HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2002-06-19, Page 12FROM WALTON
By Jo-Ann
John and Ruby Bylsma are
proud to announce the
graduation of their daughter
Rachel from Fanshawe
College's Social Service
Worker Program. Rachel is
presently employed working
with autistic children and
will be spending time this
summer volunteering with
the SERVE program in
London. Your persistence has
paid off Rachel!
From all your family
(and Jeremy)
Kerry Blake, daughter of Bob
and Clara, granddaughter of
George and Marie Blake and
Margaret Wasson all of
Morris Township, graduated
with honours from the 3 year
Media Arts programme at
Sheridan College. The
convocation ceremony was
held June 11 at the
Mississauga Civic Centre.
Kerry is currently doing
freelance production work in
Toronto, primarily with Spy
Films Inc. Congratulations
and love always from Mom,
Dad, Christopher-and Devin.
A Review of activities at
DONATION appreciation is extended for proceeds from recent
Senior Men's Golf Tournament held at Seaforth Golf and Country
Club. Special thanks to volunteers: Dorothy Medd, Lynne
Cronin, Bob Broadfoot, Gwen Devereaux and Marlen Vincent
who braved the brisk windy weather.
VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION special recognition was
bestowed to extended years service of Alice Reid, Seaforth
Hospital Auxiliary in excess of 30 years and to Reverend Arthur
Horst, Volunteer Pastoral/Spiritual Program for 30 years. Many
thanks for ongoing support of all our Volunteers; your dedication
and intergst enhances our quality of health care.
STUDENT VOLUNTEERS welcome to thirteen new
Volunteers to our Student Volunteer Program; we look forward to
networking with you all in the near future and trust this will be a
rewarding experience for you.
HOSPITAL AUXILIARY DONATION we are grateful for the
fundraising efforts of the Auxiliary and thank them for their
generous recent donation for the purchase of a pressure relief
mattress and two waist restraints.
T.V. AVAILABILITY every bed is now equipped with a T.V. for
rental purposes.
PUBLIC WASHROOMS a wheelchair accessible, washroom is
available by the Hospital Auxiliary Gift Shop. A baby change
table is also an enhancement.
CLINICS these resources are available to you at the Seaforth
Medical Clinic by calling (519) 527-1770 for an appointment: No
medical referral is necessary:
Certified Athletic Therapist Kendra Arthur attends the Clinic
twice monthly with custom and non-custom braces to aid in the
support of various joint weaknesses. Common conditions that .
may be treated with bracing are: ankle sprains, carpal tunnel,
knee osteoarthritis, general knee pain and tennis elbow. Kendra
offers free gait analysis to detect possible problems such as
plantar fascitis, heel spurs, knee pain, hip pain and low back pain.
From her analysis, Kendra can construct orthotics (shoe insoles)
to solve foot problems.
Total Foot Care is provided by Registered Nurse, Mary
Longstaff. Mary specializes in the care and maintenance of the
diabetic foot, fungal nails, corns, calluses and preventative care
for ingrown toenails. Mary will be happy to come to your home
for footcare if you are unable to come to the Clinic. Veterans are
welcomed as they are covered by the D.V.A.
G. Wilbee leads Duff's service
Greeters this Sunday are Judy and
Katie Emmrich.
Thanks to Gloria Wilbee, Brian .
Black, Monique Baan and Heidi
McClure for their efforts in
improving the flower beds at Duff's
The ladies of the WUCC catered
to a Blyth Festival Theatre dinner for
the performance of The Outdoor
- Donnellys on Tuesday evening. Over
80 enjoyed the meal.
Jim and Doris (Porter) Lamont
were diners. Walton residents might
recall Lloyd and Mamie Porter
retired from the farm to Walton for a
few years. You never know when
you might meet an old Walton
The Duff's Father's Day service
was conducted by Gloria Wilbee.
The congregation was greeted by
Lavern and Sharon Godkin as they
arrived. A special welcome was
made to all the fathers in attendance.
Following the call to worship and
hymns the children were called to
the front with their fathers (or
mothers). They were asked what
made their dads special and a variety
of answers were given, such as he's
a farmer and he makes bacon and
Gloria spoke about what talent is
processed in a father's hands and
how different they can be. She then
had the fathers trace their hand on a
sheet of paper and the children
placed and traced their's inside of
Brian McGavin wore a special t-
shirt that had painted hand and
footprints on it.
Gloria then sang the song Daddy's
The week at Walton ball diamond
started with the Bantam girls being
defeated by Lucknow Bantams 11-6.
The Walton Intermediates played
Tuesday against the Goderich
Gators and were defeated 11-8. The
Ladies Slowpitch teams played
Wednesday and Thursday evening
with the Walton Wonders defeating
the Chicksters on Thursday.
On Monday evening, many
Walton area people attended the
honours banquet for Seaforth
District High School. Receiving
over 80 per cent average in the
required number of courses per
grade from Walton were: Elise
Ringennberg, Grade 9; Nadine
Ringennberg, Grade 10; Kevin
Wilbee, Grade 11; Brian Dolmage,
Michael Beuerman, John Glauser,
Grade 12 and Katie Emmrich, Karla
Kale, Cindy McClure, Kelly
McDonald and Erin Rock for Grade
13 OAC.
Four-year honour plaques were
presented to Cindy McClure and
John Glauser.
Five-year honour awards went to
Katie Emmrich, Cindy McClure,
Kelly McDonald and Erin Rock.
On Tuesday, Rick and Jo-Ann
McDonald, Grandma Leona
McDonald, Grandma Gerry Clarke,
Rick, Brenda and Jason Konarski
travelled to the University of
Guelph, Gryphon Dome to attend
the graduation ceremonies for
LeeAnn McDonald. She received
her Bachelor of Arts in the Honours
English Program. A celebration
lunch was enjoyed at the Stone
Crock in Elmira.
There are many Walton people
involved in The Outdoor Donnellys
that began last week at the Blyth
Festival Theatre. David Perrie is
working in the transportation area
nightly and Joan Perrie is
performing in two vignettes -- The
Ryder Wedding arid Ghost Riders.
Also in same vignettes is Kelly Ann
Bruce Whitmore is heavily
involved in the production of Love
and Larceny and Trials and
Tribulations. He is also helping with
transportation. Margaret Whitmore
performs in The Ryder Wedding and
Love and Larceny.
I'm sure there are many hands
A dramatic reading of Sarah's
Story from Genesis was done by Jo-
Ann McDonald.
Gloria's reflection. Smart Dad,
was about the start of Father's Day
and about the earthly father of Jesus
— Joseph.
President Lyndon Johnston
proclaimed an official day of
recognition for fathers in 1966 and it
would be the third Sunday in June.
The story of Joseph was that he
was a good father to Jesus even
though God di-ected all the
decisions concerning Jesus. But
Joseph had his faitn and strength that
directed him to be a good
The offering was taken by Ian
Wilbee, Jeff McGavin and John
Gillis. A Youth Dance for Grades 4-
8 will be Friday, June 21 at 7 p.m. to
10 p.m. at St.John's Anglican
Church basement. Bring a canned
needed to drive tractors and be
ushers and Neil and Marie McGavin
have been over to help.
An interesting note for Walton
locals is that the role of Susan
Sholdice is played by Deb Sholdice,
who is married to a descendant. The
Sholdice family came from Ireland
to Lucan but moved on to Walton to
find peace.
Members of the Walton Women's
Institute are reminded of their
meeting, Wednesday, June 19 at 1:30
p.m. at the home of Marjorie
Humphries. The topic is
Tweedsmuir history.
On Saturday, members and guests
of the Baan family gathered at
Goderich Knox Presbyterian Church
to witness the marriage of Jason
Baan and Erin Stark. Jason is the
son of Dave and Dianne Baan of
The dinner and reception program
was held in a beautiful tent at the
farm of Dave and Dianne. Jason and
Erin will be living at RR3, Walton.
The ringbearer for the ceremony was
Adam Baan, son of Don and
Monique Baan and he reports he did
a good job.
Congratulations to John and Mary
Baan who celebrated their 35th
wedding anniversary on June 10.
good or loonie for admission. Pop
and snacks will be for sale. _
There is an urgent need for non-
perishable food items. Please bring
them to church or directly to the
food bank.
Joan Tuchlinsky is on holidays for
the month of July.
A yard sale is being held this
Saturday. Anyone donating items for
the sale is asked to pick up any
unsold items at day's end. Contact
Monique at 887-6998 for
The annual Cavan United Church
pork barbecue and fun day is June 23
at Winthrop Community ball park.
The outdoor service is at 1 p.m., co-
ed mush ball at 2:30 p.m.. and
barbecue from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. If
interested in playing ball and info,
call Heidi at 887-9348.
A work bee evening is planned for
June 28 at 7:30 p.m. Come out and
get involved.
Campbell and Edith Wey are
losing their house guest as
granddaughter Karla Kale is
returning to Calgary for the summer.
She's going home to Larry and Dena
Kale's before returning this fall to
attend the University of Guelph.
Campbell and Edith travelled to
Milton on Saturday to celebrate the
75th birthday of Edith's' sister
Bernice Gray.
Visiting parents Doug and
Marjorie Fraser on Saturday were
Glen and Cheryl, Garrett and Lucas,
Dianne, Carolyn and Clayton and
Bev, Amanda and Sarah.
Lucky Walton winners in the
Lions' Club draw in Seaforth were
Ron and Betty McCallum.
Neil and Marie McGavin were
away to the Bayview Resort near
Gravenhurst on the weekend.. They
were attending the 45th anniversary
reunion of Neil's graduating Ontario
Agriculture College class from
Guelph. Approximately 30
graduates of the class of 1957 and
spouses gathered for a good time an
Celebrating birthdays last week
were Joan McNaughton, Larry
Bolger, Colleen Collins, Mary
Baker, Tracy Lillicrop and Paul
WLS students
to present play
The Walton Little School students
were busy last week preparing
Father's Day cards and practising
their play The Very Hungry
They are going to perform this for
their graduation which is to be held
on June 25 at the Walton United
church at 7 p.m. Everyone is
welcome to attend.
They studied the book, Let's Paint
A Rainbow by Eric Carle and did
just that learning about the different
They also read Pancakes,
Pancakes and enjoyed a special treat
of pancakes.
The school is having a rummage
sale from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. on
Saturday morning.
They are also looking for any craft
items such as yarn, paper towel rolls,
buttons, popsicle sticks, felt,
If you have anything to donate just
drop it off at the school.