HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2002-06-05, Page 12Cornerstone
Communion - 9:45 - 10:30
Family Bible Hour and Sunday School - 11:00 - 12:00
Prayer & Bible Study - Tuesday 8 p.m.
Ladies' Time Out: the last Thursday of each month
7:30 to 9:00 p.m.
John 14:6 - Jesus said, "I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, no
one comes to the Father, but through Me."
Everyone Welcome
Call Pastor Andrew Thursdays or Fridays at 887-6123
Auburn - 526-7555
Sunday 9:30 a.m.
10:30 am. -
7:30 p.m.
Wednesday 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. -
7:30 p.m.
Friday 7:30 p.m.
Family Bible Hour
Morning Worship Service
Evening Worship
Crusaders & Youth
Adult Prayer Meeting
11:00 a.m. - Morning Service
- Sunday School
9:30 a.m. - Belgrave Service
Wheelchair accessible
Nursery care available
Rev. Cathrine Campbell - 887-9831
Corner of Dinsley & Mill Street
Sunday, June 9
Worship Service 11 a.m.
4W Welerustz
Minister: Rev. Dr. Eugen Bannerman
Office: 523-4224
From the Minister's Study
Teddy bear celebrates 100th anniversary
By Rev. Dr. Eugen Bannerman
Blyth United Church
This year is the 100th anniversary
of the first teddy bear. It is
universally recognizes as one of the
safest toys made in the 20th century.
The event should be celebrated
wherever there are children.
We have the 26th president of the
United States, Teddy Roosevelt, to
thank for giving the bear its name.
And a cartoon by Clifford
Berryman, in November 1902, for
illustrating Teddy Roosevelt,
refusing to shoot a bear cub.
And Rose and Morris Michtom,
for transforming the cartoon bear
into the first plush teddy bear made
in the United States. And calling it,
"Teddy's bear." It was an instant
success, and soon their Ideal Toy
company was selling thousands of
On Tuesday, May 28, Morning
Star Rebekah Lodge, Brussels,
hosted Friendship Night with lodges
from St. Marys, Listowel, Clinton,
Teeswater and Exeter represented..
A delicious cold plate supper was
enjoyed followed by the meeting
held in the church basement.
Thoughts and prayers are with
Sister Dolores Wheeler, who is a
patient in hospital. It is hoped she is
home again soon.
The Humanitarian Committee
purchased a walker with wheels and
an aluminum folding walker for loan
to the public.
An invitation was received to
attend Exeter's 55th birthday party
on Friday, June 21. Also Listowel is
having a Fraternal Fun Free Day on
Wednesday, June 12 at noon.
Following the business portion of
the meeting, a social time was
enjoyed with a sing-song, several
humourous readings and songs.
There was also a get-acquainted
Winners of the draw were: first,
Irene Markham, RR7, Lucknow;
second, Margaret Bell, RR4, Forest;
third, Dianne Diehl, RR3, Brussels.
An enjoyable evening ended with
cake, ice cream and punch.
g Living 'Water 3
8g Cfifidicui Mawliip rA.L
11 0 1Pasta Meal
& Praise Music 1
Emily's O.M. Mission 1 to Lebanon 3
Friday, June 7, 7 pm 1 1 at Blyth Public School
8 Tickets $5
Sunday, June 9
Joint Worship with 8 Wingham Pentecostal Church 3 8 11:00 am; 9:45 Sunday School 3 3 (W. on Lloyd St., I km S. of Tim Horton's) 3
"The Spirit's Most
] Extraordinary
Potluck Afterwards 1 a
stuffed bears.
At the very same time, Margaret
Steiff was making plush bears in
Germany. She exhibited them at the
Leipzig Fair in March 1903, and
sales took off. Within a few years,
millions of bears had been sold
The teddy bear boom had started.
Today, half the children in Canada
and the United States have teddy
bears. And remarkaaly, most of the
adults who were given bears as
children, still have them, even if
they are hidden in the attic.
Children do not have to be taught
to love teddy bears; they do so
spontaneously and enthusiastically.
The bear seems to respond
uncritically and unflinchingly. They
offer boundless love and comfort.
Many children respond more
readily to teddy bears than they do
to the kindest of strangers.
In the last 30 years, modern day
Good Samaritans have handed out
thousands of teddy bears to children
n emotional and physical need.
Teddy bears have been given to
M. Craig
at UCW
Blyth UCW met on May 28 at 7:30
p.m. Nancy Wasson and Adeline
Campbell gave a Mother's Day
worship. Margaret Kai was the
President for the meeting was
Marilyn Craig. Permission was
given to Deb Hakkers to go ahead
and buy a dishwasher.
There were 18 present with four
visitors from Auburn for the
demonstration by Deb Hakkers on
making an angel pin.
Nancy Wasson, Mary Lou Stewart,
Deb Hakkers and Marilyn Craig
provided lunch.
The next meeting is on Sept. 24 at
2 p.m. Roll call is something for the
food bank.
children in hospitals. They are
found in police cruisers visiting
scenes of accidents involving
children. They are available in the
cabins of fire engines. And they
have been given to abused and
traumatized children in clinics to
help them through emotional
distress. -
Teddy bears have become 20th-
century healing agents.
A couple of winters ago, a family
was driving home to Toronto along
Hwy. 401, when they ran into
freezing rain and black ice. The van
skidded and crashed into the cement
median. Firemen were needed to cut
off the doors of the vehicles to
rescue the mother and her two
children. It was a bad scene.
When the boy was lifted out, the
first thing he asked the fireman was,
"Is my Mommy going to die?"
"Oh no," replied the fireman,
"she'll be alright."
Then he took the nine-year-old
boy and his four-year-old sister to
the cabia of the fire truck and gave
them each a teddy bear dressed in a
firefighter's outfit. The children
were pleased. They held the stuffed
toys tightly as they drove by
ambulance with their mother to the
Credit Valley Hospital. Here the
children were given two more
stuffed toys, black and white
dalmatian dogs.
I spoke with the children's
grandmother several weeks after the
accident. "It is amazing how
emotionally unscarred the children
were after the accident," she told
me. "Holding the stuffed toys must
have helped."
The appeal of teddy bears is
universal. It is not limited to
children. They are one of the few
cradle-to-grave toys.
I recently became aware of the
powerful value of a teddy bear as a
first gift to a newborn. The parents
had come to discuss the baptism of
their child, and during the visit, they
told me this story.
Their son was born at the
Stratford General Hospital at 6 a.m.
By 9 a.m. the father was knocking
at the door of a shop an hour before
it was to open. He knew he had to • There is an obvious mystique
hurry because he wanted his son to surrounding the teddy bear. He has
have a teddy bear as the very first become a permanent element in our
gift he would receive. child and adult culture. He is
"I can't line his bank account with universally recognized as• a symbol
dollars," the father told me, "but of love. He is a friend in need, an
this is a perfect way I can show him ambassador of comfort and peace,
how much I appreciate him." and a calming influence amid the
"Why did you choose a teddy daily traumas of life.
bear?" I asked. The gift of a hug from a person is
"Because my father gave me a best. But when it is not available,
teddy bear on the day I was born, we can always hug a teddy bear, and
more than 20 years ago." it hugs us right back.
He was passing on a family And for a hundred years now, the
tradition of parental love teddy bear cuddle has made a world
symbolized by the gift of a new of difference, for tens of millions of
teddy bear. children.
You are Welcome at the
9:45 a.m. - Sunday School - for ages 3 to adult
11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship
7:30 p.m. - Evening Worship
Kids' Club - Tuesday - 3:45 - 5 p.m. Ages 6-11 welcome.
Bible Studies - Wednesday morning 10 a.m.
Wednesday evening 7:30 p.m.
Phone 523-4590 308 Blyth Rd., Blyth
2tieeza,se€4, vaa to came awe evol.defr coia ud
Sunday, June 9
Trinity, Blyth
9:30 a.m.
St. John's, Brussels
11:15 a.m.
The Rev. Tom Wilson, B.A., MDiv. 887-9273
Peeeae 14.e2 Ca Avt coevaitefr
Sunday, June 9
Morning Worship Service - 10 a.m.
Evening Worship Service - 7:30 p.m.
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what
you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; Never will 1
forsake you." — Hebrews 13:5
it Hwy. 4, Blyth 523-9233
Wheelchair accessible
Joan Golden - Diaconal Student Minister
Church Office 887-6259 E-mail - bepc@wcl.on.ca
Sunday, June 9
Ethel United Church
11:00 am
125th Anniversary Service
Buffet Lunch following the Service - Everyone is Welcome
Brussels United Church
11:00 a.m.
Worship Service lead by Sunday School and Youth Group
Lunch following the Service - Everyone is Welcome
Remembering -- Celebrating --- Living Our Faith!
8 Pastor: Ernest Dow
www.tcc.on.ca/-dowfam igewwwwwwwir