HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2001-08-15, Page 7The Campbell Reunion was held days at a cottage near Orillia and vis- ited with John and Gayle Galbraith, Kelly Galbraith and Mike and Dianne Galbraith. The community of friends and neighbours extends sincere sympa- thy to Kathy, James and Kenneth McCracken in the sudden deaths of a loving and caring husband and father John, and loving and caring son and brother Mark. May it help them in some way to know that others share the sorrow in their hearts. Chester and Marilyn Thompson of Goderich and Ruth Johnston of Belgrave have returned home after a two-week holiday in Vancouver vis- iting with Danny Thompson, Brae and Cole. Laura Johnston spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston and family in Ilderton. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Grasby were guesets at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Gary Leitch and Jeff in London. On Sunday all attended a surprise 75th birthday party for Laura Johnston at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston. Relatives attended from Blyth, Toronto, Auburn, St. Catharines, Exeter and London. A smorgasbord was served and all enjoyed a social time together. Special birthday greetings are also extended from the community of friends and neighbours. Sharing the harvest Todd MacDonald (centre) of the Blyth arena is presented with a cheque for $25,000 by Edgar Daer (left) and Stephen Tiffin of the Huron Pioneer Thresher Reunion. (Mark Nonkes photo) IVES INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. Visit us a : WWWWESINSLIFIANCE.COM "All Classes of Insurance" DOUG GOUGH, Broker 184 Dinsley St. W., Blyth Tel.: (519) 523-9655 Fax: (519) 523-9793 ,6 PM,T9 s www. sparing& corn Thank you! rikanh you to the mexchatdA and teisidentA Bette tot the futivitafity, eixtended to oue% 1,50C gueAtA at c.wt annitteacual &feint:Won ait Satwtdati. 5Art manti, it coca thebt Poi obit owt (Wage and we appreciate gam effo,th, to pte/sent in the marmot it 6.0, tightly deAexue/3,. RELIABLE ENERGY SINCE 1951 A message from The War Amps For more information about the PLAYSAFE Program, call: 1-800-250-3030 http://www.waramps.ca THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 2001. PAGE 7. on Sunday, July 29 at the Belgrave Ball Park Pavilion. Sixty people attended from London, Strathroy, Thunder Bay, St. Catharines, Kincardine, Brussels, Wingham and Belgrave area. Games and contests were provided by the hosting Cloakey Some enjoyed playing ball despite the hot weather. A potluck smorgas- bord was enjoyed. Clare and Gladys Van Camp of Brussels and Lorne and Lillian Campbell spent a few Community mourns The Belgrave community was ankle. The investigation is continues. heartbroken after a deadly crash in with charges pending, police said. Indiana stole the lives of John On Tuesday, Aug. 7 the Wingham McCracken, 47, and his 12-year-old United Church was filled to capacity son Mark McCracken. as the community came together to The father and son died on Friday, mourn the McCrackens. Rev. Ethel Aug. 3 in Steuben County, Indiana. Miner Clare of Knox United Church According to a report from the sher- in Belgrave conducted the double iff's office, the transport truck had funeral, the first in the area in many been travelling northbound on years. Highway 1-69 at around 4 a.m.when John McCracken had been it was hit by a pick-up truck. employed at Woodstock Brothers A spokesperson for the sherriff's Transport from Sebringville. office says the 28-year-old driver of Mark would have been entering the pick-up went through a T-inter- Grade 8 at East Wawanosh Public section, then a fence, a guardrail and School in September and was a mem- then a ditch, hitting the truck as it ber of the Wingham PeeWees. travelled on the highway. Left to mourn their passing is Both McCracken were pinned in John's wife and Mark's mother, the cab and pronounced dead when Kathy (Fines) McCracken along with police arrived on the scene. The driv- brothers and sons, James and er of the pick-up suffered a broken Kenneth, all of Belgrave. Nutrient management on M-T agenda Nutrient management was on the draft a model bylaw has been estab- agenda of the Morris/Turnberry lished. council again when they met on Aug. It was eventually decided that Ellis 7. would double check the figures and Gerry Bowler, CA, made a presen- the matter would be discussed at the tation on behalf of Jeff and Terry next public works committee meet- Curran in support of their request for ing. an exception to the 50 per-cent own- *** ership of land requirement in the cur- As there were no objections a zon- rent bylaw. The Currans wish to erect ing amendment was approved, in a 2000 head swine feeder barn on Lot Turnberry Ward, for Anita Harding 16,17 Conc. 12 of Turnberry and Lawrence Colquhoun. A zoning ward. amendment for Murray Wayne Fear The Currans also questioned the was deferred for clarification. differences between the calculations used in the current nutrient manage- Accounts in the amount of ment by-law and those established $453,628.48 were approved for pay- by OMAFRA, which are more ment. This amount included lenient. $30,389.30 for restructuring. Tom Fritz, the contractor for the *** proposed facility explained that the Council approved the purchase a type of barn to be built actually New Holland TS100 tractor and 960 reduced the manure by 30-40 per- Alo loader from Reavie Farm cent and that the odour is greatly Equipment at a price of $42,318.85. reduced. *** Ralph Watson asked if the man- Nancy Michie was formally agement plans are open for adjust- appointed clerk/treasurer as well as ment and Byron Ellis, chief building division registrar and marriage official said they were not. Jennifer licence issuer. Kimberley Johnston Ball of the County of Huron Planning was appointed as deputy division Department, advised those in atten- registrar and deputy marriage licence dance that a county committee to issuer. NH share $75,000 over 3 years Continued from page 1 gested that local councils could $75,000 from North Huron, spread work together to come up with some over three years. Reeve Doug funding for the project. Morris- Layton agreed it certainly is a worth- Turnberry and Howick were' sug- while program and something the gested, as were Lucknow and municipality should support. Teeswater, whose physicians prac- When asked if General Electric tise out of the Wingham hospital to has guaranteed a price of $1.2 mil- bring in the entire catchment area. lion for the new scanner, council was Councillor Arnold Taylor said he assured that is the price. believes some pressure should he Councillor Arnold Taylor asked if maintained on the provincial gov- the committee is going to other com- emment as well to revisit its stance munities whose patients have been on funding and a need to cut down referred to the Walkerton site. He on waiting lists for diagnostic test- was assured they would be. In fact, ing. they were scheduled to address a "We're paying for health care council meeting at Listowel the fol- through our taxes and now we're lowing evening. being asked to raise taxes (to con- After the delegation left, council tribute toward the CT scanner)...I .dealt with some other items of busi- have a bit of concern with that," Hess before returning to the Taylor said. Walkerton request. In the end, council authorized Councillor Archie MacGowan Clerk-Administrator John Stewart to said he too believes it is a worthy send a letter to neighbouring munic- cause, but suggested that council sit ipalities and to the board of gover- down with Donna White, head of nors at Wingham and District finance, and "take a look at the next Hospital requesting their financial five years". support toward the CT scanner for Councillor Murray Nesbitt sug- Walkerton. ***