HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2001-06-13, Page 2FROM BRUSSELS
Keep Your
Kids Safe
- Learn I
First Aid
I k. Injuries kill more
i children under 19 than
all other causes of death
Call Red Cross for courses
near you.
ill Canadian Red Cross
Fireman's Breakfast
Brussels Fire Hall
7 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Donation - Proceeds to
purchase firefighting equipment
The Hired Hand
- spring cleanup
- lawn maintenance, garden tilling
eavestrough/window cleaning
- painting, etc.
590-7868 or 887-2605
Normal people doing odd jobs!
Also we are looking for 2 responsible people interested in Lpi
looking after receiving the money at the door in the arena for all p
Brussels Minor Hockey home games. (Mostly weekends)
Please contact Greg at 887-9676. • 3 loomosownewoometsowoogenowwwweier
(for males and females)
Wed., June 27th & Thurs., June 28th, 7-9 pm
at BMG Arena
Mite - $100., Tyke - $125., Novice - $170., Atom - $175, PeeWee - $180.,
Bantam - $185., Midget - $190., Juvenile - $195.,
Family Rate of 3 or more - $450.
October 8th to the 12th
$35.00 for registered players
$45.00 for non-registered players
• Please bring separate cheques for fundraising the night of registration
Crowd enjoys Friday night beef
At the Branch
By Jo-Ann McDonald
It was another busy weekend at the
Brussels Legion Branch. It started
with a good crowd enjoying roast
beef at the Friday night supper. This
week will be tomato hamburg maca-
roni casserole,
Saturday was very busy at the
Branch with Hank and Agnes
TenPas's 40th wedding anniversary
being celebrated upstairs with a
come and go tea. Congratulations to
Downstairs was the regular euchre
party with 10 tables at play. Bob and
Dorothy Dalton had a good after-
noon and five lone hands put them
over the top with 80 points and first
place. The second place winners
were Charlie and Millie and third
place went to Raymond and Lois.
The lucky lone hand winners were
Marjorie Smith and Ed Stewart.
There were also five lucky draw
winners. Euchre is every two weeks.
Sunday was the singles dance and
a large crowd enjoyed the music of
By Betty
Ah the warmth of sunshine. The
weather is nothing but glorious and
the fields and gardens and yards
seem to be in agreement. Did you get
it yet? Spring is my favourite time of
year. Well at least for today.
The Brussels Business Group con-
tinues to meet on a regular basis with
Deb Seili and . Chris TenPas keeping
the gang on track. These are the folk
that do the background work for the
yard sale, the placemats in area
Student enjoys
By Nicole Lowe
"Eat your veg-
etables. They're
good for you."
"It's time to do
your exercises."
"Would you
like to go for a
These are just a
few of the things
that I say to some
of the residents
where I co-op.
I currently am enrolled at F. E.
Madill Secondary School, where I'm
in Grade 12. One of the classes that I
have this semester is co-op. I've cho-
sen to do my co-op at the Braemar
-Retirement Centre in Wingham.
While I'm at Braemar, I do a lot of
different jobs. I visit and chat with
the residents. I also assist the nurses
at lunch time with residents who are
unable to complete this task alone. I
go for walks with them, and also
dance with some of them. Let me tell
you, some of them can still really
The job that is the most fun for me
is doing exercises with some of the
residents. Whether it be stretches, or
even just getting them to make a fist
with their hand, that's what I'm there
to help them do.
The reason why i thought Braemar
would be appropriate for me is that I
plan to become a massage therapist.
Helping older people with exercises
was a key opportunity for me, not
only for what I hope to do in the
Ken Scott orchestra. The next dance
is July 8.
We are missing a singles dance
and other activities upstairs because
the hardwood floor is being redone.
The Grade 8 graduation will be the
first function held on the new floor.
June 24 is Cemetery Decoration
Sunday. For anyone who has a veter-
an in their family who has passed on,
eateries, the Santa Claus parade -
Dec. 1, maintaining Homecoming
Park, the gremlins are continuing to
assault the gazebo. Pieces of wood
and shingles have been removed
leaving it a nasty sight and nearly
non-functional. The folks who
worked hard to make the park a
pleasure to look at and sit in would
like you to help. Youth are being
blamed as it is a neat place to con-
gregate but as usual it is only a few
who are wrecking the kids' reputa-
tion, so if you see or know anything
about this vandalsim or other areas
of trouble call the OPP or Crime
Stoppers. You'll even be helping the
You'll see an ad in the paper that
invites you Wednesday, June 13 to
the United Church for an evening
with Dr. Shepard and his crisis team.
The hope is that this is a time to
grow in our understanding of a sud-
co-op learning
future, but also to be able to interact
th the residents, and to make their
lives more enjoyable.
A special thanks to Pam Irwin and
the rest of the staff at Braemar for
giving me this great opportunity.
Please change the following
phone number in your
Citizen phone directory.
Lloyd Benniger's phone
number should be
(551 Cedar St., Wingham)
not 357-3333
available to you is a graveside mark-
er that is the emblem of the poppy
that can be attached on the tomb-
stone. Just drop into the Branch and
speak to Sandra after 4 p.m.
Friends of Comrade Bill
McWhirter will now be able to visit
him at Parkwood in London.
den death in our life. Like many
things we put off dealing with issues
and then when a tragedy hits we are
lost for direction. The Session of our
church hopes that everyone who has
been affected by a sudden death will
feel comfortable to come and learn
and share from the mental health
The Palliative Care folk held their
annual meeting at the Mennonite
Church last week, celebrating the
good work they do, learning from
Eugene Defore from Stratford and
planning for the future.
Hank and Agnes stopped cruising
around town in the white van long
enough for the rest of us to catch
them to celebrate their 40th anniver-
sary on Saturday. Lots of family,
friends, food and fun made it a great
time. They are just as sweet (or is it
cute) four decades later. We should
be so lucky.
The flag at Maple Villa was flying
at half mast Monday in recognition
of George Ross, the security tenant,
who passed away on the weekend.
Get out and watch the soccer and
ball games and practises — good
Bye now, Betty G. W.
You Can Make
a Difference
Ready for the season
The lifeguards at the Brussels pool are ready for the season
as temperatures warm and school nears an end. Clockwise
from top: head lifeguard Amy Ross, assistant head lifeguard
Ashley Gropp, Mandy Van Loo, Kendall Jutzi and Katie
Clark. Amy Douma was absent.