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Consultants suggest closure of 15 Avon Maitland schools
By Stew Slater
Special to The Citizen
Recommendations for the closure
of 15 schools in Huron and Perth
Counties are contained in an inde-
pendent consultant's report commis-
sioned by the Avon Maitland District
School Board.
"Enrolment Analysis of the Avon
Maitland District School Board,"
completed by a London-based firm
called Urban Analysis Group, sug-
gests the board counter a strong
trend toward decreasing enrolment
and empty student spaces.by closing
high schools in Seaforth and St.
Marys, and closing elementary
schools across the region but with a
stronger concentration in Stratford,
southern Perth, and central Huron.
The 96-page report is referred to in
a different report, prepared by board
staff, which was approved by
trustees at a regular board meeting
Tuesday, May 8. The staff report sets
in motion a general process for
studying the pupil accommodation
outlook - including community-
based study groups - but makes no
mention of specific schools. Under
the board's accommodation review
policy, such a study could lead to the
actual naming of schools for
prospective closure by late this cal-
endar year, with a final trustee vote
taking place around February, 2002
and the earliest closures taking effect
in September, 2002.
"Urban Analysis Group has been
engaged to provide impartial, accu-
rate projected enrolment data to
inform longer-term accommodation
planning for the next 15 years,"
explains the staff report, in reference
to the consultant's study. "The staff
of the consulting firm has demo-
graphic and planning expertise
beyond that of the board staff. The
firm has extensive experience in
preparation of projections for school
boards and municipalities."
According to William Code, who
described himself as one of two prin-
cipal partners in Urban Analysis,
Group, the company is "proud of the
reputation we've had" during its
school board involvement over the
past 20 years, including in rural
areas like Middlesex County and
Haldimand-Norfolk. Code, a profes-
sor in urban development at the
University of Western Ontario,
attended the Avon Maitland meeting
along with partner Harry Taylor, a
retired professor from the same
Superintendent of education Bill
Gerth, who helped write the Avon
Maitland staff report, cautioned that
Two local residents were recog-
nized by the board of education for
Excellence in Public Education
Rita Bowers, of RR2 Brussels, an
educational assistant at Seaforth
District High School, and Carol
Oriold, who serves on the Blyth
Festival board of directors and teach-
es at Listowel District Secondary
School, won awards for excellence
in the teacher, professional services
or educational support person cate-
Continued from page 1
"There are probably students in
Goderich who would like to attend
the French Immersion program in
Stratford. Do we provide transporta-
tion for that?" Smith asked. He
added that "we're not denying these
children the right to attend" Central
But Stratford trustee Rod Brown
disagreed, saying the board ran the
risk of causing students not to
receive the type of education they
the consultant's study "is not a blue-
print for action. I can't stress that
He noted that about two-thirds of
the board's schools are mentioned in
some way in the consultant group's
recommendations, but that doesn't
mean all of them will be pursued by
the board.
"I believe at least a quarter or
maybe a half of the recommenda-
tions are probably not the least bit
doable for any number of reasons,"
GErth commented in an interview.
However, he conceded that,
throughout the coming process lead-
ing to a decision on closure, "there's
no doubt that . . . the recommenda-
tions of the consulting group will be
considered thoroughly." He also told
trustees the staff report "is based
heavily on the work of the external
consultant" in terms of predicting
the necessity of facing the issue of
declining enrolment.
And no matter who makes and
studies the projections, the prognosis
isn't good.
"Declining enrolment, increasing
surplus space, declining revenues, a
large number of small schools, a
large number of under-utilized
schools, a small number of over-uti-
lized schools, a rigorous new cur-
riculum, more rigorous graduation
requirements, standardized testing,
and increasing expectations for
accountability combine to make it
clear that maintaining the status quo
in the number and organization of
our schools would not be prudent
and may not be sustainable," the
staff report states.
"It's my hope that, after I conclude
my presentation tonight, at least a
discussion about accommodation
takes place. To not do that would be
a disservice to our teachers and stu-
dents," Gerth said.
The following are recommended
changes in the Urban Analysis
Group's report. The report notes that
"some options are variations of each
other (and) some are mtikally exclu-
sive." Cautionary notes are included
with certain options, suggesting they
may lead to temporary or long-term
overcrowding or that they should be
carried out only in conjunction with
other changes.
- shifting Grades 7 and 8 stu-
dents to F.E. Madill in Wingham
from four elementary schools feed-
ing into the secondary school, to
allow for the closure of East
Wawanosh Public School in
- shifting Grades 7 and 8 stu-
dents to F.E. Madill in__Wingham
from four elementary schools feed-
Each year students, teachers, pro-
fessional services personnel, educa-
tional support staff, trustees, admin-
istrators and community members
are recognized for their outstanding
contributions to public education.
This year there were 46 people rec-
The awards were given out at the
Mitchell Golf and Country Club on
May 9. Colleagues submitted names
for consideration.
desire. "We might be setting a prece-
dent that might give us a little more
work, but it will be for the good of
the students."
And fellow Stratford trustee Meg
Westley came close to supporting
Schenk. Westley failed to vote when
the motion came before the board.
Chair Wendy Anderson had to call
the vote a second time, reminding
Westley that all trustees must vote,
and the Stratford trustee eventually
opposed the motion.
mg into the secondary school, to
allow for the closure of Brookside
Public School at R.R. 7 Lucknow;
- shifting Grades 7 and 8 stu-
dents to Central Huron in Clinton
from five elementary schools feed-
ing into the secondary school, to
allow for the closure of elementary
schools in Holmesville and
Londesborough (Hullett Central);
- consolidation of Romeo and
Juliet elementary schools in
Stratford, to allow for the closure of
- consolidation of Colborne
Central and Victoria elementary
schools in Goderich, to allow for the
closure of Colborne;
- consolidation of Holmesville,
Victoria and Clinton elementary
schools, to allow for the closure of
- consolidation of Holmesville,
Victoria and Robertson Manorial
(Goderich) to allow for the closure
of Holmesville;
- consolidation of secondary
schools at St. Marys, Stratford
Central and Stratford Northwestern,
to allow for the closure of St. Marys
- consolidation of secondary
schools in Seaforth and Clinton, to
allow for the closure of Seaforth
District High School;
- shifting of Grades 7 and 8 stu-
dents to Goderich District Collegiate
Institute from three elementary
schools, to allow for the closure of
Colborne Central Public School;
- closure of King Lear Public
School in Stratford, which currently
houses only Grades 7 and 8 students
who could be accommodated at
Stratford Northwestern Secondary"
- .shifting Grades 7 and 8 stu-
dents from Juliet Public School in
Stratford to Stratford Central
Secondary School, to allow for the
consolidation of four elementary
schools and the closure of either
Romeo, Shakespeare or both
Stratford schools;
- shifting Grades 7 and 8 stu-
dents to St. Marys DCVI from three
elementary schools, to allow for the
closure of one elementary school;
- shifting Grades 7 and 8 stu-
dents to Mitchell District High
School from two elementary
schools, to allow for the closure of
Mitchell Public School;
- shifting of secondary school
students from St. Marys DCVI to
Stratford Central and Stratford
Northwestern, shifting elementary
students from three schools into the
vacated DCVI building, to allow for
the closure of Arthur Meighen, St.
Marys Central and South Perth
Centennial schools.
Local educators get recognition
Trustees debate busing request