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New District
The inaugural meeting for Huron-Perth District #23 of the Rebekahs was held in Clinton on
Aug. 29. Displaying the new banner for the organization were, from left: Jean Dawson of
Stratford, past secretary-treasurer, Stratford #29; Lillian Jones of Stratford, past District
Deputy President, Stratford #29; Bonnie Upshall of Hensall, secretary-treasurer, Huron-Perth
#23; Joyce Chilton of Bayfield, District Deputy President, Huron-Perth #23; Elva Brown of
Walton, past District Deputy President, Huron #23; Rene Richmond of Brussels, past District
secretary-treasurer, Huron #23. (Photo submitted)
Lodges join to form-District #23
Story Hour/Little Lambs
Fun, Discovery, and Bible-Centered Learning!
• Story Hour: ages 4-6
• Little Lambs: ages 2 & 3
Blyth Christian Reformed Church
Wednesdays 9:45 a.m. - 11:40 a.m.
beginning Sept. 19
Please arrive early the first morning to register your children
For more information call Anita Boven 523-9492
— .1111:r
Coffee Break 6,0
.°4 A Community Bible Study ateph
• Share questions and concerns
• Enjoy friendship and refreshments `117
• No previous Bible knowledge necessary
Blyth United Church
Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
beginning Sept. 19
Nursery & Children's programs available at
Christian Reformed Church
Cali Susan Buffinga at 523-9216 for more information
Evening program
at Femmy VanAmersfoort's home
Wednesdays 7:30 p.m. - 9:00- p.m.
Please call Femmy 523-9457 if you are interested in
the evening program
Dry time,
of reading
Helen Craig, Margery Huether and
Betty McCall were in charge of the
WUCC meeting last Wednesday
night. Their theme was called The
Dry Time in which Marg did a read-
The topic was, Children ... is any-
body listening. Helen read about this
from the magazine, Mandate. Then
Betty challenged the ladies by pre-
senting them with a Bible arithmetic
It was fair to say that the ladies
weren't too good with their numbers
but all were treated to some candy. A
delicious lunch was served after the
On behalf of the Walton commu-
nity, I would like to extend our con-
dolences to Marlene Britton and her
friend Harold Wright, upon the
death of her son, Jeff Britton.
Congratulations and good luck go
to two people in Walton who have
started their new businesses. Paul
Ryan, who has been a mechanic for
20 years, and who has worked for
Radford's for some time has decided
to add to the family business by
opening a shop called Ryan
Enterprises and Truck Repair. No
only will he be busy helping to keep
his dad Gerry's four trucks" (or so) in
repair he will now be open to any-
one in need of their truck being
fixed. Good luck, Paul.
Then we have Trevor Sutcliffe
who came from England to
Egmondville to Walton and opened
up his new shop called TS
Fabrication (formerly L & H
Resources) welding, manufacturing
and general repair. It's been
rumoured that they can make and
design anything.
greet at Duff's
Linda and Jim McDonald were
greeters at Duff's United Church on
Sept. 9, a Recovenanting Sunday.
The service began with the wel-
come and the announcements. All
women are invited to attend
Women's Experience, a presentation
and discussion at Grey Central
Public School on Sept. 19 at 7:30
p.m. There will be a video called, A
Jury of her Peers. There -Will be
refreshments served as well.
Donations of non-perishable food
and other items to go to the
Women's Shelter in Goderich will
be appreciated.
Just a reminder that there will be
no church service in Walton next
week but one in Bluevale beginning
at 11 a.m.
Church school will begin in
Walton on Sept. 23.
Brian Black shared his gift of
music with the congregation by
singing, Living in the Light.
A dramatic presentation was per-
formed by Brandon McGavin and
Joan Tuchlinsky.
Following a recovenanting Litany,
where the congregation renewed
their baptismal promises to help
each other grow in faith„to continue
to offer their talents, time and pos-
sessions, to offer God, their gifts of
ministry, Heidi McClure and Patty
Banks were called to the front of the
church. Patty Banks was presented
with a beautiful plate called, Gently
Giving, from the Sunday School for
her years as Sunday School
Superintendent. Shelley McGavin
will now take over that position.
Well folks give them a call and let
me know if that is a fact.
Congratulations Trevor and good
Calling all quilters! Anyone inter-
ested in quilting can get involved
Monday, Sept. 24 at Duff's United
Church to work on a quilt started in
1902. If interested call Karen Hoegy
or Marion Godkin.
Following the church service at
Duff's United Church on Sept. 23,
there will be muffins and coffee
served. Actually the coffee will be
supplied by Maxwell House and all
proceeds will be going to the
Alzheimer's Society.
If you missed it in June you have
a chance again to see the musical,
The Rock Slinger and his Greatest
Hit! The musical was so popular
that the cast was invited to perform
again at the Mennonite Church in
Brussels on Sept. 22. For more
information call B.J. DeJong at the
Walton Store.
An appreciation afternoon was
held recently at the home of Brian
Black; for those who assisted in the
background in that musical:
Everyone was entertained on the
manse veranda until weather condi-
tions forced them all inside to con-
verse and watch the Rock Slinger
video that was made by Neil
Following this, a delicious smor-
gasbord dinner was served and
everyone enjoyed a relaxing after-
The Huron and Perth District of
Rebekahs (Independent Order of
Oddfellows) joined to form District
With the change, the lodges from
Clinton, Brussels, Stratford, St.
Marys, Exeter and Listowel are all
These lodgeS are under the juris-
diction of Ontario, for which Sister
Molly James of Peterborough is the
Sister Joyce Chilton of Bayfield
is the newly elected District Deputy
President and Sister Bonnie Upshall
of Hensall is the new secretary-
These positions are for the year
2001-2001, ending in May of 2002.
Along with the new union comes a
change in the year end.
Sister Chilton conducted the
inaugural, meeting at the Clinton
Lodge Hall on Aug. 29. Nearly 40
sisters from the various lodges (with
one exception) answered the roll
call. •
Sister Chilton received her collar
from the Past District Deputy
Presidents, Sister Elva Brown of
Walton and Sister Lillian Jones of
Stratford. Sister Chilton, in turn,
pinned Sisters Brown and Jones with
their Past Deputy District President
Sister Jean Dawson of Stratford
and Sister Rene Richmond of
Brussels became Past Secretary
Sister Mary Fisher of Exeter was
the lucky door prize winner. She
won a crystal candle holder.
A moment of silence was
observed in memory of recently
deceased sisters.
Sister Bea Bowman, Noble
Grand, and her helpers provided a
refreshing tea and punch with cake
to close the afternoon.
All the lodges in District 23 will
be launching their tall meetings
early in September for the ensuing
Should anyone be interested in
hearing more about this benevolent
society, they are invited to contact
any member of a local lodge, or
Joyce Chilton at 519-565-2165.
The men's organization, the
Oddfellows, is now accepting the
women into their organization, as
the women do for the men.
Eat healthy ici\ ;07, ))
Play often vek
repeat regularly
Regular physical activity and,
healthy eating reduces the
risks associated with
being overweight.
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