HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2001-07-18, Page 20Portrait posing
Artist Shelley Niro stands in front of a series of self portraits
when the Blyth Festival art gallery opened the season's sec-
ond show on Friday, July 13. Niro is one of several artists in
the Links to a Tradition show that features contempary first
nations art work from the Woodland Cultural Centre in
Brantford. (Mark Nonkes photo)
Blyth Festival seeks
stories of second love
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Blyth man's action saves life
Finding the perfect lover once in a
lifetime is challenging enough, but
some very fortunate people hit a
romantic jackpot and fall head-over-
heels in love a second time.
To celebrate the Blyth Festival's
funny and warm comedy The
Passion of Naricsse Mondoux,
they're inviting entries for a contest
called Second Time Lovers. They
want stories of older people who can
prove that fervent romance isn't
cooled by a little grey hair. As the
The Huron County Health Unit is
warning residents to not use products
containing the herb Ephedra.
Products with Ephedra or ephedrine
are frequently used for weight loss,
body building or increased energy.
Ephedra or ephedrine causes serious,
possibly fata effects in the body
When combined with caffeine and
other stimulants.
"Ephedra/stimulant combinations
are imported to Canada for personal
use or sold in fitness centres and
health food stores where they are
marketed as diet aids or energy
boosters," explains Dr. Beth
Henning, Huron County Health Unit
Medical Officer of Health. "Sources
of ephedrine to watch out for include
ma huang, Chinese Ephedra, ma
ardent master plumber puts it, "An
old barn can catch fire faster than a
new one."
So write your love story and send
it to the Blyth Festival. The winner
will be treated to a performance of
The Passion of Narcisse Mondoux
and a romantic candlelit dinner at the
Blyth Festival Café.
Fax, mail, or e-mail your entries to
the Blyth Festival with the title
Second-time Lovers before Aug. 4 to
be eligibk to win.
huang extract, Ephedra, Ephedra
Sinica, Ephedra extract, Ephedra
herb powder, Sida Cordifolia and
epitonin. Look for these ingredients
in herbal products you are consider-
ing purchasing."
Health Canada warns that the ,
harmful effects of Ephedra or
ephedrine include dizziness,
tremors, headaches, irregularities in
heart rate, seizures, psychosis, heart
attacks and stroke.
"Residents who have been using
these products should stop taking
them immediately," said Dr.
Henning. "Anyone experiencing side
effects should talk with their doctor."
For more information contact
Kayla Glynn, Huron County Health
Unit Nutritionist at 482-3416.
By Mark Nonkes
Citizen staff
When Blyth-area resident Hebo
Siertsema saw a child floating in the
water at Family Paradise, a few
weeks ago, he quickly grabbed the
three year old and pulled him out.
Siertsema was on the dock of
Family Paradise's pond, near
Walton, watching his grandchildren
who were canoeing on the water.
Also near the water was a three-
year-old boy, his mother and another
friend. Siertsema said the mother
must of not been looking when the
Continued from page 1
MacGowan echoed Reeve Doug
Layton's viewpoint that muzzling is
one step to addressing the problem,
but much more is needed, he added,
With the warm weather here, many
families are happy to have a wading
pool that their children can play in.
Bacteria including E.coli, can
grow in kiddie pools and cause infec-
tions if you are not careful warns the
Huron County Health Unit. These
infections most often cause stomach
pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.
"We know that cnildren love to run
in and out of the pool; we also know
that small children often drink the
pool water" said Laura Farrell,
Huron County Health Unit public
health inspector. "This could be a
problem, especially if the children
are running into a barn or through a
pasture area. E.coli can be brought
into the pool on the children's feet
and will grow in the warm water."
These steps will help to reduce the
risk of your children getting an infec-
tion from the water ,in their kiddie
• Place the pool as far away from
the barn or any pasture areas as pos-
sible. Even if the livestock are no
longer there, it is best to _avoid the
• Place a tablespoon of bleach in the
boy went underwater.
"It was a matter of a couple of
minutes it all happened," Siertsema
It wasn't until the mother
screamed that Siertsema instinctive-
ly knew something was wrong. He
started moving the boats attached to
the dock, then saw the child.
The child was about a foot and a
half below the surface, facing
upright, Siertsema said.
Siertsema quickly grabbed the
child and put him on dry ground.
The child was tipped upright and
some water came out of him,
water each time you put fresh, safe
water into the pool;
• Dump the water from the kiddie
pool at least every two hours, or
more frequently if there are a num-
ber of children in the pool;
Siertsema said.
Two nurses who were nearby came
to the aid of the boy and started per-
forming CPR. The boy started
breathing again, coughing up water.
"We were just lucky," said
Siertsema, a man in his 60s.
The ambulance and local firefight-
ers were quick to arrive at the scene
and transported the child to Seaforth
Public Hospital.
"It was quite an experience,"
Siertsema said.
The child was examined, treated
and released with a good bill of
• If you are on a private well, test
your water four times a year to
make sure that it is safe;
• Do not let children who have diar-
rhea or are vomiting play in the
pool. .
Health unit warns
about herbal diet
Park usage concerns council
Continued from page .3 vised. Stewart said, however, that came forward to use it."
usage. "Skateboards in other places many parks are now unsupervised Councillors also expressed mild
were used the first year, then less the because they were getting so little frustration over the fact that they
second," he said, adding that he use that it made more fiscal sense to have yet to see the bylaws or site
wondered if council wanted to invest pay higher premiums than some- plans as requested when the group
money into something that wouldn't one's wage to sit there when they attended a council meeting last
be used that much. weren't being used. month.
Councillor Murray Nesbitt men- Councillor Jeff Howson said that Stewart will report to council
tioned liability again and his view there was a plan to make the arena about the Tuesday night meeting to
that the only way to be covered available recently fOr their use, but help them proceed to a solution if
would be to have the park super- "to the best of my knowledge no one possible.
Muzzles will be law for pitbulls
saying that council should do all it not prepared to wait for some five-
could. He expressed his concern year-old to get mauled to death."
about liability. "The municipality Councillor Arnold Taylor agreed.
gets named no matter what and if it "If we can't get rid of them then I
comes to a lawsuit you want to have think they should be muzzled."
done whatever's reasonable. I am
Prevent infection in wading pools