HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2001-12-24, Page 33ATTENTION READERS The next edition of The Citizen will be out on WEDNESDAY, JAN. 9 WE BUY AND SELL LIVESTOCK dairy, beef and horses, crippled and poor- doing cows PAY IMMEDIATELY LICENCED DEALER CLARENCE POORTINGA 887-9747 PAGE 34. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2001. Classified Advertisements — RATES — 20 words or less only $4.00. Additional words 150 each. 500 will be deducted if ad is paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114 A ccommodation for rent SEAFORTH: SILVERCREEK Apts., large, 2 bedroom, luxury apt., 3 appliances, controlled entry. For mature adults. Phone 519-522-- 0442 or 519-527-1577. 48-tfn BLYTH — LARGE 2 BEDROOM house with garage, close to all amenities, $495/month plus utilities. Brad, days 523-4595, nights 482-5545. 42-tfn TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, central location, Blyth, utilities included, available now. Phone 482-9371. 49-3 NEWLY DECORATED, LARGE 3 bedroom brick home in Brussels, hardwood floors, upstairs laundry, gas furnace and hot water, $570 plus utilities. Phone 887-9007. 49-tfn AVAILABLE DEC. 'l5 — OLDER 3 bedroom townhouse, fridge and stove, 445 Mill St., Blyth. $410 plus utilities. References required. No dogs. Call 523-9555. 47-tfn NEWLY RENOVATED 3 BED- room semi in Blyth. $550 plus utilities. Phone 887-9007. 46-tfn HOUSE FOR RENT - TWO bedroom edge of Brussels. Contact 887-6670. 50-2p Articles for sale ONE USED TEMPWOOD WOOD stove, $100 o.b.o. Call 526-7299 for information. 50-2p REPRINTS OF PHOTOS TAKEN by Citizen photographers are available to purchase. Many in colour. 4 x 6 - $4.00, 5 x 7 - $5.00, 8. x 10 - $8.00. Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114 to order. tfn Celebrate the International Year of the Volunteer by coming out to a Habitat for Humanity build. \-\ °Ries Buio.0 • ie) .7 )nr Habitat for Humanity For more information on Habitat for Humanity and to contact your nearest affiliate, contact us at 1-800-667-5137 Email: habitat@habitat.ca Cards of thanks BADLEY. We would like to thank everyone who has called, visited, sent cards, treats, and prayed for our son Jason since his accident. Thanks to the fire department, ambulance crew and whomever helped in anyway that day. We thank God everyday we still have our Jason with us. Special thanks to our sister and niece, Pat and Karen Bernard for being there with us. Also our two daughters, Rhonda and Melissa for being so strong,. our son-in-law Kevin and Melissa's friend Shawn. What would we do without you guys. We love you very much. A very big thank you to MDL Doors and staff. Jason enjoyed himself at the Christmas supper. Chris and Julie — you're NI.onderful. Jason will be home over the holidays — call, visit, whatever. He is doing well considering what he's gone through. A few more surgeries to go, but he is a very strong-willed person. We would like to wish each and everyone of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. The Badley family. 51-1 McCALL. My sincere thanks to all who remembered me while a patient in Seaforth Hospital. Your kind thoughts with cards, flowers, treats and visits were much appreciated. Season's Greetings to relatives, friends and former neighbours:— Betty. 51- 1p POPP. The family of the late Lorne Popp would like to express their heartfelt thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for all their support, sympathy and many acts of kindness at this difficult and sad time. Special thanks to Michael Falconer of Beattie-Falconer Funeral Homes (Tasker Chapel), Rev. C. Wittich and organist Lynda Lentz-McGregor and the Blyth United Church Women for the lovely luncheon and everyone for being -So caring. Thanks to all who brought food, flowers, cards and made phone calls, memorial donations and came to the funeral home and United Church funeral to show their sympathy. All was much appreciated. — Evelyn Popp and family. 51-1p SNOWMOBILE DRIVER TRAIN- ing course, Dec. 28. Contact Mark at 887-6353. 50-1 THE BRUSSELS AGRICUL- tural Society annual meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, January 16, 2002 at the BMG Community Centre. 51-3 CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL Auxiliary meeting in CPH Board Room, Monday, January 7, 2002 at 10 a.m. Come along, bring a friend. 51-1 Healthy eating... regular physical activity In memoriam McDONALD. In loving memory of my beloved daughter Gail McDonald who passed away Dec. 28, 1996. December comes with sad regret The month, the day, we will never forget. Without a farewell you fell asleep, With only memories for me to keep. In a quiet country graveyard, Your resting place I visit and place flowers with care, But no one knows the heartache When I walk away leaving you there. Your brother Neil McDonald Aug. 13, 1992, Jack McDonald Dec. 12, 1997. Forever in my heart. — Sadly missed and forever loved - Mother. 51-1 MILLER (Bessie). In loving memory of a dear mother, grandmother and great- grandmother, who passed away January 2, 1999. Sadly missed along life's way, Quietly remembered every day, No longer in our life to share, But in our hearts you're always there. Many memories death can't erase, In our dreams we see your face. — Lovingly remembered, never forgotten, Sandra, John and children. 51-lp Legal notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Claims against the estate of MAE EDITH BADLEY late of Blyth, Ontario who died on 26 October 2001 must be in my hands by 16 January 2002 after-which date the estate will be distributed. LAW OFFICE of RALPH SMITH, B.A., LL.B., CFP 20 Gouinlock Street P.O. Box 159 Seaforth, Ontario NOK IWO Lawyer for the Estate Trustee with a Will. 50-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of NETTIE MAE GREWAR, late of Brussels, Ontario, who died on September 6, 2001, are required to file full proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 9th day of January 2002, after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. DATED at Brussels, ON this 6th day of December, 2001. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Barristers & Solicitors P.O. Box 104 Brussels, ON NOG lHO Solicitors for the Estate Trustee. 49-3 Livestock Mortgages NEED A MORTGAGE? Buying - Get the LOWEST RATE We Shop the Banks for you. They pay us! TRANSFER and CONSOLIDATE Debts Into a mortgage! 5 year Bank Rate @ 5.35% Borrow $100,000, mortgage Pay $604.00 per month You could save $2,500Jyear (tax free) "Hard to Approve" Give us a TRY MORTGAGE NETWORK 519-482-7675 / 1-866-623-0589 www.garywalden.com Services GAMBLIN G Christmas is a stressful time of year! Is gambling contributing to your financial or family stress? For free confidential assistance contact Huron Addiction Services at 482- 1767. 51-1 Wanted WANTED TO BUY: SCRAP cars and trucks. L & B Auto Wreckers, 1/2 mile south of Brussels. Call 887-9499. tfn HISTORIC PHOTOS OF BLYTH requested for upcoming Salute to Blyth on its 125th anniversary, to be published in The Citizen in July 2002. We'll copy the photo, then give it back to you. Please bring to The Citizen office. Any information about the photo is also appreciated. 43-tfn - Websites northhuron.on.ca Northern Huron's - foremost source of information when you: • Need to check the weather • Need a plumber • Need to see what's on at area theatres • Need to build a barn • Need to find the money to build a barn • Need to read reviews on theatre presentation • Need a lawyer • Need to rent a crane • Need to order take-out food and don't have the telephone number • Need to find a real estate agent • Need an accountant Check it out at www.northhuron.on.ca (an online service of The Citizen.) Hullett Gr. 1/2s write letters Dear Santa, I'm going to give your reindeer grass. I'm going to give you candy when you come. I'm going to make you a picture. You can take it with you. Please bring some make-up, a toy Grinch, and a Grinch movie. Your friend, Ashley Parke. GRADE .1/2 Dear Santa, I really loved the remote control monster truck you gave me last year. I'm going to leave you chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk. I have been really good this year. I would really like a Playstation 2 and Grand Tur'rmoz. I know it is a lot of money but that is all I want for Christmas. I love my family and if I had money I would buy them presents. Bye, Jeremy Smith. Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. Thank you for the gifts that you gave me last Christmas. This year for Christmas I would really like a toy dog. A toy pony and a new pair of shoes. How are you doing up in the North Pole? Love, Mikayla Allen. Dear Santa, Thank you for the toys last year. I really like the remote control robot. This year I would like a farm set, and a hockey stick. Please make sure you bring my brothers something nice too! I hope you think I've been good. I will continue to be good! I hope you like the Christmas tree, I helped dec- orate it. From your friend, Ray H. Dear Santa. Thank you for the gifts you gave me last year. I would like for Christmas anything that has to do with Pooh bear. Also I would like Barbies. This year I was a good girl. How is Mrs. Claus's health and is the reindeers health good too? My broth- ers also enjoyed the Monster trucks. Also I would really like a toy dog. Sincerely, Shelby Radford. Dear. Santa, Thank you for the market set, the Betty Boop doll and a dinosaur toy. I have been a good girl this year. My sister has been a good girl this year too. How is your family doing? This year of Christmas I want a pour- puppy and a reindeer. Could you get my sister a porn-puppy too for Christmas? Could you give mom and dad coffee cups? Could you get my dog a dog bone and could you get my cats two balls of string?, Sincerely, Beth. Dear Santa, Thank you for the Easy Bake oven you gave me last year. This year I would like my very own computer. I would also like a very big teddy bear, and another cat. I would like to know how the reindeer fly. I would also like to thank you for the stocking you gave me last year. Give all the elves a high five from me. From Danielle Waugh. Dear Santa, I have been really good this year helping around the house. Thank you for all of the presents you gave me last year. This yeaf I would like some lipstick, a toy dog and some choco- late. Please bring me some presents for the rest of my family too. I hope that you have a good Christmas and that everyone in the world gets a pres- ent from you. Yours truly, Monica Bakelaar. FRESH APPLE CIDER FOR Christmas and New Year's. Also many varieties of apples available. Blythe Brooke Orchards, 523-9338. Will deliver. 50-2 — n1ling events