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St. Joseph rumble strips to be ground down By Keith Roulston Citizen publisher Huron County councillors voted Thursday to have rumble -strips on County Rd. 84 in St. Joseph ground down in an effort to reduce the noise that has upset residents of the hamlet. The vote overturned a recommendation of the agriculture, public works and seniors committee that the situation at the corner be _monitored further and that residents advise their neighbours that driving at slower speeds reduces the amount of noise. (When OPP monitored the corner for a two-hour period, three of five speeding charges laid were for drivers who lived within 500 metres of the rumble strips.) But led by Bluewater Councillors Bill Dowson, Paul Klopp and Dianne Denomme, a lengthy debate showed many councillors didn't want to continue the status quo. Dowson said he's in support of rumble strips which warn drivers of an upcoming stop sign, "but in built- up areas I have a different thought." Dowson said he lives 200 yards away from a set of rumble strips and can hear them even though they've been worn -down by eight years' of traffic. (County officials claimed the noise from the St. Joseph strips had been reduced by two years of use and would be reduced further.) Neighbours in St. Joseph have been complaining about the noise since the county repaved the road after it was downloaded by the province. Following a roads department policy, rumble strips were installed on County Rd. 84 at the Hwy. 21 intersection. South Huron Councillor Rob Morley said he'd never seen a county policy on installation of rumble strips. Echoing Dowson he noted that there were no strips on the road when it was a provincial highway and when most of the residents had built their houses there. Denomme agreed, saying reducing the noise would improve the quality of life of local residents. There are no statistics to show that this is a dangerous corner and that lives will be risked if the strips aren't there, she said. But committee chair Bernie MacLellan said a lawyer would "have a field day" if there was a serious accident after the county had removed a safety feature. Norm Fairies of Howick worried that removing rumble strips could start a trend, noting that on County Rd. 30 in his township, there were rumble strips that also were close to homes. "If we take them out in one area we' ll have no end of requests to take them out," he warned . Dave Urlin, South Huron councillor noted that despite talk of a county policy there were no rumble strips put into the road at Brucefield when it was repaved. County Engineer Sandra Lawson explained that the strips should have been put in but through an oversight were not. "If you forgot to do it and didn't go back (and do it) you're admitting you're not following the policy," Urlin argued. Goderich Councillor Deb Shewfelt said he had driven over the St. Joseph strips after receiving complaints and he found them noisy. "Let's try it," he said in speaking about the possibility of grinding the strips down. "The last time I - checked they're (the local residents) the ones paying the bills of the county." Lawson warned that grinding down the strips would reduce the vibration inside a car passing over vote by a margin of 9-8. the strips and it is the vibration, more Klopp then made a motion to than the noise, that alerts a driver of instruct Lawson to contact a an approaching corner. "You will contractor about grinding down the reduce the effectiveness of the rumble strips so they won't make as rumble strips," she argued. much noise. Despite her plea councillors Carol Mitchell of Central Huron defeated the motion in a recorded argued that this would mean, in You can catch yourself speeding Sr. Const. Don Shropshall was on hand for the Road Watch program's volunteer recognition barbecue to explain ttv? workings of the new radar-equipped speed sign. The $5,000 piece of equipment was donated by local mutual insurance companies and is intended to make drivers more aware of the speed they are travelling. (David Blaney photo) effect, removing the strips but Lawson said she had spoken with Lavis Contracting of Clinton who said they have a new machine that could grind off a fine-enough layer of asphalt to leave the strips intact. Mitchell -and North Huron's Doug Layton worried that lowering the strips might reduce their effectiveness but Lawson said as long as the grinding doesn't remove the strips there will still he some vibration. The motion was carried.