Huron Pioneer Thresher & Hobby Association's 41st Annual Reunion, 2002-09-04, Page 1049 399 4L Pail EXTRA SPECIAL SAVINGS at Scrimgeour's FOOD Tom -:,THRESHER SPECIAL - Humpty Dump/ POTATO CHIPS Asst. Flavours 31'® Blyth 523-4551 Sept. 3-8 Only THRESHER SPECIAL:4zA Fresh Picnic 4-:PORK SHOULOE ROASTS 1/2 or - whole 1111 THRESHER rc SPECIAL Blake's Ohard JERSEY MAC APPLES .:THRESHER SPECIAL- Fresh Pork BUTT CHOPS THRESHER SPECIAL; Chapman's ICE CREAM lb. THRESHER SPECIAL Redpath WHITE SUGAR 10 x 2 kg bags 99 Bale THRESHER GARDEN 49 ea. 3/ ',THRESHER SPECIAL' Smart Choice CHERRY PIE FILL 99 540 ml Tin 160 160 g SPECIAL' MUMS or Return engagement After delighting audiences last year at the annual Reunion, Doc Century is back to entertain once again for this year's event with his own miracle cure. PAGE A-10. THE CITIZEN. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 4, 2002. 4 ,„ 4st 4,,,/ uron Pioneer T Doc Century back to work magic Want a little something for what ails you'? Then visit Doe Century at the Thresher Reunion. He has lotions. • potions and miraculous snake oil cures. But most of all he has fun and laughter for all. Doc Century is the creation ail actor and magician Steve Baker. Baker developed the character of medicine man Doc Century four years ago. He modelled him .after the notorious con-artists and salesmen who trakelled through small North American towns in the .19th century. With the help of Cliff Walsh, a Blyth area resident, he constructed the Doe's travelling wager Century rolls into town with-his wooden caravan. The side drops down and he has a readyLmade stage from which he extolls the • Continued on A-II Pulls begin at 1 p.m. Continued from A-9 which will follow the adult pull that begins at 1 p.m. Adult events will be held both days, at 1:30 p.m., just west of Radford's diamond. A few of the fun attractions will include log sawing, belt setting. bag tying and tractor pull competitions. In its second year at the reunion is Doc Century's Travelling Medicine Show. His amazing displays will take to the stage at 10 a.m., noon and 3 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and at 11 a.m., 1:15 p.m. and 3 p.m. on Sunday. His wagon will be located on the outfield of Radford's ball diamond. Also returning this year will be the horse demonstrations at 10:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Friday, 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. ,On Saturday and 12:30 p.m. on Sunday. The border collie show will take to the field at II a.m. and 2 p.m. of Friday, l l a.m. and 3:15 p.m on Saturday and noon and 3:15 p.m on Sunday. Threshing and steam ploughing demonstrations will take place throughout the weekend. The threshing will be west of Radford's ball diamond and the ploughing will be on the far west side of the park, beyond the campgrounds. The perfect way to close out the day 01 events will be to take at seat in the grand stand by the Van Stage to watch the afternoon parade of steam engines as well as antique tractors and vehicles. The parade runs at 4 p.m. on Friday and 4:30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. ilt/elcome la &e 4/4 4414244ai 1744e/iite4 ae4441430t CHAUNCEY'S HAIRSTYLING CELEBRATING 20 YEARS IN BUSINESS 211 Dinsley Street, Blyth 523-9722 Chances are... you'll love us!!! Scliwartzkopf...Lanza...Scruples...Apple Pectin...Kenics...Osis