HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2001-05-30, Page 17- RATES — 20 words or less only $4.00. Additional words 150 each. 500 will be deducted if ad is paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114 A ccommodation for rent DOWNTOWN BLYTH, 3 BED- room home, parking, large deck, 1/2 baths, main floor laundry, $550. plus utilities. Phone 887- 9007. 22-tfn TWO BEDROOM BASEMENT apartment near Winthrop in country, fridge, stove, heat and hydro included, $475/month. Call 519-527-2449 evenings. 22-2 IN CLINTON, NEWER TWO bedroom apartment. quiet four plex, controlled entry. four appliances included, laundry facilities, parking and close to downtown, $475 monthly plus utilities. Call 519-685-2264. 11 -tfn Articles for sale TREADMILL IN GOOD WORK- ing condition, asking $200. Whirlpool 4 cycle automatic washer, in good working condition, asking $200. Call 523-9275. 22-lb REPRINTS OF PHOTOS TAKEN by Citizen photographers are available to purchase. Many in colour. 4 x 6 - $4.00, 5 x 7 - $5.00, 8 x 10 - $8.00. Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114 to order. tfn YOUNG MAN'S GRADUATION suit (Grade 8) — black, size 36S, shirt included, no tie needed, $20. Call 887-6703. 22-1p LARGE SELECTION OF perennials and bedding plants. Open until October. Riverside Perennials, 40825 Morris Rd. 16, 10 km. west of Brussels, 887-6306. 19-4 Cards of thanks Coming events Coming events CLINTON HOSPITAL AUXILIARY June pot luck luncheon meeting welcomes volunteers and interested volunteers, 10 a.m., Monday, June 4, St. Andrew's U.C., Bayfield. Bring food, dishes, cutlery. 22-1 MASON FAMILY REUNION — June 3, 1:00 p.m at Walton Hall. Pot luck dinner. 22- I p EUGENE DUFOUR OF STRAT- ford Palliative Care, will discuss how palliative care works in your community. Come talk to the volunteers who share of their work in caring for people. Place: Brussels Mennonite Fellowship Hall, Brussels, Thursday, June 7 at 6:00 p.m. For dinner reservations and information call 357-2720. Sponsored by Wingham & Area Palliative Care Services. All welcome. Support Wingham & Area Palliative Care Services by ordering your Autumn Corm bulbs. These perennials will bloom in the fall when other plants are losing their vitality. Call 357-2720 to place an order or for more information. Thank you. 22-1 CHILDREN'S CHOIR — ALL children are invited to come and sing with Melville's junior choir. Practices are Thursday afternoons at 4:00 p.m. downstairs at Melville Presbyterian Church. All children are welcome whether or not they are members of Melville. For more information come to the practice this Thursday or contact Malinda at 887-6561. Children must be of school age. 22-1 ETHEL UNITED CHURCH anniversary service Sunday, June 3 at 11:00 a.m. Guest speaker, Bruce Whitmore. Special music by Rural Routes. Lunch after the service. Everyone welcome. 21-2 THE BLYTH FESTIVAL YOUTH Workshops are here again! Two full weeks of drama, music and crafts for your child startmg July 2 until July 13. Ages 5 - 12 welcome, $80 per child. For more information or to register call Cappy Onn at the Theatre (523- 4345) or 524-3938. Register in person on June 9 at the Theatre Box Office between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. 21-3 BLYTH FESTIVAL YOUNG Company is looking for young adults ages 13-20 for a summer of fun in Blyth. Programme begins July 16 and the show will be performed at the end of, August. We rehearse Mondays to Fridays from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. in Blyth. For more info call Cappy Onn at the Theatre (523-4345) or 524- 3938. 21-3 BLYTH FESTIVAL ANNUAL Book Sale - June 1, 2 - 8 p.m. and June 2, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. at theiBlyth Memorial Community Hall. Admission is free. Refreshments and homemade pies available. Call 523-9300 for details. We are still accepting book donations. 20-3b SEAFORTH GIRLS' BAND charity auction, June 9, Goderich arena. Silent auction and preview 5:30 p.m. Live ',ruction 7:00 p.m. Richard Lobb, auctioneer. 21 -3p _Help protect the environment Reduce, reuse and recycle COME AND GO BRIDAL Shower for Holly Park, fiancée of Steve McCutcheon, Thursday, May 31, from 7 - 9 p.m. at the Brussels Library. 21-2 For rent 32' x 64' WORKSHOP, HEATED office and washroom, commercial, for rent or for sale, available end of June. Phone 887-6486. 19-tin Help wanted NEW, MODERN SOW FACILITY in the Dungannon area is seeking responsible individuals to fill positions as breeding and farrowing technicians. Previous experience- would be considered an asset but will provide training for the right individuals. Competitive wage and benefit package. Housing is available. Those interested should submit a résumé by fax to Country Pork Ltd. Fax: (519) 529-3264. 22-3 STUDENT REQUIRED TO CARE for 3 children under 10 yrs. in Blyth. Mon. - Fri. every other week during summer — days. Please reply with résumé to Drawer 125, c/o The Citizen, Box 429, Blyth, ON. NOM 1HO. 22-1 COOK — DAYTIME MONDAY to Friday to start immediately. Please apply to Blyth Inn 523- 9381. 19-4b WEEKEND/SUMMER HELP — server, part-time, shift woik, must be 18. Apply in person at The Blyth Inn. 18-5b DAIRY/CASH CROP POSITION in the Bluevale area. Full-time hours with steauy year-round employment. Excellent hourly wages. Applicant must have farm experience and a valid driver's license. Mail lr fax résumé and references to: Peel Dominium, RR #I, Bluevale, ON NOG IGO. Tel/fax 335-3497. 22-2 DAIRY/CASH CROP POSITION in the Bluevale area. Full-time summer student position. Applicant must be responsible, hard working and requires own transportation. Mail or fax résumé and references to: Peel Dominium, RR #1, Bluevale, ON NOG IGO. Tel/fax 335-3497., 22-2 PART-TIME BARTENDERS wanted for evening and weekend shifts. Must be 19 years of age or over. Apply in person at the bar of The Royal Canadian Legion Br. 420 or send a résumé to Box 206, Blyth, ON. Attn: Bar Chairman. 22-1 HOG FARM WORKER FOR multi-use farrow-to-finish swine operatiofi. Duties: gilt breeding, both natural and A.I., some trucking and general farm duties. Must possess good communication skills, ability to work well with others, and a valid driver's licence. Preference given to those with recent hog experience and motivation to advance. Phone 345- 2317 or'lax 345-9934 and ask for Bob. Vista Villa Farms Ltd., RR 4, Walton, ON NM I ZO. 21-2 GROBBINK. We would like to thank all our neighbours, friends and family for making our 25th wedding anniversary such a memorable event. Thank you for the cards, flowers, gifts and expressions of good wishes. A special thank you to Darlene, Debbie, Theresa and girls for the lovely music in church and to all those who helped in any way to make this day so special. — Henry and Mary Ann Grobbink. 22-1 HESS. We want to express our sincere thanks for all the cards, flowers, food, prayers, and support given to our family since the stillbirth of our son Matthew. Everything was greatly appreciated. "When someone comes into our lives .... and they are too quietly and quickly gone, They leave footprints on our Hearts, and their memory stays with us, forever". Thank you. — Jim and Linda Hess and family. 22-1 McTAGGART. I wish to thank everyone for all the good wishes and messages in the many cards and for the beautiful flowers. Thank you to my family, and the United Church ladies for serving a wonderful dinner. At the afternoon open house I met with all of my friends of former years. I will remember my 90th as long as I can remember. Thank you. — Marie McTaggart. 22-1 SNELL. I wish to say thank you for cards, flowers and visits while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Pastor Dow for his encouraging prayers, Dr. Salsbury, Dr. Jan Raczycki, nurses on second floor and especially to family members for their care since arriving home. — Gene Snell. 22-1 TRICK. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to our family, friends and neighbours for your gifts of food, flowers, memorial donatiOns and cards of sympathy given during our loss of a dear father and grandfather "Elmer Trick". Your kindness will always be remembered. — Bob, Sylvia and Karen Trick. 22-lp Coming events MONSTER EUCHRE TOURNA- ment — St. Joseph's R.C. Church Hall, Clinton, Wednesday, May 30, 8 p.m. Over $100.00 in prizes. -Lunch provided. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus. 22-lp BUCK & DOE FOR JULIE Terpstra and Greg Houben on Saturday, June 16 at Mitchell arena. Age of majority. For tickets call Shawn at 887-6313 or Amy at 887-9158. 22-2b Came d go, Shame* to, Pale Weft ( Pancie gewi Da, t) SATURDAY, JUNE 2 at Belgrave Institute Hall, Brandon St., Belgrave from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 2001. PAGE 17. Classified Advertisements Babysitting LOOKING FOR CHILDREN TO babysit in my home. Starting immediately or in September. Willing to accommodate parents working afternoon shift. For more information call Tricia at 887-9321. 22-2 Births McNICHOL. Joshua and Jessica would like to welcome the speedy arrival of their new brother, Mitchel Alan born on May 17 weighing 8 lbs. 1 oz. Spoiling privileges go to Grandma and Grandpa McAdam, Nana and Poppa McNichol, Great-Grandma and Grandpa McNichol and Grandma and Grandpa Van Soest: Special thanks to Dr. Jan and OB staff at CPH for the wonderful care. Thanks also to Aunt Karen and Daddy for helping Mom through it all. — Krista and Mike. 22-1 MORRISON. Darryl and Glenda are proud to announce the arrival of their daughter, Amanda Elizabeth on April 24, 2001 weighing 7 lbs. 5 oz. Proud grandparents are Elsie Carter of RR3, Monkton and Gary and Marion Morrison of RR3, Brussels. 22-1 B usiness opportunities WANTED: CONTRACT NURS- ery 1,000 head must have good biosecurity. Contact Monoway Farms, (519) 887-6477 or fax (519) 887-9837. 22-1 Check out our WEBSITE at www.northhuron.on.ca Auction sales . + RICHARD LOBB : AUCTION CALENDAR :CLINTON 519- 482.7898: SATURDAY, JUNE 9 AT 9 A.M.: Antiques, f furniture, appliances at Lobb Auction in + ¤ Clinton tor Ruby Triebner of Brucefield and • the Estate of Harold Siemon of Goderich. • www.auctionhotline.com • • AUCTION SALE Auction sale of vacant building lot, old cars, camper trailer and misc. garage tools to be held at 51 Main St., Ethel, 9 km east of . Brussels and 2 km north ON SATURDAY, JUNE 9 AT 10:00 A.M. Property - consists of vacant building lot 99' x 330', Plan 242 Lot 1 and 34 of Grey Township in the County of Huron. Vehicles & Misc. - 1938 Chrysler Royale, 1952 98 Olds, 1957 Diamond T - 3 ton, 1960 Fargo D-600 with 14' flat deck and hoist with 10,000 original miles. (All above are fully restored); 1993 12 passenger Dodge Van - certified, JD M tractor (restored) with plow, mower, disc & cult, 1996 20' Shadow Cruiser Travel Trailer (like new), old car and truck parts 1930 to recent, misc. hand tools, taps and dies, electric drills, bench grinder, bench vise, cut off saw, Makita chain binder, Linc welder 180, air compressor, drill press, eavestroughing, Solar 230 amp welder, quantity of electric motors, etc. as well as 50 yr. collection of antique car & truck parts, tools and shop equipment. Viewing time is day of sale starting at 8 a.m. Sale order - Misc. at 10 a.m., property at 1 p.m. & cars, truck & camping trailer at 1:30 p.m. Terms - Property - 10% down day of sale, balance due in 30 days. Chattels - Cash or cheque day of sale. Auctioneer & proprietor not responsible for any accidents or deletions day of sale. Proprietor - Helen Dobson & the Late Bill Dobson 519-887-6338 Auctioneer - Joseph Zehr 519-291-9548