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Grey writers wonder how Santa's year's gone
It has been quite nice down here. I wow buddy. 2. new clothes. 3. no like winter. Do you? It is fun to play
hope you don't catch a cold because more. That is all. How is Rudolph? in the winter. For Christmas I want a
if you did that would be very bad. I Do you like zebras? We are singing kitten for Christmas and a snow-
wish you could come sooner. I prom- about zebras at our Christmas con- board.
ise there will be chocolate chip cook- cert. Got to go. Bye. Sincerely, Emily Baker.
ies and milk on the table waiting for Sincerely, Morgan Deitner.
Sincerely, Michelle.
P.S. Chocolate milk.
Manger Mania's manger
The animals in this play originally expressed some reserva-
tions about having their manger taken over for a bed. By the
end of Grey Central's production of Manger Mania every-
one was happy to be part of the important event. Back from
left, Jesse McKinnon, Mitchell Laidlaw, David Egger:
Middle, Victoria Patton, Maaike Van Hell, Blake Cardiff:
front, Justin Blakney. (David Blaney photo)
Dear Santa Claus, for Christmas.
How are your reindeer? For, From Roy Van Brugge.
Christmas I want a real dog. On
Christmas night I will leave some
milk and cookies for you. But please Dear Santa,
don't be late because my dogs will 'How has your year gone? I have
eat the milk and cookies. Happy had a wonderful year. Santa have
Christmas! you had a wonderful year? Santa
Sincerely, Alyssa. how are your reindeer? Has Mrs.
Claus been baking cookies. Santa I
Dear Santa Claus, have a gift for you. I would like a
How has your year gone? I have small T.V.
had a wonderful year. How many From Holly Barlow.
reindeers do you have? I hope every
family gets presents. What is Dear Santa,
Christmas all about? I hope every kid How are you? I would like to know
in my class was good. I bet that Mrs. how Mrs. Claus is? I have had a good
Santa Claus is making cookies for year. I can't wait until you come
you. I hope 2002 will be a good year down the chimney. I would like to
for you. know how you get down the chim-
Yours truly, Kourtney. ney. What if the fireplace is burning?
I would like to know how does your
Dear Santa Claus, sleigh fly? How do your reindeer
How has your year gone? I had a fly? Please right back.
wonderful year. For Christmas I From Ellyse Anne Moyer.
want a snowboard and a scooter just
like Kirk's. I am getting a present for Dear Santa,
you and your reindeer. We are How has your year gone? I have
singing away in a manger for the had a wonderful year. Santa you are
Christmas concert this year. cool. I think you are special to me
Sincerely, Tom. and I get presents from you.
Hundreds of presents. I want a beetle
Dear Santa Claus, controller.
How has your year gone? I have From Holly Sholdice.
had a good year. I can't wait until
Christmas. I'm sending this letter Dear S'anta,
because I thought you'd be happy. I How has it been up there in the
hope you have a good Christmas and cold? My list of things are very long
a good Christmas to the elves and so now there is only one thing I want
Mrs. Santa. I would like Max Steel and that is to have a good Christmas.
Kindergartens write to Santa
please. I like you Santa. Could you
bring a toy for my brother and anoth-
er toy for my other brother.
Love, Kenny Huether.
Dear Santa,
I want a Barbie please. I would like
you to bring my little sister Brittany a
puppet theatre. How do your reindeer
fly in the sky? I will leave you a
teddy bear.
Love, Rebecca-Lynn Lowey.
Dear Santa,
I would like a Mermaid Barbie
please and a rock and roll girl. My
brother would like baby toys like an
elephant. I will give you a teddy bear
Love, Lexi Aitken.
Dear Santa Claus,
Dear Santa, How has your year gone? I have
How has your year gone? I have had a wonderful year. I want a semi
had a wonderful year. How are you? truck with a remote control. I want
I am good. How are your elves? How police car and a soccerball and a bas-
are you' reindeer? Is Rudolph ready ketball. I would like some pencil
for Christmas? I am. It is almost win- crayons and a basketball net.
ter. How is Mrs. Claus? I like you. I Sincerely, Abe Guenther.
Dear Santa Claus,
How are you this year? Have you
been busy? I was wondering how is
Rudolph? How do your deer fly?
Please help every one to have a
happy Christmas this year. I would
want a mini four wheeler please and
a mini four wheeler for my big broth-
er Kalem so we can race.
Sincerely, Lukas.
Dear Santa Claus,
How are you doing? Can I have a
necklace please? How has your year
gone? I have had a wonderful year.
Sincerely, Danny Donkers.
Dear Santa Claus,
How are you doing? How is Mrs.
Claus doing? What I would like for
Christmas is lip gloss maker, a
puppy, a kitten, a baby reindeer and
the Microphone on the commercial.
Merry Christmas!
Sincerely, Morgan Armstrong.
Dear Santa,
How has your year gone? I have
had a wonderful year. My Dad wants
an X-box can I get him one? Does
Rudolph really have a red nose? My
mom would like some blues music
for Christmas.
Yours truly, Nick.
Dear Santa Claus,
How are you doing? How's
Rudolph doing? I want a CD player
for Christmas. I want you to come in
the door 'at Christmas. I hope Mrs.
Claus is' behaving herself and you
better behave! How are Dasher,
Dancer, Prancer, and Vixon, Comet,
and Cupid, Donner and Blitzen, and
Rudolph? How do you like the north
pole? Is it cold? You better get Mrs.
Claus to make you mittens for
Sincerely, Lauren.
Dear Santa,
How is Mrs. Claus? Fine I must
say. My name is Morgan, remember
me the girl playing hockey? There
are a couple of requests: 1. a bow
Dear Santa,
I want a Barbie doll with sparkling
hair please. We will leave out fruit
roll-ups and goldfish for your snack.
Will you bring a baby doll for my sis-
terilank you.
Love, Lateesha Veenstra.
Dear Santa,
I want a toy walkie-talkie and a toy
monster truck please. I want to see
your reindeers. I will leave sonic
cheerios for you.
Love, Jordan DeBoer.
Dear Santa,
I want a remote- control truck