline of 12:01
a.m. on Thursday.
School hoard, CAW avert strike
managed to survive the 12 days the
Craigs were away. Welcome home
The Walton Women's Institute is
holding its monthlymeeting Sept. 18
at the home of Betty McCall in
Brussels at 7:30 p.m. They are
having a guest speaker Linda Stobo
of the Huron County Health Unit.
The theme of the meeting is
citizenship and culture and Ms Stobo
is speaking on the Community Road
Watch Program.
Doug and Marjorie Fraser had
daughters Cheryl and Dianne home
with family members on the
Leona McDonald and Isobel
Wheeler enjoyed a trip ,to, the
Stratford Festival Theatre to sbe My
Fair Lady. -
Our hopes fora speedy recovery to
Wiry!, Houston who suffered some
injuries in a work-related ,accident
last week.
Motorcylce enthusiasts Mike and
Faye Devereaux and Paul and
Cheryl Ryan travelled to Port Dover
on Friday, Sept. 13 and said it was
quite something to see the number of
motorcycles there were.
Dianne McCallum travelled to
Grand Bend to Grand Bend United
Church to attend the annual. fall
executive meeting for the WUCC
last week.
Congratulations to Ken and Betty
Hulley on the celebration of their
50th wedding anniversary. Ken's
sisters Audrey Hackwell and
Howard and Maxine Marks were on`
hand to celebrate.
The party was held at Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Pullen's cottage at Bayfield.
Musical friends of the Hullevs
were on hand to entertain the guests
with their talent. Close friends of the
special couple formed a line dance to
provide entertainment to old-time
music performed outdoors on the
deck throughout the afternoon.
A special highlight was the
Highland Fling Sword Dance
performed by granddaughter Leah
Pullen of St. Marys.
A barbecue smorgasbord was
served by the immediate family
followed by toasts to the celebrants
and anniversary cake. Many friends
and family enjoyed the afternoon
including Brian and Sharon Pryce
and Blaine and Kelly Marks, Morris-Turnberry council briefs
CB0 checks out complaint