HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2001-07-11, Page 17PEOPLE AROUND CRANBROOK By Peter Hagedoorn Call 887-6935 Graduation Congratulations Darrell Uhler on your graduation from the University of Waterloo. On June 14, 2001 Darrell received his Honours B.A. in Political Science. He is continuing his studies at the University of Windsor. We are proud of your accomplishments! Mom, Dad, Ann and Tim ALLAN FRETZ WELDING & REPAIR Tel: (519) 887-9707 Fax: (519) 887-9163 'Custom Built Loaders ' Tractor Attachments ' Buckets Bucket cutting edge replacement ' Bucket quick fit plates Stone or Manure Forks • Pallet Forks Lawn Sprayers Snow or Silage Blades (plastic) RR #3 Brussels Products also available at Radford Auto & McGavin Farm Equipment Ltd. INSTANT FAX AS F.A.S.T AS A PHONE Send your paperwork by FAX instantly! eg. statements, contracts, auction ads, favorite recipes, obituaries, messages... The Citizen has a FAX machine in our office that lets you contact any other FAX machine in the world...instantly. Our FAX number is also your number so if you want to be reached instantly — we will receive your messages as well. Call Us Today For Details 523-4792 or 887-9114 FAX 523-9140 or 887-9021 The Citizen Kara Pepper, RMT Registered Massage Therapist Contact: Seaforth Chiropractic Centre 527-1242 The Qhm Natural Health Centre 357-4328 for an appointment DONALD IVES General Contractor Berg Farm Equipment BRUSSELS 887-9024 SCOTT TOWNSEND PLUMBING & HEATING • FURNACE • CENTRAL AIR • FIREPLACES • GAS WATER HEATERS • IN-FLOOR HEAT • BOILERS Sowing yam a'tea (519) 482-3744 D & J CONSTRUCTION Jim McDonald 887-9607 • General Carpentry • Roofing • New Buildings & Renovations •G(519)887-9771 BRUSSELS, ON PRESSURE WASHING " Ty • RESIDENTIAL • FARM • COMMERCIAL • Hot/Cold Water • Disinfecting • Chemical/Detergent Application 411 WILLARD J. ROPP Bluevale, ON NOG 1GO 519-887-9771 4 1 THE RURAL VOICE MAGAZINE GENERAL J. Richard Elliott (519) 523-9725 Don't Delay - Subscribe Today The Rural Voice Produced by people with farming 11 their blood. Serving more than 13,500 readers in the region. One year for $17.12: two years for $28.35 (GST included in prices above) The Rural Voire Box 429, Blyth, Ont. NOM 1 HO 519-523-4311 LIFE R. John Elliott (519) 523-4323 ELLIOTT INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES ESTABLISHED 1910 BLYTH, ONTARIO NOM 1HO 519-523-4481 Livestock Mortality Insurance THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 2001. PAGE 17. By Lindsay Kulas Wingham Advance-Times The municipal council of Morris- Turnberry met at the Turnberry office in Bluevale, Tuesday, June 26, for its meeting. Council heard from Bluevale resi- dent Terry Matz that he has found a solution to his water problem. Matz explained to council that after digging up the property sur- rounding the his home and the near- by Turnberry office, with the assis- tance of Public Works Co-ordinator Lloyd Michie, they found that the Turnberry office's septic tank will not interfere with Matz digging a well on his property. Matz informed Tolton's Motors that plans are in motion and he would have independent water short- ly, as Davidson Well Drilling is dig- ging his well sometime this week. Council agreed to allow activity on the edge of their property during the digging of the well, as long as Matz would take the responsibility of renewing it to its original appear- ance. PRELIMINARY BUDGET The proposed 2001 budget with updated changes was reviewed, with comparisons of four, five and six per cent increases. If anyone in Cranbrook was dis- turbed last week by noises of explo- sions these were not reverberations of a coming war. Bruce and Kelly Barlow, at present living in Brussels, told me that they and their four children are going to occupy the farm on Cranbrook Road, east of Cranbrook. They had the two silos on the property dynamited and they are building an addition to the house. The community here welcomes them The council members were polled which of the increases they favoured: one said four per cent; two said five and two, six per cent. Treasurer Nancy Michie was instructed to place a five per cent increase for the tax rate. She also was directed -to put all the expenses together for Morris and Turnberry and divide the costs accordingly. COMPLAINTS A property standards complaint has been made concerning a proper- ty in Belgrave. The complaint had been made earlier this year, with the resident complying to remove the vehicles off of the property. However, when Chief Building Official, Byron Ellis visited the property he learned that the owner of the property was an elderly gentle- man who had been a patient at the hospital and had not been able to fin- ish cleaning the yard. Ellis suggested he obtain some help in cleaning the property. Another complaint was made about grass being too long. Ellis inspected the property to find that there were no noxious weeds. Ellis also talked to the owner's son who explained that his lawn mower was currently not working. The property in question is an empty lot in and one could say they have arrived with a bang!!! The garage and yard sale day for Cranbrook has been set for Saturday, Aug. 18, from 8 a.m., to p.m. Tables can be rented from the Cranbrook Hall if necessary. The event will be advertised closer to the date and participants are asked for a donation of $2 to defray the cost of the advertising. Jack and Judy Jeswiet from between the two houses. Council concluded that they would enforce a bylaw to limit the length of grass. Motion #422/01, that exces- sive growth of grass in the urban areas must be cut by the end of June and end of August to look neat and tidy passed. -911 Members of the council held dis- cussion concerning 911 signs. It seems that a recent incident has shown that not all 911 numbers com- ply with each other. While the municipality and the county have the same numbers, the numbers that Bell has are not always accurate. To ensure that there are no future problems counciL is looking fdr a way to compare all numbers for accuracy. TENDER ACCEPTED Michie reported to council that he had asked for quotes from Dobbyn's Plumbing and Heating, Mitch Braun and Ted Moran to complete pressure systems for the Bluevale Hall and the Turnberry Municipal Office. Dobbyn was the only tender received with a quote of $3,531 plus GST to supply and install the system to the hall and a price of $2, 075 plus GST for the office. Council accepted the quote from Brian Dobbyn for one pressure sys- Kingston visited Peter Hagedoorn. They arrived to an unoccupied house except for two Burmese mountain dogs who were temporarily without a master. The guests were told by neighbours who watched the house that Peter Hagedoom was in Toronto babysitting the millennium twins. So they called Toronto and the mas- ter had to rush back to receive his guests. It did not prevent them from doing tern for the municipal office in Bluevale at the price of $2, 075. M-T hears from Wescast reps A delegation from Wescast made a presentation about the recently built community complex in Wingham. The group was not satisfied with the way the centre looks and asked coun- cil if there is any more money avail- able. The group wanted the council to commit $300,000 this year towards paving and landscaping. The council has already committed $100,000 to the complex. The group said that since taxpayers who work at Wescast pay taxes in the ward the ward should contribute more money. Council will ask the county and the Twp. of North Huron what they are planning to do. Council is also seek- ing an audited report on the amount of dollars spent, where the money went and the projected expenditures. In other council happenings, a con- tract was signed for the Brussels ward to use the Morris-Turnberry landfill. The cost of $40 dollars a tonne will be effective Sept. I. the tours of Goderich and St. Jacobs, Listowel and Brussels and of course Cranbrook. They loved the area and decided the Maitland River was everywhere! Next time the master will do his best to be home to receive guests! Thank you to the watchful neigh- bours! Check out The Citizen's WEBSITE at www.northhuron.on.ca Morris-Turnberry council briefs Resident finds solution to water issue Business Directory 1110 1DStirYker CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL 'AGRICULTURAL Complimentary Estimates, Drawings and Consultation Over 25 years experience - Licensed Carpenter EVERT STRYKER RR #4 Brussels (519) 887-9291 (- VANDRIEL EXCAVATING INC. EXCAVATING • BULLDOZING BACKHOEING-SEPTIC SYSTEMS FARM DRAINAGE • PONDS • TOPSOIL • SAND • GRAVEL C.linton 482-3783} , Jacquie Gowing AccOunting Services Computerized Accounting & Income Tax Preparation Personal, Farm, Business & Corporate • Monthly Bookkeeping Services • Electronic Tax Filing 887-9248 . holdwe INSURANCE LTD. "Locally owned & operated" P.O. Box 69 470 Turnberry Street Brussels, ON NOG I HO L (519) 887-6100 Fax: (519) 887-6109 e-mail: sholdice@wdon.ca.)