The Citizen, 2001-09-19, Page 16HURON CHAPEL EVANGELICAL
Auburn - 526-7555
9:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m. -
7:30 p.m.
7:00 - 8:30 p.m. -
7:30 p,m. •
7:30 p.m. •
Family Bible Hour
Morning Worship Service
Evening Worship
Crusaders & Youth
Adult Prayer Meeting
Corner of Dinsley & Mill Street
Sunday Services at 11:00 a.m.
Guest Speaker: Bruce Whitmore
Office: 523-4224
11:00 a.m. - Morning Service
- Sunday School
9:30 a.m. - Belgrave Service
Wheelchair accessible
Nursery care available
Rev. Cathrine Campbell - 887-9831
Joan Golden - Diaconal Student Minister
Church Office 887-6259 E-mail -
September 23rd, 2001
Ethel United Church
9:30 a.m.- Worship Service & Sunday School
Brussels United Church
11:00 a.m. - Worship and Sunday School
September 21, 2001 at 8:00 p.m. there will be an informal time of
prayer. All are invited for a time of reflection and prayers for peace.
Come and worship with us!
Communion - 9:45 - 10:30
Family Bible Hour and Sunday School - 11:00 - 12:00
Prayer & Bible Study - Tuesday 8 p.m.
Adventure Club: Thursdays for 10 consecutive weeks
September 27 to Nov. 29, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Children ages 4 to 12 welcome.
Ladies' Time Out: the last Wednesday of each month
7:30 to 9:00 p.m. beginning Oct, 31.
John 14:6 Jesus said, "I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, no
one comes to the Father, but through Me."
Everyone Welcome
For more information call 887-6665
Welcome/3, volt to. come and wo4/31iip, with 14/3,
Worship September 23 at Trivitt Memorial
Anglican Church, Exeter - 11:00 a.m.
Iteaae u.a (o utacskip, aid, Sunday,
Morning Worship Service - 10 a.m.
Evening Worship Service 7:30 p.m.
"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord!"
— Psalm 150:6
Rev. Adrian A. Van Geest
it\ Hwy. 4, Myth 523-9233
Wheelchair accessible
You are WeCcome at the
9:45 a.m. - Sunday School - for ages 3 to adult
11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship
7:45 p.m. - Evening Worship
Kids' Club - Tuesday - 3:45 - 5 p.m. Ages 6-11 welcome.
Bible Studies - Wednesday morning 10 a.m.
Wednesday evening 7:30 p.m.
Phone 523-4590 308 Blyth Rd., Blyth
From the Minister's Study'
Minister says true power found in God's hope
By Rev. Cathrine Campbell
Melville Brussels
Knox Belgrave
Presbyterian Churches.
Man's inhumanity to man stakes
countless thousands mourn.
The poet Robert Burns said this
over 200 years ago and, sadly. it is
still resonant today.
Last week small children went to
school. The pictures of their tear-
stained and frightened faces are
haunting as they ran the gauntlet of
tormentors who hurled curses and
abuse at them and their parents. They
are little Catholic girls in Ireland who
want just to go to school but adults
have made them a focal point for
hatred and another generation learns
that violence brings results.
In Jerusalem a father pulls the car
up to the school to let his 12-year-old
daughter out when a suicide bomber's
bomb goes off. Twenty people are
injured and the bomber is killed. Such
is the way of life in Jerusalem these
days that we are told "My car was
splattered with pieces of flesh and
blood. My daughter was also covered
with bits of flesh and blood" (the
father) said. "We saw the head of the
suicide bomber rolling into the court-
Police quickly covered the head
with an upended garbage can, but not
before some of the children saw it.
Classes went ahead despite the bomb-
ing and the Jerusalem municipality
offered psychologists to talk to the
children." (Toronto Star Sept. 5,
Life goes on in Israel and Palestine
and by Sunday we have five more
Israelis dead and three Palestinians
killed in a day of bombings shootings
and air strikes - violence begets vio-
In Washington two I I-year-olds are
going on a special trip. Asia Cotton
and Rodney Dickens board an air-
plane, as do the Fallkenberg family
with Zoe, aged eight and Dana aged
three heading , for Los Angeles.
Madmen take control of the plane
which slams into the Pentagon. They
are killed as are hundreds on the
ground and many more injured. In
Boston Christine Hansen and David
Brandhorst, both aged three, board a
plane to California too. They, too,
face madness as the same story is
repeated with two flights that are
hurled into the buildings at the World
Trade Centre in New York.
Violence - senseless violence
enters our homes as we watch our TV
surrealistic scenes which are, painful-
ly, all too real.
In must confess that I had to over-
come a feeling that this was just
another Arnold Schwartzenegger film
- things like that don't happen in real
life. But it does and soon we are to
learn that firefighters and police who
have rushed to the World Trade
Centre to help are themselves vic-
Violence, unimaginable, but real,
touches us all.
And we hurt - we hurt for those
who have had friends and family
killed, we hurt for a country that has
never experienced, in nearly 200
years, aggression on its mainland, and
we hurt that there are those who are
so lost in their fanatical world view
that they have no use for their fellow
What a contrast to Jesus Christ who
cares for all, Jesus says, to the Man of
Decapolis, who is possessed by
demons - "What is your name?"
My name is Legion, he replied, "for
we are many". The demon possessed
and the demons are many.
We know the demons are many,
ignOrance, greed, intoleranCe, fanati-
cism, hatred, lying cheating - the list
is long and the demons are strong and
they are poisonous. Our world seems
to be much like that man possessed
for we too have many demons that
have only one end in sight - death
and destruction. And often this week,
we have felt that they are so many
and there is so little hope.
But here is the Good News - there
is hope and there is healing. Jesus, in
the Gospel story, is in an alien place -
gentile territory - and, if we had a
Son of a lesser God he would have
bowed to what was happening. The
folks there were used to the situation
- they were trying to contain the
demons but success was riot long last-
ing. Soon it would be "Well we tried
but it is hopeless."
And here is where the tertorists, the
demons thrive, destroying in an
atmosphere of "What is the use" -
destroying hope and destroying
humanity. And this is all they can do
for what they have to offer is so bad,
so antithetical to life, that the only
way they can make their way happen
is through fear.
Look at bin Laden, who may, or
may not, be the mastermind of those
atrocities of Tuesday. Regardless, he
has a way of life that he thinks all
should follow. This is what he feels is
good, and serves his god, (not the
God of Islam). Bin Laden wants a
world run by dictatorships, with no
education, the complete subjugation
of women, no arts, no literature, no
tolerance, no beauty and definitely
not a caring and creating God. Is there
any wonder why he has to use force?
In common with all megalomani-
acs, he has found the only way you
can have people embrace your sterile
Noted author to
Despite the difficulties occurring
in the United ,States, noted author,
minister and teacher Liberty Savard
from Sacramento, California will
still be arriving this week in Blyth to
lead a three-day seminar, as sched-
The event, hosted by the Blyth
Community Church of God and The
Gift Chest in Wingham, is for
Christian people who want to learn
more about praying effectively and
how to deal with issues in life that
test them.
Jackie Cook, wife of the church's
pastor, said that Savard is a "power-
ful speaker, who is fun and interest-
ing to listen to."
"She makes prayer do-able," said
way of life is through terror.
All of his flies in the face of a lov-
ing God, who cries with us when his
people are destroyed, who wants free-
dom, hope, love, growth, for his peo-
ple and a healthy planet to give our
Because of God's desires for us we
don't have to be fearful, for we have
a Saviour that even in an alien place
is still supreme - he brings hope
where there was none and healing to
the hopeless.
And ours is an active God. No one
asked Jesus to heal the demon-pos-
sessed man Jesus took the initiative
and exercises his power in total free-
This is true power - there is no
need for guns or armaments.
We do not want fear - we want
peace and healing and we want
growth. We want to live in harmony
with our neighbours - and we know it
is possible - for we have the Guide.
Our prayers are answered, our tears
are dried and our hope is restored by
a Jesus who is so wise.
And our healing starts humbly, in
our homes as the Apostle tells us.
When we shoW our children that vio-
lence is not acceptable; that honesty
and integrity are the very fabric of our
lives and always the way to be fol-
lowed and that tyranny, no matter
what its form, is not to be accepted
with resignation but resisted and
We do not want an unhealthy home,
country or planet and so we will find
that we, who keep Christ close to our
hearts, will continue to strive for
peace and in that do what our Lord
lead seminar
Cook. "Her teaching helps you to let
go of the things that are holding you
back, keeping you from being every-
thing you're destined to be."
It focusses, she said, on unmet.
needs, unhealed hurts and unre-
solved issues.
Savard is an ordained minister who
has served as s singles pastor, associ-
ate pastor and Bible teacher. She is a
senior editor for Bridge-Logos pub-
lishing of New Jersey. •
Her seminar in Blyth Memorial
Hall begins Friday, Sept. 21 at 7 p.m.
and winds up on Sunday. Admission
is $30, plus a freewill offering to
Savard Ministries.
For tickets call the Box Office at
commands: "Love one another". We
must and we shall, and in that is hope
and healing.
Discover the Keys to
the Kingdom
Celebrated author of
Shattering Your Strongholds
Blyth Memorial Hall
Friday, September 21, 7 p.m.
through to
Sunday, September 23
Admission $30 for the
whole weekend
plus Free Will Offering
to Savard Ministries
Sponsored by Myth Community Church of
God and The Gift Chest in Wingham
Limited Seating Available
For Tickets Call:
Blyth Festival Box Office
Group Rates Available
8 3
8 ihN 1 Living Water G
I Cftritstivat 3
sd,Christ centred, Bible-believing. I ri - Fellowship-friendly.
8 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School im
for all ages,
10:30 a.m. - Worship
at Blyth Public School, 3
8 corner of King & Mill p Pastor: Ernest Dow
523-4848 3