HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2001-05-16, Page 2PAGE 2. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 2001. /A' A Ah — the streets are being fixed. 1 awakened today to the glad sound of graders and scrapers and trucks readying County Rd. 12 for a new surface. I really will miss the thump, each time a cattle truck hits the dip in the road by our house, but it will be much like missing a tooth ache — hurrah! Whenever I see the flurry of con- struction I get nostalgic for the grow- ing up years of my boys when heavy equipment and construction sites were cause for them to daydream and pretend for hours. How did this grandmother thing sneak in so fast? The yard sales are in full swing with the usual exchange of trash and treasures. Be sure to get your stuff ready for the last weekend of May to support the Brussels Community sale. Do the girls at 5Rs favour this spring and pass on only the good stuff. If throwing out stuff is a problem •-• NOTICE HYDRANT FLUSHING FLUSHING will take place in Brussels on Thursday, May 24/01 - south end Friday, May 25/01 - north end Thank You Azurix North America Phone: (519) 525-2291 A TTENTION FARMERS Stock up on Wwo Nuts, Bolts & Washerstit :00 , T .( (Me; now available l 41, by the pound Stainless Steel Nuts, Bolts & Washers also in stock Congratulations Troy Hamilton the winner of our Crabtree & Evelyn Mother's Day gift basket! OLDFIELD'S PRO HARDWARE RadioShack & RadioShack hf*] Brussels 887-6851 The Hired Hand Ak - spring cleanup - lawn maintenance, garden tilling - eavestroughlwindow cleaning - painting, etc. 590-7868 or 887-2605 Normal people doing odd jobs! Brussels, Morris & Grey SWIMMING LESSON REGISTRATION Tuesday, May 15 & Thursday, May 17 7 - 9 p.m. Upstairs at BMG Community Centre, Brussels No phone registrations - Aqua Tots (for children who can't touch the bottom will be offered in June as well due to the high interest last year). There will be swim team sign up as well. FROM BRUSSELS Lee from Huronlea By Lee Chesterfield When I first came to Huronlea I was amazed at how many volunteers arrived of their own free will. Steve Cook and Shirley Robinson line up and arrange the entertainment and then, as if by magic ladies come in to assist. I attended the auxiliary meeting which is held the third Monday of each month. About 20 or 30 ladies are sitting drinking coffee and each one has a calendar for the following month. As each event' is described they are told how many volunteers will be needed. A couple of the ladies will say "I'm free on that day" and those names are entered and they go on to the next event. The auxiliary has many events to raise money with which they might buy games tables or games equip- ment. they also purchase reclining chairs for the very ill to make them as comfortable as possible, and bulbs for the garden. So many things to make Huronlea the home it is. On Friday, May 11 a Mother's Day tea was held in the apartment dining room. It was organized by the auxil- iary. Our resident pastor, Mrs. Joan Golden served tea and the Rev. Cathrine Campbell the coffee. The attendance was very good. So we honour the volunteers, not just this year but every day in the yedi s to come. Majestic WI tour a mystery The-Majestic Women's Institute had a very interesting "mystery" tour on Wednesday, May 9 beginning at 9:30 a.m. Thirteen members and six guests left Brussels and visited the DJ's Showroom and Shop on Hwy. 86. From there the tour took them to Gorrie to the Old Mill and park and then to Coulter's Corner Store and the ceramic store. The next stop was at the Listowel Greenhouse on Hwy. 23. There was a beautiful display of plants. The Golden Barrel in Listowel was the next stop where the group enjoyed a lovely smorgasbord dinner. A short meeting followed with Lucy Hesse presiding. She read two poems, Thank. God for Dirty Dishes and My Garden. Thank you cards were read and a donation is to be sent in memory of Peggy Cudmore who had been such a faithful member. The group then visited the Cancer Department of the Listowel Memorial Hospital and were, told of the work there. It is certainly a well-equipped department. Brussels Country Inn ALL DAY FRIDAYS FAMILY FISH FRY All-You-Can-Eat Fish and Chips!! just $4.95 includes salad bar (519) 887-9035 COMING EVENTS at the BRUSSELS LEGION FRI., MAY 25 Joint Installation of Officers at Brussels Legion at 8:00 p.m. All Legion members urged to attend. SAT., MAY 26 Euchre Tournament at 1:00 p.m. Downstairs Admission $5.00 per person $100 Cash prizes. Bring your own partner. No Smoking Event. Lunch. SUN., MAY 27 Sunday Morning Breakfast Served from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m . Adults $5.00 Children under 12 $2.50 Come before or after church. SUN., MAY 27 Singles Dance from 7:00 - 11:00 p.m. Admission $8.00 per person. Lunch provided. Enjoy "The Country Versatiles" MON., MAY 28 General Meeting of Branch 218 at 8:00 p.m. All members encouraged to attend. Inquiries on events, use or rent of Legion, please call 887-6562 after 4:00 p.m On the runway Escorted by Legion members Rick McDonald, left and Norm Dobson, Lori Vader, second from left and Ruth Lowe were among the models at the recent fashion show held at the Brussels Branch. (Vicky Bremner photo) perhaps you could add a bag tag to your donations to help them in their sorting. It really is quite amazing the dona- tions that arrive at the Thrift Shop. The girls are ever creative and do a great job of living their mandate of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Reclaim and Rejoice but they only can do so many miracles. Be nice, sort your goodies. Spring is my favourite time of year — right up there with summer and Christmas and birthdays and anniversaries. Yes, enjoy all the little Easters in our lives. Celebrate spring! If you had planned to buy plants at Spring Fling at the United Church check with some of the folks there for purchases. There are some nice ones available and each little coin reduces the debt of the Project Uplift column so buy another plant. You'll feel good and so will I. Kid's Corner is scheduled for the week of July 23. We'll need helpers and lots of kids to- make it work so mark your calendar now. The next planning meeting is June 1 5. Join the planners. It's good to hear the kids at ball and soccer practice. Thanks to all the coaches who take their community responsibility seriously and live the adage that it takes a whole commu- nity to raise a child. Tom and Edna Pletch's grandchil- dren, Mike and Dan Pletch from Lucan, ON competed in Santiago, Chile, in the U 9 Men's Rugby World Junior Championship — they won the bronze medal. Bye now, Betty G. W.