HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2002-09-11, Page 22Jim and Evelyn Blake
Bev Stevenson
are pleased to announce
the forthcoming marriage
of their children
Lisa Blake
Chris Stevenson
Saturday, September 21, 2002
Open reception to follow at
Wescast Community Complex,
Wingham from 9 pm - 1 am
PC Everyone welcome ".‘S-
Jill Lindsay Carnochan
Gregory Scott Fritz
are pleased to announce
their forthcoming marriage.
The wedding will be held on
September 14th, 2002
at 3:00 pm
Brucefield United Church.
Jill is the daughter of Sharon
and lovingly remembered Bill
Greg is the son of Barb
and James Fritz.
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Congregation worships in renovated basement
The congregation of Dutt 's United
Church met for worship in the
newly-renovated basement, Sunday.
Gfeeting worshippers were Ross and
Margaret Bennett, Abby McGavin
and Adam McClure.
Following the opening a litany
was presented by Joan Tuchlinsky,
Lavern Godkin, Brandon McGavin,
Laura Black. Heidi McClure and
Kevin Wilbee.
Darryl Morrison presented the
Minute for Missions. It was
about the Harvest Kitchen program
started in Parry Sound — all
because of an abundance of
zucchinis: Someone had the idea to
share the excess vegetables from
producers with needy families and
the Harvest Share program was
Meals are provided in the Harvest
Kitchen to those in need, but
monetary donations through the
Mission and Service Fund are also
needed to supplement the meals.
Neil McGavin read the scripture.
Joan's reflection was on the gift of
differences. Her daughter Bethany
showed the children friendship
bracelets she had made. One was
solid pink and the other was three
colours. The tri-colour bracelet was
more vibrant The church
community needs to celebrate
differences and share gifts, to work
together to enrich church lives. To
be able to make use of each other's
different gifts, to compromise, to be
able to listen and work together can
only make our church family
Joan then thanked the hard
working renovation committee of
Teresa Baan, Heidi McClure,
Monique Baan and Shelley
McGavin. Teresa Baan was called
to the front and she recounted the
five months worth of work, how it
started and how it progressed with
the help of many members of the
congregation. She thanked everyone
who contributed their time and
Joan blessed and expressed
gratitude for the diversity of gifts
and talents of those who worked to
create the new space for all to enjoy.
The offering was taken by
Brandon McGavin, Justin Beisfnger
and Kevin Wilbee.
Announcements concerning
Duff's United Church included the
Sacrament of Baptism Sept. 29.
Anyone wishing to have a child
baptized should call Joan
There will be no church service in
Walton this week, Sept. 15, as it is
Bluevale United's Anniversary
The September ushers include
Brian McGavin, Steve Gulutzen and
Mark Wilbee.
Greeting on Sept. 22 are Harold
and Pearl McCallum. The monthly
church responsibilities are being
taken care of by Howard and Audrey
There will be no WUCC meeting
in September. The next meeting will
be Oct. 2 and the Toonies for
Friendship will be done then.
Sunday school teachers are
needed. Contact Shelley McGavin if
you could make a six-week
commitment during the church year
to provide Christian education to the
children of Duff's United. Sunday
school starts Sept. 22.
Nursery facilities are being
offered at Duff's United. They are
looking for people to help out once
or twice a year to give the parents an
uninterrupted break to enjoy the
church service.
A reminder to anyone who has
wedding bells in their future or a
family member's. All weddings at
the church must be booked through
the minister so be sure to check early
in the planning stages on dates.
Any youth choir member is
invited to contact Brian Black if
interested in being in the choir and
to indicate. what time would be
suitable for practice nights.
For the Ministry at Large there
will be a Service of Remembrance
of the violence of Sept. 11. on
Sept. 11 at 7:30 p.m. at St.
John's Anglican Church in
Brussels. The Brussels Ministerial
invites everyone to gather and
Congratulations to Nancy
Corrigan and Rev. Paul Ross on
their covenanting service held at
Exeter United Church on Sept. 8 by
the Huron Perth Presbytery.
Gathering for a family occasion
was the Marilyn McDonald clan.
The whole family was on hand for
family pictures at Marilyn's home, a
crowd of 24 or so.
They later went to the home of Jim
and Linda McDonald to surprise Jim
with his "you're turning 40 this fall
Teams compete
Continued from page 21
park. The Indians first game was
Saturday morning, a win by default:
They advanced to the A side and
played again in game two and were
defeated and eliminated from
further play.
Members of the Indians include
Jeff Linton, Darryl Houston, Devon
Blake, Robbie McClure, Barry
Young, Greg Medd, Kevin Murray,
Brian Dolmage, Scott McDonald,
and others from Seaforth area. They
had fun and better luck next year.
early birthday party". They enjoyed
a great day swimming and visiting
and catching up on everyone's news.
A new family on Moncrieff Road
or the former 8th of Morris is Steve
and Valerie Bachert and children.
They have moved into the home
farm of Dale and Starr Bachert, who
have moved down the road just a
little farther. Welcome to the line
A new addition has been
welcomed into the McCall family.
Murray and Sherry became
grandparents to a baby boy on
Labour Day. Daughter Shawna and
husband Doug O'Neill welcomed
Jaedon Charles to their lives.
According to young grampa
Murray, Sherry, Shawn and Jaedon
are doing just fine.
Please join the family
for the
50th Anniversary
Doreen & Glen Carter
September 21, 2002
at Seaforth Legion
1:30 - 4:30
Your presence is our gift.
Campbell and Edith Wey
welcomed Dena Kale home for a
holiday from Calgary. She will be
visiting and making sure daughter
Carla is all settled in Guelph
Don and Pat Dalton and Joel have
returned from an enjoyable trip to
the east coast. They were away
about a week and saw Prince
Edward Island and New Brunswick.
The Bay of Fundy was beautiful and
they enjoyed the ocean. They saw
seals, many small fishing villages
and watched as they caught and
brought in lobster.
They saw potato farms.
The people were always very
friendly. They stayed in bed and
breakfast places and enjoyed
meeting their many hosts.
Fox Run on Friday, Sept. 13 on the
school grounds. They are each
asked to donate a "Toonie for Terry"
which will be given to the Cancer
The first early dismissal day will
be Monday, Sept. 16 at 2:30 p.m.
Other upcoming events for the
students are the Hep-f3 shots for the
Grade 7s on Tuesday, Sept. 17 and
participating in the Fall Fair parade
Sept. 18
which they would have to work.
A motion to set up a long-term
funding commitment was defeated,
however further consideration of
daycare funding was deferred to
budget deliberations.
They report good weather, having
a good time and plenty of good food.
The Walton Inn has a familiar face
around more, as Patty Banks is
working more days. Drop in and say
hello and enjoy Christine's good
Be careful on the roads, as Cook's
are busy receiving white beans as
the farmers take advantage of this
great weather.
Birthday babies for this past week
include Barb Finlayson, Terry
Thompson, Jamie Emmrich, Bryan
Finlayson, Jamie Mitchell, Dianne
Machan, David Grobbink, Julie
Glauser, Ken Axtmann, Andrew
Kruse, Cindy (McCallum) Poland.
and Justin Shortreed.
50 TH
85, & lien H#10,
(S t' 6, 1952)
The halls are shiny, the books are for sale.
new and the lunches are packed. The School Council elections will
The school year at'Brussels is off be held that night as well.
to a great start. Contact the school if interested in
Many of the classes are busy becoming more active in school
reviewing topics studied last year happenings. The first parent council
and are beginning to start new and meeting of the year will be held on
more advanced curriculum Monday, Sept. 30 at 7 p.m. There
expectations. The open house is on will be a book fair set up in the
Thursday, Sept. 12 from 5:30 - 7 library and a Jocus educational toy
p.m. The parent council will have display in the gym.
hot dogs, sausage on a bun, and pop Students will participate in a Terry
The issue of long-term funding for the deficit now and deal with the
the Clinton Co-operative Childcare budget later.
Centre resulted in considerable Dykstra said council should not be
discuss at the Aug, 12 session of involved in education and the
Central Huron council. contribution should be in the form of
The centre is facing a deficit this a grant and not seen as long-term
year and was looking to council to funding.
help cover those costs. A motion passed granting $8,000
Councillor Laurie Cox questioned to the daycare centre, pending
the wisdom of covering the deficit as receipt of audited financial
it may set a precedent though he statements for 2001.
noted he was very supportive of When it was suggested by
contributing to daycare. Councillor Darren Stevenson that
In response to CounCillor Alison long-term funding should be
Lobb's request for financial considered, Cox agreed, saying it
statements before making further would allow council to have
decisions, Deputy Reeve Bert representation on the board and
Dykstra said he wanted to deal with control over contributions.
Dykstra and Lobb each suggested
a fixed grant to the centre within
Brussels P.S. holds book fair
Central Huron debates daycare funding