HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2002-09-18, Page 6HURON EAST
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Huron East will hold a public meeting on
Tuesday, October 8th, 2002 at 7:30 p.m. in the Huron East Council Chambers (located at 72 Main Street South,
Seaforth - Municipal Office) to consider three proposed zoning by-law amendments under Section 34 of the
Planning Act, RSO, 1990, as amended.
ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or
in opposition to the proposed zoning by-laws.
If a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Corporation of the Municipality of Huron East in
respect of the proposed zoning by-laws does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written
submissions to the Corporation of the Municipality of Huron East before the proposed zoning by-laws are adopted,
the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss .all or part of the appeal.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed zoning by-laws is available for inspection during regular
office hours at the Municipality of Huron 'East Municipal Office (72 Main Street South, Seaforth) or at the office of
the Huron County Planning and Development Department (519) 524-2188.
BY-LAW 2002
Purpose and Effect:
These by-laws amend the following sections in one, two, or all three of the zoning by-laws (Township of
Tuckersmith 37-1985, Grey Township By-law 12-1985, and McKillop Township By-law 26-1988) to incorporate the
Municipality of Huron East Manure Management By-law 47-2002:
*Animal unit definition
*Livestock Facilities definition
*Livestock Housing Capacity definition
*Livestock Unit definition
*Tillable Acres definition
*Urban definition
*Structure definition
*Setbacks of Buildings and Structures along Municipal Drains and Natural Watercourses
*Maximum Number of Livestock Units
*Separation Distance (Agricultural) in an AG1 and AG2 zone
*Nutrient Management Plan and Manure Storage Requirements in an AG1 and AG2 tone
*Separation Distance (Residential) in an AG1, AG2 and AG4 zone
*Separation Distance in an AG5 zone
These By-laws propose to amend the former Tuckersmith Township Zoning By-law 37-1985, the former Grey
Township Zoning By-law 12-1985, and the former McKillop Township Zoning By-law 26-1988, Municipality of
Huron East, to incorporate the Municipality of Huron East Manure Management by-law #47-2002.
On May 14, 2002 the Municipaliy of Huron East passed Manure Management By-law #47-2002. The Manure
Management By-law regulates manure pits, livestock facilities and the management of manure for new and
expanding livestock operations with 100 or more livestock units in the former Townships of Grey, McKillop and
Tuckersmith, Municipality of Huron East.
J.R. McLachlan
Clerk, Municipality of Huron East
Box 610
Seaforth, Ontario NOK IWO
(519) 527-0160
1-888-868-7513 Toll Free from Grey/Brussels
fished 1-(3,V
AMGH gets CAR accreditation
The Diagnostic Imaging commitment to providing quality
Department of Alexandra Marine service to patients and their
and General Hospital (AMGH) is physicians.
pleased to announce they have By becoming a CAR accredited
received mammography site, AMGH demonstrates both
accreditation from the Canadian technical expertise and leadership in
Association of Radiologists (CAR). the field of mammography.
The Canadian Association of The achievement of CAR-MAP is
tadiologists - Mammography the first planning step for
Accreditation Program (CAR-MAP) implementing a breast screening
is a voluntary accreditation program, program at AMGH. The program is
which sets standards for equipment, expected to open the beginning of
film quality and skill level of November 2002 and will be
technologists and reading affiliated with the Ontario Breast
Radiologists. Approximately 60 per Screening Program (OBSP).
cent of the 245 mammography The OBSP is a highly-regarded
facilities in Ontario are CAR screening program with exceptional
accredited. quality assurance and quality control
AMGH pursued CAR-MAP standards and a high cancer
because they have a strong detection rate.
Committee seeks volunteer help
Continued from page 5 help for the grand opening
the entire event. ceremonies.
The committee is asking for If you are interested in helping
volunteers on Thursday, Sept. 19 at and need more information, please
6:30 p.m. to help clean the contact Diane Ferguson 523-4563,
community centre. Please come Doug Walker 357-3555, or Linda
prepared with mops, rags and Stewart 523-4840.
buckets! Anne Elliott
Also, the committee is looking for Committee Rep.
for patients of
Dr. Lisa Yang, MD, CCFP
Dr. Yang will be moving from
the Clinton Health Centre to
Grand Bend Area
Community Health Centre
Effective October 1st
(519) 238-2362
Appointments can be made for
Grand Bend and Hensall locations.
C. Huron defeats representation motion
By David Emslie
Clinton Netec Record
Members of the public will have
one more opportunity to share their
views with Central Huron council
regarding council representation.
At Monday night's meeting of
council, a bylaw which would have
changed the number of council
representatives in two of the
municipality's three wards was
defeated, without discussion, before
making it to a third reading.
On the table was a bylaw to
change the distribution of council
members among the wards. While
each ward now has two council
representatives, what was proposed
was a change that would have
resulted in Ward I (Goderich Twp.)
having three councillors, Ward 2
(Hullett Twp.) one councillor and
Ward 3 (Clinton) two councillors.
This change was to have taken effect
for.the next municipal election.
When the bylaw to allow for the
changes in representation was
defeated, a new motion was put on
the floor, by Deputy-Reeve Bert
Dykstra, to retain the status quo for
one more term of council.
Ward 1 Councillor Alison Lobb
said that she wanted to speak out
very strongly against maintaining
the status quo. "The people in Ward
1 have been under-represented for
three years already," she said, adding
that it is not fair that those ratepayers
continue to be under-represented.
In public meetings held to discuss
redistribution of council members,
the idea of changing boundaries was
suggested, and this idea was brought
forth again on Monday by Ward 2
Councillor Marg Anderson. Lobb
suggested. too, that all members of
council could be elected at large.
"I think we should sit on it for
another three or six years," said
Ward 2 Councillor Tom Duizer. He
later added, "I think we should
digest amalgamation first," before
considering changing boundaries or
"So giving unfair representation to
half your constituents is the way to
do this?" Lobb asked.
Duizer questioned why more Ward
1 and 3 residents did am show up
during public meetings to discuss the
issue if they were concerned. Lobb
replied that Ward 1 residents thought
they would be gaining a council
representative, and therefore they
had no need to raise concerns.
Dykstra suggested going to a
system where all councillors are
elected from across all of Central
Huron. "If you really want to get rid
of the borders," he said, then
councillors should be elected at
Reeve Carol Mitchell suggested
that a public meeting be held to
inform constituents of changes, and
Lobb concurred, noting that if the
municipality is not going to do what
residents were expecting, a meeting
should be held. "There was a
promise made to people that there
would be a change," she said, adding
that during amalgamation
discussions, it was stated that a
change in representation would take
place after the first term of council.
With Ward I Councillor Laurie
Cox absent from the council
meeting, Lobb said that she knows
Cox informed residents of the
former Goderich Twp. during public
meetings regarding amalgamation
that they would not be under-
represented in the new municipality.
"They are not' under-represented.
Everyone is representing Central
Huron," Dykstra said.
"Then let's go at large," Lobb
It was noted by Clerk Richard
Harding that council would not have
to pass a motion to keep the status
quo. "That's what's in place for the
municipality. There is no need to re-
affirm the status quo."
Duizer said that if the public is
unhappy with council, "they will let
you know."
However, Ward 2 Councillor
Darren Stevenson said that in all
fairness, it was stated publicly that
the municipality was looking at
changing representation to three
councillors for Ward 1, two for Ward
3 and one for Ward 2. "People in
Ward I would see they are gaining
one," he said, adding he can see why
there was little interest by the public
for meetings in Wards I and 3.
Harding added that the shift in
representation also involves Ward 3,
as Ward I was slated to receive an
extra vote on council. "Certainly it is
a shift, if you move the votes
around," he said. "Certainly, there is
an impact on Ward 3."
Lobb again said that during
amalgamation discussions, it was
agreed to have balanced
representation for the first term of
council, but there was the
understanding that this would
change for the second term. "We
said we will accept this because it's
a start," she said.
"It is the public you have to
satisfy. It was the public that was led
to believe there would be some
change," Harding said.
The motion was put before council
stating, "Let it be resolved that
(council) recommends to let the
ward system remain as is for one
term of council." Under the motion,
two councillors would continue to
represent each ward, with the reeve
and deputy-reeve elected at large.
Lobb requested a recorded vote, and
the motion was passed. Voting in
favour of the motion were Anderson,
Duizer, Dykstra and Ward -3
Councillor Bill Colquhoun, and
voting against were Lobb, Stevenson
and Mitchell.
After the motion was passed. Lobb
asked whether a public meeting
would he held.
"Let's pick a date so we can do it
right away," Mitchell said. "I hope
when we're going back (o the public,
we know where we're going."
Anderson said that if council was
going back to the public for input,
then all the options would have to be
put on the table.
The motion to hold a public
meeting was passed, reading, "Be it
resolved that a meeting be held Sept.
26 at 8 p.m. to announce the decision
of council to maintain the status quo
for ward system representation for
Central Huron and all other options
be presented: A) Move boundaries;
B) At large; C) Add one councillor to
Ward 1.
The meeting will he held in the
auditorium of the Central Huron
municipal office in Clinton.