HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2001-11-21, Page 13The Township of
Ashfield - Colborne - Wawanosh
is seeking
A New Logo
The Council of Ashfield - Colborne - Wawanosh is
interested in seeking a new logo for the newly
amalgamated Township. Those interested must
submit proposals by December 28, 2001 at the
Municipal Office, to the attention of the under-
Mark Becker, AMCT, Clerk-Treasurer
82133 Council Line (corner of Blyth Road (Cty.Rd.25)
R.R.#5 Goderich, Ontario
N7A 3Y2
(519-) 524-4669
Check out The Citizen's
at www.northhuron.on.ca
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4 6.30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
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Report cards will go home on
Monday, November 26th
with information about making appointments 4
for Thursday evening. 4
M. Hern leads United Church worship
At time of reporting Ted Fothergi I
is home again having spent a few
days recently in Clinton Public
Hospital. However his neighbour,
Pat Mason is currently taking a
breather in Seaforth Public Hospital.
Both these gentlemen could use an
encouraging word or two in the com-
ing days.
It seems many folk are taking
advantage of the mild November
weather to get started on their
Christmas decorating. The sights of
the season are showing up every-
where as a reminder to begin plan-
ning, shopping and enjoying the
weeks to come.
To help with your shopping the
Suncoast Mall in Goderich is having
Moonlight Madness this Friday,
Nov. 23. The Blyth Festival Singers
will be there to share the sounds of
the season in their first ever Sing-a-
Thon for your enjoyment.
Familiar carols and other seasonal
songs will lift your spirits. The choir
will harmonize during three 45-
minute sessions beginning at 8 p.m.
They would be pleased to have you
as part of their audience sometime
during the evening.
Busy that night? Consider spon-
soring a Blyth Festival Singer for the
sing-a-thon. A member of the choir
in your area would be grateful to
have you sign his/her pledge sheet.
In the absence of Rev. Paul Ross,
Margaret Hern conducted the morn-
ing service at Londesboro United
Church on Sunday, Nov. 18. Mrs.
Hem is active in both presbytery and
UCW work and her home congrega-
tion is Zion West United Church.
Mrs. Hern's message was titled
Lord, Listen to Your Children
Praying. She related the events of a
week in April 2000 when her 18-
month-old grandson, Cameron, was
poisoned. He drank what he proba-
bly thought was freshie and spent
several days in the pediatric inten-
sive care unit of a London hospital.
The family's prayers brought heal-
ing and they felt the support of the
prayers of their community. A
Christian community shares each
other's sorrows, burdens and rejoic-
ings. Also, they recognize God will
always love and support, she said.
Mrs. Hern encouraged the congre-
gation to seek joy in the little things
of life, in God's creation, and to
share love with family and friends.
Christians are called by God to be
Christ's face, hands and heart in their
The scripture passages were
Matthew 6: 9-13, 26: 38 and 28: 6
and 7.
The pupils at Hullett Central
School raised enough funds through
their recent magazine campaign to
support tournament trips and pro-
grams for the year. Competition
between the classes for the ice-cream
party reward was intense.
At the final tally Mrs. Gilroy's
room had sold I 1 1 subscriptions.
Close behind was Mr. Drennan's
class with 106 subscriptions.
Tomorrow, Nov. 22 being Hullett
Spirit Day, the students will be wear-
ing their Hullett t-shirts and partici-
pating in a number of activities to
increase their school pride.
This week's virtue is responsibility
and the quote comes from Ron
Brown. "My life is an influence on
every life mine touches. Whether I
realize or not I am responsible and
accountable for that influence."
Prayers are like letters, said Ms 1925 as a Methodist Church minis-
Hem, and during the children's time ter. Three weeks later, when the
the boys and girls wrote a letter to United Church of Canada was creat-
God. Each child was asked to sign ed he became a United Church min-
their name or trace a handprint on ister. It seems he is the only surviv-
the letter. Ms Hern shared a number ling minister of the United Church of
of letters from a collection of such. Canada who was ordained prior to
Accompanied by music director union.
Barb Bosman, the choir sang Room
in God's Love for You. Greeting
churchgoers were Bert and Joanne
Lyon. Cheryl Trewartha and Donna
Shaddick received the offering.
The senior youth group will have a
movie night at the Wheelers' on
Thursday, Nov. 22 at 7 p.m. Please
bring snacks.
Practice for the white gift service
will take place during Sunday
School time on Nov. 25.
The mitten tree is up and people
are encouraged to place mittens,
scarves, toques, etc. on it for the
Huron County Christmas Bureau.
There will be a reception in hon-
our of Rev. A. E. Menzies' 100th
birthday on Sunday, Dec. 2. The cel-
ebration will be from 2 - 4 p.m. at
Dufferin Hall in London.
Rev. Menzies was ordained in
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Rev. Menzies ministered to the
congregation of Londesboro, Burns
and Constance from 1938 to 1945.
Those who remember Rev. Menzies
are invited to attend the celebration
and renew acquaintance with Rev.
Menzies and his children, Beecher,
Alexander and Marie.
This year give a gift that will
last all year long
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