HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2001-10-24, Page 18Much thanks The Royal Canadiap Legion Branch 218, Brussels honoured The Citizen with a Dominion media award for their efforts in promoting the work of the Legion. Receiving the award from Cl Zone Commander Wally Smith was editor Bonnie Gropp. Also shown are Legion President Glen Bridge and PRO Jo-Ann McDonald. 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If HE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2001. Brussels Legion marks 70th anniversary Honoured Comrade Forrest (Bush) Whittard received a Peacekeeping medal from C1 Zone Commander Wally Smith at the Brussels Legion Branch 218 70th anniversary celebration on Saturday night. Whittard was in Egypt from July 1961 to July 1962 at Camp Rafah with the 56 Canadian TPT. (Bonnie Gropp photo) By Jo-Ann McDonald when a committee was formed to The Brussels Legion Branch 218 make the plans. Comrades Linda celebrated its 70th anniversary on Bird, Eric Ross, Glenn Bridge, Marg Oct. 20 with a banquet and entertain- Bennett, Keith Mulvey and Andy ment. Overholt met often to plan the The original charter was presented events. to the Branch on Nov.2, 1931. A kickoff Wings Night was held on Meetings were held in members' June 1 that involved the parents and homes and at the town hall. players of the Legion-sponsored The first president of Branch 218 PeeWee hockey team. It was a won- was Fred Birchall. There have been derful evening with a great crowd on 39 Comrades serving as president, hand. with only three of those serving more The celebration on Saturday night than two terms. They include the late began with a social time. The local Comrade Ted Elliott, Comrades Cadet Corp greeted guests at the Glenn Bridge and Comrade Ross doors. A total of 115 signed the guest Bennett. book. The Legion building where it Comrade Charles Proctor piped in stands today was officially opened on the head table. The opening cere- June 12, 1965. monies were conducted by President The Ladies Auxiliary has always Comrade Glenn Bridge, calling on been an integral part of the Branch. the Sergeant-At-Arms Lisa Glanville With the first president being the late and Cadets, Sergeant Dale and Verna Tunney in 1946-47, it has had Master Warrant Officer Cyples to 22 members fill the president's chair. march on the colours (flags). Only Vera Hastings and current Comrade Donald Dunbar accom- President Helen Dobson have held panied at the piano for the singing of the chair -for more than one term. 0 Canada. The auxiliary has always been a The toast to the Queen was done pillar of financial strength and the by Comrade Linda Bird and the toast unsung backbone of Branch 218. We to our fallen Comrades by Comrade congratulate them on their 55th Ross Bennett. Grace was given by anniversary and thank them for their Comrade Padre Richard Golden. contributions. A delicious meal served by The celebration planning for the Tastefully Yours catering followed. 70th anniversary began last January Introductions of head table guests was done by Comrade Eric Ross. They included President Glenn Bridge and wife Jean; Comrade Bob Grey, Zone Commander of Zone Cl and his wife Trinka; Comrade Wally Smith, Dominion Command Chairman and wife Vi, and Deputy District Commander of Zone Cl Comrade Eric Ross and Debbie Trollope. Guest speaker, Comrade Smith, chairs the meetings held by the top executive council of the Royal Canadian Legion of Canada. He served in WWII tbr four years in Sicily, Italy and Holland and was 15 years in the militia. He has been involved with the Legion since. 1945 and has served on his local executive as president, been on zone council, district council, was provincial chair- man, and now is Dominion Chairman. He has served on various Dominion Committees and is a Life Member of Branch 52, Peterborough. He congratulated the Branch and Ladies Auxiliary for their dedication in keeping the Branch going. He stressed the importance of member- ship and expressed concern for young people that may be affected by the tragedy of Sept. 11 in the United States. He expressed his sadness and rec- ollections of the navy boats setting sail from Halifax this past week and his hopes that they all return safely. Comrade Glenn and wife Jean pre- sented Wally and Vi with gifts of appreciation, Barmy Tech canvass bags and a framed picture of the Brussels dam. Congratulatory remarks were made by Comrade Bob Grey, Mayor of Huron East Lin Steffler and Mayor of Morris-Tumberry Keith Johnston. Comrade Keith Mulvey introduced the past president of Branch 218 and the Ladies Auxiliary. There were 10 past Ladies Auxiliary presidents on hand including Helen Dobson, Carol Thornton, Jean Little, Grace Jutzi, Jean Bridge, Genevieve Dellow, Mabel Willis, Doreen Rutledge, Pat• Shaw and Kaye Duncan, the only remaining original charter member. There were eight past presidents in attendance including Glenn Bridge, Linda Bird, Rick McDonald, Eric Ross, Ross Bennett, Eugene James, Herb Travis and Gordon Workman. Two special presentations were made. Comrades Glenn Bridge, Wally Smith and Jo-Ann McDonald were called upon to present the Media Award to The Citizen editor, Bonnie Gropp. The Media Award is a Dominion Award presented to the media for an outstanding job in cov- ering Branch presentations. The Citizen for many years has given Branch 218 every opportunity to keep the Legion in the public view. The second presentation was to Comrade Forrest (Bush) Whittard by Comrades Wally Smith and Bob Grey. Comrade Whittard was pre- sented with the Peacekeeping Medal for his peacekeeping duties per- formed from July 1961 to July 1962 at Camp Rafah, Egypt with the 56 Canadian TPT. He was posted from CFB London to Egypt and then back to CFB London at the end of his tour. Congratulations to Comrade Whittard. Closing ceremonies were conduct- ed and the crowd was then enter- tained by the singing group, Sentimental Journey which per- formed many of the old war songs which delighted everyone.