HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2002-04-10, Page 19The WUCC met on Wednesday,
April 3 at the church with over 25
members in attendance. The meeting
was conducted by Karen Hoegy,
Pearl McCallum and Helen
Williamson. They welcomed guest
speaker Leanne Crawford, master
gardner. She showed a film
The Walton Hall board held its
Easter euchre last Thursday evening.
There were seven tables at play.
The cards seemed unlucky as the
high score was only 68 points. The
lucky pair was Eileen Sellers and
Marie Stewart.
Following behind with 65 points
were the partners of Olive Papple
It's supposed to be spring so it's
time for baseball. If you are
interested in playing in Walton call
Jo-Ann or Heidi.
Karen Hoegy has finally received
her new car she won from the
Canadian Cancer Society. Her 2002
S40 Volvo arrived Monday.
The Walton Little School reports
that new bunny Cleo survived
Easter and is doing fine. Teacher
Naomi Pelss returned from a trip to
Thunder Bay and told the children
all she had seen there. The letter W
was the letter of the week and they
now have a new flower shop and
vegetable garden area. They are
learning about growing things and
what is all needed like earth, water
and sunlight. The Music for Young
Children program is expanding and
if anyone is interested for the full
classes they should call the school
or Shannon.
A little belated Easter news is
Gerry and Anne Ryan entertained
brother Nelson Ryan and sister
Sister Teresa Ryan from London.
Having fun was Dan Taylor as he
dressed tip as the Easter Bunny and
visited the Janmaat and Melady
homes. The children were a little
scared of such a big Easter bunny
but enjoyed the treats. People are
advised to call, ahead for next year's
booking as the bunny can be very
Attending Skate the Nation in
London were some local people.
Lee Ann and Kelly McDonald
received tickets from their boss at
Keating's Pharmacy and really
enjoyed themselves. Heather
(McGavin) Kelso won tickets from
the Lucan Pharmacy and invited her
mother Marie McGavin to attend
with her.
Many of the skating stars they
saw competed in the past Olympics
in Salt Lake City, including Alexei
Ygudin, gold medalist; Xue Shen
and Hongbo Zhao, bronze
medalists; Jennifer Robinson,
seventh place finish, along with
other favourites like Brian Orser
and Maria Butyrskaya.
The McGavin women also
attended the reception held at the
Delta Armouries ,Hotel and were
able to meet the skaters.
Visiting the area last week were
presentation on her gardens and the
growing and care for many different
plants. She was very knowledgeable
and helpful in answering the
questions of the group.
Business included the WUCC
voting to make a financial donation
to the church.
and Beth Pryce.
Coming in a close third place with
64 points were the couple Lloyd and
Lillian Appleby. The lucky lone
hand winners were Laurene Regele
for the ladies and Bill Milson for the
'Euchre is every two weeks with
only two euchres left for the season.
Kevin Bennewies and Pam Clark.
They had a chance to visit Pam's
mother in Lucan and delivered
Easter eggs around Seaforth,
Brucefield, and Walkerton. They
had lunch with friends on
Wednesday at the Walton Inn and
were leaving for home on Thursday.
They report that the snowmobiling
is still great around their area, New
Liskeard with still four feet of snow
on the trails.
Brian Black was away to
Kitchener for the weekend and was
performing a solo at a service at,
Trinity United Church in Kitchener.'
It was girls' weekend at home for
Joan and girls.
Margaret Craig was in Seaforth
hospital in the same room as Viola
Traviss. Margaret has since
returned to Huronlea. Idella Hubley
is still a patient in Stratford hospital.
Attending the Ontario Retailers of
Farm Equipment Dealers
Association meetings in St. Jacobs
were Neil and Brian McGavin on
Friday and Saturday. Marie and
Shelley also went and enjoyed a
tour of St. Jacobs and area as well
as the Farmers' Market on Saturday.
The men were busy attending
meetings along with dealers from
all across the province.
Many locals attended the very
successful Optimist Auction and
Dinner and congratulations to them
for raising over $20,000 for the
Brussels and Grey Fire
Departments for the Jaws of Life.
Our runner-up survivor Jeff
McGavin, had the honour of
presenting the prize money of $500
from the contest, on behalf of
winner Dale Finch, who was unable
to attend due to the death of her
father. Our condolences to Dale and
Chris Lee travelled to Stouffville
last Thursday for the media event to
promote CMRC (motocross racing)
for the upcoming 2002 season and
of course Walton Transcan held in
Some of the ladies around Walton
enjoyed the Women's Day Out at
Blyth this past Saturday. Friends
Marie Coutts, Mary Humphries,
Kathleen Williamson and Audrey
Hackwell enjoyed the guest
speakers and demonstrations. Anne
Ryan and Olene Dennis also
enjoyed their day out.
Celebrating birthdays this past
week were Ruthie Thamer, Sir,an
Watson, Mary McCall, Peter
Bennett, Shirlee Bachert, Krista
Shortreed, Gary Bennett, Colleen
McCallum, Janet Mitchell, Douglas
Mitchell, Shelley •McGavin,
Stephen Gulutzen, George144,ove,
Kevin Wilbee and Matt Hugther.
Congratulations to everyone.
Master gardener
speaks to WUCC
Walton Hall board
hosts Easter euchre
Quilt dedicated
at Duff's service
Members of Duff's United Church
were greeted by Lavern Godkin on
the second Sunday of Easter. After
opening prayers and announcements
the senior choir sang We Met You 0'
There was the official dedication
of a special quilt. In August 1998, a
letter was received by Barb Durell,
addressed to the Mayor of Walton,
from Edna Glazier (nee Edna M.
Farquharson) of Vancouver, B.C.
She had unassembled quilt blocks
dated 1902, with names of
community members. The blocks
originated from the Walton area and
were taken to Provost, Alberta by her
grandmother, Janet Farquharson,
when she moved in 1908. Many
years later the blocks were found
with Edna's grandmother's things
and Edna wondered if someone in
Duff's Church would be interested in
making use of them.
In October 1998, Leona
McDonald, after visiting son Neil in
Vancouver, brought the blocks home
to Walton. Duff's UCW then made
the quilt with the blocks.
Now 100 years later, the blocks
have been assembled into a beautiful
historical quilt. There are 167 names
of community people and the
minister of the church at the time
was Rev. A. McNab whose picture
also hangs on the back wall of the
sanctuary. The quilt will be at the
front of the church this week and
then will be hung on the wall of the
sanctuary for display.
The scripture reader was Monique
Baan and the minute for missions
was presented by Darrell Morrison.
He read a portion of a letter received
from the mission and service
ministry that cohgratulated the
congregations of the United Church
of Canada for exceeding the 2001
goal and raising over $30 million.
They expressed their thanks for the
church's hard work and set a goal for
2002 of $30,500,000.
Joan Tuchlinsky's reflection was
on Living Hope. Pioneers in 1902,
who struggled in everyday life with
hardships many today cannot
imagine, were able to be a
community of faith that celebrated
their living hope by building this
church in 1912. "In today's world,
we are tested to live in hope," she
The offering was taken by Ross
Bennett and Jim Mann.
Pulpit exchange will be Sunday
with Chris Beaumont from St. Paul's
United in Milverton leading the
worship service. Greeters will be
Jeff and Shannon McGavin. Baptism
will be April 21 and if you have a
child to be baptized, call Joan
immediately. If you have
announcements for the bulletin,
contact Joan or Heidi before
Wednesday to be included.
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