The Citizen, 2002-07-03, Page 18PAGE 18. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 2002.
Ms Elliott had a 'keen sense or science'
often used bribery to get our year with lots to accomplish before
attention: special tickets for good high school. Both teachers would
behaviour that were put in a draw at prove to us that they would do their
the end of each week. And, by the jobs with perfection.
way, it worked! She also had a great My speech wouldn't be complete if
love for history. Remember all those I didn't share with you a few stories
agonizing notes? Goodness, haven't about these very special ladies. Ms
you ever heard of a photocopier? Henry is our very own Mamma Bear.
Mr. Moir and Ms Lostracco taught Famous for the quote, "UMMMM
Grade 7. Mr. Moir's talents were in No!" And also for talking about her
sports. He taught us to push our limits daughter, Emily. Soon she will have
and never give up, a life-long lesson another one to talk about.
that would help us in many sports Let's tell a famous story about Ms
events. Ms Lostracco showed Pearson. Like when she sat on the tip
amazing talents in music. She also of the sharp calligraphy pen. This
started Blyth Public School's first resulted in a tetanus shot and a
ever band. Bribery was her technique permanent tattoo. Smart move eh! It's
to get us to those 8 a.m. practices. For been a great year and we will miss
a donut? I guess it was-worth it. you both.
We soon learned that Jacob, Help at the resource centre
Rebecca and Kerissa found their wouldn't have been complete without
passion in music. the excellent help of Mrs. lmanse and
French throughout the years has Mrs. Stauttener. Thanks for being
teen taught by Mrs. Laurie, Mrs. there.
Reed and Mrs. Drennan. And I'm I definitely need to share some
sure that none of us will forget those things about a very special person Ms
vocabulary lessons. Blake's love for Kim Black, our principal. She is a
French helped anyone in need. great lady who was always fair and
Finally we were all together for our encouraging. Her high energy, her
final years as the Blyth Baby Bears. great zest for life and who couldn't
Ms Henry and Ms Pearson have forget her great sense of humour,
shared the teaching role. A difficult made being at school a pleasure. To
Continued from page 12
have the opportunity to be taught
again by Mrs. Speed at Tech 21
during Grade 7 and 8.
Grade 5 was shared by Ms Elliott
and Mrs. Cronin. Ms Elliott had a
keen sense for science. We were able
to create great projects like building
bridges out of toothpicks. What a
blast! Or how about our own science
experiment: to see who could hold
the most water in their mouth for the
longest without laughing? Well,
Emily lost big time when she laughed
so hard it shot out her nose. What a
Mrs. Cronin was known for her
patience, especially in math. She also
was a great help with the Peacemaker
program. She taught us to be
responsible and to respect each other.
But grammar was Mrs. Cronin's main
specialty. She taught us how to talk
properly. Ain't that right Mrs.
Mrs. Gross our Grade 6 teacher,
Moving on
to the next
Continued from page 14
on to its next survivor challenge to
outwit, outplay and outlast F.E.
Madill Secondary School. We will
be faced with new challenges but
also a great future.
Some of us want to be teachers,
veterinarians, stunt bikers and, well,
some even want to be WWF
wrestlers, but no matter what you
want to do, if at first you don't
succeed, pick yourself up and try
Wherever the future takes us we
will always remember our days at
East Wawanosh Public School and
the people who helped us survive.
Continued from pate 15
until you get him with his friends.
He's a good artist as well, and a super
fast runner ... maybe even the next
Donovan Bailey!
Chris Crawford — His illegible
writing that may as well be Japanese,
his addiction to chewing pens,
resulting in a mouthful of blue ink, his
ultimate goal of being an NHL
superstar. Chris is a likeable guy and
always has something funny to say,
whether it's intended to be that way or
Matt McClinchey — He's the
famous hockey player in our room
who can come up with funny
comebacks probably faster than
anyone else in our class.
Jeremy Edgar — He's a new addition
to our school, but from what little I've
seen of him he seems like a nice guy,
quiet and reserved but can probably
crack a joke that would make your
sides ache once in a while.
And then there's me ... what can I
say? I'm perfect! Kind
of...sona...well, no. But that's ok! I
can't really say anything about
myself, being biased and all, but ask
some people in my class, and they'll
give you their opinion.
We had several different teachers
this year. Miss Henry was our
our very own Big Bear Black, "You
Go Girl"!
I would like to continue with some
thank yous.
To our parents and families for
their love and support for helping us
with homework and projects and for
'just being there. To all our teachers
for their fairness and great patience.
To our principals, past and present,
for their fairness and encouragement
and for keeping our school safe so we
could learn without fear.
To our school secretary, Mrs. Watt,
who had many roles to fill from a
nurse, to a friend to talk to. To our
custodians, Herb and Bonnie, who
kept our school and yard clean so we
could learn in a healthy environment.
To the Village of Blyth and the
citizens, for supporting us and
helping us out. Without all the above
we wouldn't be here tonight.
Last but not least I wish to thank all
of my classmates for their endless
friendship and for making this class
so very special. Everyone's unique
qualities have made this class the
very best that Blyth Public School
has ever seen.
While I was thinking of everyone's
special qualities, I thought about
geography teacher. She's know for her
kind and sweet responses to questions
like "Whatever...I don't care! Go
Away! Get out of my personal space!"
Mrs. Mitchell was our first history
teacher. She has three little kids and
teaches Grade 6. She must be very
organized. If I were her, I'd go crazy!
Mr. Stretton was our second history
teacher. He's always one who will
walk by you and ask_ how you're
- Mrs.. Colquhoun was our French
teacher. She almost always came to
class in a good mood and came up
with fun games to play to help us
become more familiar with the French
Camp Celtic. Wasn't it great for the
whole class to be together and having
a great time? Some of the special and
funny moments to remember are: all
of those times you had to do
embarrassing things for having your
elbows on the table!
Even Ms Black, and the way she
did the macareena.
Or how about when Ms Henry
made me bike around camp singing
songs at the top of my lungs. I'm sure
nobody will forget Ms Henry-getting
chocolate pudding and shaving cream
all over her face! Camp was so much
As we walk through the doors of
Blyth Public School one final time,
I'm sure we will all have mixed
emotions. Sadness for what we leave
behind and for the friendships that
will change as we attend different
schools. Yet, we also will feel joy and
excitement for what the future
Change is always difficult, but
necessary if we want to grow and
succeed. I wish all the graduates great
success and may all your dreams and
wishes come true.
Ladies and Gentlemen the
graduating class of 2002!
Then there's Mr. Payne, our main
teacher. He has amazing guitar skills
and a real love for music. He allows
us to have fun and get a bit silly
sometimes, and at the same time
keeps us under reasonable control. He
can be odd ... and he loves to pick on
people. If he sees something that has
the slightest chance of embarrassing
us, he'll use it to drive us crazy, but
then we can always come back and
tease him.
All in all, this has been a pretty
good year, but I think I speak for all of
us when I say ... "Hallelujah! We're
finally finished!"
Grey valedictorian desribes classmates
Congratulations Class of 2002 \ Congratulations & keep up
the good work!
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