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Everyone particularly enjoyed Mary's recital of The Little Green Frog which- she remembered from primary school. The lucky draw donated by Geraldine Dale was won by Gloria McEwing. The remainder of the afternoon was spent playing cards. The next meeting will be held at Audrey Thompson's home on July 18. There will be a community bridal shower for Lindsey Salverda, July 6 at 7:30 p.m. at the Kinbum Hall. Another of our native sons has returned to Londesboro to again be a part of our community. On Saturday, June 16 Drew Allen, wife Liz (nee Brandon) and one-year-old Damon took up residence in that new house on Anthony's Lane, the progress of which we've all be watching for sev- eral weeks. Drew is an owner/opera- tor who drives transport for Rowcliffe Trucking out of Hensall. Liz works for the Bank of Montreal in Goderich. Welcome to all three of you. Hullett holds play day By Terry Radford Grade 7 On Friday, June 15 Hullett Central Public School held its annual play day. It was hot that day but it fit the occasion as there was lots of water. The Grade 8s were at the three- pitch tournament, so the Grade 7 class ran the events which they had sat up with a partner. There were 10 events such as tag, a sandcastle building competition and an obstacle course: The Grade 6 students were the leaders of the 20 groups. They had the responsibility of getting their team on to the next event. Children from kindergarten to Grade 5 were split up evenly within the groups. Continued on page 22 The ladies of the Londesboro UCW and several guests held their June 18 meeting enjoying nature and a beautiful sunset around a campfire at the cottage of President Joan Whyte. Reta Kelland and Liz Lawson con- ducted a worship service with hymns and scripture in keeping with the natural setting. In a -reading titled No Bees, a woman who did not wish to risk being stung by bees planted nothing in her garden which would attract them. Just as bees are the pol- linators for beauty in a garden, hard- ships are the pollinators of beauty in our lives. One must tend the garden of life by accepting the occasional sting of hard times. Mary Peel and Joan Whyte pre- sented Reta Kelland with a UCW life membership pin. Reta was nom- inated for the honour by the Londesboro group as a woman of the United Church who has expressed her loyalty to Jesus Christ by her devoted service and the sharing of her talents/gifts. Currently Reta serves as treasurer for the Londesboro UCW and over the years has willingly volunteered whenever help was needed. Jane Hoggart and her dog, Rambo, gave a presentation about St. John Ambulance therapy dogs. Rambo has been working in this capacity for five years. While taking obedience classes, Jane and Rambo went to a nursing home as part of the training. Jane recognized the benefit of pet visita- tions on the emotional well-being of the residents. Consequently Rambo, certified in London, was the first therapy dog in the Goderich office. Now there are 30 dogs and their owners working in Huron County visiting hospitals, institutions, schools, etc. It was obvious that night how committed to each other Jane and Rambo are and how well suited they are to this vol- unteer service. Cheryl Trewartha, who recently attended Westminster Weekend, gave an interesting report on the experience. Cheryl spoke of the Penfounds greet at United Greeting at Londesboro United Church on the third Sunday of Pentecost were Dennis and Margaret Penfound. Offering was received by Bert Lyon and Don Goodall. The anthem by the senior choir As the Deer Pants for the Water was based on Psalm 42. A poster of Jesus was found in the storybag during the children's time. The children noticed that the pictures on the poster showed Jesus experi- encing four different emotions. Rev. Paul Ross pointed out that Jesus experienced life just as they do knowing laughter, sadness, etc. In Mark 8: 27-30 Jesus asks His disciples whom they and others think He is. Peter declares Jesus to be the Messiah. Jesus tells His disciples that He is the way to the Father in John 14: 1-7. Replies to the United Church's recent survey regarding salvation were varied. But their overwhelming .response was that no matter what the church does, Jesus will survive. The message was titled Knowing Jesus and Rev. Ross stated that among other things he knows Jesus as the one at the centre of faith, as his Saviour, Lord and friend, and one Continued on page 22 pleasure of contact with other United Church women in discussion groups, pyjama parties, etc. The theme speaker Karen Haman Millson, encouraged the women in attendance to channel their energy toward bettering their lives, by con- centrating on service for God in their own personal way. Mrs. Millson explained how meditation has helped her in her journey and taught her the importance of always being present in the moment. Worship leader, Marg Scott, always had little stories to tell which were relevant to the weekend's theme of A New Beginning. During the business portion of the meeting, plans were discussed for the church service and picnic on July I, the outing to Stratford, the fall rally and a fall pie-making day, Shoe-in It was a great day on Saturday as horseshoe tossers com- peted at the Blyth Lions Club's tournament. The Fling and Sing day ended with a pork chop barbecue and karaoke. (Vick}, Bremner photo) ?t 'to: 2' also ye to re all :er of es as ring- ident nder- lenti- -ads- stu- ever, Perth , par- ronto tdent the ieties :lean an be into less ecial good Aid chi l- state ation itire- at he ard's :ram, It to ntin- ; the ian's